There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people: Psychopaths and mystery writers. I'm the kind that pays better. Who am I? I'm Rick Castle. Every writer needs inspiration and I've found mine. And thanks to my friendship with the Mayor I get to be on her case. And together we catch killers.

Richard Castle sat in his office, reading through some Nikki Heat fanfic that he'd discovered. The only reason this story had caught his attention was because it involved vampires. He knew better than to think that vampires existed but all the same he was kind of wishing he had written it first.

"Hey, Dad," Alexis said as she came down the steps. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Started reading something last night and came down to finish it," Castle replied without taking his eyes off the screen. "Which reminds me, have you seen your grandmother anywhere this morning?"

"No. I don't remember her ever actually coming home last night," Alexis answered as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. "Things must be going well with that guy she met at her acting studio." Castle muttered something incoherent. He had no wish to get involved in his mother's personal life, so long as the guy didn't try stealing her money. "Where's Beckett?"

"Oh she's doing stuff down at the precinct," Castle said as he finished the chapter he was on and closed his laptop. "We were thinking of having a relaxing day to ourselves but she has a bunch of paperwork to do that Captain Gates has been giving her a hard time about."

"Are you going to that new restaurant on 53rd?"

"That was the plan." Castle stood up and took the juice his daughter offered him. "How 'bout you?"

"I was going to get together with some friends, you know, blow off some steam before midterms," Alexis said, sitting down to her bowl of cereal. She was going to continue when Castle's phone started ringing, prompting her father to answer it.

"Why hello, Beckett. Alexis and I were just talking about you," he said with a smile that quickly disappeared. "What? Seriously? Alright just let me get dressed and I'll meet you there." He hung up and set the phone on the counter.

"Murder?" Alexis asked with a smirk and her father sighed.

"On the bright side we do get to spend the day together," he said with a shrug.

It didn't take him long to change and grab a cab to Central Park where Beckett was waiting for him. "Took you long enough," she said as she handed him a coffee cup, much to his surprise.

"But I always get you coffee," Castle said dumbfounded.

"What? I can't change things up once and a while?" she asked with a laugh. "Laney's already at the scene. White male, mid 30s, beat cop called it in."

"Any cause of death yet?"

"She should have it by the time we get there." After several minutes of walking they came upon Laney in a ditch hunched over a body. "Homeless?"

"You'd think so but no," Laney answered standing up. "Someone dressed him and then positioned him like he was sleeping. Whoever did this thought it through. That's not the weird part though." She rolled up his sleeve revealing a series of bite marks.

"Someone got an early breakfast," Castle commented. "Any idea on the animal?"

"None that I've ever seen," Laney said, rolling the sleeve back down. "So far I've found bites on all of his limbs and his neck."

"What could have done this?" Beckett asked baffled.

"Makeout session gone horribly, horribly wrong," Castled answered before Laney could. "Or right depending on what you're into."

"No idea on the bites," Laney said, "but based on lividity and liver temp I put time of death between midnight and three. I'll know more once we get him back to the morgue." She nodded to her staff who then loaded the body on a gurney and carted him off to the van. At that point two men dressed in black suits walked up the crime scene, flashing badges at the police line and crossing under it. The taller of the two had longer brown hair and a gentler air about him while the shorter one's brown hair was cut short. He seemed to walk with a bit of a swagger that his partner lacked.

"I'm Special Agent Young," the short one said as Beckett and Castle met the halfway. "This is my partner, Special Agent Richards. We're with the FBI. I hear you found a body this morning."

"Detective Kate Beckett, Richard Castle," Beckett said, flashing her own badge and then nodding toward Castle. "Why is the FBI getting involved in a murder?"

"We think that this murder has something to do with others that we picked up on further north," Agent Richards answered. "I know the FBI has a reputation for taking over a case at this point but we'd like to work with you to catch whoever's doing this."

"That's a change," Castle said, turning to Beckett. "The FBI deferring to the NYPD."

"Yeah well it's not my call," Beckett said. "You're more than welcome to come down to the 12th Precinct and discuss with my Captain." The agents nodded and turned to talk to each other while Castle and Beckett went back to her cruiser.

"You really think this might be a vamp attack?" Dean Winchester asked his brother once he was sure that cop was out of earshot.

"Garth was pretty sure that the nest was coming to the city," Sam Winchester replied. "Besides, the cops here have got pretty good motivation to catch these guys."

"How about that detective?" Dean asked with a grin, turning to see Beckett still walking away.

"I'm pretty sure she's with him," Sam pointed out, referring to Castle. "Wait, did she say that was Richard Castle?"

"Pretty sure, why?"

"THE Richard Castle? As in the author with over twenty bestsellers and works with the NYPD to help solve murders?" Dean stared at his brother, oblivious to any of what he was saying.

"Did you just have a nerdgasm or something?" he asked after a moment. "How the hell should I know? C'mon, we should follow them back to the station." The brothers then headed off, getting in the Impala and driving off towards downtown New York.