Akihito is a Kitsune, a pure white fox-spirit with golden highlights, his family lives in a magical village/Temple in the forest serving Inari and the villagers that still worship them. Their only interactions with the humans were when they acted as human Shinto Priest on behalf of Inari. However, Akihito had a wild side the he wanted to fully experience, he couldn't "stretch" out his "legs" in his village so he asked Inari (who was very fond of him) to be a part of the human culture. Akihito moved to Tokyo with his camera that Inari gave him to become a photographer. He wanted excitement and found it in criminal photography. However he didn't anticipate what kind of world he was getting himself into when he met a powerful man named Asami.

Disclaimer:All characters from Viewfinder belong to Yamane Ayano, all other references to other manga, novels and any type of media, belong to their respective mangakas, authors and producers. Also the idea of Kitsune Aki comes from eres_seraphim. I got my inspiration from a picture eres_seraphim created. The proof reading and people who helped me hash out the plot are nbsiren, ptw30, ladyfeather.

Ch1 Introduction

Hidden from view outside one of the many clubs in the red light district of Kabukicho, a slight movement reveals the location of an onlooker. With lens zooming on a perfect shot, the photographer rapidly clicks, saving proof of the criminal dealings of his subjects. As he pulls back, the pale golden-haired youth smiles.

"Jackpot," he says, before packing his equipment.

Pulling his bag strap over his shoulder, the youth plans his decent to the streets far below. The rooftop he chose to use, an excellent place to get a good view, has an extremely limited escape route, and is twenty stories high. Looking around, he swings himself over the rail, dropping the twenty stories at a rapid pace, only to land softly in the narrow alleyway behind the building. Grinning the youth stretches his arm out lazily, as if he merely steps off of stairs. Exiting with his shots he quickly runs home, sprinting through the city at a constant pace, without once breaking a sweat.

"Asami-sama," The voice of medium-sized lean man wearing glasses, draws the attention of a richly dressed man whose golden eyes gazed out the office window searching for a sparkle that caught his attention. The man called Asami looks at the large man with a smirk fading from him lips.

"I have information about the incident. We have stopped the photos and the story at the publisher, and the police's investigation is being controlled. The shop owner is being investigated for his activities that night, and we are also looking for the Kabukicho branch club, Shion's security breach. We have the report of the photographer that took the photos. What would you like to do about it?" the bespectacled man explains, waiting respectfully while his boss reads the reports and then gazes at the attached picture.

"Keep control of the police's investigation. If they uncover the shop's manager dealing without permission, then kill him. Don't let this harm our image. As for the rest, leave that to me. That will be all, Kirishima," Asami orders, picking up the photo of a pale golden-haired youth.

"Yes Sir," Kirishima states, bowing low, before exiting the room.

Focusing on the picture, Asami lets another smirk grow. "Takaba Akihito, a talented young photographer. He has great eyes. Too bad he is playing with my image. It's time to teach him just who rules here."

A long limo pulled off the road, blocking the entrance to a nearby alleyway behind the club Shion. The man wearing glasses in the front passenger seat quickly gets out, rushing to open the rear passenger door. Asami's golden eyes focus on the alley street toward the muffled sounds of a struggle that can barely be heard on the sidewalk.

"We have the photographer, sir; he's still spirited." A large muscular man walks towards the car, stopping to bow respectfully when he is a small distance from the car.

The wind chooses that moment to sweep out away from the alley towards the car and its recent occupants. Asami's attention seems to sharpen as if something has suddenly become even more interesting. His golden eyes sparkle, the only hint of a smile hidden behind his surface expression.

"Take me to him," he commands.

The pale golden-haired youth feels his body slamming into the wall of club Shion, the same club he was attempting to case out once more in hopes of more interesting pictures. Stranger's hands hold his own behind his back, making it impossible to protect his head from the collision. The hand propelling his head into said wall isn't helping, either. "Ergh! What the hell? Who are you?!"

The hand restraining his head released its hold, allowing the youth to turn his head and look at his attackers.

"What the hell do you think you doing?" he yells, growing louder with every sentence. Walking towards him, with an expressionless face, is a well-dressed man in an obviously tailored suit. Every inch of his outfit complimented his body, from his hair to his clothes; the man exudes wealth and power.

The man's focus seems to narrow on him. It is so focused it makes the youth nervous, though he can't say why.

"Takaba, Akihito? Really? Interesting, you're barely more than a child," the man says. His voice, smooth like golden cream, is powerful. The man moves closer to the youth,

"So you're the one who's been getting the scoop on the private life of Shion's patrons," he says it nonchalantly as if he is merely commenting on the weather. His eyes, however, give a different story. They pierce Akihito, straight to the soul.

"W-who are you?" Akihito says, suddenly feeling trapped and drawn in by those eyes.

"You have been causing trouble for me; it hasn't been good for business. I do have some questions for you. If you're a good boy and answer them, then there is nothing to fear." The man leaned closer, lowering his face until it was nearly eye to eye.

"What do you want? If it's about the pictures, they didn't turn out to be worth anything. I threw them away!" he cries, hoping the beautiful and powerful man wouldn't notice the lie.

"Shh, shh," the man soothes. "There's nothing to fear. I just want some information. Be a good little kitten and answer my questions."

"I don't have any information, and if I did, I don't trust what you'd do with it, you bastard!" he yells, using defiance as shield from the strange feelings produced from those golden eyes.

Suddenly one of his captors, forgotten until that moment, knees him in the stomach, making him want to throw up and completely forgetting the feeling he was experiencing before. "Uph!" he gasps, coughing past the nausea.

Asami raises his head away from the youth, "Naughty boys who stick their nose in other people's business should take better care of themselves. They might just find themselves being punished by the adults around them."

"You don't think I know that?" He suddenly kicks out, surprising the guard who had kneed him in the stomach. His round kick lands a sweet blow to surprised guards head, knocking him out. While the other guard is shocked, he jerks out of his hold and dash to the doors of a nearby building, heading for the stairs leading up, and ignoring the shouts from the other goons to stop.

Asami watches the youth run up the stairs while his men gave chase. 'This should be interesting' he thinks, following after in a leisurely stride.

"Stupid kid," his large muscular left hand man states, "Only an idiot runs into a building. There is nowhere to go but the roof."

"Follow him, Suoh. Don't let him get by the men on the stairs, but let me handle him on the roof," Asami orders, heading up the stairs while Suoh radios the men on their instructions Souh keeps pace with him.

When they reach the roof, Souh opens the door and checks the surrounding area before moving out of Asami's way. Before them stands Takaba, bent over the guardrail that prevents people from falling off the roof. He glances back at them in alarm, meeting Asami's eyes for one piercing moment. Until now, no one has ever met his eyes with so much fearless abandonment. Though he knows it is wrong, Asami feels himself getting more and more interested in this child.

"There is nowhere to hide now, kit. You're caught, like a fox in a trap."

The youth only smiles, "This is nothing."

He turns towards the rail once more. Then the youth does something that surprises Asami even more. He swings himself over the railing to plummet down to the street below, passing by power lines in his rapid descent. Asami reaches the rail and looks down the building, expecting to see the mangled body of the youth whom he found so interesting, now wasted, only to see him landing gently on the ground, surrounded by crowds of surprised people.

Asami laughs as he's surprised by the relief he now feels in knowing that the youth is alive and well.

"Did you see that, Souh?" he asks, not really listening to his subordinate's reply, "I didn't think he could do that." He watches as the youth begins run off, each step gaining momentum and speed. His feet glimmer, leaving sparkling trails that quickly disappear from sight.