Chapter 1:
I nearly tripped over my feet as I ran down the empty hall towards my biology class, knowing I was late. As I came skidding to a halt outside the door I took a couple seconds to compose myself before slipping carefully into the room.
"And what time do you call this?" I cringed and looked at my teacher.
"Sorry sir, I got held up at home. It won't happen again." I said quietly, keeping my head tilted down so my fringe hid most of my face from view.
"Partner up with Lahey." He stated, pointing to the empty seat beside a boy who had his legs stretched out as he was slouched back in the chair.
I walked over and sat down, making the boy sit upright as the teacher continued with the lesson like I hadn't just interrupted him.
"I'm Isaac." The boy whispered, holding his hand out to me. I slipped my hand into his and it literally engulfed the whole of mine.
"Stephanie." I said softly, looking up at his face and saw a smile slide onto his face.
I realised he still had hold of my hand and gently tried to tug it back, making him release it with a lightly pink flushing his cheeks. Throughout the lesson Isaac and I carried on talking and found out that we had a project to create together as we were partners.
"Wanna sit with me at lunch?" Isaac asked, watching me as I shoved my notebook back into my bag at the end of the class. I glanced up at him, realising how tall he actually was when he stood up.
"Sure." I said quietly, making him smile.
"Well, you've got Allison and Scott who are nice, Stiles is a little weird but he grows on you, Erica can be a bitch but if she likes you you're good, Boyd's usually kinda quiet, Lydia's the over pompous one and Jackson can be an arse." He informed as he walked beside me down the hall. I stopped and made him backtrack so he was next to me again once he realised I wasn't beside him anymore. "What's wrong?"
"You sit with Jackson?" I asked in a small voice, looking up at him. He nodded slowly and I became self-conscious, curling in on myself again.
"Why?" He tilted my head upwards, making my fringe fall to the side; exposing my face. His eyes widened and I quickly moved my head out his grasp. "Steph, what happened?"
"Nothing, just got held up this morning." I mumbled, avoiding his eyes. He gently grasped my chin and made me look at him.
"Was this Jackson, did he do this to you?" Isaac lightly ran his finger over my bruised cheekbone and I shook my head.
"He's just a bully, don't worry about it. My dad-" I cut myself off by biting my bottom lip as I nearly let myself slip up. Isaac's face hardened as he stared intently down at me.
"Your dad did this? Your dad hits you?" I flicked my gaze down to his nose so I wasn't looking at his eyes. "Steph, you can tell me; I know what it feels like. It happened to me before my dad died." I simply nodded my head and felt his touch on me soften.
My eyes widened as I found myself being pulled closer to him before his arms wrapped around me in a hug. I let my arms wind around his middle as my head was pressed against his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
"Just ignore Jackson, if does anything I'll talk to him." Isaac mumbled as his face was in my hair. I nodded and he kept his arm around my shoulders as he led me towards the cafeteria.
I started becoming more self-conscious and shy as we neared a table where the rest of his friends were sat, Jackson included. As Isaac stopped near the end of the table everyone's head turned to me, making me shrink back slightly.
"Guys, this is Steph." Isaac smiled. "Steph; that's Allison, Scott, Stiles, Boyd, Erica, Lydia and Jackson." He pointed to each of them in turn. I gave a small wave and noticed Allison and Scott were smiling warmly at me while Jackson stared in slight disgust.
"It's nice to meet you." Allison said softly, patting the seat beside her. "Come sit beside me." She smiled.
"Why would you invite that to sit with us?" Jackson spat, earning him a slap from Erica.
"You need to shut up, Steph's done nothing wrong. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met. She's the only one that helped me in gym." Erica said, turning her gaze to me and smiling; making me realise that this was Erica Reyes, the girl that I used to help through gym class. We used to stick together as we were usually the outcasts in that subject. "You remember me now, don't you?" I nodded and gave her a small smile, making hers brighten.
I took Isaac's advice and chose to ignore Jackson as the others all seemed to be being nice to me, so I gingerly took the seat beside Allison that she'd offered me; making the girl flash me a grin. Isaac slid in beside me, warming me as his side pressed against mine and I saw Stiles' eyes widen.
