Inheritor of Madara's Legacy

Summary: "In this world only the strong can decide their fate, without strength you will merely be subjected to the whims of the strong, but...even then we are subjected to the strength of the world...I hate this world...this world filled with sadness and betrayal...that is why I'll complete the Moon's Eye Plan!"

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does.

Talking- "Yo"

Thoughts- 'Idiot'

Jutsu- "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique"

Demon/Summon Talk- "Brat!"

Author's Note: For the sake of my fanfic there will be some minor changes to the plot such as how Nagato received his Rinnegan.

Chapter 1: Impending

The withered body of Uchiha Madara gazed upon the sleeping body of Uzumaki Naruto with his Rinnegan eyes receding back to the standard three-tomoe sharingan.

When the boy had first arrived he was dead with a large gaping hole in his chest, brought to him by the Zetsu.


"Why have you brought him to be Zetsu?" The elder Uchiha asked as he glared at the artificially created human.

"You wanted a successor, no?"

The glare's intensity increased. "One that is filled with darkness and more importantly alive..."

"But if you revive him with the Rinnegan he will be alive." The black Zetsu said.

"And do tell why would I ever do such a thing."

"Because he is the former jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi and an Uzumaki. If you do revive him he will be the closest being to the Rikudo Sennin without actually being a jinchuuriki."

Flashback End

Thinking back Madara was grateful that Zetsu brought him the boy. He knew his body would not last longer despite being attached to the Gedo Mazou.

Years ago when he had attempted to recreate the Rinnegan by injecting his own cells and Senju Hashirama's into various children. But it wasn't until much later when he was forced to rely on the Gedo Mazou did Madara learn of one successful experiment.

The new Rinnegan user was an Uzumaki.

Quite perfect, in his opinion. Backup eyes that he needed in case anything went wrong. But it was weaker than his own according to Zetsu's report. However it would be enough to revive him after his death however it was always good to have a back up plan for a back up plan.

Zetsu had already informed him of the release of the Kyuubi thanks to the death of the third jinchuuriki and the hands of his best friend, Uchiha Sasuke.

It seemed that the Uchiha haven't stopped vying for the coveted power of the Mangekyou sharingan.

But it was all the better for Madara, the feelings of betrayal and loss would all make it easier for him to manipulate the young Uzumaki.

Additionally thanks to being a former jinchuuriki, the young boy had an increased healing ability coupled with his natural Uzumaki healing abilities and high chakra reserves.

Yes, he Uchiha Madara will make the boy his successor. The aged Uchiha had already given the boy his own blood, Senju Hashirama's, and even his eyes, the eyes of his brother Uchiha Izuna.

With this not only will the boy be able to use the Rinnegan but also the Sharingan. Not to mention the fact that he had learned how to assimilate Hashirama's blood in the Uzumaki in a way that also gave him mokuton, something he couldn't give to the other experiments he had done years ago.

"Ughhhh..." The boy let out a large groan as he opened his eyes.

"I see you awake young member of the Uzumaki Clan..."

"W-w-what happened to m- Sasuke!" Without warning Naruto shot up straight from the bed. "OW!OW!OW!OW!-wait it doesn't hurt!?" Naruto asked in half shock, half wonder as he clutched were the hole created in his body used to exist.

Naruto began to check his body positive that Sasuke had plunged a Chidori through his heart only see unblemished skin. "So it was a dream. Thank god Sasuke really didn't desert Konoha!"

"It was no dream Uzumaki." Madara having seen enough chose this moment to spoke.

"But-but-I'm alive, its not like you could've brought me back if Sasuke really did kill me. Hey where am I?" Naruto said.

"I did revive you, if you don't believe check you seal, the Kyuubi was released after you died."

Naruto's eyes widened as he heard a random stranger speak of his status as a jinchuuriki, but nevertheless made his chakra swirl through his body. 'Huh I'm naked...' Naruto idly thought before he only to see no seal appear, scrunching his eyebrows Naruto tried to go to his inner conscious only to fail. It was strange ever since Jiraiya pushed him off the cliff he could willingly go towards the Kyuubi if he wished but right now he couldn't. "He-he-he's not there!"

