Author's note: Hi everybody! This is the last chapter I will be posting for this story, as this is about where I think the second season will end. I do have some ideas for what may happen in season three, but I think I'll watch the finale first before I start writing anything.

Anyway, here is my final chapter, I hope you enjoy reading it.


'Beep... Beep... Beep.'

Regina's eyes slowly opened, and she realised that it was the middle of the night, and she was lying in a hospital bed. The beeping of the heart monitor beside her was apparently what had woken her.

"You're awake," a voice whispered in relief.

Turning her head, Regina thought she might still be dreaming.

"Henry?" She whispered.

Her son was sitting in a chair beside her bed, wearing a coat over his pyjamas.

"Hi," he greeted slowly. "I know it's not visiting hours," he admitted, "but I was able to sneak in."

Regina reached out to her son eagerly, feeling the needle from her IV pulling at the skin of her hand. Regina didn't care if this was a dream, she'd take it

Slowly, warily, Henry took her hand in his.

"Oh, Henry," Regina smiled. For his touch finally confirmed her hope: her son was actually here.

"Emma and David said that you got hurt," Henry put forward.

Regina nodded.

"But you're okay," she pulled her son to his feet so that he had to come closer to the bed. "That's the important thing. And you're really here."

Regina's delighted smile slowly turned into a frown of confusion. Casting her eyes around the room, she realised that they were alone.

"Henry," she began slowly. "Why are you here? How did you get here?"

Henry swallowed.

"I...didn't think they'd like me to come see you," Henry said slowly. "But, you're still my mom, and I wanted to make sure you were alright. Even though you did try to kidnap me this morning, or actually," he glanced at the clock on the wall, "yesterday morning."

Regina wasn't sure whether to feel touched or angry.

"You snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to come visit me in hospital, because you were worried about me?"

Henry nodded.

Regina decided to feel touched, and she pulled her son in for a hug, which he returned cautiously.

"My boy," Regina whispered, "you do love me."

"You're still my mom," Henry repeated.

"Then why do you keep pushing me away?" Regina asked her son, pulling back to see his eyes.

Henry looked at her as if the answer was obvious.

"Because you keep trying to kill everybody else in my family," he answered bluntly. "That's another reason why I snuck out: I didn't think it was safe for any of them to be near you. Not after what you did to my dad, or what you tried to do to Mary-Margret."

"Henry..." Regina reached for her son once more, but he backed away. "Mary-Margret has to pay for what she did to me."

"That's what the whole curse was for, your revenge, and you got it," Henry told her. "Now, my happy ending is having my whole family. And as long as you're still trying to kill Mary-Margret and my mom, that's not gonna happen." Henry moved to the door, ducking slightly to avoid the sight of a passing nurse.

"I'm glad you're okay, mom," Henry told her quietly as he straightened up. "But I should tell you: if you want to be a part of my life again, you have to learn to be a part of the family."

Slowly, quietly, Henry opened the hospital room door.

"Henry..."Regina reached out her hand once more, not wanting her son to leave.

"Bye mom," Henry whispered and was gone.

Regina sat numbly in the hospital bed, as the door swung shut quietly behind the only person in any world that she loved.


"Morning," David greeted as Emma made her way downstairs for breakfast.

"Is Henry up yet?" Snow asked curiously.

Emma shook her head.

"I just checked on him, he's still out like a light," Emma explained as she made herself a bowl of cereal.

"Well, he did have a pretty hard day, yesterday," David granted.

"Yeah," Emma nodded. "We all did."

Looking into her cereal bowl, Emma went over yesterday's events in her mind, and it was then that it really hit her.

They were going to travel to Neverland today.

And then...the Enchanted Forest.

And then...would they come back to Storybrooke? Knowing her parents determination to mend their homeland, Emma doubted it.

And Henry had always wanted to go to the Enchanted forest...

Emma looked into her bowl again.

Was this the last bowl of cornflakes she would ever have? She was sure there wouldn't be cereal either in Neverland, or the EnchantedForest.

Casting her eyes around the apartment, Emma took in the phones, the fridge, the t.v, even the light bulbs and the kitchen taps.

This could be the last time she ever experiences any of it...


She looked up to see her mother looking at her with concern.

"What's wrong?"

Emma swallowed, almost fearfully.

"This is our last day in this world," she whispered, "isn't it?"

She watched as her parents shared a wary look.

"The last day, phones..."Emma trailed off.

"Emma," Snow began gently.

"Electricity, medicine, indoor plumbing!" Emma stood up and began pacing.

"We'll be going back home," David told his daughter. "Back to the world you were supposed to grow up in."

"But this is the world I grew up in," Emma reminded her parents. "This is the only world I know how to live in, this is the only place where I'm me."

"We need to rebuild the kingdom," David said. "It's our home, our responsibility."

"Yeah, 'cause you're heroes." Emma's voice had a resentful edge to it. "Princes and Princesses."

"And so are you," Snow said gently.

Emma's head snapped up.

"I'm not a princess," she whispered.

"Yes, you are," Snow came forward slowly to take her daughter's hands in her own. "You are our daughter, Emma. You are a Royal by blood, and you should have grown up as such."

"But I don't want to be a princess!" Emma insisted.

Seeing the panic in her daughter's eyes, Snow realised something.

"Is that the real reason why you don't want to go?" She asked. "Not because of the ogres or having to hunt for food...but you're afraid of your birthright?"

Emma avoided Snow's eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Look," she began. "My entire life, I was alone, passed around foster homes until I finally got out, met Neal and lived a while as a thief. Then I became a bail-bonds person."

"Exactly," David insisted. "This world has always been cruel to you, you never belonged here."

"But it's the only one I know," Emma reminded them both before turning to Mary-Margret. "You remember how difficult it was for me to accept my position as Sheriff and as Henry's mother...and now you're asking me to go with you to the EnchantedForest and help rebuild a whole kingdom?"

"It'll be okay Emma, you're not alone anymore," Snow cradled her daughter's face in her hands, gaining her full attention. "You have your family with you now, and we can help you, and Henry to adjust to life in the EnchantedForest."

"We're going to have to go there anyway," David put forward reluctantly, "in order to find Neal."

David watched as his daughter's shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Yeah," Emma nodded slowly. "We do have to get Neal. Henry deserves to have a father."

"Speaking of Henry," David continued quickly, "what are we going to do about Greg and Tamara?"

That brought Emma back to reality, and she mentally slapped herself. Here she was, worried about herself, when she had found out last night that her son was in danger of being kidnapped by the killer-fairy and her food obsessed cohort.

"We can't let them near Henry." Emma stated. "Regina can't be near him either, she might try to take him again."

"Regina's not the issue right now," David stated. "She's currently still in hospital recovering, so we need to focus on Tamara and Greg."

