When Severus got Harry's letter he scowled. The blasted boy! He knew he shouldn't be writing him, Hedwig was quite a well known owl, she'd been featured in the Daily Prophet almost as often as Harry himself! He shook his head, long hair sliding across his shoulders in graceful waves.

His obsidian eyes read the letter, growing ever wider with each sentence. Soon he was standing slack jawed, the damned boy had been right. Two sides of the same coin they may be, but that did not excuse his impertinence with writing that damned letter! Yes he'd been in love with the boys mother, more than half in love with both his godfather and father as well, that did nothing to excuse this letter.

So without any aplomb, he sat down at his desk in his surprisingly cheery rooms. The lamp light gleamed off the cherry wood of desk and chair, walls hung with portraits and tapestries. His dark head was bent to the paper as he began to write.

Since when have you used my darling? Yes, you needy little brat. I'm aware of how much you need reassurance and to hear from me. Dangerous? Are you kidding me? This is beyond dangerous. More dangerous than anything we have done as of yet! Do you not understand this? I thought we had this discussion before you even left for the summer! This Merlin-be-damned war has been going on since long before you were born. Do you think you are the only one who wants it to be over?

I don't know. I really honestly cannot say when we can touch the other freely. You've fallen asleep in my arms… More than once might I add.

Frowning… Scowling… Would I do those things? Of course I was you blathering idiot! If you're so much of a Slytherin… Why in the blazes did you dare to write me this letter?! Why am I responding to it?! You've turned me into a Gryffindor as well!

Yes, you are well aware I loved your mother. She was my closest friend for years. Even before we came to school. She was my everything. Damn you! How do you know these things? She was my everything, EVERYTHING. How do you they were so magnetic for me? No, the moon never did have any lure for me. Perhaps because it was too pale, not as darkly brilliant…. Damn you. Damn you to hell. I don't want to remember. But you'll force me won't you? Just to make me face the past and be yours, completely yours. With no ghosts…. Is that what you want? Are you so sure I won't break?
