From the Author:

This is my first fanfic in a long time! Jack Frost and Hiccup Hadock, this an amazing paring! X3

I want to write this story, and then make a little illustration about it :D It is planed to be just 3 chapters, please wait for the Chapter 2. Confused, on march 9.

Hope you like it!

Please comment and tell me if you like it or not, and why. :D

Thanks for reading!

Have fun! :D

oh! and please visit my first illustration for my fanafic :D

go to temari-fox. deviantart. com and visit my gallery :D

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Warm *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

This is Berk, nice place, nice people and nice pets. The people who live here are Vikings; they are warriors and they never give up.

I spend most of the time here; I think it is like nine months.

By the way, my name is Jack, The Jack Frost. I'm the one who brings the winter, the one who makes the snow and the cool blizzards, and of course the one who makes the snowstorms. Why do I mention it? Well, that is all I know.

One night with a full moon, I woke up in a frozen lake. Then the moon told me that my name was Jack Frost, and that was all…

Umm, do you want more details about me? Well I'm apparently nineteen years old, I'm pretty tall, I have white and messy hair and I have blue eyes. I am always wearing a brown coat; under my coat I have a brown vest and a white long sleeved shirt, and brown pants… oh! And I don't wear any shoes, I like to feel the frozen ground under my feet.

Well this the story of how I met a boy, a Viking boy, actually he was a Viking dragon trainer, did I mentioned the pets? Well, while other places have ponies or dogs, they have dragons.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*End of the prologue*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

"I wonder what should I do today… may be, blast Berk with a storm? Nah! They are having fun in these days. A storm could end the peaceful days, haha!"

I was flying in the sky across the mountains, as usual. I was waiting for something interesting happen, or something or whatever out of the usual things, but nope! It is a peaceful winter day on Berk.

After they achieved to train the dragons, they've being having peaceful days on the island.

From the top of the mountain I could see the entire village of Berk, and of course the chief's house, the one on the top of the hill.

Then I decided to go down and start some snowball fights, or playing with the wind, well anybody could see me after all.


Then, when I was walking in the square center of the village saying 'hello' to everyone, but with no a response, I saw a boy with his black and big dragon in front of a workshop, it was a Night Fury, I think that is the way they call it. It was a pretty nice dragon, he was all black, had big cat eyes, a very long tail, and I saw the left half of it was red with a small white skull drawn. Then I looked at the boy, he was thin, a little smaller than me, and younger. He was wearing a green long sleeve shirt, and a long brown fluffy vest. He also had brown and short hair; I noticed that he had freckles in all over his cheeks.

"aaw, how cute!" I said.

After that, I looked more carefully and I realized that the boy had a prosthetic left leg.

"What happened to him?..."

Then I felt something strange; the dragon's black eyes were looking at me and bringing me out of my thoughts. But it didn't surprise me at all, because when I said that anyone couldn't see me, I meant that any mortal human could, but some animals can see or feel my presence, I though he was one of them.

Suddenly the mighty black dragon ran in my direction, with a "happy" face. I get a little scared so I flew up looking at him with a scared face.

"What's wrong buddy? Did you see a ghost or what? haha!" The little Viking said while he was walking to his dragon, then stopped next to him and looked up. Obviously he couldn't see me... but I looked at his eyes, green forest eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes that I never seen before…

Is he looking at me?...

"Toothless, you are seeing things bud, let's go!"

He didn't see me... but... I felt something strange in my stomach... something like vertigo, maybe it was the air playing tricks with me. Then, because of my feelings, soft snow started to fall.

I flew over a house's roof and landed to see the Viking and the black dragon walking to a small group of boys.

"I think they are friends"

I don't know, but I couldn't pay attention to the other five guys there... all my attention was with the freckled Viking.

Suddenly the black dragon looked at me. Again! But this time I was two houses far from him. The little Viking looked behind too, in my direction, where the dragon was watching... I start to feel strange again, so left the roof and flew to the forest, far from the village.

I flew down to the ground and started walking, moving my staff and thinking out loud.