"Why do they want Henry, anyway?" Snow asked.

"To trade," David answered, relaying what Regina had told him last night. "Apparently, when Greg met Regina as a boy, she had his father arrested, and he's been looking for him ever since."

"Well, what did Regina do to Greg's father?" Snow asked.

"She didn't say," David admitted.

"Typical," Emma muttered. Count on the Evil Queen to be the cause of everyone's problems.


"Well, Madame Mayor," Dr Whale announced, "it appears that you're fully recovered and free to go."

"Thank you, Dr. Whale," Regina smiled, wanting to show her gratitude. Whale was the only one who had come to treat her, none of the other hospital staff had wanted to. They were afraid of her.

After signing her release papers, Regina made ready to leave as quickly as possible.

She had just placed her bag on her shoulder when she heard the door open behind her.

Regina barely had time to turn before Tamara's magic-sucking taser was inches from her face.

"Madame Mayor," Owen smiled from over the woman's shoulder, Hook standing guard at the door. "Glad to see you're feeling better."

"Why's that?" Regina asked slowly.

"Because now you're free to take us to my father," Owen hissed.

"But I already told you –"

"Don't lie!" Tamara snarled. "or your precious little boy will pay the price."

"Leave Henry out of this," Regina told her.


Eyes turned to Hook, who was looking at Regina with something like confusion.

"I thought Henry was Emma's son," he said.

"Emma's his birth mother," Regina explained shortly. "I adopted him."

"You didn't know that?" Tamara asked the pirate.

"Look, I've never met the boy, so I didn't recognise him on the video," Hook explained, "and I've only ever heard his name when Emma was around, so no, I did not know they were the same child."

"Doesn't matter," Tamara turned back to the former Queen. "Both Emma and Regina would do anything to protect little Henry. Won't you, Madame Mayor?"

Regina swallowed, turning her eyes onto the former Owen Flynn.

"If I take you to your father," she said softly, "do you give your word that Henry will be safe?"

Owen stepped forward eagerly.

"You do have him?"

Regina nodded.

"But I'll only take you to him if you promise to leave Henry alone, and you leave."

Greg glanced at Tamara, who smiled sweetly.

"We promise that Henry will be unharmed and that we will leave Storybrooke," she promised before slowly lowering her taser.

Reluctantly, Regina nodded.

"Follow me," she said, leading the way out of the room and down the hall.

Regina could feel Tamara close behind her, and knew that the magic-sucking taser would be close at hand, should she make a wrong move.

She didn't care about Tamara, she just wanted to protect her son, and if that meant giving up a prisoner, then she would take it. She had no real need for Kurt Flynn, anyway.

Calmly, Regina approached the security pad beside the door that led to the asylum under the hospital.

Pressing the code quickly, Regina opened the door and began making her way down the stairs.

"You kept my father down here?" Owen hissed.

"Well, I couldn't risk him leaving to tell people where we were," Regina admitted. "The word of a man would be more convincing than the word of a scared little boy."

The nurse stood up as the group approached the desk.

"Madame Mayor," she greeted cautiously, eyes scanning the three figures behind her. "What brings you down here?"

"We're here to see him," Regina answered shortly, feeling Tamara and Owen tense behind her.

The nurse nodded, passing over a key.

"Go right on through," she gestured them on.

As the group moved on, no one saw her press the button beneath the desk.

Regina led the way down the cold, grey hallway, until they came to a door with the number 13 beside it.

"He's in here," Regina gestured to the door.

Owen reached for the handle eagerly, but Tamara stopped him.

"Open the door, Madame Mayor," she ordered, bringing her taser into view. "And no tricks now."

"Why would I trick you?" Regina asked. "You can drain me of my power, and I'm trying to protect my son. Do you really think I would do anything that would risk his life?"

"No," Hook granted, "but you'd risk ours in a heartbeat."

"Open the door," Owen ordered, calming down.

Slowly, Regina put the key in the lock and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

Owen followed close behind, eyes scanning the small room.

The padded cell was lit only by the faint light that made its way through the grate set near the top of the far wall.

A man could be seen lying on what served as a bed, which was really just a bench made from the same padded material as the cell. He was dressed in a grey hospital issue shirt and pants, and his arms and legs were strapped down. His beard and hair were lank and his eyes stared glassily up at the ceiling.

Owen rushed into the room to view the man.

Gazing upon the man lying before him, Owen could see that it was indeed his father. Unlike Regina, Kurt Flynn had aged, and there was grey streaked through his beard and hair.


Kurt Flynn's eyes slowly moved to view the man that was formally his son, but didn't say anything.

Owen turned to Regina.

"What did you do to him?"

Regina calmly raised her eyebrows.

"I didn't do anything," she told him. "Kurt was restrained because he continued to fight whenever anyone visited him, trying to escape. We then had to begin sedating him."

Owen hurried to release his father's bonds, helping his father to sit up. He felt like a rag doll in his arms.

"Why has he aged when you haven't?" Owen demanded to know.

"Because Storybrooke was frozen in time for twenty eight years, but your father wasn't," Regina explained to him. "Your father wasn't originally part of the curse, so it had no affect on him. Much like my son."

Owen looked into his father's eyes, searching for something familiar behind the drugged glaze.

"Dad?" He whispered. "It's me, Owen. I've come back for you, just like I promised."

Kurt blinked slowly, and something flickered in his eyes.

"Owen," he mumbled.

"Yes," Owen smiled with relief. "It's me dad. I've grown up, but I'm here. I'm gonna get you out of here."

Tamara moved forward and helped Greg to get his father to his feet.

However Regina moved to block their way to the door.

"Our deal," Regina reminded them firmly. "You have your father, now you will leave Henry alone and leave Storybrooke."

"Oh, we'll leave Storybrooke," Tamara assured the Evil Queen, "but we never promised to leave Henryalone."

Regina froze.

"We had a deal." She growled.

"Yeah, we said that Henry will be unharmed," Tamara qualified. "And we promise we won't hurt him. But he's too important a chess piece to give up. The son of the saviour and the adopted son of the Evil Queen... not to mention the grandson of the Dark One…"

"And we will leave Storybrooke," Greg added with a grin, "but we'll be leaving via a magic bean."

Regina stood firmly, blocking the pair's escape.

"You won't take my son," she hissed.

Suddenly, she felt cold steel at her throat. She'd forgotten about the pirate at the door.

"Sorry, your Majesty," Hook whispered in her ear. "But it looks like you've lost this round."

Regina smiled.

"I'm not losing my son," she hissed, magically releasing herself from Hook's grasp, causing him to fly backward into the wall of the corridor with a thud.

Before Tamara could reach for her taser, Regina shot her hand into Kurt Flynn's chest and ripped out his heart.

