Kol stared enviously at Niklaus. He didn't deserve a girl like her and she was stupid for caring about him. Adelaide watched Niklaus across the room as he seduced a brunette woman. She hadn't take her eyes off of him the whole night. Kol's grip on his goblet tightened.
"Is something bothering you, brother?" Elijah raised his eyebrow at his younger sibling.
"Nothing." Kol replied sharply.
"Whatever nothing is, I suggest you calm down before you cause any unwanted attention for our guests." Elijah took the goblet from Kol's hand and walked off.
Kol refocused his attention towards Niklaus and spotted him seconds before he left the room while holding the hand of the girl he had been conversing with the whole night. They both were giggling as they left the ballroom. Kol listened to hear their conversation.
"I don't know what it is about you Lord Niklaus, but I find myself drawn to you for reasons even I cannot explain."
"I've told you Katerina, call me Klaus." Kol stopped listening once he heard them begin to kiss. His brother disgusted him, bedding a women at every ball there was. The worst part to Kol was how he discarded the woman the next day, like they were pigs. Sweet Adelaide had been caught in the middle. She was one of the very few human maids that still lived in our castle and the girl he secretly loved, but had fallen for Klaus's charm like all the rest. He remembered tending to the horses when he heard something fall. Once he rounded the corner, a drunken Klaus was kissing Adelaide passionately. Kol swore to himself that he would never be like his brother.
Kol danced with two girls as he pulled them into his room. They giggled as he kissed each of their necks.
"So, tell me something else about you two." He wrapped his arms around both of their waists as he led them to the bed.
"But my lord, you have not yet told us anything about you and both Anne and I find that unfair." Elizabeth smiled as Kol placed his finger on her lips.
"Sh, sh, shh, let us not spoil this..special moment. Now, how should we make this more entertaining?"
"Would this," Anne slipped the sleeve of her dress off, revealing a bare shoulder, "help?" She looked up at him innocently.
"That would certainly make things better." Kol sat on the bed and the girls joined him. They both began undressing when a scream was heard throughout the whole castle.
"What was that?" Elizabeth stood up and looked at Kol worriedly.
"Nothing we need to worry about sweetheart." Kol began to kiss her again and she pushed him off.
"That did not sound like nothing, my lord."
"Elizabeth, my dear, why must you spoil my fun?" Kol placed his arm on around Anne's shoulder. "Anne never does." He smirked at the reaction Elizabeth had from his words.
"And my lordship, what if i were to lift your spirits again?" She ran her fingers through his hair. "Would this make it better?" Elizabeth whispered in his ear and took off her dress, only wearing her undergarments.
"And what if I needed more persuading?"
"Well, I must give it to you then." She lifted her undergarment slowly and as Kol reached for her she lowered it and began to run around the room, giggling.
"I love a tease." He sighed in contempt and began to chase after, catching her in seconds.
"Very impressive, my lord." Elizabeth kissed him passionately.
"What about me, lordship?" Anne asked, still sitting on the bed.
"Don't worry, your turn will come soon, sweetheart."
The bedroom door was slammed open revealing a shadowed figure in the hall. Both the girls screamed and covered themselves with anything they could find.
"How many times do I have to tell you Kol..Not in my castle!"
"Rebekah, sister, calm down. You're upsetting them."
"Oh, forgive me for the intrusion, brother."
"I forgive you." He smirked as he leaned against the wall.
"I will not allow my castle to be some whore house for your escapades! I've told you dozens of time already Kol!"
"Dozens? We've only been here once before?" Elizabeth looked at Kol, confused.
"Yes, you're not his only conquests. You're just one out of many, many more." Shock spread on both Elizabeth and Anne's face.
"Well done sister. Now you've really spoiled the mood."
"Good, I've done my part. Send them to their homes whenever, but you will not bed anyone while in this house or I will kill you, brother." Rebekah left the room, shutting the door behind her.
"Now, where were we?" Kol turned to face Elizabeth, finding her redressed.
"I believe it is best for us to return to our family, my lord. Have a goodnight." She waited for him to move away from the door, but gasped when his face began to change.
"That's such a shame. I really enjoyed your company, Elizabeth." Kol sunk his teeth into her neck, draining her of her blood. As soon as she stopped struggling, he dropped her and walked over to Anne.
"I guess I'll have to kill you too, now. Forgive me, sweetheart."
"Please, I won't tell anyone!" Tears were running down her face.
"I know." He wiped her tears away, "Send your sister my greetings," He drank Anne's blood and snapped her neck, letting her fall lifelessly to the ground.