"What a nice guy, I wonder what is his name... the fact I know is that his dragon is named Toothless... what at name... haha"

Before I noticed, the dragon was running behind me, AGAIN! But before I could fly the dragon reached me and he was in front of me with a position as he wanted to play with me. I didn't want to be rude, so I stop walking and say 'hello' to the dragon. I mean it is nice that at least a big beast can see you, also, I saw that he is not truculent.

"whooa!, hey! Hello buddy!, You are Toothless, aren't you?"

I touched the dragon's head and pet him a little, and then he growled and purr.

"woow, you are very friendly, why did you left your Viking? Do you want to play with me?"

As I keep talking the black giant dragon didn't stop to purr.

The dragon pushed me behind in signal of I like him. Then I heard a voice, I looked behind the dragon and I saw the little Viking...

"Hey Toothless, what is wrong with you today? Can you see something buddy?"

When he said the last part I get nervous...

"Come on Toothless, go with your Viking"

I told to the black dragon.

I saw the little Viking and dragon going and I was about to leave to the forest's direction when I felt the most biggest wish of meeting that guy, to know what he likes and dislikes, how old is him, what happened to his leg, I wanted to know everything about him… I wanted to be his friend.

Without thinking, I made a little snowball, then I blew it a little of magic and threw to him!

"Auch! Ok, who threw that?!, Toothles?!"

The dragon nodded with the head.

The next thing I remember is there was an awesome snowball fight between the dragons, children, young and old Vikings. And there he was... Throwing snowballs to everyone, even to his dragon.

That's when I heard a name:

"You will pay for that Hiccup!"

"Sorry Astrid!"

Said a blonde and very pretty girl. Is that his name, or it was just his nickname...? I laughed out loud, but a giant snowball hit me. It was the black dragon who threw it.

"Oooh, you will see little black dragon!"

And I joined the snowball fight.

When the snowball fight was over, everyone was tired and the sun was setting. I decided to follow Hiccup, if that was his name. He and his black dragon walked through the village to the highest house on the top of the hill.

"Is he the chief's son...?"

From the outside, it was a very nice house, not very tall but nice. It was decorated with many Viking motives and ornaments.

I made my way to enter with the little Viking and his dragon inside the house. When we were inside, the black dragon's tail closed the door.

"uff what a day, Can you light us Toothless?"

Said the little Viking.

And the dragon spat out a little ball of purple fire to the fireplace that was in the center of the room and everything inside was lighted.

Are they here alone?... Where is the chief?

After that I could see the house by inside, it had just two floors, a fireplace in the center of the floor, a table, a big chair with interesting reliefs and ornaments all over it, also there were stairs.

"Toothless, when do you think my dad will come back to Berk?..."

Suddenly the face of both the dragon and the little Viking looked sad. He was walking to the table to sit down in the big chair, then he sat down and put his hand under his chin.

I walked next to the table, looking at him with a grin of sadness.

I touched the table with my staff and the table began to frozen like the feathered-like pattern of frost, but not only that, also I was trying to draw something for him.

"Uh... Whooaa?! What is it?!"

And suddenly he stands up from the chair.

I was trying to draw his black dragon; I think that wasn't too bad because in a few seconds he realized that it was his dragon.

"Hey... It's Toothless! It is amazing... How is it happ-"

Then I made snow in the room. The little Viking walked around the room with his hand extended trying to catch the snowflakes in his hands.

I loved the expression on his face; it was so bright and sweet. All the sadness that he felt before was gone.

As the little Viking walked through the room with an amazed face, I smiled at him.

I wanted to see that face every day of my immortal life.

I blew out in front of my hand and made a little dragon of ice and then I sent him to fly around the room.

The little ice dragon flew near in circles around the little Viking. The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing, and I can understand him, not all the days I interact so much with mortals.

"Hey bud!, who are you? hehehe, where did you come from?" Said the little Viking.

The little ice dragon landed over the Viking's hand, and then flew away. The Viking and the black dragon were very happy enjoying the moment.

The little ice dragon flew in front of Toothless and he followed the little dragon with his big cat eyes and then he swap the poor little dragon.

"Toothless! Bad dragon, very bad drag-..."

