Hello readers.

I know I don't normally start a book while I'm writing another one, but I didn't have internet until recently so I have had nothing to do but write.

I hope you enjoy and please R&R

Forever a Family.

Kiera POV

"The stars are so beautiful aren't they?" I asked

I felt Jak nod his head from behind me. He being mute was sometimes a pain because he couldn't tell me he loved me, but I didn't mind because he always made up for it by showing me how much he loved me.

I turned around to face him and kissed him with all the love I held for him.

He kissed me back with just as much love in the kiss.

We pulled apart and looked in each other's eyes.

That was when he picked me up and started walking towards the village.

I had a feeling I knew what he was going to do and I was right.

I woke up the next morning feeling a bit sore, but it was a good pain and I felt content in Jak's arms.

I turned around and snuggled into his chest, when I did his arms tightened around me and I looked up at him.

He smiled down at me and I leaned up and kissed him

"Good morning." I said

"KKKEEEIIIRRRAAA!" was heard all around the village.

"Looks like that's my cue to leave, I love you." I said and got dressed and left.


I walked up to Jak's hut a little nervous about what I had to tell him.

When I got to his hut I knocked on the door and a minute later Jak's uncle answered.

"Hello Kiera, Jak's just in his room if you're looking for him. I on the other hand am about to head out on another adventure. I'll see you in a couple weeks, hmm." And with that he left.

I walked into the hut and to Jak's room. When I got there he was lying on his bed reading a book his Uncle probably made him read to keep him indoors instead of out with Daxter causing trouble.

"H-he-ey Jak, can we talk" I said a little nervous.

He looked up from his book and to me; he gave me a concerned look and put the book down, sat up and made a space for me to sit on the bed.

"Do you remember that night about a month ago?" I asked

He nodded still looking concerned.

"Well… um… how should I say this… I'm pregnant." I blurted out with my eyes closed so I couldn't see his reaction. I was only fourteen and Jak was only fifteen. How where we going to be able to support a baby.

The next thing I knew was that Jak had picked me up and was spinning me around. He set me back on my feet and kissed me like there was no tomorrow, I swore to myself at that moment I couldn't be any happier.


9 months later

"AAAHHHGGG!" I screamed as I was pushing.

I had been having contractions for five hours and now I was finally being able to push. What everyone failed to mention during the nine months was how painful it was to give birth.

About five minutes later I heard the cry of a baby.

"It's a boy!" the mid wife cried.

Just then another contraction hit and I started pushing again

"There's a second child, come on Keira, you can do it." The mid wife told me

Another three minutes later and another cry was heard.

"It's a girl!" the mid wife cried this time.

I relaxed, not feeling any pain. The mid wife cleaned off my children and handed them to me.

I looked down and when I saw my children for the first time I was overwhelmed.

I was wrong when I told Jak I was pregnant and he accepted me, this was the happiest moment in my life. The only thing that would make it better was if Jak and I actually go married.

Jak walked in the room and sat beside me on the bed. He was smiling like a mad man when he saw the twins.

"Meet your son and daughter Jak." I said to him.

He took our daughter from me and held her gently.

"I was thinking of naming her Teresa (Te-Ree-Sa) and naming our son Coal. What do you think Jak?"

He looked down at me, smiled and leaned down to kiss me, agreeing with the names I had picked out for our children.

Life was perfect.


We had just celebrated the twins first birthday and where putting them to bed. They had gotten so big since we first held them and now they were one.

After about a week of Jak, the twins and I living with my father he decided he didn't like being woken up at all hours of the morning because of screaming babies and bought us our own hut. It was close to the beach but still away from the sand. It was much easier now to look after Teresa and Coal.

Most days I was working on the precursor ring or with Teresa, Coal and Jak. I had just finished working on the ring yesterday and in about a month we would be going through it to see where it goes.

But that is all in the past.


Hey, hoped you liked it, it's just little snippets of what happened in before they went to the future.

Everything in the games happened but I will be writing the rest of the story when I can finish all three games.

Hope you liked it. Please R&R