Harry Potter: Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Summary: The Boy Who Lived is recruited into the world's most secret spy organization. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, Avengers or any of their characters, ok?

Chapter 1: The Man Who Lived

While waiting on the flightdeck of the SHIELD Hellicarrier together with one of his top agents Phil Coulson, the dark skinned, one-eyed director of the world's premier spy organization wished for the nth time that he didn't have to bring in an outsider to help with their current predicament.

But Nick Fury didn't have a choice. For all it's influence and resources, SHIELD currently didn't have necessary experience and expertise to deal with the problem at hand. Something which he intended to rectify in the near future.

"So what do we know about this guy Coulson?" Fury asks his subordinate, his voice reflecting his irritation and impatience.

"Not very much I'm afraid Director." Coulson replied, sounding as unflappable as ever. "Only that he is a veteran of the British Auror Department and has had previous experience and contact with the item."

"Auror Department? I don't know 'em. Exactly who are they anyways?" Fury asked, earning a shrug from Coulson.

"Their existence is hidden even to majority of their own government because they're tasked to handle problems of a... Supernatural nature." Coulson supplied before consulting his data pad. "And the specialist they're sending is supposed to be one of their best operatives."

"Supernatural problems huh? Sounds about right." Nick grumbled a bit before his good eye spots an incoming Quinjet. "Looks like that's our boy coming in now."

The SHIELD director and agent walks over to the aircraft as its rear hold opens. Out steps a bespectacled man carrying a duffel bag whose facial features were shrouded by the black bullcap with the british flag that he had on. The man also wore a black leather jacket over a plaid shirt, denim jeans and hiking boots.

"Senior Auror Harry James Potter?" Fury ventures. The bespectacled man looks up and reveals a boyish face with striking green eyes which studied Fury as well as a fading, lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

"Yes, that's me. Director Nicholas Fury of SHIELD I presume?" Potter asks. Fury nods and extends a hand which Potter shakes amiably.

"Glad to have you with us Mister Potter. This is my senior agent Phil Coulson." Fury said, introducing his companion before directing the englishman towards the entrance to the entrance of the Hellicarrier's interior. "If you'll come this way, we have something for you to see."


There was no mistake. It was the Philosopher's Stone.

Or to be more precise, it was fragments of the Philosopher's Stone. The fragments were placed in an elevated platform behind a protective glass shield and he could feel and recognize the magic emanating from the fragments themselves.

Now Harry knew why Kingsley had specifically asked him to come. The wiley ex-auror turned Minister of Magic KNEW that Harry was the ONLY person with the necessary qualification and experience with it.

But how did it get here? Nicholas Flamel was supposed to destroy the bloody thing thirteen years ago before he willingly passed on. How exactly did anyone manage to find it?

"Well Mr. Potter? Do you recognize the item?" Fury asks.

"Yes Director Fury." Harry said after a moment contemplating. "Believe it or not, those are fragments of the Philosopher's Stone. May I ask how you came across it?"

Fury and Coulson looks at each other before Coulson turns to Harry and speaks.

"These fragments were found in an operation against A.I.M." Harry's eyes narrows at the mention of the infamous terrorist organization. The auror was familiar with A.I.M. and didn't understand how they could have gotten their hands on it but didn't interrupt as Coulson continued his briefing. "We came across one of their bases and found them doing all sorts of tests on these fragments behind some of the heaviest quarantine that we've ever seen so we thought it must be important. As far as we can tell, they haven't made any headway on these fragments despite the advanced technology they possess and neither have we so that's why we reached out for outside specialists."

Coulson than looks at Harry and asks. "We've been told you're familiar with it?"

"Unfortunately yes. More intimately than any other living person on this planet as a matter of fact." Harry confirms. "And no science and technology here can penetrate the secrets of the Philosopher's Stone because the process that created it in the first place is magical in nature."

"Magic?" Fury asks skeptically. "Are you telling me that magic actually exists?"

"Magic has always existed in this world Director Fury. Even you have to accept the fact that there are certain things that cannot be explained by science." As if to demonstrate, Harry takes out his wand and levitates a nearby chair then proceeds to make it float around the small room while following the twitches and motion Harry was making with the wand.

For their part, Fury and Coulson could only stare at the man doing what was supposed to be impossible with widened eyes.

Satisfied that he has proven his point, Harry drops the chair down, puts away his wand and continues addressing the properly surprised SHIELD duo. "For centuries, the Wizarding World have minimized contact with your society and only communicated with select members of the British Government when needed because we were concerned of how the general public will receive us and how our ways may influence yours. Likewise we have also kept our more radical elements from abusing their magic on your society."

Harry then gestures to the fragments that were kept in isolation behind him. "But now our worst fears have been realized. Unscrupulous elements have managed to get their hands on something very dangerous from our world and even though they currently do not the means to unravel its true purpose, it does not mean that they will not eventually succeed. Humans are nothing if not resourceful after all."

"You keep talking about the fragment's true purpose." Coulson pointed out. "Is this Philosopher's Stone really THAT dangerous?"

"More than you can imagine Agent Coulson." Harry answered grimly. "The Philosopher's Stone grants immortality to anyone who possessed it. Its previous owner actually needed to destroy it to pass on peacefully as well as to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. And believe me when I say that a LOT of the wrong sort wanted the stone for themselves. I should know because that bloody thing almost got me killed when I was eleven years old."

"Maybe you should explain that bit with a little more details Agent Potter." Fury requested. And so Harry narrated what had happened to him during his first year at Hogwarts and how Voldemort had nearly gotten to the stone.

"The way you describe that stone DOES make it seem like this stone is dangerous Agent Potter." Fury said, exchanging worried looks with Coulson which Harry immediately noticed.

"Quite so. But I believe that you did not bring me all the way here just to identify it did you?" Harry asks. "What's the real situation here?"

After an uncomfortably silent moment, Fury relents. "We have reason to believe that A.I.M. has the rest of the stone secured in one of their secret bases for further study."

"The rest of the stone?" Harry repeated incredulously. He needed to contact Kingsley in order to determine the veracity of Fury's story but if it was even remotely possible, the situation was much worse than they initially thought and he will need to act quickly to resolve the problem. "Do you know where?" He asks flatly.

Coulson nods in affirmation. "Yes we do. We've anticipated that you may want to act on our information and we are prepared to assist you in the matter."

"Thank you for the offer but I don't intend to blast my way in and out of this secret base you have mentioned." Harry said. "A little subterfuge is all that's required for a mission like this and there's no need to make such a ruckus."

Fury had to smile at this. This proved that the guy knew his business because that was exactly the way he would have ran this kind of an operation.

"We've also anticipated that and have a very small team of handpicked operatives for you to lead on the mission." Coulson said primly.

Harry gives Fury a level look before sighing in resignation. "I suppose I can't really say no to your generous offer, can I?"

"Not really. We didn't get to where we are by doing things half assed Mr. Potter." Fury said with a toothy grin. "But I can assure you that the guys you're going to be working with are some of the very best in their field of expertise."

"Brilliant." Harry said with a measure of relief. He can work with professionals at least. "Then as you yanks like to say. Let's get this show on the road shall we?"

Author's Notes: Something new for you guys. Three guesses on who Harry's teammates will be :)