Madara stayed silent.

"Then Sasuke really did kill me...why..." At first it was only one tear, then two, then three, but soon the tears were indistinguishable as only a flow of salty liquid ran down Naruto's cheeks. "Why...why were like a brother to why..."

"Because this world is worthless. Let me tell you young Uzumaki of the Moon's Eye Plan."

"Minato-sensei, Kushina-san...days ago my student Sasuke killed your son...even though we don't have his body we confirmed Naruto's death because his name was taken off the toad summoning contract. It is presumed that his body was destroyed when the Kyuubi broke free..." The white haired elite jounin known as Kakashi of the Sharingan said as he stood there silently in front of the memorial stone. "Minato-sensei, Kushina-san, Obito, Rin...Naruto...I'm sorry I failed you all..."

The sound of crunching leaves alerted him of a second presence making its way towards the memorial stone.


"Hello Sakura... are you okay?" Kakashi asked as he heard his last student's voice.

"Yeah...Kakashi-sensei I'm fine..." Sakura said as she placed the flower she brought on the memorial stone. "Hey Kakashi-sensei?"

"Yes Sakura?"

"Is this what it feels like to lose a comrade...?" Sakura stifled a sob as tears streamed down her face...

"It's different from person to person, but in the end the damage is the same..."

"Kakashi-sensei...I'm going to be apprenticed by Tsunade-sama...I've already asked and was accepted." If Kakashi was saddened by this he didn't show instead he continued to stare at the memorial stone.

"I'm going to bring Sasuke back..." Sakura's eyes narrowed as she clenched her fist, the fondness she used to say the black haired boy's name no longer present. "I won't kill him because Naruto wouldn't have wanted it...but that doesn't mean I won't beat him into pieces of shit!"

With that said Sakura left, but Kakashi continued to stand there silently weeping.

Three Years Later

The world's most beautiful kunoichi, aka Senju Tsunade of the Legendary Sannin sighed as she read the reports in front of her. These three years did nothing to change her appearance or even Konohagakure no Sato if you exclude that her face was now on the Konoha monument.

Tsunade frowned, her reports said that Uchiha Sasuke had killed Orochimaru and was now leading a four man team including himself, most likely to help him kill Itachi.

Now that Sasuke was out of Orochimaru's protection, Tsunade would've considered sending out two or three teams of shinobi to capture Sasuke if the political climate wasn't so dangerous at the moment.

The Hokage sighed as she heard knocks on the door. "Come in."

Opening the door her apprentice, Haruno Sakura walked in. Sakra had changed a bit than three years ago. She now wore a red top with two tails coming off the bottom like a long coat with a white circle on the back and no sleeves, black shorts, black boots, black gloves, a large pouch with the standard items plus medical supplies, her forehead protector that was now red-clothed was still used as a hair band, but the most notable difference was the purple diamond on her forehead signifying her status as Tsunade's apprentice.

Tsunade had taught Sakura her S-ranked kinjutsu, the Sozo Saisei (Creation Rebirth), in order to protect her life since Sakura insisted on being a combat medic, and it did protect Sakura's life once resulting in her apparent look of nineteen years instead of her seventeen years of age.

"Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sama and Konohamaru-kun are back." Sakura said as she walked in with a stack of paper in her hands much to Tsunade's chagrin judging by her now apparent eye twitch.

Tsunade sighed as the dull thud of the stack of papers rang in her ears a million times louder than it actually was, "And where are they now-"

"Right here you old hag-" Konohamaru never had a chance to finish as the book Tsunade threw landed right in his face.

"Wasn't that a bit too much, eh hime?" Jiraiya asked as he sat on the ledge of the Hokage office's window.

"Cut the crap Jiraiya why're are you back?" Tsunade asked not bothering to hide her irritation at being called old hag by the Sandaime's grandson.

In response Jiraiya showed a grim face.

"How bad is it?" Tsunade asked this time in full Hokage mode.