"No!" Owen screamed as his father's heart was crushed to dust before his eyes, causing Kurt to fall to the floor, lifeless.

"You threatened my son," Regina smiled, "and you tried to trick me. So now I take your father, Owen."

"You evil-"

"Queen," Regina supplied for the grieving man hunched over his father's body. "And something you need to learn, Owen: I always get what I want."

"Not this time," Tamara snarled, jabbing her taser into Regina's side.


Emma made her way through the hospital doors warily.

She'd received a call from the station earlier, saying that a panic button had been hit in the asylum below the Storybrooke Hospital.

Emma knew that was where Belle had been locked up during the curse, and, as Regina had just been taken to the hospital last night, Emma wondered what could have triggered a security breach in the underground ward.

"Sheriff," a voice called, and Emma turned to see a nurse waiting for her at the entrance to the asylum.

"I got a call saying that a panic button had been triggered here." Emma got straight to the point as she made her way over.

"Yes," the nurse nodded, leading the way through the halls away from the asylum. "Madam Mayor has been attacked.

"I know that,' Emma granted. "That's why she was admitted here last night."

"No, not last night," The nurse corrected her. "This morning."


"Madam Mayor came down to the asylum with three others, appearing to be under duress," the Nurse explained. "I pushed the panic button for help. About ten minutes later, I heard yelling and screaming, then suddenly, the three people who came with the Mayor ran out of the building. I went down the hall and found the Mayor unconscious, and had her brought in here."

Emma followed the Nurse into a hospital room, where Regina was lying in a bed, hooked up to machines beeping away as Doctor Whale took note of her vital signs.

"Sheriff," he greeted as he looked up.

"What's wrong with her?" Emma asked, a little shocked to see Regina appearing so fragile, lying on the hospital bed.

"About the same as she was last night, when she came in," Whale offered. "Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be as bad," he assured the Sheriff, "she's simply weak."

Emma turned to the nurse beside her.

"The three people who were with Regina,' Emma began, "what did they look like?"

The nurse thought for a moment.

"The woman had dark skin and hair," she described, "both men were Caucasian, one was dressed in grey, and the other was dressed in black, missing a hand."

Emma nodded. She knew exactly who they were.

"Miss Swan?"

Emma turned to see Regina's eyes were open.

"Regina!" Emma stepped forward. "What happened?"

"Tamara, Owen and Hook," Regina explained, her voice tired. "They're going after Henry."

Emma felt her blood run cold.

"Doctor Whale," Regina ordered, as she sat up gingerly. "I need to get out of here."

"That's out of the question, Regina," Whale told his patient firmly. "You're too weak, you need to recover from-"

"I won't let them take my son!" Regina yelled, sounding almost like her old self again.

Emma put her phone to her ear.

"David," she said quickly as her father picked up. "Take Henry to Gold's now. Tamara and Greg are coming for him. Hook too. Gold can protect him."

"No," Regina objected as Emma hung up. "He's my son. He's not yours or Gold's, he's mine."

"Regina!" Emma had had enough of this. "Henry has a whole family now, you have to accept that."

"Why?" Regina hissed. "When all you want to do is take him away from me?"

"If you weren't always trying to kill us, we wouldn't keep him away from you!" Emma told her. "Look," she tried to keep her voice calm. "We have to focus on Henry now. And like it or not Regina, Henry does have a whole family who cares about him now, not just you. He is my son. He is your son. He's Neal's son. He's Gold's, David's and Mary-Margret's grandson. And there's nothing you can do about that."

Emma stepped closer to the former Queen.

"And right now, our son is in danger." Emma reminded her. "And unless we put this...whatever this is between us behind us...neither of us is going to see him again. We are both his mother," Emma said slowly. "And we'll have to work together to get our son back. The whole family."

Regina appeared to have a bad taste in her mouth, and she swallowed.

Slowly, she nodded.

"Alright," she granted. "Let's save our son."


David knocked on Gold's front door, Henry at his side, and was a little surprised when Belle was the one who answered.

"Good morning, David," Belle smiled in greeting.

"Belle," David greeted. "Is Gold here?"

"What seems to be the problem, Mr Nolan?" Rumple came forward as Belle stepped aside.

David gestured to the boy beside him.

"Tamara and Greg attacked Regina again this morning," he explained. "And now they're going to try and kidnap Henry. Can you keep him safe?"

"Of course," Belle answered quickly, ushering Henry inside.

"What do you mean by 'attacked Regina again'?" Gold asked quizzically.

"Oh yeah," David remembered, "Emma didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" Gold demanded.

"Tamara has something that can suck the magic out of any magical being," David explained. "That's how they were able to overpower Regina."

Fear gripped Rumple's heart.

"Tamara can absorb magic?" He repeated.

"That's how the Blue Fairy was killed," David nodded.

"And yet you give Henry into my care?" Rumple asked, a growl entering his voice. "Do you realise how much magic Tamara could get from me, if she drained me dry? If she could kill the Blue Fairy, she could kill me too."

"That's not going to happen, Rumple," Belle assured her love.

"Please," David pleaded. "Protect Henry. We'll try to intercept them before they get here. Tamara's taser only works if it makes contact with you. If they do make it here, just don't let them get close enough to touch you."

Turning, David headed back to his car, in a hurry to help his daughter.

Rumple turned to view the boy standing awkwardly in his living room.

"I wasn't able to talk to Aurora last night," Henry told his grandfather, "so can I try now?"

"Of course," Rumple answered smoothly. "In fact, I think that's the best way you can be of use at the moment, Henry. " Rumple turned to the woman beside him.

"Belle," he began. "Why don't you take Henry up to the room we gave him yesterday? He may be here for a while."

As Belle led the boy upstairs, Rumple's mind began to race.

Tamara had the ability to drain the magic from any magical being...

She had killed the Blue Fairy...

Tamara was now after Henry, who had been placed in his care...

Rumple swallowed.

The seer had prophesised that the boy who led him to his son would be his undoing...

Was that time now?

After helping Henry settle in bed, Belle made her way downstairs to find Rumple still standing frozen where she had left him.

"Rumple?" She approached him, concerned. Her love seemed deep in thought, and only seemed to realise she was there after she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Belle," Rumple greeted, trying to smile, but Belle wasn't fooled.

"What's wrong?"she asked him, studying his face. "You look so pale."

Fingers shaking slightly, Rumple carefully took Belle's hand in his own.

"Belle," he whispered. "There's something I think I should tell you."

"What is it, Rumple?" Belle inquired, trying to stay calm, despite the ominous feeling she was getting.

"Here," Rumple led her over to the couch, "you may want to sit down."

Swallowing with apprehension, Belle carefully sat down, though Rumple remained standing, gathering his thought together.

