Use this one!

The after math of a war is always depressing. Friends finding out dead bodies of their loved ones. Lovers looking at the lifeless faces of their better halves.

The camp had sustained heavy loses. Those that remained were too emotionally shaken.

I was concerned for their tend to do stupid things when in such a state of mind.

I was still stunned by the sudden withdrawal of the enemy army. It was quite obvious they were losing but it seemed suspicious that they would retreat all of a sudden like that and what did the elf mean when he said "he doesn't know"? Something seemed terribly fishy.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a tender pair lips on my cheek. My hands automatically went behind her waist, intersecting each other at her back.

I was currently in my palace on Othrys sitting Indian style on a couch in the living room with Artemis on my lap with her feet tangled around my waist and her hands around my neck.

I have fallen for her hard, I can no longer stand for us to be apart, even for tiniest of moment. When I saw her in danger during the battle, I acted without thinking. All I wanted was for her to be safe and right now having her in my arms puts my heart and mind at peace because I know that no matter what happens in the future, nothing can ever be that bad.

"What's on your mind?" Artemis asked. She leaned her head so that our foreheads were touching.

I smiled before saying "You."

She mimicked my smile and asked "Me?".

"Yes, you." I stated.

"Well what about me?" She asked.

"You know just thinking about how much I love you. How you've become the most important person in my life. The usual." I confessed nonchalantly.

She grinned and tilted her head and leaned even closer so her lip were just hovering over mine.

"What are you upto Percy? Why the sudden flattery?" She whispered, I could feel her breath caress my lips, sending amorous chills down my spine. She started tilting her head left and right, her eyes fixated on my lips.

"Nothing my lady, I'm just speaking my heart out." I whispered back.

She pecked my lips and then pecked them again, then again until we were kissing rhythmically. The interaction of our lips making slight slurping sounds which only increased out desire for each other.

Her lips were soft and slightly moist. The more I kissed her; the more I wanted to kiss her. It's like oxygen shots but the effect is twenty times as much.

But nothing lasts forever because all of a sudden the hunters teleported in to the living room.

"Are we interrupting something?" Phoebe asked cheekily.

Me and Artemis turned our heads side ways, so that our cheeks were touching and we were both glaring at Phoebe.

"Not at all, what do you guys want?" I asked, sarcasm dripping of my lips.

They all smiled and started getting comfortable on the couch and the rug beneath it. Thalia sat on my right and Phoebe on my left.

Both leaning on my shoulders, Artemis glared at them but then all three of them burst out laughing.

"Not that I mind but what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We just wanted to spend some time with you and Artemis." Thalia said.

"Okay, so what do you guys have in mind?" I asked.

Thalia shrugged her shoulders, so I turned towards Phoebe.

"We can watch a movie." Natalie, one of the younger hunters suggested.

"Hmmm, alright but which one?" I asked.

"Which ones do you have?" Thalia asked.

"Each and every movie ever to hit the screen or those that ever had the mis-fortune of being stuck" I said and she raised an eye brow at me.

"What? I'm the Titan King, it has privileges".

She just sighed and put her index finger on her chin in a thinking stance.

"Hmmm how about red dawn?" Phoebe suggested.

Thalia scrunched her nose and said, "Too propanganda-ish."

"Swan lake?" Phoebe suggested.

"Too girly." Thalia criticized.

"Doctor ZhiVago?"

"Too Russian."

"Slum dog millionaire?"

"Too optimistic."

"Thalia!" I shouted. Annoyed by her indecision.

"What?" She retorted.

"Just pick a damn movie." I said.

"I'm thinking," she exclaimed while taping her forehead with her index finger.

"Well why don't you pick one?" Artemis suggested.

"Me? Oh okay, let's see," I said imitating 'The thinkers' pose.

"How about 'Olympus has fallen'?" I suggested.

Artemis turned her head and glared at me.


"I'm an Olympian, I don't know why Zeus allowed that stupid mortal to use such a blasphemous title". Artemis spat.

"Okay okay, well then ho-"

"Tournament of Shadows" Thalia said out loud and clicked her fingers, kinda like people do when they solve a riddle or make a really good sandwich.

"The what?" Phoebe asked.

"I saw the trailer a few years ago but the movie never came out." Thalia said.

"Tournament of Shadows. Very well then. Shazaaam!" I said in a fake magician voice and a giant plasma TV appeared in front of us. The hunters rolled their eyes and muttered some incoherent words.

-line break-

The movie was quite interesting. Too bad it was never released.

"Well that was interesting, that Young husband dude was pretty interesting" one of the hunters commented.

"Hmmm not really, he wasn't very interesting when I met him" another replied. Which caused us to raise an eye brow at her.

"What? He was a friend of my father."

"That's right, you're from the time of the empire, right Jane. Back when Olympus was in England." I stated and she nodded in conformation.