"Not good, I'm sure you already know how bad tensions between the villages are." Tsunade nodded at Jiraiya's words, there was an ambush by Kiri shinobi on her apprentice which forced Sakura to use the Yin Seal: Release.

Unfortunately for Sakura she was neither an Uzumaki or Senju so she doesn't possess their longevity and the after effects were worse than Tsunade's own.

"I just don't get it, three years ago the stability between the villages was all but assured for at least another decade, but suddenly ambushes started to occur between villages. Ambushes that the hidden villages claimed that they had nothing to do with despite the fact obvious proof." Tsunade grated as she massaged her head.

It was true, a couple months after Naruto's death the tension between villages suddenly escalated starting with Kumo shinobis trying to kidnapped kekkei genkai shinobi clan members from other villages, and despite their claim of innocence no one believed them since they had attempted this before trying to kidnap the heiress to the Hyuuga Clan. Hyuuga Hinata.

Then Iwa's shinobi suddenly started to ambush Konoha shinobis. At first Tsunade thought it was a grudge from the decimation of their forces due to the Yondaime Hokage, but why would they wait so long to start grating on Konoha's nerves? From what Jiraiya gathered they weren't at the strength they had before the Third Great Shinobi War.

This just led to more questions and before Tsunade knew it the tension and skirmishes had risen to almost a boiling point between all the hidden villages. All that was needed at the moment was something to tip the delicate balance known as peace and voila you have the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

"What I'm puzzling over is that the ambushes seem to be in sync with what the villages want, hell even the identified shinobi bodies are enough evidence. The Iwagakure no Sato might have already declared war if their strength had already recovered. That's what I don't get, why would Iwa set up their ambushes and bolds ones at that if they weren't prepared to go to war?"

"Something is going on here that we don't know about..." Tsunade thought aloud as she pondered over the issue. "Any clue on the whereabouts of the Kyuubi?"

Jiraiya shook his head. "The only sighting of the Kyuubi was when Naruto died at the Valley of the End."

Again an uncomfortable silence settled in. "But enough about that, how's the brat's training?" Tsunade asked trying to change the topic.

Jiraiya smiled. "Honestly? If you told me three years ago that Sarutobi's grandson was a hidden genius, I might have laughed at your face. But now...he's really strong. Not only does he have the natural ability to be great and the potential too, he works hard for it."

"Yeah...Naruto's death really has a big influence on the brat..." Tsunade and Jiraiya lapsed into silence silently grieving over Naruto's death. "so tell me how strong is he?"

"Well at least jonin level in most situations but he lacks experience. But if you really want to know, you'll have to test him."

"Alright Sakura, Konohamaru, Kakashi you three along with Shikamaru and Yamato will form a team of five." Tsunade announced under the moonlit night of training ground seven at the three people before her.

She had Konohamaru and Sakura paired together to test against Kakashi. And the results honestly surprised her.

Sakura was stronger than she had given credit for, since she added her taijutsu enhanced strikes in conjunctions with her natural skills at genjutsu since Sakura was a natural genjutsu type. 'I guess Sakura has been taking lessons from Kurenai.'

Konohamaru was also a big surprise. Skilled with both ninjutsu and bojutsu, he and Sakura kept Kakashi on the ropes despite his lesser skills in genjutsu and taijutsu. Not that the young Sarutobi's skill in the latter two arts were weak they were just lower than his bojutsu and ninjutsu. 'It seems the brat takes after Naruto and Sarutobi-sensei with his bojutsu, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, and Rasengan and all.' Tsunade thought fondly.

"Your objective will be to capture Uchiha Sasuke and bring him back."

"Um Tsunade-sama but what about Orochimaru? How can we capture Sasuke with him still under Orochimaru." Sakura asked.

Tsunade shook her head in response. "I've just received intel that Sasuke has killed Orochimaru and formed a team of four, most likely to capture Itachi."

"Shouldn't we have a bigger team if Sasuke has his own team then Tsunade-sama?" Sakura questioned as having a five man team would make it far harder to capture Sasuke if he had his own team.