"Belle," Rumple began softly, "did you know that I have the ability to see the future?" He asked her.

Belle's eyes grew wide. She hadn't expected this.

"Uh, no," she admitted. "I didn't know that."

"Well, I do," Rumple told her, "but I didn't always have it. A seer I met many years ago gave me the power, and it's not as much of a gift as you'd think. It's like looking at a puzzle with missing pieces. And even if you know what an outcome of something will be, it never turns out quite the way you were expecting."

"Okay," Belle was following, "but why are you telling me this now?" She asked him. "Did you see something?"

Rumple took a breath, letting it out slowly.

"I didn't see it," Rumple admitted. "The seer who gave me this power gave one last prophesy before she died." Rumple's voice trailed off. He wasn't sure if he could tell Belle this...

"What was it, Rumple?" Belle prompted. "You can tell me."

Rumple took a breath.

"She told me that I would be reunited with my son," he explained carefully. "And that it would be a boy who would lead me to him. And that this boy would be more than what he seems."

"Henry," Belle made the connection. "You wouldn't have expected him to be your grandson."

Rumple nodded, and Belle was struck by how grave his expression was.

"There's something else, isn't there?" She asked.

Rumple nodded.

"The prophesy also said," Rumple avoided Belle's eyes, "that the boy would be my undoing."


"Your undoing?" Belle repeated slowly. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know," Rumple admitted. "The specifics, unfortunately, are a part of those 'missing pieces' I mentioned earlier. However," Rumple added, "Henry is now in my care, and we have someone looking for him who can kill magical beings, even immortal ones." Rumple closed his eyes. "I think that makes it pretty clear."

"No," Belle said firmly, understanding. "You are not going to die, Rumple."

"You're sure of that?" Rumple asked her. "The seer also prophesised my son growing up fatherless, and every method I took to try and prevent that from happening, only ensured it. What makes you think that this will be any different?"

"Because the seer said 'undoing', right?" Belle asked and Rumple nodded. "Well, if you were going to die, wouldn't she have simply said 'death'? Undoing could mean all manner of things. Like me, for example," Belle put forward. "When I kissed you at the Dark Castle, and you began to lose your powers, that could have been your undoing. But you wouldn't have died."

"But the seer didn't mention you being my undoing, she said the boy, Henry, would," Rumple reminded her. "And after what happened to the Blue Fairy, and knowing that Tamara's after magic..."

"Rumple," Belle stood up to face him, gaining his full attention. "I don't know what 'undoing' could mean in this case, but I'm sure it doesn't mean your death. It probably just means your curse will be broken."

"Probably?" Rumple repeated sceptically.

"You are not going to die today, Rumple," Belle told him, her voice determined. "You have too much to live for."

Rumple nodded.

"You're right, Belle," Rumple said slowly, trying to convince himself as much as her. "I'm not going to die today. I still have to find my son."


Neal watched the rays of the morning sun filter through the trees as he made his way along the forest road.

Neal had made it to the forest before night fell the previous afternoon, and had spent the night reliving his days in Neverland, sleeping amongst the trees. He hadn't slept well though, for his old nightmares returned in earnest now that he was back home.

When the sun rose, Neal had been able to find a stream to quench his thirst, but his stomach was telling him that he really needed to find food. So he began scanning the forest around him as he walked, recalling the times he and his father had to forage for food on days when they didn't sell enough wool at market, for in Neverland, there was always food available.

Neal got lucky, finding a wild blackberry bush, and while his hands stung from the thorns, the sweet, ripe berries were enough to lift his spirits.

After a time, Neal paused, his ears pricked. Was that hooves he could hear?

He listened carefully...

Yes! He could hear hooves approaching. Horses! That meant people.

But, he considered. They may not be friendly...

Quickly, he hurried into the trees by the forest trail, and waited.

Soon, three horses came into view, making their way along the trail. Their riders cloaked.

"How much farther to Lake Nostos?" one of the riders, a woman, asked her companions.

"Another couple of hours' ride," another woman answered. "But I don't see why we're going there," she added.

"Because Henry found Aurora in the Netherworld to ask for our help," the third person, a man answered. "And after being freed from the wraith, I will do all I can with my freedom to help others."

"But his father could be long gone by now," the woman argued.

"Hey!" Neal rushed onto the road as the horses passed his hiding spot. "You know Henry?" He called after them.

As the riders turned their horses, Neal was able to finally see their faces as they removed their hoods.

An Asian woman in leather and steel armour dismounted and came forward, drawing her sword as she moved.

"Who are you?" She demanded.

"My name is Neal," he answered, raising his hands in a placating gesture.


He looked up to see a second woman move her horse forward, her brown hair framing her pale face and dark eyes.

"Yes," he nodded. "Do you know my son, Henry? Emma's son?"

"Emma?" the Asian woman repeated, her voice still wary, but less commanding.

"Lower your sword, Mulan," the brown-haired woman told her. "He's the one we've been looking for."

"How can we be sure?" Mulan asked, still suspicious. "He could have heard Henry's name while we were talking, and Snow and Emma's arrival wasn't exactly secret back at the Safe Haven."

"Look at the clothes he's wearing," Aurora told her travelling companion. "You can tell he's not from here. And he said his name was Neal, the same name Henry gave me. He couldn't have overheard that."

Neal glanced down at his clothes. He did stick out like a sore thumb.

"Well, you're not exactly catching me at my best," he spoke up. "But if you know my son, and can help me out, I'd appreciate it."

"Lower your sword, Mulan," The man dismounted and it was only at his order that Mulan slowly sheathed her blade.

"So," the man smiled in greeting as his eyes studied Neal. "You are the man we've been looking for?"

"I guess so," Neal granted. "But why were you looking for me? How do you know my son and Emma?"

"My name is Phillip," the man introduced himself. "This is Mulan, by closest friend, and Aurora, my true love." He held out a hand, and Neal slowly took it.

"It appears we all have quite a story to tell each other," he smiled.

"Looks like it," Neal agreed. "You first: How do you know my son?"


"Come on, Regina," Emma called.

"Don't tell me to hurry up," Regina shot back as she exited the hospital room. It had taken some persuading to get Doctor Whale to release the mayor, and he had only agreed once he had given her a full check up to ensure she was physically able to walk on her own feet unaided, and only after she'd had something to eat and drink.

Emma and Regina hurried into the hospital foyer where David was waiting.

"Henry?" Regina asked.

"He's fine, he's with Gold," David assured them. "Snow's holding the fort at home, just in case they turn up looking for Henry."

"Okay," Emma thought quickly. "You head back home and get Mary-Margret, Regina and I will head to Gold's to help protect Henry."

"He'll love that," Regina commented dryly.