"You're the girl that my dad was talking about!" he exclaimed, making everyone look between us. "Your dad-" Isaac cut him off by leaning over and clamping his hand over Stiles' mouth, quietening him.
"If your dad's the Sheriff, then yes; that's most likely me." I said quietly. His eyes softened and Isaac removed his hand.
"Where are you going?" Lydia asked, raising her eyebrow at Jackson who had scraped his chair back noisily.
"Away from her." He jabbed his chin towards me, making me feel small as he stood and walked out the cafeteria.
"Whatever." She muttered. "I like her."
"What the hell's crawled up his arse?" Boyd remarked. I looked down at the table in front of me and picked at the edge of it that was peeling slightly.
"He's always been like that towards me." I said quietly. "We used to be friends when we were smaller, but ever since my mum died and his started to give me more attention saying I needed a woman figure in my life, he's hated me. He thought I was taking her away from him, now I just avoid his family trying to make him stop; but it doesn't work. She still sends me money now and then."
The table went quiet as they digested the new information that I'd provided them with and I glanced nervously around for a way out in case they decided to change their minds about liking me. My chest started to tighten and I began panicking as my breathing was going into short gasps. I tried to keep them quiet, but they heard me all the same.
"Are you okay?" Allison asked, turning to face me as I felt Isaac's arm wrap around my shoulders.
"She's having a panic attack." Stiles said, rummaging around in his rucksack. I tried to regulate my breathing, but the feeling never went away. Erica grabbed something out of Stiles' hands and leant over the table, shoving something in my mouth, and making me feel air being pumped down my throat. My breathing started calming down and the tightness in my chest receded.
I realised it was an inhaler and removed it from my mouth when I could breathe normally again. She sat back down and looked at me with a concerned face, as did the others. I felt tears burning the back of my eyes and tilted my head downwards so that I could avoid looking at all their gazes, but I still felt them on me.
"Bathroom." I whispered, making Isaac move so I could get out. I nearly ran from the room and down the hall towards the girls' bathroom. I was thankful no one was in there and immediately locked myself in one of the cubicles just as I felt the tears fall onto my cheeks.
I sniffled quietly just before the bathroom door opened and I heard someone come in. I held my breath as I hoped they would walk straight past, but released it when a knock came from the door of the cubicle I was in.
"Steph?" Erica's voice floated through the door softly. "Steph, please come out and talk to me."
I sighed quietly, she was the only person I ever confided in; I had trust issues. Who can blame me? If you see the way my father treats me, you wouldn't. But Erica used to be just like me, outcast from the other kids that went here and we stuck together. I slid off the closet toilet seat and slowly unlocked the door, peeking my head out and seeing her looking at me. I stepped out from behind the door and she pulled me into a hug.
"Are you okay? What happened? I missed you." She quick fired at me, leaning her forehead on my shoulder as she hugged me before pulling back slightly so she could look at me.
"I'm fine, just a panic attack; nothing new." I mumbled. "I missed you too." I said softly, making her smile at me before a frown creased her forehead. She tucked my fringe behind my ear and stared at the same spot on my face Isaac had earlier.
"How did you get that?" she asked, gently running her thumb over the bruise.
"I'd rather not talk about it yet, I don't feel like having another attack straight after the first one." She nodded.
"So, how do you know Isaac?"
"We're partners in biology. I came in late and he was the only one left, not that I mind; he's sweet and seems to be okay." I shrugged lightly.
"Isaac's a sweet boy, very protective." She said, nodding her head as if agreeing with herself. She lopped her arm through mine and led me back out the bathroom after wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Where are we going?" I asked, trailing slightly behind her.
"Back to the cafeteria." She replied. "I have a feeling Isaac misses you already." She flashed me a smile over her shoulder as we walked through the double doors.
"You okay?" Isaac asked as I sat down between him and Allison again. I nodded, blushing lightly.
"Sorry for running off like that. I'm not used to being around a larger group of people that are kind." I said quietly.
"Get used to it munchkin, we're here to stay!" Stiles grinned before shoving a handful of curly fries into his mouth, making me giggle and cover my mouth with my hand to hide the smile that was lifting my lips.
New Isaac Lahey story :D He's adorable! So, what do you guys think? Should i continue this? Please leave a review telling me what you guys think :) x