A/N: Hey :) This is gonna be my first Jake/Trixie story ^.^! This chapter is an introduction for Tattoo . So it may be confusing but give it a chance and hopefully leave a nice review :)

Warning: This story starts after Rose returns from Hong Kong to New York :) Now let's get to story telling shall we :D

Disclaimer: I don't own American Dragon nor the song 'Alone in Love.'



Chapter 1: A Heart's Wish...

"Here in this body are the sacred rivers: here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places... I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body."

― Saraha

With the moon pouring its' illuminating beauty to the New-Yorker city in the infinite starry sky, Trixie Carter bid good-bye to her Gram at the same time as she took a step out of her apartment. The 15 year-old girl decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and to clear her troubled thoughts. Lately, things haven't been going well for Trix.

Everything in her life had become a turmoil...

Ever since she came back to town...

And that she was...


Swept me away

But now I'm lost in the dark

Set me on fire

But now I'm left with a spark

Everything had become so confusing for the sassy teenager. Trixie didn't know what was going on with her. She should feel happy that Jake finally reunited with the love of his life. During such eternal days where Rose stayed in Hong Kong, Jake wouldn't show any emotions to his family and friends. Not even to his grandfather nor Fu Dog. Trixie would always stay by his side, trying to recollect the pieces of his heart back together. It took time for him to finally react with his true emotions. It took time for him to heal the wound that was left in his heart by the loss of Rose. But he was able to surpass those tough times thanks to Trixie.

He thanked Trixie with a warm smile. Not just any smile that you'd get from anyone. No. It was the kind that could just bring the light in the deep darkness. When she first witnessed the smile that Jake gave, her heart wouldn't stop doing back-flips. Beneath her body, she could just feel this unknown feeling firing up her spirit. She could feel her body relaxing in bliss. Trixie didn't know why she felt that way just for Jake's smile... It was a mystery for her.

But when Rose came back to town, everything changed. Jake would mostly smile to Rose than Trixie, which pained her.

Trixie didn't understand why she felt devastated...She should be happy for her best friend. Jake had been in desperate need for his beloved blondette.

Trixie was confused...How come was she feeling so sad when Rose came back in New York to run in Jake's arms.

Alone, you got beyond the haze

I'm lost inside the maze

I guess I'm all alone in love

All of her friends were happy for Jake. You name it; Fu Dog, Spud, his family and such. But there was only one person that didn't feel the same way as everyone else... That one person was Trixie. This unknown sadness was annoying her to the pit of her heart. She was the one who supported her best friend's relationship with Rose throughout their struggles in balancing their dragon/huntsgirl lifestyle. So how come, right after the return of the ex-huntsgirl and the extinction of the Huntsclan, she harbored this breaking emotion...

Damnit, why?

Oh why was she feeling like this?

I look into your eyes

You turn in the other way

And now I realize

It's all a game you play

Trixie continued strolling around the busy sidewalk of her urban neighborhood. Many people were bustling past the thinking 15 year-old as she was trying to sort out her swirling thoughts but it was impossible with this big mass of busy city individuals. Cars were zooming on the streets, couples were walking on the street with lovey-dovey smiles laying upon their faces, animals were barking like crazy. Overall, everything was filled with life. But not for Trixie.

The more she kept thinking about how Jake and Rose, the more her spirit lowers.

Sighing in discontent to the image of Rose and Jake hugging together that played in her mind, Trixie continued dragging her feet across the city's concrete surface. She didn't really care where she was going. She just wanted to be far enough from her place so that she could try to forget this nerve-wracking sentiment that was overpowering her soul.

Life just ain't the same anymore...

I hold you in the night

And wake to find you gone

You're running out of sight

It's so hard holding on

All alone in love

Nowadays, Trixie felt abandoned in the shadow. It just wasn't like old times anymore. Before, him along with Spud, would always come over to her house to play video games, go to the skate-park and basically enjoy life. But all that changed. Jake stopped hanging out with her and poured most of his attention to his current girlfriend, Rose. Heck, even Spud hung less with Trixie thanks to his new girlfriend; Stacey. But that didn't bother the curly-haired chick one bit. Oh, on the contrary. She was indeed happy for the Spudster.

This..painful feeling. This feeling that was about similar as the pain you get when someone stabs you deep in the heart with a very sharp life-threatening sword. That was the feeling that she carried every time Trixie sees Jake hugging and kissing Rose at school.

