Disclaimer: Both Halo and Fallout are not mine, they belong to their creators. However, this story and the OC's are the only things that are mine. Please give a review of what you think and what might need to be fix or changed. Thank you.

Author Note: I said I'll be putting up another chapter this same month, and I meant it. Now there only a few left till I've caught up with editing the past chapters. Woot!

It was no less than ten o'clock A.M. when John and Dogmeat finally reached Arlington Public Library, after having to spent the night at Bryan's home. When Cortana managed to wake Chief up so they could get moving, John had to take care of Bryan, so after acquiring information about Bryan having a relative in a settlement call Rivet City. Master Chief promised Bryan he'll see about getting there to find her, once he reunite with his friend Clair after dealing with his current task.

Chief didn't like leaving Bryan alone and he didn't want to put him in harms way, so the Spartan instructed Bryan to wait for him back at Megaton and speak with Lucus Slimms. Then they made their farewells before departing, Bryan heading to Megaton while John and Dogmeat headed for the library.

Which wasn't as tasking as dealing with Grayditch's ants problem, only hostiles they were confronted by were a mob of Feral Ghouls and a small band of Raiders. But they eventually reached it as the two stood in front of the fairly intact building. Chief gave it a look over before walking up the steps

:-:Inside the library:-:

The moment John and Dogmeat had entered through the double doors, they were instantly greeted by a woman in a red robe-like outfit and armed men in Power Armor. The insignia on their pauldrons shows they were Brotherhood. John also soon learned that the woman appear to be in charged once she started barking demands to him.

"Who are you and what you doing here?" The woman spoke with annoyance in her voice, while glaring at the Spartan, clearly not happy about him trespassing.

John took a moment of surveying the lobby, giving the two Brotherhood of Steel Soldiers and their odd-looking Gatling Guns then look back at the woman. "The name John ma'am, I'm came here for intel I need. And to find and copy files from the library's archives for someone."

After listening to his brief explanation, the woman ponder for a moment as she look Chief over and then Dogmeat. "You're that soldier I heard about from Sentinel Lyons?"

Chief gave her a curt nod to her question, "you know Sentinel Lyons?"

"Yeah…we weren't here yet when the Lyons Pride return, Knight Reddin wouldn't stop talking about how a man in green armor saved her life." The woman answered before she introduced herself as Scribe Yearling, which she briefly explained to him about The Order of the Quill. Along with the information for why she came here, about being forced to collect the same kind of data along with any Pre-War books that were in good condition

"Unfortunately, Raiders had made the library their home before we had gotten here. we don't have enough manpower to get rid of them…there also a few Rad Roaches around here, but they're easy to take care of though." Yearling finished her ranting with explaining about their current problem. Along with the little intel about the terminal in front of her can only give the card catalogs and nothing more.

Chief stayed quiet as he recalls what Moira wanted before asking Yearling on how he can help, since they're after the same thing. Which turn out to be the Archives Terminal, that was deep within the building, is where it can be retrieved.

"It in the third floor at the Media Archive section of the library, which means you need to fight through Raiders and any traps they made." Yearling explained to him before given a curt nod to the two soldiers sitting nearby. Both doing some maintenance to their their Gatling Laser, then stood up within seconds and all ready to go.

"They'll help you clear the place and reached the Archives Terminal," explain Yearling looking back at John. Who was watching the two getting prep for the coming firefight.

"Will they be fine taking orders from me?" Chief asked carefully, keeping eye-contact with the two.

"We wouldn't if you were an average Wastelander, but the way Sarah talked about you possibly being Ex-military. We can make an exception, just this once." One of the two answered, after getting a curt nod in agreement from his friend.

"But you might want to leave your dog here, we're going to be in narrow halls and it'll be hard to not hit him." The other Paladin pointed out, showing concern for the Dogmeat safety.

Chief nod in agreement and knelt down to be in eye-level with Dogmeat, "stay here and guard the area." John suggested to the dog and gotten a happy bark from him, though Dogmeat did whimper a little when Chief started walking away.

"Alright, follow my lead. These raiders likely set up defenses for attackers." Chief shouted with authority, getting a little rush from being in-charge of a team. Making him remember past missions with his fellow Spartans. John pulled the back the chamber of his rifle and ventured further inside the building, soon followed by the two Paladins.

:-:On the third floor of the library:-:

John gun down a raider charging at him down the hallway, armed with only a Sledge Hammer. Once he was dead, Chief pull out his sidearm and fired at another Raider to his left. Hitting the raider in the arm, forcing poor bastard to drop his weapon. Leaving him open for one of the Brotherhood Soldiers take the upper hand, incinerating the man with his Gatling Laser.

There was a brief moment of peace, likely because the remaining Raiders are getting ready for them further ahead. But it gave John the chance to reload his weapons, from the automatic rifle and shotgun to his pistol. All the while, remembering the horrible sights he seen. Chief never knew how twisted this people were, Clair had told him they were chem-junkies and cannibals, but she never mentioned how far they go. Remembering the bloodied corpses the Raiders had ripped up, sicken the Spartan greatly. Such carnage was close to what he seen from fighting the Flood, even the Covenant weren't that twisted.

"Shouldn't be far now from the building's blueprints we scavenged," stated one of the two Brotherhood Paladins. Who was also taking the brief break to check his Gatling Laser, making sure it was properly working.

Chief stayed silent as he ready his shotgun, then gestured them to follow as he crept down the hall. Everything was quiet on the top floor, the gun fire down below seem to have quieted. A telltale sign the other Brotherhood Soldiers had finished off the raiders, which was simply done after Chief and the other had dwindle their numbers.

