I know there isn't supposed to be an entire chapter for an author's note, but I felt really bad about leaving this story on an unofficial hiatus. Well, this story is now…
Officially on Hiatus…
I am terrible about updates, I'm sorry, but I had to let you know. This is a rather lengthy explanation, but I suppose chapters have been longer.
I know how I want this story to go.
I have been struggling with this for a while and I just have to put this on hold until I can finish Ketchum Curse and until I can figure out how to write this. Originally I watched this on YouTube, channel was taken down, oh well- I moved to Netflix. Netflix had two options- Japanese or English versions. I wanted to give the Japanese version a try because it was the original version and what the characters had been saying then, but they say funny things in the English version as well. So basically I tried taking the Japanese version and incorporating Luna...which is hard because she's not there in the original...also the names of some of the Digimon were changed and I feel that it could be confusing for other people.
Netflix no longer has the Japanese version and I'll have to use the English version which might cause a slight personality shift. On top of that, I don't know where to find time to sit down, watch a 23 minute episode, pausing and backtracking, trying to figure out how to put Luna in there. I might rely partially or fully on Wiki summaries, but I definitely will be making this AU (Alternate Universe). Since it's a crossover, it already seems a bit AU, but I need to modify a bunch of little things to reach big things. Not to worry, most major events from Digimon and Harry Potter will pan out as in their respective series such as the Myotismon arc, Kari joining, etc. For now, not much of the Harry Potter world is shown. If I ever get to Adventure 02, then definitely will have more HP events since the Digidestined were in and out of both worlds.
A much longer explanation is on my profile page. I suppose I should have said that in past Author Notes, sorry about that.
At the moment, I am focusing on one story at a time so this one is on HIATUS. This story will have an end though. One way or another, I will get this story done and out to you. I won't leave you behind, okay?
I've said this before and I'll repeat, I know how it feels to read a story only to discover it isn't completed and hasn't been touched for at least sixteen years and the author hasn't been heard from since then. This site was made eighteen years ago so you can imagine how much is stored here and how much people might have been wondering what happened to that one author that wrote a really good story and never finished it, not even with a short sentence like 'Johnny won the battle and the good guys all went out for pie'.
Not me.
I'm not going to leave it forever. If I want to end it sooner, I will figure out some way to do it via time skip, longer chapters, etc. and get it to you. Any other updates besides chapters will be on my profile page.
I probably repeated myself several times, but I just want you to know that I'm still here and I got you.
Please don't worry