"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
"It was always you that I loved
"Don't cry, for I am here for you
"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
A very soft voice hummed gently through Dimentio's ears as he felt himself lying in an abyss of darkness. His whole body felt numb, like someone had frozen him in ice. He could not fully recall how he got into this state, but he could remember feeling an overwhelming amount of hatred and hopelessness.
"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
"It was always you that I loved
"Don't cry, for I am here for you
"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
He continued to hear that sweet, loving voice. Finding a tiny bit of strength, Dimentio allowed himself to open his eyes. He breathed softly, for he noticed that he had a mask on his face, his eyes staring at an empty, black room. He was lying down, his head resting on someone's lap as a hand gingerly rubbed his head. Dimentio looked up to see who was comforting him, and to his complete shock, it was his mother.
Cynthia gave a small smile.
"Hush now, Dimentio," she whispered. "It's alright. You've been through a lot."
She continued to sing to him. But Dimentio gently pushed her hand away, sitting up and meeting his mother's gaze.
"Mother, where are we?" he asked. "How long was I out?"
A grim look appeared in Cynthia's gaze. She let out a soft sigh, nervously pulling her thin hair back behind her ear.
"Oh Dimentio..."
She tried her best to hold back tears.
"...You don't remember what happened, do you?"
Dimentio blinked. He was about to ask, 'Remember what?' but then it clicked with him.
He remembered the two strange black creatures, the ones with the Tribe of Darkness's eyes, him looking at his deformed reflection in the fountain, the mysterious woman who had knocked him out. Dimentio's eyes widened.
The words got stuck in Dimentio's throat.
"...How did you get to the Underwhere? You're not..."
Cynthia slowly nodded her head.
"I am, Dimentio. Just like you. Not too far after your death, the Tribe of Darkness set fire to the valley. It happened so fast, none of us had time to react. We were all slaughtered, but I was one of the luckier ones as I died by chocking on the smoke, and not burned to death or even strike down by the dark tribe like so many others."
Meeting Dimentio's gaze, she gently placed her hand on his masked face.
"Queen Jaydes told me everything about your death and what happened afterwards. Dimentio, my child..."
She kissed his forehead.
"...I'm so sorry."
Her voice cracked as tears ran down her cheeks. Dimentio stared at her, a blank expression in his eyes. He moved his gaze around the room to a small wooden door, where the only window barely gave in any light.
"What is this room, mother?" Dimentio asked. "It would seem we were to be prisoners, like a couple of mentally ill patients at an asylum."
Cynthia gave a small sob.
"That's because this is an asylum," she answered. "Dimentio, the Underwhere has labeled you as an insane soul. You are forever to spend the rest of your afterlife here, alone and isolated, until you have proven otherwise."
Dimentio blinked.
"Then why are you with me if I am to be isolated?" he questioned.
Cynthia's gaze hardened.
"Because I am your mother and I have begged Queen Jaydes for weeks to see you, since you were unconscious."
Dimentio's eyes widened.
"'Weeks?' That's how long I've been out?"
Cynthia nodded.
"Yes, and perhaps even longer if I hadn't pleaded with the merciful queen to lighten the spell."
Dimentio said nothing in reply, his eyes staring back at that little window inside the door.
So this was what had become of him? He went from magician apprentice, jester and friend to the beautiful daughter of a count, to an insane, poor little boy who tragically lost his life. Everything had been taken away from him in seconds, literally seconds! He was wronged, he was robbed and murdered!
All my life, I've been brought down to nothing, first from my own father, then by the woman I loved and her lover, and finally her lover's disgusting tribe! These...these corrupt, evil, imperfect people!
Dimentio blinked to see that his mother was giving him a worried look. He stared at his mother for a long moment, studying the deep amount of sympathy in her eyes.
Pity...is that all I have been reduced to?
Dimentio clutched his fists.
Not if I can do anything about it.
"I'm sorry to worry you, mother," Dimentio finally said, cautious to say the right words. "But, would you be able to help me in a small favor?"
Cynthia blinked, hesitating a bit before answering.
