Monster Flag 01

A young man/teenager with brown hair and eyes stood on the deck of an old style, worm out ship. Currently he was wearing a green male school uniform and sported grey metallic collar around his neck. Not that he was into that sort of thing. His name is Keima Katsuragi, and he was a human working for New Hell. The collar was both prof of his contract, and acted as a leash.

Many years ago a faction of Devils who disagreed with the structure of Hell teamed-up with Haven to over throw Hell. Ten years ago a group of New Devil terrorists known as Vintage broke the seal holding all the Old Devils. The weaken demons proceeded to hid inside humans to wait until they would either recover their full power, or until they could be reincarnated as their host's first child. After a lot of complicated events, plot twists, several back-stabs, and many, oh so many, misunderstandings the "heroes" had finally recapture all of the runaway Old Devils, and manage to defeat Vintage.

Well sort-of. Some of the bosses had manage to escape into other universes to lick their wounds, and probably plan their come-back. It was obviously a bad idea to just leave them be, the higher-up had planned to scan all possible dimensions, and send in teams to retrieve them. They had finally been able to locate, or at least narrow down, the dimensions that the Vintage members had escape to. Unfortunately the final battle had left both New Hell and Haven with much rebuilding to be done, and making a newer, more improved, seal was was no easy task.

Needless to say they had their work cut-out for them, and in the end all of the human partners had been given their own Hagoromo, tools that provided New Devils with most of their power. This Hagoromo had been modded to be used by humans, and were normally only given to the human partners of the special forces. However with the shortage hands exceptions had to be made, and every human contracted by New Hell was given one. . . well everyone but Keima who turned out to be the descendent of a god, preventing him from being able to use one. Unfortunately he was mostly human, so he did have any godly powers either.

He was selected to go into one of the alternate universes to capture the runaway terrorists. Currently he was waiting for his partner for his missions, who by the way was very late.

"I found him. Apparently he got lost." He heard a female voice call out. He turned around, and found a black haired girl and a blond boy who was wearing the same uniform as him. Both looked to be around his own age.

Keima almost frowned when he saw who his new partner was, Ryou Asama. Are they really that short handed? Oh well it not that bad, afterall this wouldn't be the first time I had an idiot for a partner, but still.

"Asama how skilled are you with that Hugoromo?"

"Uhm. Well. . ." He seemed very nervous and almost a shame "Well Elsie can't really be considered the weakest anymore. . ."

*Sigh*. Of course he was, why was Keima hoping for something better in the first place. "Can you at least altare memories?" "Yes, enough to pass for transfer students." Yes a school. They had been able to narrow down the hiding place of the Vintage member(s(?)) to a high school made by and for monsters. With his Hugoromo Ryou would be able to pass as one, and Keima believed that he was smart enough to not get caught, but just for safe measures Diana had enchanted his glasses to mask his human smell.

Speaking of which Diana had already finished opening. She then turned towards keima with a determent look in her face. Her red eyes seemed to flare even brighter now.

"Just remember if you dare to cheat on Tenri I will deliver upon you divine punishment." Yes the goddess was very protective of her vessel, and her feelings. And no matter how much Tenri had insisted that Keima didn't belong to her the goddess was still quick to punish Keima when ever she thought he was being 'unfaithful'.

"Now then, I think it's time for the two of you to give your proper goodbyes. Ryou turn around." The poor, confuse boy did so. Her eyes turned a shade of pale blue, and instantly she became a lot more nervous.

"Uhm. . . Ke-Keima-san, please don't mind Diana. . . she. . " The girl looked away, and stared to pop bubble wrap, which seemed to have come out of nowhere, with her fingers. "She still doesn't understand that where are not-"

"It's alright. You don't have to explain yourself. Asama come. This is going to be a long mission, and I don't want to be gone more than necessary. After all going through withdraw is not very pleasant." Ryou gave him a confuse look, but before he could ask anything Keima stepped into the portal.

"Hold on! Katsuragi-san!" Ryou quickly ran after him.

So this idea has been bothering me for past week, so I decided to type this really quickly. I'll post a much larger chapter tomorrow ( later today?). Anyway Tsukune is still going to be major character, and this fic will mostly be told from the view point of Tsukune and the the other girls.

Also I was thinking about giving Keima a monster-girl harem like Tsukune, and maybe I could throw Ryou a bone. But I'm still not sure if I should take any (if so which) girl(s) from Tsukune's harem, and put them/her in Keima's.

Actually I'm still unsure as to who should be in Keima's harem, so if you have any ideas please tell.