"hahahaha! Poor little ice dragon, it is good to know I can make more hahaha!"

I laughed and spoke to loud, then the Viking turn around my direction.

"W-who are you...?"

The snow in the room stopped to fall and I was frozen... I stared at the little Viking, next to the table. The Viking and the black dragon were in the other side of the room.

"Who are you?! And how did you get inside my house?!"

"eeh...?... c-can you see me?..."

"What?!... Who a-!"

Suddenly Toothless ran to me and begin to lick my face and all of me.

"hey! stop it!"

"Toothless?... Do you know him?"

Toothless nodded up and down with his head and looked at him, then at me.

"Well... amm... that means that you are not a stranger... for him... but who are you?"

Oh holy man in moon! He CAN see me! What should I do?!

"uuh... eern..."

I began to rub my arm with my free hand and looked at the floor. Suddenly the black dragon push me to walk forward and then I stare in front of the Viking with minimum distant; like one hand.

I gave a step backward and the words started to get out my mouth.

Ok Jack, you were practicing it all the time, just say 'hi, the name is Jack, The Jack Frost, actually'... nouh! It won't work!

"M-my name... the name is..."

"Wait! Hehe, sorry if I were too rude with you, but you scared me to dead when I saw you here, haha, but you weren't here when we came inside the house, didn't you?..."

I slowly shake my head up and down.

"o-ok… well, now I see you guys are friends... and if you get so shy I will introduce myself first."

The little Viking, with a nice grin in his face, extended his hand to me and said:

"Hi! My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third, nice to meet you 'mysterious' Toothless's friend"

His name IS Hiccup!... He is smiling at me. His smile has something... that makes me feel nice...

I looked at him and lifted my hand slowly, and with a little of shyness and fear, but he suddenly took mine before I noticed. His hand was a little rough and warm, this was an all-new sensation.

"Hey! Your hand is so cold, are you ok?"

"yeah… it is kind of normal… umm… T-the name is... Jack... The Jack Frost... nice to meet you too Hiccup."

"uh?! Did you say 'Jack Frost'?... a-are you...?"

oh no! What is happening?!

He left my hand slowly and then he jumped in front of me.

"A-are you Jokul Frosti?!"

"eh?... that sounds like my name... and I think, yes... If you mean the winter spirit, yeah... I am... I think so..."

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it was not just legend! wooooooow! It is amazing!"


"Oh! emm sorry... You are kind of popular here in Berk... But wait... Are you telling me that you are a god? The god of winter...?"

"Well I'm not live exactly like a god, but the only thing I really know is that I am the spirit of the winter..."

I looked to the floor again and said.

"I'm the one who bring the winter, I'm the one who travels with the seasons, and I'm the one who makes your nose get frozen... and I call the wind to guide you forward…"

"You are Jokul Frosti... and you were the one who did all that... made the snow fall in the room, and the ice dragon and all those awesome things?"

He thinks my job is awesome...

"... y-yeah..."


"Actually... You are the first person... who can see me... in one hundred years..."

"What?! Why did you choose me?"

"Choose you?... I didn't choose you, I just followed you and your dragon up here after the snow fight I started... ups..."

"So... you were who threw the snowball?!"


"haha! Never mind!, we had much fun there! Everyone in the village was playing, even our dragons!"

"It makes me happy that you enjoyed the moment."

"Thanks Jack"

He is smiling at me, AGAIN!


Toothless growled because he didn't ate anything already.

"oouuhh! Sorry bud, just give a second Jack, Toothless wants to eat something"


"umm please sit down, you are in your home, I mean... this is my home, but it can be yours too...eern... welcome...!"

Why is he not impressed, or in shock? I mean, I'm a spirit, like a ghost and he is so relaxed... and what does means the last part he said?

Hiccup walked out of the room to another that I thought was the kitchen or something like that. Toothless went after him and start to purr like crazy. Then Hiccup went out of the kitchen with a very big basket and making signals to the dragon to move on. He placed the basket in the floor and opened it. It was full of fish, fish for the hungry dragon.

"uuff! He always wants to eat at this time in the night"

Night?, that is right! It is night already!



