Hi, everyone! Wow, the last chapter for 'Intricate Smiles' already *sobs* Alright, a few things, to:-

Snowtiger: Noooo *continues on* Well, at least take some time to read the last chapter, it is after all, the last one :'( *sob* thanks for being a super, awesome, great reader and helping to spread my story around... I still owe you for that *accepts all of your cookies and walks away bawling*

And, I just wanted to say, thank you guys, for making this possible. This story wouldn't have been completed if it wasn't for you guys :) Listen to:

Good To You (feat Kate Voegele) - Marianas Trench (please listen to this, its like you and Jack's perfect love song! Especially the for the last part of this chapter! PLEASSSEE)

"Mum!" you screeched. "My hair won't cooperate!"

The sound of your mother's footsteps outside your bedroom door and a resounding sigh made you turn around. You caught her eye and saw that she looked un-amused.

Your mother walked up to you and took the curling iron from your aching hand. You had been sitting here for God knows how long just trying to get the perfect curls and you were frustrated when they wouldn't turn out nicely.

"Next time, (F/N), an intercom would suffice," your mother said drily. "So you don't have to screech like a monkey every time you smudge your makeup." She caught a strand of hair and wrapped it around the base of the hot metal; unwinding it slowly onto her palm.

It was barely a minute before your hair turned back to its original form, making you groan.

"See? Every single time I do it, it just won't be nice to me," you said, pouting. Glancing at the clock, you were shocked to note that it was already 8 o' clock and the Yuletide Ball would be starting at 8.30.

"Oh my God," you groaned. "I'm going to be so late."

Surprising you, your mother chuckled as she switched the curling iron off. "You know what, (F/N), I think you're trying too hard to impress Jack," she said as she sprayed some mist in your hair instead. "Boys, no matter how old they are, love girls who are natural- not trying to turn themselves into Barbie."

Your mother added the finishing touches and suddenly, your hair transformed from its plain mane, to a sleek sheet of waves. Your eyes widened.

"How'd you do that, mum?" you asked curiously as you checked your hair from every angle.

"Hasn't your father told you, I'm the fairy godmother," your mother said jokingly as your father's laugh could be heard from the doorway.

"Your mum sure is right," your dad said as he walked into your line of view, dressed in simple jeans and a flannel shirt.

You were hard pressed to admit it, but your dad honestly looked better in his armor than his usual plain clothes. Though, you think your mum may not have even cared, judging by the dreamy look she always wore when your dad was around.

You didn't mind though, it was nice seeing your parents finally together, though it made you a little sick to be around their constant flirting.

"Oh, and by the way, there's a really dashing young man outside with a Volvo, waiting for you," your dad said and you gasped as you quickly stood up and checked yourself one last time in the mirror.

"How do I look?" you asked and turned back to find your parents smiling at you with collective warmth in their eyes.

"You look beautiful, honey."

"Knock him dead, sweetheart."



You didn't hear the rest of what they said as you raced down the stairs, grabbing your purse and smoothing your hair at the same time. You glanced down at your dress which was in your favorite color and, catching sight of yourself in the banister mirror, you were satisfied to see that the dress managed to hug every single one of your curves right.

Taking a deep breath, you opened the door to find Jack in the driveway, leaning against his Volvo with a contemplating look on his face.

Your heart nearly stopped.

Your father wasn't kidding when he said Jack looked dashing; he was positively handsome. Dressed in a simple tuxedo with a blue tie that matched his eyes, Jack took your breath away. The silver band glinting on his wrist gave him his original brown hair color back and for that you were grateful.

The best part was, you were having the same effect on him.

His eyebrows rose up as he gave you a once over and grin etched itself on his features. He quickly walked up to you and took your hand in his.

"Hey, (F/N)," he said softly and you didn't miss his grin widening ever so slightly when you pecked his cheek.

"Hey, Jack," you said shyly.

"I would've taken you there by flight, but seeing how beautiful you are, I didn't want to ruin your look," he said simply and you blushed. You loved it when Jack called you beautiful because he wasn't other guys who merely complimented a girl because it was called for; he said like it was the simple, plain truth.

"Aww, thanks for being so considerate," you said in a teasing tone as he held the door open for you.