I hold you in the night

And wake to find you gone

You're running out of sight

It's so hard holding on

All alone in love

The way Jake's face would lit up in bliss and pure happiness when he sees Rose...The way his onyx eyes would flicker in lust each time Rose would shine her aquamarine eyes to him and the world...Jake never looked at Trixie in that loving manner.

Mysteriously, it made Trixie feel small...

Just the constant thought of the name 'Rose' sickened Trixie. Usually, people would refer Rose as the actual red flower since her delicacy, her cheering personality, her sweetness and her beauty represented the red velvet plant, rose. But to Trixie, she indeed thought the same thing about Rose. But not anymore because...

This sad feeling made her realize that Rose took away something precious.

You haunt me in your dreams

I'm calling out your name

I watch you fade away

Who could blame the American Dragon...Just look at her breath-taking beauty. Her eyes that flawlessly represented the endless blue sky, her golden locks that would cascade to her small waist and her womanly curves which any boy wouldn't dare to lose sight of it.

But for the very first time in her life, Trixie felt...


I've figured out your style

To quickly drift apart

You held me for a while

Planned it from the start

All alone in love

Jake never looked at Trixie with such lust. It's always just plain friendliness...

Trixie continued walking around the New-Yorker street as the beautiful moonlight shined upon her, as if she was the spotlight. As she looked up, she could see the breath-taking scenery that the black sky displayed before her dark-brown eyes. Thousands of stars and constellations shined bright like a diamond. The world around Trixie was dark but the city was full of lights stretching for miles. Despite the beautiful atmosphere that Mother Nature had brought before Trixie's eyesight, worry kept taking taking over her head.

Sitting in the dark without you

How am I suppose to make it

Through the night, oh baby

The African-American sighed in deep confusion as the fresh night breeze blew to her direction, making her curly permed hair sway calmly.

Trixie didn't understand why Jake didn't look at her the same way he does to Rose. When he looks at Trixie, a glint of friendliness would brighten his onyx eyes. But when it was Rose, a glint of love and lust glimmered incredibly his eyes.

Slowly fall apart without you

Cry away the hours

Till the morning

Trixie was just a plain normal human. Maybe that was why Jake didn't see her as more than a friend. Rose and Jake went through so much trouble together in the magical world. The duo battled through monsters, infamous enemies and mental breakdowns. They've went through so much together at such a young age.

All Trixie did in her life was skateboard, eat, sleep and live. Nothing special. Nothing eye-catching. Just...plain. But what could she do? She was just a normal teenager.

Swept me away

But now I'm lost in the dark

Set me on fire

But now I'm left with a spark

Trixie just wanted Jake to see that she was more than woman...

More than a friend...

Special than any magical jewel...

Alone, you got beyond the haze and

I'm lost inside the maze

I guess I'm all alone in love

Trixie stopped walking as she reached the place where everything began. The place where Trixie met Jake when they were only 5 years-old. The place where her and Jake's friendship had hit it off. The place where they played together for the first time. That place was a park.

A sad smile came across Trixie's ebony facade as her eyes couldn't stop admiring the outdoor recreation's state. Nothing changed. The swings were still there, looking all crappy. The sandbox was still in its' place, filled with the rich dry sand. The red slide was still there...with the mark that Trixie engraved on its' red plastic surface. She calmly walked towards the park's chute and delicately touched the engraved mark. "I wish that I was special...", Trixie mentally wished as she smoothly closed her eyes, trapping the tears that were willing to free its' liquid self. The moonlight that brightened upon Trixie, unknowingly sparkled for a moment then returned to its' normal bright condition.

Trixie knew that nothing was gonna happen to her. There was no way that her wish would come true. But all she wanted to do was hope.

I guess I'm all alone

Yes, I'm alone in love

Oh, yeah, I'm all alone

Yeah, all alone in love

Sighing in defeat, Trixie casually fluttered her eyes open. "I should get goin' before Grams freaks out on me.", Trixie thought as she started walking on her way home. But her heart kept breaking inside...

Meanwhile, a mysteriously figure in a black cloak stood on a tree branch, watched the whole scenery that Trixie just displayed before its' green emerald eyes.

Suspense filled the atmosphere with the moonlight glittering upon him, giving off that vague aura. The unknown person started chuckling in mischief. "Trixie Carter...you're wish will come true very soon"

A/N: Ok...what do you think about chapter 1 ^.^ ? And don't worry, I only made chapter 1 a song-fic to add that mysterious suspense. Next chapter will be much better, longer and less gloomy lol. Please review, I really wanna continue updating this Trixie/Jake story, I just need your support to do so :)! Reviews are like energy drinks that give you more strength to update :D! Have a nice day :D!