When We're Older

Disclaimer: I'm not RIB, so I don't own Glee or any of the characters. If I did, I'd be rich and probably not writing fanfiction! Also, the Reddin gene I mention in this chapter is based on the Reddin character from the 1994 movie Junior. You should really watch it if you like mpreg. It's a good movie, I promise (I also don't have any rights to it either!)

Blaine closed his eyes, one hand steadying his swaying form against the sink counter as he listened to the sound of the egg timer ticking away behind him. He had been nauseous all morning, having heaved up his breakfast not too long after Kurt left for work. But now, after several days of mentally debating over whether or not he should go through with it, Blaine found himself waiting for a certain test to tell him if this illness he was suffering from was something more than a mere case of the flu.


"What do you think about having kids?"

The hand on Blaine's hipbone froze. Kurt went still behind him and Blaine knew that if he turned around, the look on his boyfriend's face probably wouldn't be a pleasant one.

"Why do you ask?" Kurt questioned, squeezing Blaine's hip before he rolled away and stood up from the bed. He barely waited for Blaine's answer before he disappeared into the en suite bathroom.

"I was just thinking, that's all."

"About kids?"

"Yeah, I mean... it just popped into my head and I was just wondering what your thoughts are about them."

Kurt stepped back into the room, a warm, wet washcloth in one hand and a dry towel in the other. He climbed onto the bed on his knees and straddled Blaine's legs. "We just had sex and you're rambling about having kids."

"Well, maybe I want a couple someday and I was just wondering if you did too."

Kurt rolled his eyes and began cleaning up the mess he and Blaine had made. A thoughtful hum slipped from his throat and he smiled, casually tossing the dirty washcloth behind him. "It's just a strange after-sex topic, that's all."

"People talk about having children all the time; it's not like it's a controversial after-intercourse topic. I mean, they do it in the movies."

"Yeah, and they're almost always heterosexual couples who just had unrealistic sex in the shower and then nine months later, boom – the girl's popping out a baby. Oh, the joys of foreshadowing."

"So, technically I should be getting pregnant right now since we just made love and within a span of ten months, we should be having a baby... you know, based on the fact that we're now talking about having children in the future."

Kurt's eyes rolled again and he shook his head, "This is such a weird conversation and I'm checking out of it. No more discussion on having children."


"Someday I'd like to have kids, Blaine. Someday in the future... when I'm a little older - and that is all I'm saying on the subject."

Blaine smiled brightly as Kurt gathered up the discarded washcloth and went back into the bathroom. He crossed his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, flashes of cute little kids who looked like Kurt running through his mind.


A shrill buzzing erupted from behind him and Blaine jumped, turning on his heel to grab the egg timer from off of the lid of the toilet. He turned the knob to off and set it down, anxiety building as he slowly began to realize that the timer going off meant one thing and one thing only.

The test was done.


"Remember that time Rachel thought she was pregnant?"

"You mean that time when she wasn't sure if she was having Brody or Finn's baby?"


"Yeah, I remember. Why?"

Kurt dropped the overflowing bag of takeout Chinese food onto the table. He took a few containers out and set them down before Blaine before he continued his discussion, "Well, she thinks she may be pregnant again."

"She what?" Blaine sputtered, choking on the sip of water he had dared to drink while Kurt was talking. Kurt reached over and patted his fiance's back, shaking his head as he did so.

"Careful now, sweetie. I don't want you to keel over before our wedding." He waited for the color to return to Blaine's cheeks, smiling when Blaine's breathing steadied. "Now, as I was saying before you decided to almost die on me, Rachel thinks she's pregnant."

"Does Finn know?"

"No, and he's not going to until Rach finds out if she's actually pregnant or if it was just a false positive like last time."

"Well, I think it would be cute if she was. That baby would be so spoiled."

Kurt smirked, "Yeah, by you and Rachel's dads and everybody else."

"You would spoil it too. Don't lie."

"Hmm, well I guess you've got me there. But... to be completely honest, I hope she's not pregnant."

Blaine quirked his eyebrow, the fork he was lifting to his mouth stopping in midair. "Why's that?"

"Because she's too young to have a baby! We're not even 21 yet, Blaine! She's got so much left to do and she's got all these plans. Like, I couldn't even imagine changing my life to accommodate bringing another one into the world! I'm too selfish right now to have a child and in my opinion, Rachel is too."

"I think she'd make a wonderful mother."

"Do you really?" Kurt asked, his face wrought with disbelief. "I think you're lying to me."

"No, I'm not. Like, yeah, Rachel is a little bit self-centered sometimes-" He ignored Kurt's snort, "-and sure, she's a bit of a ticking time-bomb when it comes to her goals in life and achieving them, but people can change. She'd be a great mom and I look forward to the day when I see her on Dance Moms or Toddlers and Tiaras, except it'd be a Broadway version called Stage Moms or something like that."

Kurt laughed out loud and Blaine chuckled too when he saw his fiance giggling behind his hand. Of course, the rest of their conversation that night centered around Rachel's potential pregnancy crisis and their own future (complete with talk about their own future children) and, weeks later, when Rachel called them up to tell them that, once again, she had had another scare, Blaine couldn't help but feel a little bit let down that there wasn't going to be a baby around for him to spoil.


That damn test was mocking him.

Well, actually there were several tests – just in case, Blaine had told himself when he gathered up a large supply of them at the drug store the day before; he had purchased a handful of different tests because he had read online that some brands gave false positives and he really, really wanted to know what was wrong with him now, so there he was, staring down at the line of pregnancy tests, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest as he stared.

"Oh my God-"


"Happy anniversary, honey!"

Blaine smiled when he felt Kurt's lips press against his cheek. He leaned into his husband's arms and sighed happily when Kurt pulled him into a tight embrace and began trailing hot kisses down his neck.