You got in the passenger as he smiled at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"'Considerate' is my middle name, love."

The thumping bass coming from the school hall could be heard as you walked in, hand in hand with Jack.

The winter spirit was looking around in wonder and he turned, catching your amused grin. "What? I haven't exactly been to a prom before."

Your grin grew wider as you gestured to the doorway leading into the hall where Far East Movement's 'Turn up the Love' was reverberating across the walls. "Well, tonight's you're lucky night, then," you said as you walked in with him beside you.

It was like a club in there where the pounding, addictive bass gave way to mass of bodies dancing. You glanced around and realized there weren't any teachers in here.

No wonder.

"(F/N)!" came a loud shout from somewhere in the throng of bodies.

You turned back to find Emily, dressed in a glittering body con dress with Zander on her heels. She stopped short when she saw you with Jack but immediately recovered her composure and gave you both a brilliant smile.

You felt a little awkward returning Zander's smile. Feeling grateful for the distraction, you turned your full attention to Emily, who gave you hug.

"You haven't been returning any of my calls or messages," she said with a pout, and then gestured at Jack. "I guess I know why, now."

Despite the fact that you and Jack were an item, you still blushed whenever somebody mentioned it. "Sorry Em, Christmas was kind of busy and-" you stopped short when you realized you were about to say "my father came back."

Nobody was supposed to know. Your father felt it wise not to tell anyone as most people still thought that he was dead.

"-and my mum just came back, so," you shrugged. "It's been really hectic."

Emily's pout brightened into a smile before she turned to Jack. "You better take care of my best friend properly, you heard that, mister," she said with a mock glare.

Jack seemed taken aback but he gave a chuckle. "Noted, ma'am," he said as he gave you a small smile which you returned back.

Zander cleared his throat as he nodded towards the party. "What'd you think?"

Your throat tightened as you looked at your best friend as the music morphed into a song called 'The Things We Lost in the Fire' and realized how apt it was for you and Zander's friendship.

"It's awesome, you and Em did a great job," you praised as the tension in his gaze lessened and he gave you a small smile.

Suddenly, you did something totally unexpected and turned to Jack, "could you give us a moment?" you questioned and Jack seemed startled before he nodded. He then met Zander's gaze and a look passed between the two guys.

Emily seemed to have caught the atmosphere of this conversation as she quickly led Jack to the drinks corner, merrily chatting away though you knew Jack must have not heard half of what she said.

You turned back to your best guy friend who has stood by you for almost six years of your life. You couldn't let a friendship like that just pass.

"Zander, I'm so sorry for what happened last time, I-

He then held up his hands to stop your train of speech. "No, (F/N), I'm sorry, I shouldn't have sprung that on you, and-

This time you interrupted him with a hug; it was as fierce as your sudden sadness that nothing would ever be the same again between you and him. Maybe it could, but then, it would take a long time for your friendship to recover.

You pulled back and gave him a mock punch on his arm as Zander reciprocated with a half smile. "You're a great guy, Alexander, some girl would be really lucky to have you," you whispered as you felt his hand tightened around yours.

Zander nodded, a sad smile upon his face. "Thanks, (F/N)."

Just then, you felt Jack's arms around your waist and you turned to see him smiling at Zander, though his smile was layered with just a tiny bit of ice around the edges. Emily then came up and rested a palm on Zander's back.

"The backdrop nearly fell off," she announced, letting out an exhale. "Again."

Zander's eyes widened as he quickly took Emily by the arm and led her to the back of the party. "C'mon, before it kills someone."

Noting the way how Emily blushed when Zander's hand was resting on her arm, you were suddenly struck at the fact of what you said coming true.

Just then, Emily caught your eye and you winked before gesturing at Zander. Her answering smile was brilliant before the two of them disappeared to the back of the stage.

Jack laughed. "What was that all about?"

You gave him a wry smile before leaning to whisper in his ear. "Nothing at all. Now let's get out, the music is starting to make my head hurt."

The winter spirit said no more as he whirled around and you followed suit. Jack led you to the parking lot where the cool wind made you shiver.

Jack noticed this and before you could stop him, he had unbuttoned his suit jacket and was draping it across your shoulders. It smelled just like him; like mint and pine leaves combined with something that was a hundred percent Jack.