"Sakura we afford to dispatch too many shinobis for a mission like this, I'm sure you realize that you'll have to cross borders between the elemental countries." Sakura nodded at her master's words. "But because of rising tension between the five hidden villages, if too large of team is sent it might be looked upon as an aggressive action and war would start."

Sakura nodded. "Good, Sakura, Konohamaru, Kakashi from here on you will be team seven. Meet at the front gates tomorrow twelve o'clock sharp, Shikamaru and Yamato will meet you there. Dismissed!" With that said Tsunade walked away with Jiraiya and Shizune following her.

"Hime, you sure it's a good idea to send them at a time like this?" Jiraiya asked his long time teammate.

"It's because of times like this we send them now before the war starts otherwise we won't have a chance to send them out."

Two figures walked through a forest trail, both of them wearing black cloaks with red clouds on it, and elaborate straw hats that cover their faces.

One had a hunched body almost as wide as it was tall, he was Sasori of the Red Sand.

The figure next to him stood at one hundred seventy centimeters, and unlike Sasori who wore his cloak normally the figure wore his like a cape. His name was Naruto a former shinobi of Konoha as many can tell from his slashed Konoha headband.

Naruto had changed greatly over the three years. Gone were the innocent blue eyes, in their place stood two sharingans, Madara's sharingans. His orange jumpsuit was also replaced with what appeared to be a replica of Madara's choice of clothing when not wearing armor during the days of the Clan Wars.

His body had also physically matured, gone was all the baby fat, no one could call him short now in contrast to his previous shrimp like height, and his hair had grown past his neck almost reaching mid back now.

Those were all of the natural physical growth Naruto experienced but there was also one more change, the tall tale whisker marks that denoted him as Konoha's jinchuuriki were also gone.

Suddenly the two shinobi stopped, nodding to each other both of them went under the shade of a tree with Naruto sitting down with his back against the trunk.

Naruto closed his eyes and placed his hands into the tiger seal, the next thing he saw when his eyes open he was standing on top of one of the fingers of the Gedo Mazo statue along with nine other illusory figures created by the Akatsuki leader's Gentoshin no Jutsu (Magic Lantern Body Technique).

Naruto could see the outline of their leader Pein, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan, Zetsu, and Sasori all on top of one of the Gedo Mazo's fingers like himself.

"It seems that everyone has arrived." Pein said as he initiated the start of the meeting he called for.

"So leader-sama why have you called us here?" Kisame asked.

"To discuss the capture of the Hachibi. It is the most opportune time to capture the jinchuuriki of the Hachibi with the Raikage going out of the village to have a peace talk with the Tsuchikage. Itachi and Kisame you two will capture the Hachibi."

"Pein, what about the other bijuus?" Naruto asked with no hint of nervousness as he called their leader by their moniker instead of leader-sama. The other members used to Naruto's disrespect had already gotten used to it by now.

"We will leave them alone for now, even at this moment capturing the Hachibi might start a war."

"Why not start the war, it will be beneficial for us in the long run anyways." Naruto said.

"And how would it benefit us?" Pein asked with the other members also intrigued.

"For one the hidden villages will be more likely to send the jinchuurikis out into battle so even if they disappeared no one will suspect us capturing them. The will think it as the result of an assassinations. Two the hidden villages will be likely to hire us to do jobs for them. This will boost our reputation as a mercenary group. Since it would in time of a war the hidden villages will not consider expanding their troops trying to kill us rather they would be more likely to hire us after seeing our strength. Also we raise the price of our service in the time of war."

"Yeah I like you! Come on Leader-sama let's start a war!" The Jashin devoted shinobi of the group said as he thought about the sacrifices he would be able to attain for his god.

"Naruto what if the jinchuuriki get killed it will delay us years." Pein asked questioning the downside of the plan.

"It would be worth it. Ultimately we would have to wait five years at most for the bijuu to reform but at that point he hidden villages would be too weak to pose a strong threat to us, they would be more concern with rebuilding their strength."

Pein silently pondered the suggestion, "How will you start the war?"

"After the meeting between the Tsuchikage and the Raikage, I will assassinate the Tsuchikage and frame the Raikage." Despite it being a gathering of S-class shinobis, most of their member's eyes widened at Naruto's statement.