"Wow you're really old." I muttered but unfortunately she heard me because she stood from the base of the couch and slapped me.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Idiot." Thalia murmured, while the rest of the hunters glared at me.

I sighed before asking "So are you guys going to leave or do you want to see me and my fiancé make out?" I asked, which earned me an elbow to the ribs by a blushing Artemis.

Thalia and hunters looked genuinely disgusted and flashed out without another word.

Artemis returned to our former position and glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't have to say that we were going to make out."

"But we are." I said as leaned forward to kiss her but she moved her head back.

I gave her a quizzical look.

" I've been summoned on Olympus. They say it's very urgent." she said.

"Oh, alright." I said.

I honestly didn't want to be separated from her. "When will you be back?" I asked.

"I don't know, a couple hours I guess." she replied, as she got up from my lap and my body immediately started yearning for her touch again.

"Very well then." I said as I got up.

She gave me a light peck on the lips but it wasn't enough so I grabbed her waist and stole a passionate kiss.

Artemis's POV.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

I sighed into the kiss but returned it.

"Percy I'm just going for couple of hours." I said but couldn't help but get a weird feeling.

"I know but a second without you isn't worth living, so a couple hours are going to kill me." he said as he bumped his forehead onto mine.

I laughed at his cheesiness but couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Why are you laughing? It's true." he stated.

"I'm getting late, Percy." I said as I broke out of his hold and as I was ready to flash out-

"Artemis?" He asked.


"I love you."

I smiled at him and flashed into the Olympian throne room.

-line break-

It turns out the meeting wasn't that urgent at all. We mostly talked about the latest battle and the loses the camp had sustained.

The council wanted to revive the children that were lost during the battle but Hades kept refusing saying it was against the laws of the dead, however the council voted for their revival almost unanimously.

Hades sighed and said he'd need time because reviving so many souls will need some preparations.

After that there wasn't anything else worth mentioning, so Zeus adjourned the council.

Just as I was about to flash back to Othrys, Hestia called out my name.

I followed the direction of her voice and saw she was in the middle of the throne room, ushering me over.

I complied and walked towards her.

"Hello Hestia, is everything alright?" I asked.

She smiled "Yes niece, I was just wondering how Perseus was? He hasn't talked to me in a while". She asked.

"He's fine, well the Titan council keeps him busy. Why don't you come with me? I was just going to him. He'd be over joyed see you." I suggested.

She smiled again "I will but some other time. I've some errands to run but expect a visit from me tomorrow." she said.

"We'll look forward to it." I said. She smiled and disappeared in a small burst of flames.

I looked around for a while and then teleported back my palace on Othrys.

When I flashed into where me and Percy were before. I couldn't help but feel dread creeping up my spine.

I looked around the living, then I went into our room and then I searched the whole palace but Percy was no where to be found.

Then I teleported to the giant doors of the Titan council but the guards there told me that no one was inside.

I opened the doors and checked anyway but the guards were right.

I could feel the dread slowly taking over.

Next I teleported to Lady Rhea's palace. I searched her palace for her and finally found her on a terrace.

Percy's mother was there as well. They were apparently having a tea party of some sort.

I slowly approached them, trying to bury the sense of panic that was creeping up my spine.

They saw me coming towards them. Sally stood up and smiled at me followed by lady Rhea.

"Artemis, what brings you here?" Lady Rhea asked giving me a hug in the process.

I hugged Sally as well before answering.

"I was just wondering if you knew where Percy was?" I answered.

She looked puzzled "No, I don't. Why? Is something the matter?"

She asked with concern.

"No, no. I just got back from a council meeting and I couldn't find him. I was just wondering if he was with you". I said.

Her face visibly relaxed and a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, you had me worried for a second there. Well why don't you go check with Atlas". She suggested.

"Thank you and sorry for disturbing you." I said and flashed to the command room of the the Titan army.

-line break-

He wasn't in the command room or anywhere else.

As night fell, the sense of panic began to rise.

And as the next day began without a sign of him any where, a search began. The Titan council sent out many missions to find him.

The hunters along with many others, spread out to search as well but there wasn't a single clue to base the search upon.

Poseidon and Oceanus were searching the waters but in vain. The Titan king had just disappeared without a trace whatsoever.

Two more days passed with no sign of him. I was completely devastated. My heart felt as if it was being squeezed by someone, tears started to roll down my cheek and absolutely refused to stop.

I did the only think I could do, I teleported to the beach in Montauk so I could feel closer to him.

Percy's POV

I sighed and slumped back on the couch. Artemis had just teleported to Olympus for a meeting.

I closed my eyes and listened to the river of time flow. The feeling was similar to running water. I concentrated harder on the river, I didn't know what I was doing but I kept on concentrating harder and harder. For a moment I felt the river speeding up but than I felt a sharp pain shoot through me followed by a strange timeless voice saying "Awaken me, you bear my curse young Titan, awaken me." and then I passed out.

