The Devil's Dance


Disclaimer: Guess what! Still don't own it. *sigh*

This is Part II of The Salvatore Sister series so I recommend you go and read Part I, although if you can't be bothered and just want to read this you can, I explain most of the crucial points here anyway.

Enjoy and don't forget to review!

Dear Diary,

Well, to say my life has been crazy as of late would be the understatement of the entire century – and I would know, I've lived through it. I know you know the whole story – well, most of it – Diary, but I'm going to write it all down anyway. Maybe that'll help me fathom the insaneness that has been my life. Well, first of all I'm a vampire. I was turned by a lovely vampire by the name of Katherine Pierce (the use of the word lovely was purely sarcastic, she's a bitch). I stayed with Katherine for five years and with the help of my good friend Henry, may he rest in peace, I managed to escape from Katherine and live a life of freedom – if you call being constantly haunted by blood-lust, homesickness and loneliness a life of freedom… Fast forward one hundred and fifty odd years and I'm back in Mystic Falls (my hometown) and I just so happen to run into the brothers I had thought were dead for over a century and a half. Damon and Stefan. Damon is my twin brother but looks older than me, it's complicated (basically we were sixteen when I ran away from home (again, complicated) and met Katherine Pierce and was turned, then nine or so years later Katherine came back to Mystic Falls and had an affair with both my brothers and turned them). So, now I will look sixteen forever while my twin brother looks twenty-three and my baby brother looks seventeen – we are a pretty messed up family.

But things just kept getting crazier. Basically, Damon and Stefan are both in love with this girl called Elena who looks exactly like Katherine (who my brothers were both in love with way back when) so now there's a lame-ass feud between my brothers and I've somehow got myself stuck in the middle of it because I expressed my hatred of Elena from pretty early on (even though she's saved my life twice now – continue reading to find out the details). So yeah, that's that weird part.

Another weird thing that's happened is this guy called Tyler Lockwood. He's the descendant of a guy called Julien Lockwood who I knew (and was in love with) in 1855 and I'm still not sure whether it's Tyler I've fallen in love with or it's the memories of Julien I'm still in love with (yes, I have accepted I'm in love with Tyler – it was a 'I-only-have-a-few-moments-left-to-live-let's-analyse-my-whole-life' sort of thing… But I know nothing will happen between Tyler and I since the last time I saw him he was going back to his place with another girl (Aimee 'Slut' Bradley, grr) and whenever we're together we always end up having these really stupid arguments even though we both know we're totally into each other. To top all that off, I promised Tyler's now dead (and werewolf, I know, weird) uncle that I would look after Tyler and make sure he doesn't trigger the wolf gene that runs in his family. And a werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire so if by chance Tyler does trigger the curse (but I'm going to make sure that'll never happen), the guy I'm in love with could kill me with a single bite, woo party!

However, none of that tops the really, really weird thing that happened to me recently – and by recently I mean last night – I died. Like, not 'die-come-back-to-life-as-a-vampire' die because I've been there, done that, bought the freaking t-shirt. But die-die. Damon staked me. I know what you're thinking: your twin brother staked you? That's a bit strange. But no, Damon explained to me that there was this witch spirit manifested inside my mind and she made me do totally weird things and Damon had to stake me with an enchanted stake to get rid of the witch. I don't remember anything about the witch, not really anyway, Damon's filled me in on how there was a buzzing going on in my mind a lot of the time that meant the witch was making me do things, she made me turn up at Elena's and threaten to kill her, then she made me kidnap Elena's little brother. Apparently, only a Bennett witch has the power to do such magic – well that's what Stefan said Bonnie said so I'll take his word for it… Now I'm alive and everything's good again. Damon cried a lot when I stumbled downstairs. You should've seen everyone's faces when I walked into the drawing room, Stefan and Damon were sitting in front of the fire depressed as anything and Elena was comforting them (well, attempting to) and then I came down and said "what's with all the sad faces?" – Stefan looked like he was about to faint and Damon just burst into tears, god, I wish I'd had a camera. Even Elena hugged me in relief when she saw me, alert the media! But in all seriousness, it's nice to know my brothers care about me so much – that our feelings are mutual, y'know?

But anyway, that's been my life in a nutshell – well, the crazy side of it. I have a feeling, though, that things are going to get even crazier…

Until next time,

Amelia Salvatore