"Naruto the Tsuchikage may be in his elderly years, but he is not known as Onoki of Both Scales for a reason. Do you have the confidence to kill him?" Pein asked

In response Naruto smirked. "Even the strongest shinobi of this era is but a child before the power of Uchiha Madara."

"Sasori stay here, I'll confront the Tsuchikage." Naruto said as he jumped towards a tree branch and started to jump towards where the Raikage's and Tsuchikage's meeting place in the Kusa no Kuni (Land of Grass).

Naruto stopped a few hundred feet away as he saw the building where the meeting was commenced, he had already been warned that the Raikage was likely bring C, a sensor and a jonin close to the Raikage.

Speeding through seven handseals Naruto slammed his hand onto the ground. "Mokuton: Senbonzakura (Wood Release: Thousand Cherry Blossoms)." From the trees surrounding Naruto hundreds of tiny blades that reflected the light looking like sakura petals started to emerge.

But Naruto didn't stop there as he went through several handseals again. "Mokuton: Tajuu Sakura Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Multiple Sakura Clone Technique)."

The sakura petals started to start to form four clumps, as more and more kept adding onto the clumps they formed an outline of Naruto before they gained color and became perfect copies of Naruto. "Spread out and restrain or kill the Tsuchikage's guards, but remember to leave one or two."

The clones nodded at the original's instructions and promptly disappeared to hide nearby to ambush the Iwa group after they left the conference hall. After that all there was to do was wait for the two parties to leave.

The sun moved along with the time as Naruto waited for the conference to end, until finally near dusk he spotted the Tsuchikage and Raikage walk out of the building from different doors and heading their separate ways presumably to Tsuchi no Kuni (Land of Earth) and Kaminari no Kuni (Land of Lightning) respectively.

Naruto silently shadowed the Iwa group, which consisted of the Tsuchikage and presumably four jonins level shinobi that accompanied him. The only one that stood out was the extremely large shinobi towards the Tsuchikage's right.

Suddenly the group of five stopped. "Alright you can stop hiding and come out now." The diminutive Kage called out. The guards seemed surprised at what the Tsuchikage said.

'He's more skilled than I gave him credit for.' Naruto thought. Forming several handseals Naruto unleashed a large amount of flame tens of times larger than the Uchiha Clan's signature Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu. "Katon: Goka Mekkyaku (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)!"

But Naruto wasn't done just yet as he sped through several more handseals. "Fuuton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!" A great gust of wind was also emitted from Naruto's mouth greatly increasing Naruto's fire attack.

Jumping onto the middle of the road Naruto waited for the inferno he created to stop. It wasn't that much longer until the fire stopped. 'So they created a earth dome to protect themselves huh?'

The earth dome quickly crumbled only for Naruto to see that only the four jonins were protected by it and that the Tsuchikage was nowhere to be seen.

Naruto quickly jumped backwards remembering that the Tsuchikage was known to able to fly and use jinton (Dust Release). And none too soon because the ground before him disappeared due to the Tsuchikage's jinton jutsu.

Morphing his regular sharingan eyes into EMS Naruto stared at Onoki of Both Scales.

'Those eyes! Impossible!' Onoki thought as he stared at the blond with Madara's eyes below him. "Akatsuchi, Shitai, Shinda, Fuun get away he's part of Akatsuki you're no match for him."

His four loyal jonins obeyed him and ran back towards where they came from. Onoki slowly descended towards the ground but not to the point of touching the ground a few meters away from Naruto. "Who are you?"

Naruto instead chose to stare at the Tsuchikage, before he decided to play a bit of psychological warfare. "You've gotten stronger...Onoki."

Onoki's eyes visibly widened at what Madara said. "I don't believe. You're still alive after all this time and with Akatsuki too...Uchiha Madara."

"It seems that you still remember me." Naruto said as he gave a Madara trademarked smirk at his current opponent.

"Not really, I just remembered about all your losses to Senju Hashirama-sama" Naruto's smile disappeared and was replaced with a glare.

