Are you grabbing the milk? –JW

You're taking too long. Come back. –JW

Sherlock, this isn't funny anymore. Come home. –JW

I threw out the rotting body parts. Sorry. –JW

I hope you're doing well, deducing I presume. –JW

Merry Christmas. –JW

My therapist is trying to make me forget. I refuse. –JW

I have a new best friend; the skull is a very good listener. –JW

She tells me not too, but I still believe in you. I always will. –JW

Mycroft took the skull, now I have nobody. –JW

If you don't come home I'll get a new roommate, Sherlock. –JW

I've made an ad and posted it. This is a nice flat, someone will respond I bet. –JW

Got a few people, not like you. One was a fan of yours, tall blonde guy. I punched him in the jaw. –JW

I see you in my nightmares. –JW

The milk is taking a long time to get back to the flat, Sherlock. Too long. –JW

Please come home. Please. –JW

Sherlock, I am running out of distractions. –JW

I found your stash. It feels good. Thank you. –JW

I ran out, Sherlock. It's only been six days and I ran out. –JW

Are you bored of me? I can change. Please come home Sherlock. Please. –JW

I can't go on much longer. –JW

I am trying so hard to believe. –JW

Mrs. Hudson doesn't come up anymore. She doesn't believe. I'm the only one left. –JW

Sherlock, please. I am breaking apart. I admit it. Now come back. –JW

I will always believe. –JW

Alright, I give up. –JW