"Why aren't you more surprised to see me?... I mean I'm almost a ghost and you are so normal with that..."

"hehe, well that is why I'm not afraid of something new, and also I remember my dad told me once that my Mom could see things that the other were not able to see... so... well, I'm feel more like lucky, not all the days I can meet a legend hehe"

"aahh... hehe I see"

Hiccup started to walk up stairs, I followed him with my head and suddenly he said:

"wanna come?, I can show you my room and we can talk for a while"

"uh! yeah... that would be nice!"

"wo wo wo ?! Can you fly?! Can you fly too?!"

Before I noticed I was flying to him to go upstairs with him.

"ah?!... unn… yeah, the wind helps me! hehe"

"wow you are amazing..."


I felt how my face get a little red and I began to feel something strange in my stomach... and if something a little warm start to burn in my chest.

When we were in the upper floor, Hiccup light a little candle and then I saw a big room, one bed, a desk with a lot of papers, drawing in the wall and a thing that looks like a fireplace, where Toothless ran and sat down, burnt the floor and curled down.

After watching the black dragon I walked to the center of the room, to the desk, and I saw all those awesome drawings made with something like coal.

"wooo... did you draw them? They are awesome!"

"oh! hehe thanks!"

He walked to the bed, get over it and made his way to open a big window in the ceiling. The moonlight could enter in the room and help to light the room. Hiccup sat down over the bed. I sat down too in the other side of the bed.

We start to talk.

I can't believe it, I'm here with a Viking boy who can see me and he is talking to me... is this real?... or a dream…?

"Well, how did you get here, to Berk?"

"Flying, I travel all over the world."

"woo... and... why anyone else can't see you?"

"I don't know... but some animals can see me or feel me around, just like your dragon."

"So you were the one who Toothless saw this morning?"


"woow... What do you like to do?"

"amm... Flying, snowball fights, draw pattern of frost, walk in the woods."

"So… you are kind of lonely"


There was silence in the room. He was asking too many things and the last one, remembered me how alone I'm. But at the beginning I felt like he was so excited to ask me everything.

"umm, sorry for mention that."

"Nah! Never mind!"

"amm how old are you?"

"umm... well actually I'm 170 years old"

"wooo! but you don't look like an ancient..."

"Like a what?!"

"I mean, you look like 19 or something like that!"

"hahaha! yes!, what about you Hiccup?"

"Well... I love to fly, to draw, and I'm fourteen, aahhnd!"

The little Viking yawn out loud.

"hehe, you are tired!"

"yeah! haha!"

"Well I'll let you rest, ok?"


I stood up from the bed and turned around to Hiccup. I wanted to tell him a lot of things but no-word came out of my mouth, I didn't know why I was feeling like that. He saw me too and our eyes got connected, then there was only silence and the dragon's purr in the room. I broke the silence giving him a little grin and laugh and gave a step backward from the bed and began to flew up, when suddenly the Viking, Hiccup took my coat.

"Wait!... When can I see you again?..."

He WANT'S to see me again?!

"Why not tomorrow, I will be around doing my job, hehe!"

"Would you like to fly with me?..."


"eerr... I mean with us, with me and Toothless"

"oh! yeah! That would be awesome! hahaha!"


Silence again. I didn't know but next thing I remember was I flew over the bed and I hugged Hiccup for like 2 seconds... but it felt like hours... His body was so warm, that the heat hurt me for a second, but I forgot about it and just enjoyed the short hug. It felt so good, I was like my heart could explode of happiness and I felt how my face get a little red... and then I separated from him.

"sorry!, it is... uh... I couldn't talk with anyone in a long, long time... and you made me so happy, I mean, this situation, you can see me... hehe!..."

"... hehe ahh... then see you tomorrow?"

".. uh yeah, yes! Absolutely! Amm, good night Hic! Bye!"

I flew up as fast as I could out of the room directly to the night sky.

"uuhh what is wrong with me?! He is a boy... and he is younger than me! And what is the problem with the name? I said Hic, instead of Hiccup. ahhh man, he surely hates me!"

While I was flying I just could not think in other thing:

I hugged him.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*End of the Chapter*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*