"It seems that the beating I gave you before wasn't enough, let me rectify that now Onoki." Forming a horse seal Naruto sucked in a good amount of air before he released it as a massive stream of intense flame at Onoki. "Katon: Goka Messhitsu (Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction)!"

Onoki in response flew away into the air. 'Damn if I was twenty years younger I would have blocked it with an doton (earth release) jutsu, but if I did it now my back would undoubtedly break from the backlash of blocking his technique.'

"Fuuton: Kazekiri no Jutsu (Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique)"

Onoki gritted his teeth as he was forced to dodge the invisible blade of wind. "I should really consider finding a successor, I'm too old for this shit." Onoki muttered as he focus his attention back onto 'Madara' and started his Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique).

Onoki unleashed his jinton jutsu at Naruto with a considerable range that destroyed at least fifty meters. "It's better to destroy Madara in one hit rather than fight a prolonged fight.' Onoki thought as he observed the giant hole his cubed shaped attack cause.

Sensing a large amount of heat from his side Onoki immediately moved and not too soon as a giant fireball passed harmlessly above him. Swinging his head around Onoki spotted the blonde sharingan user on one of the taller trees away from the place he had just attacked.

'Good thing I made a shadow clone to attack and observe, if that jutsu had landed I would have died.' Naruto thought as he stared at his elderly opponent. 'I can't fly so I can't reach the old man, I better stick to a range attack that would kill him in one strike.'

Blood started to leak from Naruto's left eye as he prepared for the strongest fire element attack.


"Grkkk!" Onoki quickly shed his white Kage robes as the tip of it was lit up with black flames. Sweat started to leak form Onoki's pores due to the close proximity of the fire jutsu. 'Amaterasu does live up to its name as the strongest and hottest katon jutsu after all.' Forming several handseals Onoki spewed out rocks from his mouth that formed five clones. "Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu (Rock Clone Technique)!"

The five rock clones flew towards Naruto as they covered their arms with a sort of rock armor.

Naruto seeing this quickly made his way towards the ground making handseals along the way. He slammed his hand onto the ground once more as he reached it.

"Mokuton: Senbon Zakura Kageyoshi (Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms)!"

Two rows of giant blades rose from the ground, each of them over ten meters tall, and glowed pink before they dispersed into unaccountable numbers of sakura petal shaped blades.

The storms of petals made their way towards the rock clones and started an aerial struggle between senbonzakura and the rock clones. Senbonzakura under the direction of Naruto's hand would try to shred the clones to bits while the clones would weave around the attack and try to head towards Naruto. So far only two of the clones were shredded into pieces of rocks.

However as Naruto continued his goal of destroying the clones while keeping an eye on Onoki, he frowned. 'His flying ability is keeping him out of my range, I might have to use Susanoo. But if I do there's a chance that there might be witnesses and the plan of framing Kumo will go awry. No it doesn't matter who sees it as long as there's a witness from the Tsuchikage's guard that says that Kumo's Raikage did it.'

Naruto activated his susano'o and it immediately grew into herculean size. Unlike Madara's which was dark blue and a two faced oni, Naruto's was dark crimson four-eyed, two horned oni with two sets of arms.

And none too soon as Onoki unleashed his jinton jutsu and destroyed his clones along with most of Naruto's senbonzakura and the bottom half of his susano'o where Naruto used to stand. Naruto quickly reformed the bottom half of his susano'o.

'Is he really Uchiha Madara? His eyes are the same and the tone he uses but why does he look so young and his susano'o is a different shape and color too.' Onoki quickly flew out of the way as Naruto's susano'o unleashed several magatama at Onoki.

"Tch, he's harder to kill than I though. I guess you don't live to become a Kage at that age by being able to be killed easily." Naruto made his susano'o materialise four swords in each hand and attacked Onoki with all of them.

Onoki gritted his teeth as he was forced to keep dodging the never ending strikes from the blonde's susano'o. 'At this rate, I'll eventually tire out and Madara will just simply kill me. I have to find time to unleash my jinto jutsu.'

