This is a series of one-shot and prompt stories, based on words or phrases.

All prompts from hourlywritingprompt . tumblr

I do not own Power Rangers Ninja Storm

This does not take place in any necessary episode, it fills the need

2018 edit Format, grammar style.

Chapter 1: Prompt; My Fault



It was a regular day at first, Tori was with Blake at the track spending time with him trying to sort her mind and feelings about the Navy Thunder Ranger. While she was watching Blake taking his turn around the track with dirt kicking up the sounds of the engine roaring past her and going faster around the loop of the track Blake looped to and back to the starting point.

The track had the same number of riders and families it attracted during the sunny days that Blue Bay harbor offered its residents. Riders were all over the place suiting up for their own turns or talking to each other boisterously, Tori saw two guys older than herself busy with trying to get what it seemed girls numbers. They were failing at impressing any girls it seems muscle nor boasting was impressing them.

Tori couldn't help but laugh at the poor guy's attempt has the girls they were flirting with left them high and dry heading to the small snack shack the track held.

She turned her attention back to the path her feet were taking her; Blake had his back towards her so she decided to have fun with him. Slowly she crept up on him and covered his eyes

" haha got ya Thunderboy , now you're at my mercy" the blonde water ranger said gleefully, but the thunder ranger in question had his own trick up his sleeves Blake took the hands that she had covered his eyes with and shifted their position making Tori fall to ground but not completely has Blake caught her before she did hit the ground.

They stayed in the position they landed in for a few moments, Tori felt her heart beating in her throat her eyes meeting the russet brown eyes that Blake had, Blake himself caught looking at Tori crystal blue eyes the long blonde hair she possessed flying in the air freely. They soon came to their senses as other riders took off the tracks ramp, bringing them out of the reprieve of gazing.

Blake stood up still holding the blonde ninja shyly, sheepish has them became leveled once again.

"Sorry Tori my fault I didn't mean for you to almost hit the ground like that", the young man was apologetic as he ruffed up the helmet hair he had.

Tori was busy internally battling the hot blush that she was sure was on her face " No worries am fine besides it's my fault as well" she stuttered out to the Navy Ranger.

Blake starting laughing " Well I guess now that we both take the blame" the young man said his own glaze was switch from Tori to the ground

"Well I guess you right, how about you make it up to me hmm," the water girl said with a bright smile the sun cast the right amount of light to make her blonde hair stand out even more halo like really. Blake didn't know what made him move but at that moment with the sun's glow on her, his mind went blank he let his fleeings control and he closed the space between them with a kiss on her lips.

Tori felt her breath leave her but her reaction was natural she kissed back just as much feeling he had, soon they both came out of the kisses watching each other with baited breath till they both spoke: " My Fault" and the moment of whose fault it was forgotten.

The young rangers went on with the day on the track a new found closeness they had made hands entwine.


new prompt soon hopefully since I plan on a darker PR stories