-line break-

I opened my eyes to see I was on the couch. My head was pumping with a light migraine.

I looked around and everything looked the same but something felt strangely odd.

Then it clicked. My time abilities told me the exact time I was in and it wasn't what I was expecting.

My time sense told me a date three days in the future. I panicked ,what was happening? My senses are never wrong. Did I do this?

Three days in the my gods! Artemis and others would be worried sick.

In my panic episode I totally forgot about the voice and closed my eyes to sense for Artemis's location.

It took me a while but I located her to be on montauk beach. I quickly teleported myself to her location.

Once there, I saw a figure sitting close to the ocean, the waves reached out, soaked her feet wet and than returned to the ocean.

As I walked closer, I could hear silent sobs.

My heart shattered. I hate causing people pain and the fact that this was Artemis, the woman I love unconditionally made it worse.

When I was just next to her, I reached my hand out and placed it on her shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"Artemis." I managed to say.

Upon hearing my voice she instantly stood up and looked at me with puffy wide eyes.

Before I could say something I got tackled into a hug by my fiancé. She held onto me with so much ferocity that I feared for my spinal cord.

I heard her crying into my chest as her tears stained my shirt.

I drew circles on her back and spoke soothing words into her ears.

She kept crying into my chest, her body would shudder every now and then.

"Artemis, it's alright. I'm here." I said, trying to calm her down.

Her sobs eventually died down and after a while she lifted her head of my chest and looked dead into my eyes.

"You lied to me." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You said that you couldn't bear a moment without me and yet you disappeared without a word for three days." she choked out, her voice laden with betrayal.

"No, no I meant every word I said-" I said as I cupped her face in my hands.

She swatted my hands away and stepped back before shouting at me "Then explain to me where you've been for the past three days without any notice whatsoever".

I flinched at her tone but I knew she had every right to be angry with me.

"Artemis please, let me explain." I tried but she interjected again.

"Then explain" she shouted.

"When you left. I sat back down on the couch and concentrated on my time powers. I don't know what got over me because I concentrated more and more until I felt a sudden pain shoot through me and I blacked out".

I woke up just a few minutes ago and the moment I discovered I somehow jumped three days into the future. I immediately searched for you." I said and reached out and took her hands in mine and brought them to my lips.

"I swear I've no idea what happened and I'm so sorry I put you through such an ordeal." I apologized as my hands cupped her cheeks again and slowly I leaned in until our lips met.

I leaned back the tiniest of centimeters and stared straight into her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

She didn't respond, instead she closed the distance between us. Our lips met and I felt that bittersweet feeling of butterflies move up my stomach.

She broke the kiss and hugged me tightly, "Don't ever do that again, Percy or else.." she threatened.

"I won't." I said as I held her in a tight hug.

That night I went to sleep with Artemis on my chest hugging me fiercely, it was a pleasant feeling.

However it did little to keep the nightmares away.

I was standing in a field of wheat, it looked it was the harvest season because the crops wore a beautiful yellowish gold color.

The sun was at its apex in the sky, showering the earth with warmth.

I felt a pair of slender hands crawl around my face. I turn around and smile at this beautiful women with silver eyes and auburn hair.

"Daddy." I hear a little girl squeal with delight. I look down and see a tiny feminine version of myself but she had silver eyes and auburn hair albeit a little darker then Artemis's.

I smile at her and pick her by waist and twirl her around but then the dream changes.

I'm standing in the same field except the wheat is stained with mortal blood, bodies of my friends and family are littered across the ground. The former life giving sun blazes with a deadly red light, burning into my skin like fire. Than I see something that knocks me senseless. Artemis is on the ground next to me with the little girl from earlier lying on her stomach, a golden spear stabbed into the two of them.

Then I hear it again, the voice from earlier today,

"This is what will happen If you fail to awaken me."

"Who are you?" I scream with desperation. "What do you mean if I fail to awaken you?"

"You must release me young Titan or everything is lost."

Those words are the last thing I hear before my eyes flutter open.

The first thing I see is my beautiful fiancé looking at me with a worried expression.

"Percy, what's wrong?"

I rise up a little and rest my back against the pillow before answering, "Nothing, just a bad dream." I lie.

She narrows her eyes at me but doesn't ask anymore questions. Instead she rests her head against my chest and tries to go back to sleep.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

"I love you, Artemis." I confess as I inhale the air deeply through her hair.

"I love you too, Percy." she says before I close my eyes and drift into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: Alright before you try to cuss me with your colorful vocabulary, just hear me out. I'm sorry I took so long to update but I was busy, my math teacher for some reason enjoys torturing me with gigantic amount of homework everyday. Most of you can sympathize with me right. I hope there aren't any mistakes in the story because my friend, Hareem94 beta read it, thanks hareem. Well anyway I hope you liked the chapter. R and R and check out my other story "Souls" because that's what I'm going to update next.