Phew almost didn't make my own dead line here. But as promised chapter three uploaded within a week.

CH 3

Alrighty, I'll fill you in we have gotten back from our last day of kitchen duty. And because we called a truce with the Athena cabin till we got off, we are expecting a big surprise for us tomorrow. We've been up for hours planning the bestest plan ever. –And don't tell me bestest isn't a word cause it sooo is- anyway. I think the whole cabin has agreed that these blondes are our hardest competitor yet. –weeellll except for when we stole Apollo's lyre, that was pretty embarrassing. We were signing Haikus for everything. Not even proper Haikus Apollo style HAIKUS. Urgh it still sends shivers down my spine.

Okay back to planning.
"Can you be quiet, we are trying to watch the movie" yelled Jake.

"Yeah, they just saw their beds on the roof." Agreed Jack. Those two are sooooooo cute. They just turned 7 but they're naturals at pranking, a mini Connor and me.

All the under tens are being trained to become super thieves and pranksters. Every night instead of bedtime stories they watch movies, tonight it must be Parent Trap. They were definitely Hermes kids. DING

I swear I just had a light bulb moment.

"Guys listen up I've got an idea." This is where the fun begins.

I was woken up by a terrible screeeeeeeech. My whole cabin shot straight out of bed and ran out the door, leaving Connor and I. As soon as we looked at each other, we knew exactly where the noise came from – The Athena Cabin-.

We both raced straight to the Athena Cabin hoping we hadn't missed the show.

"Just in time." Puffed Conner as we reached the window on the side. And he was right.

Annabeth was obviously the first up, she had already been through the spider webs, and the whipped cream. Now Malcolm was just about to step on the lever to drop the bowl of plastic spiders from the ceiling.

"Yep, officially gone death." Guess who's scream that was. (That was on purpose, I did mean death just cause it's something they'd say)

"Who knew a guy that age 'other than Justin Beiber' could reach that note." All I could do was nod in agreement.

In just minutes the whole cabin were outside rolling around on the grass, smacking themselves trying to get the spiders off them. Oh it was soooooooo funny. Connor and I were in hysterics; rolling on the ground trying to breathe.

"Well that's my highlight of the day." Laughed Connor still trying to get his breathe back.

"Definitely bro."

It had been an hour since the incident this morning, and still no one had come out of the Athena cabin. Well except for Annabeth but that was just to go to Percy's cabin, but I wouldn't really count that because she is there just about every night. I'm just lucky our cabin isn't close to theirs because it usually sounds like there is an earthquake going on just beside an angry cage of cockatoos. Not a nice thing to picture while trying to get to sleep.

Anyway, moving on.

I'm really sorry. I know these chapters are short, but I think I will continue like this. Just have one prank per chapter with no real storyline. And please I've got a good friend who is just about a daughter of Hermes, but everyone has their limits so if you have any ideas, please come forward.