IV-Well this chapter, sadly is going to be really short, I just wanted to say... IM SORRY SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG... im going to jump on it right now so donwt worry

Loke- Why a short one, you wait 6 MONTHS! and this is all we get

Lucy- Well at least shes still writing

Loke- Fine, but promise me that the next chapter is long and exciting

IV- don't worry it will be

Lucy opened her eyes from a peaceful night in the Celestial world. Her head was rested on Lokes stomach, softling rising and falling with every sleepy breath he took. His hand was rested on her side as they were leaned up on the beautiful shining celestial tree. It was one of the best sleeps that Lucy had ever had. She closed her eyes hoping to enjoy it more.

She kept thinking about her mission. She didn't really feel that guilty. It was a huge possibility that she was set up. She thought about her old friends in Fairy Tail. Was it really that bad that they wouldn't trust her anymore and kick her out?

Footsteps brought her thoughts back to reality. She secretly opened her eyes to see Capricon coming towards them. She closed her eyes so it apeard that she was sleeping, and tunned into what he wanted to say.

"Loke, I need to talk to you."

Lucy could feel him getting up slowly.

"I need to talk to you alone."

"Ok," Loke followed Capricorn until they were a good distance away from Lucy.

"What is it." Loke said as he stretched his arms out to the side.

"Spirit King told meh to inform you that heh found a link to the mission that Lucy took on."

Loke instantly perked up." What did he find out?"

"The guild Sabertooth has a celestial Wizard in there ranks named Yukino. She possesses the 13th cursed Zodiac key."

"True, but the key doesn't work on Earthland because Ophiuchus doesn't have enough magic to break the gap between the spirit world and the Earthland"

"That's just it, Some how Ophiuchus escaped and is currently Destroying Earthland"

"What!" but how is that possible?"

"some how, a balance of celestial magic was lost on Earthland and was gained here, Ophiuchus used that as an advantage and used that extra power to escape"

Loke kept shuffling thoughts through his mind. "Do you think that it's Lucy who overset the balance?"

"It is definitely a possibility, with Lucy out of the way then Sabertooth could summon Ophiuchus."

"So your saying that Lucy has to leave." Loke's heart saddened, she just started to act like herself again. He also knew that she would be safe here.

"well, not exactly. To be honest with you, I think Lucy should stay here. Why should she have to clean up after the mess of her fake friends. I will support any decision my master makes. I also want her to be safe. the rest is up to her," Capricorn started walking away, "and you as well Loke."

He finally vanished from Lokes vision, he couldn't prose a thing.. He didn't want her to go back. For what, to save the so called "friends," they had once had. He didn't think it was right to put her life on the line for them.

Loke weaved his fingers through his orange locks, trying to get a grip on what they should do.

Loke walked over to where Lucy was sleeping, she looked so beautiful, he almost didn't want to wake her, but she had to know.

He bent down and started to shake her gently by the shoulder, "Luce, wake up."

She shifted, after a few moments her chocolate eyes opened, she sat up stretching, her golden hair fell down to a sloppy mess around her shoulders. "Moring Loke."

"There is something I need to tell you." Loke just wanted to stop talking.

"What is it." she suddenly looked wide awake.

"Ophiuchus has escaped from the Spirit World."

"What!" Lucy stood up. "but how?"

"Well, we think its-"

"Its my fault isn't it." she looked down for a few moments, that's what Loke was afraid of seeing.

His heart started to twist. He reached out and pulled her into an Embrace. His hand cupped her head closer to his chest. "You don't have to worry about it. You can stay here with me. I don't want to see my princess get hurt."

Lucy returned his hug. "But, Fairy tail is still my family, our family. We cant just leave them there to clean up my mess."

Loke thought that is was Lucy who had to clean up their mess, but now he wasn't so sure about it anymore. "I knew you would say something like that." he released her only to grab her hands in his. "I will protect you no matter what."

"Thanks Loke, lets go save our friends"

I just want to apologize again for the long wait on this short chapter. Believe me the next one is going to be Exciting. Thanks for everything R&R :D