"...I will try my best. What do you need?"
"I want to see if you can convince them to let me out for a little while," Dimentio said. "I have come to my senses now and I wish to get some fresh air."
Cynthia's eyes darkened.
"Dimentio...I don't know if I can do that. I was barely able to get them to let me see you. I highly doubt..."
"I know, but at least try," Dimentio pressed on. "And if you can't, bring them to me so that I may talk to them in person."
Cynthia stuttered as she tried to come up with a reply, her eyes moving in different directions. But Dimentio kept his emotionless gaze locked on her, and though he hated to use her like this, he had no choice. After a long moment of internal debating, Cynthia let out a heavy sigh.
"...You are right. I cannot let my son suffer like this."
She stood up.
"I will do what I can and I will try my best to come see you as often as they will allow me. Dimentio, I know that you are strong, but please, do not let the anger that you must feel lead you down the wrong path."
She gave him a small hug.
"I love you, my son."
She then left the room, the guards that were on the other side of the door letting her out as she approached. When Cynthia was gone, Dimentio stared blankly at the wall.
No matter what, I will get my revenge.
After spending two days, now making it a full month since Dimentio first came to the Underwhere, of just sitting in his room, Cynthia finally returned to tell him that Queen Jaydes had given him permission to be able to go out for an hour each day. If he showed signs of recovery, then that time would get extended, though he would always have to stay at the insane asylum at night so in case he would have another 'episode,' he would be taken care of. Though Cynthia was thrilled at this little achievement, if it could be called that, Dimentio only felt anger towards it. Queen Jaydes thought she could keep him under control with this procedure, did she?
For the Queen of the Dead, she is too soft. You cannot keep control of the criminally insane by giving them every request they make.
But who was he to complain, for he could use that weakness to his advantage.
For the next week, Dimentio played up to be sane and calm by making it appear that he was at peace with the fact he was dead. When he spent his hour out of the asylum, he would act like a gentlemen and always seem polite to the other spirits of the Underwhere. Sometimes, he would spend time with his mother, other times he would just take long walks or go to the Underwhere library, where he was even able to check out books to take back with him.
But underneath that mask of deceit, he would despise all the looks he would get from the people of the Underwhere, from pity to fearful, since apparently those spirits knew what laid underneath his mask. Throughout his time in the Underwhere, Dimentio had refused to take off his mask or see what his appearance was now. A part of him knew he would not be able to handle it, and if he was going to escape the hell he was in, he could not afford a single mistake.
One day, in the library, Dimentio came across a very intriguing book on one of the higher shelves, almost like it was carelessly hidden by someone. Curious, he reached out and took it, seeing that it was very old and dusty, and even a little torn up. It was an ancient spell book, written in an ancient language that most people probably couldn't read. And yet, for some unknown reason, Dimentio could, almost instinctively. He could sense a great power coming from the book, a power that not anyone could sense. Dimentio turned the pages, and his eyes widening with the spells he saw it contained.
The spells in this book...contained the secrets of bending through dimensions!
From traveling, making illusions, twisting reality, and even creating small dimensions for the user, the book Dimentio held in his hands could give any magician the power of the universe. The power of even life and death itself, for he could easily bring himself back to life, giving himself rebirth in a new dimension of his creation. A large, twisted smile appeared on Dimentio's masked face.
Yes...he had found his ticket out. Queen Jaydes was a fool to think that she could keep him down!
Ah ha ha ha! Again for dramatic effect! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Everything was set. After two months of studying and practicing the book's magic in secret, Dimentio was now ready to bring himself back from the dead. For the past months, Dimentio had carefully and constructed a dimension of his very own. Though he had never been there physically, he used a spell from the book to see into his small, mini dimension, which he called Dimension D. From just being born, it was not very impressive, as it was nothing but black empty space. But it would grow, as Dimentio planned on it being the exact representation of his perfect world.
A perfect world... For me and only me...