"He'll have to deal with it," Emma said firmly, leading the way outside. "Let's go."


Greg picked the lock of the apartment door, grinning as he heard a click.

Slowly pushing the door open, he, Tamara and Hook carefully entered the apartment, which appeared to be empty.

"Told you it was a long shot, coming here," Hook told his companions. "Regina must have told them, and now they've taken the boy away."

"Of course," a voice said.

Turning, they watched as Snow White pushed the door closed with a foot, as her hands were busy aiming an arrow squarely at Tamara's chest.

"Regina and I have many differences," Snow told the would-be kidnappers, "but if there is one thing we do agree on, it's the importance of family. Now she and Emma are finally working together to protect their son. Having a common enemy will do that."

Tamara got out her taser.

"That won't work on me," Snow told the woman. "I don't have magic."

"Well, I may not be able to drain magic from you," Tamara grinned as the taser shifted into her wand. "But I can still use magic on you."

Snow stared at the glowing, dark blue wand.

"Why did you kill the Blue Fairy?" Snow asked her. "Why would you kill the most benevolent being of our homeland?"

"Benevolent?" Tamara scoffed. "She's manipulative. Lied to a young boy just so she could rid her realm of his Dark father. She's no better than anyone else."

"She was better than you," Snow told her. "You've lied and hurt so many people."

"So have you," Tamara shot back with a grin. "From what I hear, you're just as much to blame for everything that's happened as The Evil Queen. You've killed too."

Snow's hands shook slightly on her bow, but she kept her aim.

"I'll do anything it takes to protect my family," Snow told them, drawing her arrow tighter on the bowstring. "That means killing, if I have to."

"There's no need to be rash, love," Hook smiled.

Snow glanced at the captain.

"I know you're a pirate," Snow told him, "but I thought you at least had a heart. Why would you help them kidnap Emma's son?"

"Like you said love," Hook told her. "I'm a pirate. I deserve my vengeance, and they're the ones who can help me get it. I common enemy will do that."

"Now," Tamara stepped forward. "Where is the boy?"

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" Snow asked.

Tamara held up her wand.

Snow smiled.

"Try it," she challenged, her arrow very steadily directed at Tamara's chest. "We'll see who has the better aim."

"She's not going to tell us anything," Hook announced suddenly.

"What makes you say that?" Greg demanded.

"Because she's motivated," Hook smiled at Snow White. "You're so much like your daughter, Your Majesty," he told her. "You need to protect your child, Emma, and her child in turn. You consider your life a small price to pay for theirs, don't you?"

"That's what parents do," Snow confirmed. "They put their children first."

"In that case," Tamara sighed, "we'll just have to find him the old fashioned way."

"Can't we just kill the crocodile first, and then go after the boy?" Hook suggested. "He's the most powerful-" he froze in realisation.

"That's where Henry is," he whispered, and was rewarded as worry flickered across Snow White's face.

"What do you mean?" Greg asked.

"The Dark One is the most powerful magician in town," Hook reminded them, "and with Regina out of commission once more, where would the safest place for Henry be, other than with his dear grandfather?" He grinned. "We can kill two birds with one stone. Get Henry and my revenge at the same time."

"You'll have to go through me first," Snow told them firmly.

Tamara grinned as she began making small circles with the wand, magic beginning to emanate from it as it moved through the air.

"Very well." She agreed. "It was nice meeting you, Snow White."

Snow released her arrow just as Tamara flicked the tip of the wand forward, and Snow's arrow froze in mid air before shattering.

Snow already had another arrow aimed at Tamara. This time, the fairy waited a beat, allowing Snow to shoot the arrow. Evading it, Tamara attacked Snow as she was reloading, freezing her in place.

Snow stood, taking aim with her bow, still as a statue.

"You didn't kill her?" Hook queried.

"She's not magical," Tamara answered casually. "No point."

"How did you dodge that arrow?" Greg looked at Tamara, impressed.

"The Indians in Neverland often fought with arrows," Tamara explained shortly. "You had to learn to dodge them, if you were fighting with them." She moved swiftly to the door, as her wand shifted back into its taser form.

"Now let's get to Gold's."

The three of them left, though Hook couldn't help but pause, staring at Emma's mother, standing frozen in the middle of the room.

After a moment, he left, following his companions towards his vengeance.


Henry cast his eyes around the room that was the Netherworld. He'd slept badly the night before, not to mention the fact he spent half the night running to and from the Storybrooke hospital to visit with his adoptive mother. He still marvelled at the fact that he hadn't been caught. Although, Henry had to admit, he was good at sneaking in and out of places.

He grinned to himself. Guess he got that from his dad.

Although, it meant that he hadn't been able to visit the Netherworld to check in with Aurora. Now, Henry hoped that she would turn up, as she did before, to give him an update.


His head shot up, and he grinned as Aurora stood before him.

"Aurora!" Henry greeted happily, getting to his feet. "You're here!"

"Yes," she smiled. "And I have good news, Henry."

Henry waited with anticipation.

'Please...' he hoped.

Aurora's smile grew wider. "We found your father."


David paused as he approached the front door to his family's apartment.

The door was ajar.

Cautiously, David got out his gun and slowly pushed the door open.

His blood turned to ice as he found his wife standing, frozen as still as a statue, in the living room.


Holstering his gun, he rushed towards her still form and was relieved when he found a pulse. She was still alive at least.

"Tamara," he whispered, for who else had the power to turn his wife into a living statue?

Slowly, hopefully, he brought his lips to Snow's, using the only magical power he had to him.

True Love's kiss again proved powerful enough to break any curse, causing Snow to collapse in his arms, free from her bonds, her bow and arrow clattering to the floor.

"Oh, Snow," David whispered with relief, holding his wife close, "you're alright."

"Yes, I'm fine," Snow gave her husband a kiss of reassurance before reclaiming her weapon and getting to her feet.

"Tamara, Greg and Hook figured out that Henry's with Gold," she told him quickly. "We have to get going."

David nodded, heading for the door.

"Let's go," he agreed reaching for his phone.


Rumple heard a clattering above him and soon, Henry came running down the stairs.

"He's alright!" The boy announced happily. "My dad's alright!"

"You spoke to Aurora?" Belle inquired, glancing at Rumple.

"Yeah, she, Mulan and Phillip just found him in the Enchanted forest." Henry told them both. "They're taking his to the Safe Haven. Now all we have to do is go to Neverland and get another bean."

"Exactly. You see Rumple?" Belle turned to the man beside her and took his hand. "Everything is going to be alright. And if we leave for the wishing well now, we can avoid a fight with Tamara, Greg and Hook altogether."

Rumple nodded. Avoiding the magic-sucking fairy sounded like a fine idea to him.