Maneuvering his body to the ground Onoki touched the ground with the palm of his hands. "Doton: Goremu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Golem Technique)!" Five gargantuan golems made of rock relative or even greater than susano'o emerged from the ground. "Go!"

Onoki clamped his together and called for his jinton to destroy susano'o but to his surprise Naruto made it disappear as he directly ran towards Onoki while dodging the rock golem's physical attack.

"UCHIHA MADARA YOU'RE FINISHED!" Onoki said as he unleashed his jutsu. "Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique)!"

"huff huff huff that oughta huff keep you dead huff" Onoki said as felt all the strength leave him after using a large amount of chakra and not to mention stamina dodging Naruto's attack.

"Grkkk!" Blood suddenly to flow from his mouth as he saw a dark crimson ethereal blading sticking out of his chest. Turning his head he saw Naruto cloaked in what seemed to be a miniature susano'o armor.

The susano'o was different from the giant one Naruto had dispelled, the one that covered him had red samurai like armor, long spiky hair, and four katana three of them sheathed with the fourth one impaling Onoki. "H-how!?"

"It was simple really. I simply made a clone of myself when I was out of your line sight behind one of the clones you created to hinder me. All you simply destroyed was my cloen with your jinton." Naruto made an upward motion with his hand and slice through the Tsuchikage's shoulder."Onoki you've grown overconfident and prideful in you age. Despite thinking that I was Madara you've always thought you would win. That is the reason for your downfall."

Onoki lay on the ground bleeding from his bisected shoulder courtesy of Naruto. "Y-yo-you a-aren't M-Madara are y-you-o?" Onoki gasped out. Naruto in response didn't say anything instead he used Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu to burn the Tsuchikage's body to ashes.

Finished with killing the Tsuchikage Naruto started to run towards Sasori. On the way Naruto suddenly stopped as his four sakura clones appeared each one with one of the jonin guards. "Which one is the strongest?"

All the clones pointed toward the largest guy. "Kill all the other jonins but leave the large one alive." The clones nodded as they mercilessly broke the three jonins' neck. "Dispel yourselves."

The four clones lost their shape as they scattered into their former shapes onto the floor, harmless pieces of sakura petals. Naruto used a strong B-rank Raiton jutsu to char the corpse, furthering the 'evidence' of Kumo's ambushes. With that done Naruto lifted each of them and threw in separate directions.

With that done only one remained. Naruto this time used a C-ranked Raiton jutsu to shock the shinobi before him.

"ugh...w-where am I-Tsuchikage-sama!" The large man suddenly bolted upwards. 'Impressive even after taking that attack without any defense he seems fine however..."

"Hey," Naruto said and as he wanted the large man focused his attention onto him with his eyes meeting Naruto's EMS, his most fatal mistake. "Tsukuyomi!" Immediately the man's eyes dulled and he fell into a trance like state.

"You will go back to Iwagakure no Sato and report that the Raikage set an ambush onto your party. Your Tsuchikage fought bravely but ultimately died at the Raikage's hands along with your group and you barely made it back alive. After that you will kill yourself claiming that you failed your duty to protect your Kage, understand?" The large man nodded. "Good now go."

With that done Naruto started back on his way towards Sasori. "The Fourth Great Shinobi War will now commence!"

Author's Note: So yeah, this is what I would want to see if Naruto went off the edge just like Obito and was founded by Madara. I hope I made him powerful but not too powerful after all Madara was able to curbstomp the five Kages without even trying.

So what do you think? If this goes well I'll continue it, right now I'm sure if I am.

Also should Naruto be able to use Senkai (Slaughterscape), Gokei (Mawscape), and Shukei: Hakuteiken (Endscape: White Emperor Sword) with his Mokuton: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi in this fanfic or would that be going overboard?

A thought crossed my mind about having Naruto's sakura clones to take Naruto's instruction to immediate effect and attack the conference building...but that would detract from the plot and quite possibly change the whole storyline I thought of so I didn't choose to. Would make a fun omake thought in my opinion.

By the way in my story Deidara never defected or joined Akatsuki.

EMS-Eien Mangekyou Sharingan (Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye)