
Katniss leapt off of the platform and ran as fast as she could across the open field to the Cornucopia. She had to get to the bow and arrows which were almost dangling in front of her face. She just had to. She needed them desperately. Desperately, because right now, it didn't matter what Haymitch said. Right now, it didn't change her mind when Peeta shook his head no. Right now, she would throw away everything that eleven meant for her when they broadcasted and announced her rating to the world. None of it mattered. She needed those arrows, she needed that bow, and nothing would stop her from getting them.

But Katniss did stop. Her mind turned back to Peeta, and she turned and watched as he ran to the safety of the forest. Safe and sound. Time seemed to slow down as watched the blurry, distorted images of her competitors fly past her. She watched as they were running, pillaging and... dying! Tributes were being slaughtered! Blades flew and clashed and killed! Necks were breaking, bones were crushed, and lives were taken, stolen... claimed. Katniss' mind swam. What am I doing? Why can't I move?! she thought, frozen helplessly. Katniss knew she should run. She knew she should get to safety. But in this sickly moment, her body betrayed her and Time made her stop and stay, and watch.

Suddenly, Katniss head involuntarily whipped to the left in time to see a girl snatch up one of two backpacks next to a platform as she ran off the field in to the safety of the woods. And, finally, breaking free from the hold Time had on her, she ran to retrieve the other pack. In what seemed to be one swift movement—whoosh!— she grabbed the pack and was about to flee when she tripped and fell back onto the hard, packed ground.

Or rather, was tripped by another tribute. She looked up to see the boy from District Nine towering over her. She panicked and closed her grey eyes as he raised his ax—