"Get your bag, Belle," Rumple told his love. "Henry, call your mother, tell them all to meet us at-"


The door burst open forcefully, hitting the wall and Hook stormed in, followed closely by Tamara and Greg.

"Dark One," Tamara greeted quickly as she jabbed her taser in the man's side.

"No!" Belle screamed, rushing forward, only to be grabbed by the pirate, his hook at her throat.

"Oh no, sweetheart," he whispered. "You're going to watch this."

"Henry, run!" Belle yelled at the boy, who appeared frozen in shock at this turn of events.

Snapping out of his shock, Henry made for the door, only to be grabbed by Greg.

"We've got him Tamara, let's go!" Greg yelled as Henry tried to pull free from his grasp.

"Not yet," Tamara grinned as she jabbed her taser into the Dark One once more. "There's so much power in him. And I want it all." She turned her head to view Hook.

"Ready for your revenge?" She asked him. Hook grinned.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," he gushed, his eyes alight with fire.

"No, please!" Belle begged as she watched her love convulse with pain on the floor. "Stop! You're killing him!"

"That's the idea," Hook whispered in her ear, holding her more tightly as she struggled.

Tamara released Rumple momentarily, feeling the magic flow out of his body.

"So much power," she smiled hungrily. "Far more than I imagined."

Gasping with pain, Rumple stared at the woman standing over him.

"You want my power, Tamara?" He whispered. "You want all of it?"

"Yes," the woman hissed.

"Here, then," Rumple raised a hand. "Take it."

A blast of energy flew from his hand, and Tamara went flying backward into Greg and Henry, the three of them landing hard on the floor.

Belle used the distraction to stomp on Hook's foot, and as she was wearing stiletto heels, the pirate released her quickly, crying out in pain.

"Rumple!" Rushing forward, she helped her love to his feet, but as they turned to the door, they realised that Tamara and Greg were gone.

And so was Henry.

Hook was furious. Again, he had come so close to having his vengeance, but again, he had been double crossed, Tamara and Greg leaving with the boy, and leaving Hook behind.


Belle and Rumple turned to see the pirate rush forward, brandishing his hook, attempting to stab the Dark One in his weakened state.

Suddenly, he went flying backward into the wall, pinned and unable to move.

"Leave my family alone," Emma told the pirate as she stepped through the front door, followed by Regina.

"Emma," Rumple greeted, his voice weak from his ordeal, "lovely timing, thank you."

"Where's Henry?" Regina demanded eagerly.

"They took him," Rumple reported.

"What?" Regina demanded. "You're the most powerful magician in our land, and you just let them take my son away?"

"Well, having your magic drained from you, along with your life, can have rather serious consequences, as I'm sure you know, Your Majesty," Rumple hissed through gritted teeth.

Emma turned to Hook.

"Where are they taking him?" She demanded.

"Why should I tell you?" Hook asked, only to have Emma punch him in the face. "You've lost your vengeance," she hissed, "and now, we're your only hope of staying alive. Where are they?"

Hook sighed.

"They've gone to the marina," he told them. "Water connects worlds, so that's where they plan to create a portal."

Emma and Regina shared a look.

"We have to get to the marina," she said and the mayor nodded.

"What about him?" Regina gestured to Hook.

Emma released him, and the pirate fell to the floor in a heap.

"He's coming with us," she announced.


Less than an hour later, cars were skidding to a stop at the harbour.

"Let me go!" Henry yelled as Greg and Tamara pulled him from the backseat.

"Come on, Henry!" Tamara smiled as she tightened her grip on the boy's arm, "I thought you wanted an adventure like in the stories."

"We've gotta hurry," Greg nodded toward the other cars, where Snow and Charming, Regina, Emma and Hook, and Gold and Belle were arriving onto the scene.

"You got the bean?" Tamara whispered to Greg, who held up a hand. She smiled.

"Let's go."

"Mom!" Henry called back as Greg and Tamara pulled him towards the closest dock. "Help!"

"Come on!" Emma began racing after the pair, Regina close behind her. "We can't let them take Henry!"

Henry was stumbling as Tamara and Greg continued to hurry him along the dock, reaching the end, Tamara smiled into the water.

"There's so much magic in Neverland," she smiled, turning to Greg. "We're finally going home."

Grinning, Greg threw the bean into the water, and Henry paused in his struggles as a whirlpool roared into formation causing the water to froth and foam.

"This is it," Tamara yelled over the roar of the water.

Tightening their grip on Henry's arms, Tamara and Greg backed up a few steps.




Emma, Regina and the others reached the dock just in time to see Greg and Tamara make a running jump into the whirling vortex, pulling Henry with them.

"Noooo!" Regina collapsed onto the wooden boards beneath her feet as the portal faded as quickly as it appeared.

"Henry," Emma whispered, tears trailing down her cheeks.

Rumple looked on, Belle at his side. Unable to run, he had been forced to watch from the sidelines.

His son was gone, and now his grandson was gone.

But, Rumple remembered the prophesy, was that necessarily a bad thing? Although he hadn't died today, much like when Hook stabbed him, he had come close to it. And Henry couldn't be his undoing if he was in a different land to him...

Regardless, he would have to follow, if only to find the magic bean that would lead him to the enchanted forest, and to his son...

"Never fear, Sheriff," Rumple moved forward, with Belle's aid, to console the grieving woman. "For we still have the other bean."

Emma's eyes brightened, and she reached into a pocket, drawing out the last bean.

"We can follow them," she said.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Regina demanded. "Throw it into the water."

"Not so fast," Rumple cautioned. "For there are a lot of us, and there's no guarantee that we'll all be able to make it through together. I'm not losing this opportunity to find my son, who, by the way, I lost, thanks to you, Your Majesty," he added, turning to Regina.

"And now Emma and I have lost our son because of you," Regina shot back. "I'd say we're even."

Rumple raised his eyebrows in surprise. Regina had certainly changed her perspective, although, he mused, the threat of losing a loved one can do that.

"If I may make a suggestion?"

All eyes turned to Hook, who approached the group, cuffed and in David's grasp.

"What could you possibly offer us?" Regina demanded scathingly.

"Need I remind you, Your Majesty, that I persuaded Tamara to stop torturing you," Hook reminded the queen. "And to answer your question, I can offer my ship."

"Why would you do that?" Snow asked suspiciously.

"Because my ship is made from enchanted wood," Hook explained, "and can travel through portals with ease, ensuring that our group can stay together, without becoming separated. And in return for the use of my ship," Hook added quickly, "I will accompany you to Neverland."

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Three main reasons," Hook answered simply. "First: I don't want to be stuck in this world for the rest of my life. Second: If you all go, my chance for vengeance," he glanced at Rumple, "goes with you, and third: it's my ship, and I'm the only one qualified to sail it, other than your son, Dark One, who's conveniently out of reach at the moment." He smiled. "Your boy was always a fast learner."