The three stopped after hearing a commotion from the raiders up ahead, likely an argument between some of them. "Bad move," Chief murmured to himself quietly. Then switch to his main gun before he charged inside, quickly taking in the room interior. Counting several raiders, all armed with meager assault rifles.

The three heavily armored soldiers took them out efficiently, mindful of any terminals within the room. It wasn't long before the firefight was ended the second it started, the last of the raiders being gun down by Chief's automatic weapon.

"Room clear, watch the halls. I'll check the terminal, make sure it didn't get damaged." Chief announced as he gave the two orders, noting one of them gave a grouchy grunt before doing as orders.

After navigating through the barricade and reaching the library's main terminal, and with Cortana guidance, he manage to established the link between this terminal and the one back in the lobby. It took some effort on both Cortana and the Spartan, since she had to repeat herself several times. But once he had gotten it done, John began making copies into the Holotapes given to him, uploading what both Moira and himself had wanted from it.

"Okay, I've re-established the link between this terminal and the lobby's. Let sweep through the place for any more raiders, then informed Yearling the news."

The three then left off to do just that, fighting along side few other Paladins. Clearing every room of raiders, leaving only the horrors they left throughout the building. After they were finished, John told the two Paladins to go on without him.

Allowing the freedom Chief needed to give the Archives Terminal's files some reading, going over the history about the Great War and what caused it, even found references of UNSC while he was browsing. Learning it was a funded group with the goal of unifying Earth Nations, along with expanding Humanity by colonizing habitable Planets throughout the Galaxy with the assistant of a company called Repcon.

"At least we know that UNSC once existed in this world," spoke Cortana up as she been able to read with John thanks to his helmet's camera.

"Yeah…but it doesn't give us much on them, the Pentagon should be nearby correct?' Chief asked as Cortana quickly checked and confirmed. Knowing that made the Spartan consider the idea of going there and go through their archives, but decided on heading back to Megaton first then catch up to Clair.

:-:The lobby of the library:-:

"The Pentagon…we renamed it the Citadel after we took it as our HQ ever since Elder Lyons decided to stay, wanting to protect the Capital Wasteland's people from the Super Mutants." Yearling explained to John after he had asked her about it.

Chief nodded before he rested a dirty sack stuffed with Pre-War Books that he had found, "is there any chance of me being allowed inside and having a look through the archives?" John asked while watching Yearling giving the books a look over, obviously wanting to inspect their condition.

"I'm afraid not, we rarely allow outsiders into the Citadel nor allowed Initiates the access of viewing them. I'd have to be fully promoted as a Scribe before gaining access to them." Yearling explained while giving him sad expression as she apologizes to the Spartan.

"It quite alright ma'am, Sarah might give me permission though..." Chief blurted out and regretted it as soon began explaining to Yearling about Sarah Lyons offer of him joining them. Which caught the attention from the Paladins he fought along side with.

"I wouldn't mind a chance fighting along side you again," spoke the most agreeable one, clearly thinking it was a good idea if he did join.

"Look like you made quite an impression with this guys," Cortana whisper to the Spartan as he gave the Paladin a curt nod. Then reluctantly accepted the bottle caps Yearling offered him for the books, except for a few he kept for himself.

Chief then gave his farewells to them before leaving the library, Dogmeat following him out of the building. Soon taking on a return trip to Megaton.

:-:Inside Craterside Supply:-:

"Welcome back, how was your trip to the library?" Moira asked wiping some grease off her hands after doing some maintenance on something.

"Nothing I couldn't handle, these hold the data you wanted me to get." John replied before handing her the two Holotapes and began explaining the best he could on what happen there, along with the Brotherhood of Steel being there with the same objective.

"Really? Guess people do care about our past history, here the reward I promise to give you and a little bonus for the hard work of getting the copy of the archives too." Moira remarked before handing Chief some books that he plan to give to Clair, which remind him of something.

"Did Clair get back from Anchorage Memorial?" John asked her as he was a little worried about her.

"Yeah she did…the poor dear had to run for her life from those Mirelurks. She was…a little steamed about the whole thing, but she cool down and explain what she learn about them while down there and so forth." Moira told him then began explaining to the Spartan that she left to do something important, which he can guess was getting the replacement Relay Dish for Three Dog.

"I think I know where she went, but I like you to help me with something before I go." Chief told her before placing a book on her counter, one glance at the book and to where Dogmeat was sitting. Who gave Moira a confuse stare in return, curious why the redhead was smiling.

Master Chief exited the store along with Dogmeat, who was now wearing a black vest that Moira managed to make for him. After using the vests from the Vault Security Guard Uniform that Clair sold to her long ago. The two made a quick visit to Clair's house as John needed to drop some things off and resupply himself with some more ammunition.

It was just after exiting the horse, that the duo was greeted by two familiar faces. One was Lucus and the other Bryans.

"I see you got here safely," Chief spoke out with a pleased tone, clearly glad the boy was safe.

"Yeah, staying at the Commons house. Helping Ms. Brown at the shop too, thankfully just sweeping and moving stuff." Bryan answered before explaining how thing are now, then asked about if Chief had gotten to Rivet City.

"Not yet, just got back. Going to find my friend and see where things go from there." Chief answered truthfully before giving his farewells to them, expressing he needed to leave to get catch up with Clair. Then was off, heading for the GNR Studio as he needed to speak with Three Dog. Knowing he can direct him to where Clair has headed.