You gave him a thankful smile as you leaned against the door of his Volvo, admiring the stars which were quickly rising in the night sky like mini comets. Jack stood beside you, his blue eyes illuminated by the flaming orbs of heavenly light.

"I was thinking, back when Emily took Zander's hand that things will never be the same between all of us again," you said wistfully, turning to look at him as he gave you an understanding look.

"Change is often needed," Jack rumbled and you nodded, though you wish things could have turned out different.

There was a pregnant pause, where you considered what to say, when Jack cut in, saying "Hey, do you want to go flying?"

You nearly jumped and clapped with glee.

"Yes!" you said enthusiastically as Jack grinned and gave the place a surreptitious glance before taking you in his arms. When the coast was clear, he leapt into the air and the same feeling of weightlessness accompanied with adrenaline took over your system and you gave a shriek as the ground disappeared before you.

Arms wrapped tight around Jack, you gave the ground a passing glance and were surprised to see that the both of you were a little high up, considering that the school compound merely looked like a Lego block from where you were.

Despite the height, the air up here was warm and with a jolt, you realized that Jack was probably manipulating the wind and temperature.

You nuzzled your head into his chest and you could've sworn that you heard Jack's breathing stopped. You giggled as you felt his cold lips grazing your neck and you sighed, only encouraging him further.

"Thank you," he said suddenly, looking up at you through pale lashes, his blue eyes bleeding into yours.

You lifted an eyebrow in curiosity, not sure what he meant. "For what?" you asked.

"For saving me back at Pitch's lair, for binding your soul to mine," he said in a hushed tone. "Your father told me the risks you took to heal me," he said as he kissed the tip of your nose. "You could've died."

"I honestly didn't mind; you would've done the same thing for me and you did," you said in an honest tone. "You gave yourself up to Pitch so that he would get distracted and I could get away, didn't you?" you questioned and hesitantly, he nodded.

"See? We both saved each other and I guess, at the end of the day, that's all that matters," you whispered as you rested your forehead against his. His brown bangs tickled your forehead but you couldn't honestly care.

You were just happy to be in his arms.

Jack gave a shaky laugh. "There's just one thing though," he said and you hummed.

Jack seemed tentative, as if he didn't want to tell you but in the end, he did.

"I want to research more about this 'bond' and see what I can find out about it, and for that, I'm going to need the Guardian's help," he explained and, seeing the look on your face, he quickly amended. "No, silly, I'm not trying to find a way around it; I just want to know if anything like this has happened before."

You gave a sigh of relief as you leaned in closer to him. Suddenly, you were conscious of the fact that you could still hear music from the ground, even though it was slightly distorted and Jack seemed to have picked up on your amusement as he lightly twirled the both of you in midair. The music seemed to be a love ballet and it was strangely appropriate to the love you had for Jack.

You gave a shriek as you held on tighter to him and the both of you dissolved in a fit of giggles as Jack continued to pioneer the dance for you.

"We have all the time in the world for that, Jack."

He nodded, "I know, but I'm also curious as to what you are, if there are any more of people like you, how long would I have with you-

You cut him off by pressing your lips gently to his and Jack gave a shaky breath before deepening the kiss, holding you closer to him.

The both of you broke apart as he gave you another small kiss on your cheek. He leaned in to whisper, his voice soft, but the words he said echoed through you with sweet finality.

"I love you (F/N), and you were right when you said I felt it too," he pulled back to look at you, sincerity flooding his blue eyes.

"I love you, so very much."

Your answering smile was brilliant, as bright as the stars above, twinkling down upon the both of your forms, as if heaven itself was leaning forward to hear what you had to say.

"I love you, too."


Songs according to order in chapter:

Turn Up The Love (feat Cover Drive) - Far East Movement

The Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille (the moment between 'you' and Zander)

Good To You (feat Kate Voegele) - Marianas Trench (the midair dance and end credits for this story)

Thank you guys so much for sticking with this story and inspiring me every single day. I honestly shed a tear when I heard 'Good To You' along with reading the last lines *wipes tears away*

So, tell me what was your favorite part and what song did I make you fall in love with from this story ;) Thanks and take care, guys!