"Kurt! I'm making dinner!"

Kurt pulled away from his neck and scoffed playfully, "It's our very first wedding anniversary and you want to stay in and cook? I thought we were going out to eat?"

"No, silly. I wanted us to eat dinner here and then we could- umm-" He dropped his voice lower, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously, "-we could take advantage of the evening and the fact that we've both got the rest of the night, as well as tomorrow, off."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Kurt asked, smirking devilishly as he stepped back a bit to look deep into Blaine's eyes.

"Why Mr. Anderson-Hummel! What a scandalous look you're giving me right now!" Blaine teased, batting his husband away as he went to stir the pot of boiling pasta. He giggled when Kurt latched back onto him and began peppering his neck with kisses again, unable to stop the moan that slipped out when Kurt began mouthing against his collarbone, "Kurt, baby, please. I want to get dinner done and then we can do this all night."

Kurt huffed and released his hold, turning towards the fridge to open the door and peer inside, "I've got to say that I'm a little bit disappointed that you're more interested in having food instead of me, but I'm pretty hungry myself, so I won't complain too much."

"I'm glad you understand," Blaine laughed, pouring the now-finished pasta into the strainer. Kurt went to take the heated sauce off of the burner and the two of them went into the dining room, setting down their pots before they began serving themselves. Several minutes later, they were eating and quietly talking to each other about their days at work and school, respectively. Kurt was about to gobble down another piece of garlic bread when he realized that Blaine was staring at him.

"You okay, honey? You're looking like you want to eat me instead of your spaghetti - not that I'm complaining or anything."

Blaine shook his head and dropped his fork back onto his plate, "I plan on ravishing you once I'm finished, but I was just thinking, that's all. No need to worry."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Umm... well, do you remember that night years ago when we talked about our future?"

"We're always talking about our future, Blaine. Last night you said you wanted to add a waterfall shower head in the master bathroom."

"Yeah, but this is different."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, still steadily chewing his piece of bread. "How so?"

"Well, we've been married for a year now... and I- I, umm, I was wondering if you thought anything about having children."

The piece of bread in Kurt's hand fell out and bounced on the table, rolling to a stop next to a glass of ice water. Kurt reached up and placed a hand on his chest, a couple of coughs escaping him as he stared up at Blaine with wide eyes. "What?"

"Kids. I was wondering what you thought about having a couple."

"You're still in school, Blaine! You're not wanting to have kids now, are you?"

Blaine blushed, waving a hand in front of his face. "No, god no. Not right now, at least. I mean, we should wait a couple of years until we're more settled down and secure in our finances but-"

"You sound like an old married man!" Kurt joked, his breath coming a little bit easier now that he realized Blaine wasn't hinting at wanting a baby right this very moment.

"I am an old married man," Blaine countered. "But as I was saying, I would like to have a child in the near future. Someone who is a mix of you and me, of course."

Kurt looked up, his eyes meeting Blaine's, and his heart throbbed a little bit. He knew exactly what Blaine was talking about: the newly (and he was using that term lightly) discovered Reddin gene. It had been something scientists had been studying for decades and it wasn't until 1994 that the research really took off. Then, during Kurt's sophomore year of college (and Blaine's freshman year - not too long after the two of them officially got back together following a pretty nasty break-up), scientists had announced that they found sufficient evidence that a small sum of the male population carried the gene and with testing, men (especially gay men) could find out if they in fact had the Reddin gene. If found, by receiving proper medical care and monthly hormone injections, one could successfully carry a baby to term. It was a dramatic process for the carrier, according to documented male pregnancy journals, but it was possible and it made it easier for gay men to conceive a child made of both of their own genetics.

So, right before they got married, both Kurt and Blaine had been tested and it had been found out that Blaine had the gene.

Which was why Kurt was scared half to death when Blaine had mentioned children... because he just wasn't ready for kids yet. The two of them had so much left to do with their lives, like traveling and enjoying their 20's. In Kurt's opinion, they didn't have time for children right now and even though he wouldn't mind having a baby eventually, he wanted it to happen ten years or more down the road and not right now. Which was another reason why the two of them were exceptionally careful. They always used condoms nowadays and during the times they didn't, Blaine took a birth control pill. Unlike female birth control, since men didn't have menstrual periods, the pill didn't do much for hormones or anything. It just made it so that Blaine couldn't get pregnant and that was that and Kurt was thankful for that damn little blue-grey pill, especially on the nights when they were exceptionally drunk and careless and had unprotected sex.

But right now, Kurt couldn't help but notice the longing look in Blaine's eyes as his husband stared at him. He knew Blaine loved children - and children just flocked to Blaine, which wasn't a strange thing. Blaine was absolutely precious when it came to kids. He was just so loving and playful and kids loved that. Kurt got to witness first-hand how good Blaine was with a baby once when he baby-sat a toddler for a neighbor. It was during that time that Kurt realized Blaine would someday make a damn good father.

But not soon though, Kurt just wasn't ready for that.

Smiling, he reached across the table and took his husband's hand, squeezing it within his own, "Someday, Blaine, I promise. Maybe when we're older we'll have a couple of babies and they'll be perfect."

"You think?"

"I know so. But... how about we stop talking about kids and maybe go practice making some? I know how much you enjoy that."

Blaine snorted into his hand and jumped up from the table, the dinner forgotten as he dashed to the bedroom, Kurt hot on his heels.



Blaine stared down at the row of sticks and blinked rapidly, the increasing amount of tears filling his eyes now running down his face. He reached up and swiped the tears away as he continued to study the tests before him.


All of them but one.

What was Kurt going to think?

A/N: I'm not new to this fandom at all. But this is my first mpreg fic and my first story under this pen name, so... Please leave a review!