Shaking himself out his thoughts, Dimentio set out of the insane asylum for his one hour outing. With his many walks, he knew of the perfect, most isolated spot in the entire Underwhere for him to perform the spell. It was a small clearing on the riverside of the dangerous River Twygz. Not too many people spent time near the river, so that made Dimentio's choice of location even more perfect. Once he finally reached the spot, Dimentio took out the spell book and sat it against a rock, so that he would have a perfect view of it and the words. He took a few steps back from the book, taking a deep breath of air as he closed his eyes. He tried to empty his thoughts and calm the little emotions he had left in him.
Thoughts of his mother came to him, how he knew that she would be greatly disappointed and worried about him when he was gone. He doubted that Queen Jaydes or the others in charge of the Underwhere would harm Cynthia because of him being her son, who she had cared for, but he could not help but be worried about her.
Perhaps when I have my perfect world, I can bring back mother to join me. After all, she is the only being closest to perfection. Even Lady Timpani...
The thought of Timpani made his heart cringe, but then beat hard with rage. Reopening his eyes, Dimentio chanted the spell that would grant eternal transportation through dimensions.
"Invoco umilmente a Dio di aiutarmi. Nel tempo e nello spazio, attraverso l'illusione e realtà , fammi tua potenza per il loro controllo a la mia volontà . Per virtutem Dei fac quod dimensiones!"
As he spoke those words, a strong sense of power went through Dimentio's body. A faint violet glow appeared around him, as the spell's power was being transferred into him. As he sensed his power become stronger and stronger, Dimentio took this opportunity to try to use it and teleport out of this dimension of the Underwhere.
Chanting another spell to bring him back to life, he could feel the Underwhere's power trying to prevent him leaving. But the louder Dimentio chanted, the more power he continued to gain, the more resistance he was able to put on the invisible force. The violet glow around him grew brighter and brighter, his power becoming stronger and stronger. Eventually, the invisible force was broken, and Dimentio felt himself physically leave the Underwhere. Dimentio broke into a fit of demented laughter.
He had escaped hell and cheated death itself. He had done the impossible!
Once he had arrived in Dimension D, the violet glow around him disappeared and Dimentio fell to his knees, panting heavily for air. He had used up most of his energy, a great ton of magic, but he did not care. He had done it, he was free!
Dimentio chuckled softly to himself, his whole body shaking. He could feel sweat form underneath his mask, his heart pounding in his chest as his lungs screamed for air. He was alive again, a new physical body with every feature he had when he was alive the first time.
And with every scar and burn I gained in the fire, for I want to see the look of horror on Blumiere's face so that he may see what he has done.
He gave a twisted smile of glee at that thought. But even though his revenge was aimed towards Blumiere, and even Timpani to a certain extent, and though his goal was to create a perfect world, there was one small matter he had to deal with first. A matter that he could not move on from if it was not taken care of.
Once Dimentio fully recovered his strength, he snapped his fingers and left Dimension D. Unlike the Underwhere, leaving that dimension took little to know effort, and Dimentio knew that dimension traveling from here on out would be a breeze.
He then found himself at the location of the matter he needed to take care of. And to his shock, Dimentio found himself at the forest outside his and Timpani's castle, beside the river that they had both discovered together as children. Many memories flooded back to Dimentio, but he forced himself not to ponder on them. He had to stay focus.
"Who's there?!" a voice suddenly demanded. "Don't you dare move!"
Dimentio turned to see something moving in the distance. Coming out of the dense forest, an old man dressed in a worn out jester's uniform came out, his gray hair untamed and a wild look in his yellow eyes. He glared at Dimentio.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in this forest, you dark tribe trash?!" he screeched. "Is there more you want from us?!"
Dimentio's eyes widened, unable to hide his shock. He stared at the old, clearly crazy old man, who looked like could be set off at any moment. Clearing his mind, Dimentio calmly said, "I am sorry sir, but I was just taking a walk. Have I crossed into someone's property?"
The old man's gaze softened a bit.
"What a voice... What interesting eyes you have there..."
His words got lost in thought, his eyes going blank. Dimentio waited patiently for him to say something, but the old man suddenly let out a nasty cough.