"What?" Rumple asked.

"Who do you think taught him to sail? Tinkerbell?" Hook's smile became wider.

"You taught my son?" Rumple asked slowly, shocked.

"Yes, I guess you could say I was his father figure growing up," he taunted and Rumple found the energy to belt him with his cane.

"Woah, woah, woah," David pulled Hook out of arms reach as Emma went to stand between the two enemies.

Emma thought quickly. They needed to get to Neverland, and they needed to travel all together.

"Deal," she agreed.

"What?" Rumple questioned the sheriff.

"Look, we need to get to Neverland together, and Hook's ship is the only way to ensure we can all get there.

"I can use magic to steer it," Rumple objected even as he had to lean heavily on his cane.

Emma could see how weak Gold was, and Regina wasn't much better either.

"Or you could," Rumple put forward. "You showed excellent control back there, Emma. You're a quick learner."

"I don't know enough to steer a pirate ship," Emma admitted. "We need help, and Hook is our only option."

Hook smiled.

"I knew you needed me, love," he told her, only to have David tighten his grip.

Emma cast her eyes around her family gathered on the dock. No one else raised an objection to travelling by ship.

Only this morning Emma was debating whether or not she wanted to leave Storybrooke, and now, she was chomping at the bit to leave.

"Neverland, here we come," she announced.


Henry was surrounded by water as it swirled, frothed and bubbled around him, filling his ears and he was thankful that he'd thought to take a breath before being pulled into the portal.

He couldn't tell which direction was up, but eventually the water began to calm, and Henry could see shafts of sunlight penetrating the water.

Seeing the rippling surface above him, Henry swam as fast as he could, his lungs screaming for air.

Gasping, he broke the surface of the water, Tamara and Greg beside him.

"Tamara," Greg panted. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Tamara answered, grinning "I'm fantastic!"

Realising he was free of their grasp, Henry began swimming away.

Tamara laughed.

"Go ahead kid, swim away," she called after him. "You won't get too far on your own, here."

Pausing, Henry looked around, realising he was no longer in Storybrooke Harbour. The water around him was a beautiful shade of azure blue, and warm, as if he were in the tropics.

And looming before him was an island, covered in jungle. Even from here, Henry could see the brightly coloured flowers.

Tamara, Greg and Henry soon swam to the shore, which was closer than it first appeared.

"I'm home!" Tamara called, raising her hands to the sky, as if embracing the whole island. She turned back to view Henry and Greg who were sitting on the sand. Henry was too exhausted from the swim to try to run.

"Welcome to Neverland," she smiled.


After taking the time needed to pack a bag and say goodbye (Ruby had wanted to join them, but Snow was able to convince her friend to stay with her granny) everyone was gathered on the deck of the Jolly Roger.

"Welcome aboard everyone," Hook announced. "Before we get underway, there are a few things that you need to know about how it works on my ship: I give the orders, you follow them."

"Or, we could just throw you overboard," Rumple commented. "Regina and I are both recovering, I'm sure between us, we could generate enough magic to steer the ship."

"Indeed," Regina agreed. "For I don't take orders from anyone."

"And I'm the one who has the bean," Emma added, showing Hook the treasured item in her hand. "This is your ticket Hook, so I suggest that you be a little more open minded, or we will...commandeer your ship."

"This is the thanks I get for offering my services?" Hook was offended.

"Get us underway, Hook," David ordered.

"Very well," Hook granted, "but I will need help. There's a reason why you need a whole crew aboard a ship."

"What do you need?" Emma asked, eager to get going.

Hook smiled, thankful for some co-operation, as he gave out instructions for getting the ship ready to launch.

When the open ocean was finally stretching out before them, Emma threw the bean into the water.

A large whirlpool opened ahead of the ship's bow, and Hook stood at the helm, guiding the Jolly Roger carefully towards the portal.

Snow sat near the railing on the port side of the ship, staring at the whirling vortex ahead. She glanced across at Regina, who was standing with Emma at the bow of the ship, as if hoping that standing there will get them to Neverland, and Henry, that much sooner.

"Hold on, mates!" Hook called out, flashing a grin. "There's bumpy seas ahead!"

Snow gripped the railing and felt David's arms around her protectively.

"Emma!" She called, out, wanting her daughter nearby.

Emma stumbled a couple of times, making her way across to her parents. She still didn't have her sea legs yet, and she could feel they were picking up speed as the whirlpool drew them in.

"Hang on!" Snow yelled over the roar of the whirlpool. "We'll get to Henry soon!"

Rumple held Belle close as they braced themselves.

"Everything's going to be okay, Rumple," Belle assured him. "We'll find Bae. Everything will be fine."

Rumple smiled at the woman he loved more than anything, wishing he could share her optimism.

'The boy will be your undoing,' the seer's voice echoed in his head.

He had nearly died in Manhattan... and today...both because of Henry.

And now he was going to the place where Henry had been taken. But it was also the place where he would find what he needed to reunite with his son once more.

He just hoped he could see Bae again before the seer's prophesy was fulfilled.

Regina stood, unafraid at the ships prow, as the Jolly Roger began to enter the portal.

"Don't worry, Henry," she thought to herself as the wind and spray buffeted her. "Mommy's coming for you."

The portal drew the Jolly Roger into its grasp, carrying it on the waves as easily as a paper boat. The sound of the whirling water roared in everyone's ears, the wind whipping the sails, causing the ropes to strain and pull against their joints.

Suddenly, the ship lurched to one side as it slipped beneath the rim of the portal.

"This is it!" Hook's voice could barely be heard over the roar of the water. "Hold on tight!"


Ruby parked her car hurriedly and raced towards the docks, the dwarves and Anton following. She couldn't just let her friends just leave.

However, they were too late.

They raced to the end of the dock just in time to see the Jolly Roger be swallowed up by gigantic whirlpool as easily as a leaf being taken down a storm drain.

"Snow!" Ruby screamed, even though she knew they couldn't hear her. "Belle!"

Slowly, the heaving waves settled down, and the wind returned to a cool breeze.

And instead of roaring water, they could only hear the cries of gulls as they resumed their flight above the marina.

"What happened?" Doc wondered.

Ruby swallowed, tears trailing down her cheeks.

"They're gone," she whispered. "They're all gone."

"Gone to Neverland?" Happy asked hopefully.

"Of course they've gone to Neverland," Grumpy snapped. "They went to get more beans, so we could go home."

"But, they'll be back, right?" Ruby turned to Anton, for he knew the most about the beans.

Anton shrugged, but nodded. "If they can find the right bean, and there's the mother-load in Neverland, then they'll be able to come back."

