It's 2019 and Finn and Rachel are expecting their first child, a girl. and they absolutely thrilled Finn comes home from work to a very tired, eight and a half month pregnant Rachel.

"Hey Rach, how are you feeling, you look exhausted. Is our daughter being really active today or something?" Finn asks going over to join Rachel on the couch.

"Yeah, she's been kicking like crazy all day today. She'll be here any day now… I hope." Rachel says sighing

"She will be. She'll be here soon." Finn says putting his hands on Rachel's stomach and smiling as he feels his unborn daughter kick. He looks over at Rachel her eyes are wide and she look s like she's in pain.

"Rachel, what's wrong, are you okay? Is it the baby?" Finn asks worriedly.

"Finn, she's coming now. The baby's coming. I think I'm in labor." Rachel says still wide eyed.

"Oh my god! I'll get the stuff! Do you want me to carry you?"

"Finn, I'll be fine but thank you. You're so caring. Owww!"
"Are you sure you don't need me to do anything."
"Mhmm." Rachel says in between contractions.

They get to the hospital and Rachel is only three centimeters dilated. She sighs.

"This hurts so bad, and it's only going to get worse." Rachel says a tear falling from her deep brown eyes.

I'm sorry you have to go through all of this just for us to meet our little baby girl. But I think you are doing an amazing job." Finn says smiling encouragingly at Rachel and kissing her cheek."
"Finn can you get me some ice chips?"

"Sure Sweetheart."

Rachel had decided early on that she didn't want to get an epidural or anything like that. She's doing so well, she gasps loudly at the pain every once in a while but other than that she remains very calm .Rachel's progressing extremely fast. She goes from three to five centimeters in three hours. They break her water at that point and then from there it's about a centimeter every hour. Finally at around midnight the doctor comes in to examine Rachel in order to check on her progression. Rachel absolutely hates that part and Finn hates it for her. The doctor smiles and tells Rachel that she is now fully dilated and ready to push. Rachel is both relieved and scared. The doctor pulls Rachel's legs back and Finn takes her hand.

"Finn I don't think I can do this. I'm so scared." Rachel says nervously, her hands shaking.

"Yes you can babe, I know you can, you'll do amazing and I will be right here the whole time." Finn says giving Rachel an encouraging smile.

"Ok Rachel, you need to push." The doctor says.

Rachel brings her chin to her chest and pushes as hard she can.

"You are a very good pusher Rachel you keep it up like that and you will have your baby girl in no time." The doctor tells Rachel.

"I'm so proud of you " Finn says letting Rachel squeeze his hands as she continues to push. Three pushes later the doctor tells Rachel she is crowning and the baby should be born in five or so pushes.

Rachel pushes again and she's almost out of breath this time.

"Finn I can't do this anymore." She says tiredly.

"Yes you can. You are so close to being done. Oh my gosh Rachel she's right there. I can see her head." Finn says trying to offer Rachel encouragement.

"You can? Does she have hair?" Rachel asks in between pushes

"Yeah she's got tons of hair, yours too." Finn smiles and Rachel smile back at him.
Rachel pushes again and then another time.

"Okay, her head is out now. Next time you push you'll have your baby." The doctor says.

Rachel pushes and before she knows it she hears loud cries. Their baby is perfect, with Rachel's dark hair and nose and Finn's amber eyes and dimpled cheeks.

"Oh my goodness Rachel, she's so beautiful." Finn says tears falling from his eyes.

"I know, we should name her Stella. Stella Faith Hudson." Rachel says smiling as she cries happy tears.

"It's perfect for her. Welcome to the world Stella Faith, I love you."

"Here Finn, hold her. Hold your daughter." Rachel says handing Finn their daughter.

"Rachel, I can't I think I'm going to hurt her if I hold her because she's just she's such a tiny little thing." Finn says nervously taking his daughter from Rachel.

"Finn, you are not going to hurt her, I promise you, you aren't. Look you are a natural. See, she already loves you."

"Hi Sweetheart it's Daddy, I love you. Look at you ,you are so beautiful just like your mommy. You are the best thing to ever happen to us Baby Girl, you really are a miracle." Finn says kissing Stella's tiny cheek.

"She really is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. She's got your eyes too, and my nose. Did you notice that?" Rachel says smiling.

"Yeah, she's so perfect and she's our daughter. I love her so much." Finn says crying as he rubs Stella's dark head.

His tiny daughter starts to cry and at first he's panicked but then all he wants to do is make everything be alright for his little girl.

"Shh it's ok Stella. You're alright Sweetheart. Daddy's got you there's no need to cry." Finn says as he rocks Stella back and forth to get her to stop crying.

"Aw, look at you two, this is so precious." Rachel says smiling.

"Here Rachel, it's your turn now. I think Stella wants to say hi to Mommy." Finn says as he puts Stella in Rachel's arms.

"Hi Sweetie, Mommy loves you. You are so pretty, everything about you is beautiful. Especially your nose, don't you ever hate your nose Stella. It makes you special." Rachel says kissing her daughter's nose.

"You are already the best mother, you know?" Finn says smiling.

"And you're the best father."

Two days later it's time to bring Stella home and it's very exciting. Finn drives and Rachel sits in the back Stella. A few minutes into the drive home Stella starts to cry.

"Oh Honey, don't cry, it's ok we are almost home and then you get to meet all your family. They're going to love you." Rachel says

"We're home you two." Finn says as they pull into the driveway.

Finn takes Stella into the house and Rachel follows behind them.

Practically the entire glee club is at the house when they get inside, along Burt and Carole and Rachel's dads.

Finn sets Stella in his mom's arms. "Say hi to your Grandma, Stella." Finn says smile on his face.

"She's beautiful you two." Carole says.

After Carole Kurt takes Stella because he's been wanting to see his little niece and god daughter for ages.

"She looks so much like the both of you." Kurt says. Then Quinn takes Stella because she is her going to be her god mother.

"Oh you two, she's so perfect. Are you sure you want me to be her godmother?" Quinn asks.

"Positive, we wouldn't have it any other way." Rachel answers and Finn nods in agreement.

After everyone leaves Rachel organizes the gifts that were brought for Stella. They take her up to her room and show her around. The nursery is pink and covered in gold stars. The closet is filled with onesies and baby dresses. "This is your room Stella." Do you like it?" Finn asks his tiny daughter. Stella grips his finger in response.

"I'll take that as yes then Sweetie." Finn says as he smiles at her.

"I think she's hungry. I'm going to go get her bottle ready. Do you want to feed her? If not I'll do it." Rachel says, going downstairs to make Stella's bottle.

"I'll feed her Rachel. You go take a nap or something. You look exhausted I'll take care of Stella for a while, I got this, don't you worry." Finn replies

Finn feeds Stella, staring at her cute little face as she eagerly sucks on her bottle.

"You are a very hungry little girl aren't you, you must get your appetite from me." Finn says smiling and laughing quietly as he feeds Stella the last few sips from her bottle.

Stella falls asleep shortly after eating. Finn puts her crib and he just sits there and watches her sleep. He loves to do that. Stella looks so cute and peaceful when she's asleep. Finn kisses her cheek "Have a nice little nap Sweetie. I'll be her when you wake up. I love you Stella. I love you my beautiful angel. I love you so very much." He says smiling. Then he starts to sing to her.

You are my one and only.
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.
Oh, you are my one and only.
You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.
And you'll be alright.

Rachel walks in and smiles she's so proud of how good of a father to Stella Finn is. Finn smiles back at Rachel. He loves his daughter. He loves Stella Faith, their baby girl.

Review please, hope you liked this first chapter! :)

Songs used: Small Bump By Ed Sheeran