"...Damn Tribe of Darkness...!" He coughed in between words. "...Though you have been gone for three years since your attack, I knew that one day you will come back to finish the job! To come back and take Ladislao and I!"
Coughing again, the old man lost some strength in his legs and fell to the ground, trying his best to gain control over himself. Dimentio watched him, his eyes completely unreadable.
"You seemed to be coughing very violently, old man," he said. "Are you sick?"
The old man wheezed, his eyes locking onto Dimentio's.
"...Was is it to you?"
He got into a violent coughing fit. Dimentio slowly approached the old man, giving a friendly smile and he sat next to him.
"I happen to be a magician, sir," Dimentio said gently. "And I know some healing techniques. If you want, I can try to heal you. It will not take long or cost you anything."
The old man studied Dimentio for a long moment, in which Dimentio felt his heartbeat grow faster by the intense glare. But, the old man just sighed, resting his elderly back against a rock and closing his eyes.
"...The dark tribe has really done it this time. You really remind me too much of my long dead son... One who shouldn't have died, along with my wife..."
A small tear ran down his cheek. He did not say anything about accepting Dimentio's offer, as he seemed to lost in his own grieving thoughts to respond properly to the question.
Silently, Dimentio made a cup appear in his hands. Going over to the river, he filled the cup with water. Chanting a spell, Dimentio enchanted the water, changing its color from clear blue to thick green. He walked back to the old man's side and tried to put the cup in his hands. But the old man would not take it, nor would he try to fight Dimentio back. Dimentio sighed.
"Sir, please drink this healing potion I have crafted for you. I promise you will feel better."
The old man opened one eye.
"...A healing potion?" he asked absent mindedly.
Dimentio nodded, smiling.
"Yes. Now please take it."
He put the old man's fingers around the cup. The old man stared at it for a long moment, seemingly hesitant. Keeping his eyes on Dimentio the entire time, he slowly brought the cup to his lips and drank the potion fully. Dimentio's smile grew, and the old man's muscles began to relax. He sat the cup down to his side, the old man closing his eyes as his breathing began to slow down. Dimentio watched him closely, gently pulling back the old man's ratty, tangled hair out of his face.
"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes," Dimentio sang softly as his father died before him.
"It was always you that I despised
"I don't feel enough for you to cry
"Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
He sang it a couple of times, Lucifer getting weaker and weaker with each passing second. Eventually, his body became limp and his breathing ceased completely, his head hanging over his shoulder. Dimentio slowly sat up, a small laugh escaping his lips. He then turned away from the corpse of his father and walked to the edge of the river, staring blankly at his reflection for the first time.
The man that stared back at Dimentio was not of a man with no will to live like he saw last time, but a man who's mismatched gray and yellow eyes knew no love, who only lived for revenge. A mask of half black and half white hid the eyes' true face, the face of a monster who had escaped from hell and would make every world pay for what misery they have done to him. A large grin appeared on Dimentio's, the masked man's, face.
"...And now for the ultimate show to finally make its way to the grand stage," he said to himself. "I, Dimentio, the Master of Dimensions and Pleaser of Crowds, starts to make his way towards revenge."
He looked up at the bright blue sky.
"Enjoy the little time you have left, Blumiere. For if I am to have my perfect world, I will need your corpse to lay at my feet. I will not rest until I have my perfect world, and I will travel as far and wide as I have to reach it. Until I meet you again, Blumiere, my eternal enemy."
He gave a small bow.
And by snapping his fingers, Dimentio disappeared without a trace.
Author's Note:
...And thus, I will never write a tragedy again XD. These last few chapters, let me tell you, were very hard to write. But I do not regret writing them, and I'm very happy how this fanfic turned out.
And now the Criminal Series is fully completed. From My Fair Lady to A Cruel Demon's Fate, I hoped that you all enjoy the series tremendously as I did writing it. And for those of you have not read the other two books, I hope that you will enjoy them as much as you did this one!
I thank you all for reading and reviewing.
Link to sequel, Criminal: www . fanfiction net / s / 8351605/1/Criminal