"And then we can go home!" Grumpy cheered. "And on the bright side: there's no Evil Queen or Rumplestiltskin here to cause trouble anymore."

"Yeah!" Happy brightened up. "We can finally relax a bit. And all we have to do is wait for Snow, Emma and David to come back with the beans that'll take us home."

With this optimistic thought, the dwarves were able to return to their truck and pile in.


Ruby turned to see Anton, watching her with concern.

"I'm just worried," she admitted.

The former giant smiled gently.

"I know," he told her, "but seriously, knowing Snow, David and Emma? I think they'll be just fine."

Ruby nodded, trying to convince herself as she turned back to stare at the open sea.

"You're right," she said, wiping her tears away. "They'll be fine."


"Wake up me beauties! Rise and shine!"

Hook's voice broke through Emma's fuzzy head and she slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on the deck o f the Jolly Roger. Apparently the movement between worlds was slightly rougher than originally thought.

"Emma?" Snow and David helped their daughter get to her feet. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Emma nodded slowly gazing around. Everyone else seemed to be present and unharmed. "Are we here?"

"Yes indeed," Hook grinned gesturing grandly to the island rising out of the tropical waters before them. "Welcome to Neverland, Mates."

Hook steered the ship into a sheltered cove where they were able to drop anchor and make their way to shore.

"Thank you for the transport, Captain," Rumple said as he helped Belle onto the beach, "now, I believe this is where we part ways."

"Wait," Emma objected. "Tamara knows this place and so does Hook. Don't you think that might be a little useful?"

"I need to find the beans, so I can find my son," Rumple reminded her before turning back to Hook.

"Just tell me where the bean fields are, and I'll be on my way."

Suddenly, an arrow thudded into the wood of the longboat they rowed ashore in.

Quickly, David had his sword free and Snow had her own arrow ready to loose at a moment's notice. As all eyes were scanning the jungle before them, looking for signs of any movement, no one noticed Hook slowly get back into the longboat and make his departure until it was too late.

"Hook ,you coward!" Belle yelled after the retreating pirate, who simply waved back.

"Hook brought us here on purpose," Regina surmised aloud. "He knew we'd be attacked as soon as he reached the shore."

"Who's there?" David demanded, his eyes warily scanning the trees in front of them.

Slowly, three figures emerged from the cover of the trees.

David lowered his sword slightly in surprise. They were teenage boys, maybe around sixteen or so. One held a bow, one held a spear and one held a sword.

"We'll be asking the questions here, mate," the boy with the sword answered arrogantly.

"Anyone who sails with pirates is an enemy of us!" The boy with the spear added with a grin.

Snow lowered her bow, placing her arrow back in her quiver. Raising her hands, she took a step forward.

"Listen,' she said soothingly, 'we don't want any trouble, we're just looking for someone."

"Who?" The boy with the bow asked, not lowering his arrow.

"My son," Emma said stepping forward. "His name's Henry."

That caused the boy with the arrow to lower his weapon.

"You're a mom?" He asked.

"Yes," Emma answered. "And I'm looking for my son."

The boys glanced at the one with the sword, who nodded.

They put away their weapons, and David sheathed his sword.

"My name's Felix," the boy with the sword came forward, holding out a hand, which David took slowly. "Welcome to the home of the Lost Boys," he grinned. "No adults have ever made it here before, other than pirates."

"We're not pirates," Snow assured them. "We just want to help our family."

Felix's eyes grew softer.

"Family," the boy with the spear whispered, before being shoved into silence by the archer.

"Every boy who comes here is lost,' Felix told the group surely. "So, sooner or later, he'll turn up with the Lost Boys."

He gestured for the group to follow him into the trees.

"This way," he invited. "I'll take you to our home."

Snow and Emma made to follow, but David stopped them.

"Are you sure we can trust them?" David asked.

"We don't have much of a choice at the moment," Emma reminded her father.

"She's right," Rumple spoke up. "And if we are ever going to find the beans, or Henry, we'll need people who know the island. And they do." Rumple pointed to the three boys.

David nodded slowly in agreement.

Slowly, the group followed Felix and his companions across the beach, making their way into the trees.

Emma cast her eyes through the thick foliage. Henry was in there, somewhere.

'I'm coming, Henry,' she thought to herself as she walked. 'I'll find you.'

Rumple's mind was racing as he walked, Belle's hand in his own.

He was going to find the beans. And he was going to find his son.

But what to do about Henry...?


Author's note: So, that it for this story! Yes, it is a bit of a cliffhanger ending, but that's how season 1 ended, so I'm assuming that's how season 2 will end also. I was debating whether to add the scene on the beach with the Lost boys, but I thought it would be good to at least show that the group reached Neverland safely.

Now: to find Henry, the beans, and Neal!

Thank you so much for reading my story. Your reviews and favourites have been my motivation to keep writing.

As I said, I do have a couple of ideas and scenes that I expect to see, or would like to see, in season three. Ariel, for example, I believe we'll meet in Neverland at the Mermaids lagoon (I think Rumple may know her, as he's mentioned mermaids a couple of times) and I'd like to see Emma and Henry together in the Enchanted Forest. Though I think the idea of being an actual Princess would be terrifying for Emma.

I'm also curious to see how Regina and Emma's relationship will develop, as well as what, exactly, will Rumple do about Henry.

I think that Rumple's curse of being the Dark One will somehow be broken in season three. Which I'm quite thankful for. Not that I don't like him with magic- I totally do- it's just that if he's cursed, Rumple's immortal. But Belle and his son are not. They could grow old and die, while he lives on, with 'an empty heart and a chipped cup' again? That can't happen, it's no happy ending! But, I know how much Rumple loves his magic, so what could happen?

My theories are:

1: Will he give up his power, with True Love's Kiss, (in the enchanted forest- where it would still work) in order to prevent Tamara killing him, and to protect himself and his family?

2: Will he try to somehow make Belle immortal too? Perhaps stay in Neverland, where no one grows old, in order to keep both his magic and his love?

3: Or will he try to find a half-way point where his curse can break, turning him mortal, but he still has some magic?

I think a combination of one and three is likely, as Rumple didn't always have the seer's power for example, so he would still probably have that, even after his curse as the Dark One Breaks.

Anyway, I'm hoping we go into the details of how his curse actually works in season three, as I have a couple of questions: like how could he be 'the Dark One' in Storybrooke, yet Belle's kiss didn't break his curse? Does it only work in the Enchanted forest?

Anyway, if you'd like me to try writing a seaon three story, let me know. I'll probably make it cannon, starting from the actual season finale, so, I won't be posting anything until then, probably.

Thank you so much for reading! Please review, giving feedback, theories, or ideas for season three!
