Pairings: Amu x Ikuto yay. Others included.
Disclaimer: Who is Peach Pit? It certainly isn't me.
Rating: I guess it's safe if you're over 12! For now...
AN: I rewrote the chapter because after going back to read it, I hated the quality. I hope you'll forgive my lack of effort for this chapter since I redid it! Hopefully it's mich better and more detailed.
Although Summer is out for me already, my last day being last friday, I still have many dance events that I must attend for publicity for my group. Although I'm not going to advertise myself on this account, I want you all to know that I am still very busy. Memorizing dances, lyrics, and making sure my skills are polished will take up most of my days, not to mention summer homework for AP classes.
Despite all my business, I am still a secret otaku at heart and love Shugo Chara. My stories will be finished, I assure you, and I will do my best to update because my imagination runs wild from the inspiration that I get from dancing. I know I'm not the perfect writer, especially when I'm using present tense in a man's PoV: completely out of my comfort zone and probably a lot of other people's as well. However, I'm always up for a good challenge for myself and that's just the kind of person I am. I hope you'll accept me as a writer despite my flaws because hey, at least I put in effort.
Am I ranting? I am. Sorry. Enjoy the chapter even though it's rather short and forgive me for the long wait. Happy Summer 2013! Here's to Amuto!
Warnings: Wait. What? What is research?
Black Corsair
Tsukiyomi Ikuto is the pirate captain of the Seven Seas Treasure, whose own intentions and background are unknown even to his closest mates. During a usual cannon conflict between an enemy ship, he finds and captures a mysterious girl who doesn't seem to remember her identity besides a name. How will this seducing enigma affect his true desires, and furthermore, his feelings?
I wake up feeling like death itself, and I can assure you that it is not a good feeling. My head is pounding as if an angry elephant is trapped inside my temple, my eyes burn at every bright object in sight, and my body is aching and cold. No, not a good feeling at all.
When my senses finally calm down some, the first thing I hear is the most ridiculous childish voice screaming very familiar commands. It almost sounds like...
That's when I realize that my hands are bound behind my back as I lie on what seems to be my bed, which I am roped to. Kukai, as my true right-hand man, is to my right. He doesn't seem to be in any different of a condition than mine.
"This doesn't look too good..." Kukai sighs, muttering more incoherent nonsense until he turns his head over and shouts with terrific glee at the sight of me. "Oh, Ikuto, you're awake!"
"I'm right next to you. Do not yell in my ear."
"Sorry cap'n," he chuckles lowly. "We're in quite the predicament, I'd say."
"Is that so? Why, I never noticed."
"Your sarcasm burns me worse than the ropes around my wrists."
"Good. How long have you been awake?"
Kukai pauses in thought for a while, lying stiller than cement. "I woke up not too long ago. Amu accidentally wiped me awake. Ah, I mean she was wiping our necks and foreheads because we were sweating... Or something. It was kind of surprising, but she also told me-"
Before he could continue, Amu - her flowy, cream-colored dress and flower head ornament making her resemble an angel - proceeds to enter the room with the face of the devil. Kukai shuts his mouth immediately, leaving myself suspicious. What exactly did Amu say to him?
"You two are awake? Yaya wants a word with Ikuto."
"You're not going ta help us, Amu?" Kukai questions, hope practically sparkling in his large, green orbs. "Come on. At least untie me too?"
"Captain Yaya's orders," she shrugs, though the look in her eyes tells me that she'd let him go if she could. "Sorry, Kukai."
"Nah, I know how having a bossy captain feels." He hides from my instant glare after finishing the sentence. Just because I've been tied next to him, he thinks he can freely insult me! He continues pouting while Amu slowly unties the rope binding us to the bed, but is careful not to allow Kukai to roll away in mischief. The pirate mate is disappointed, the clear frown on his face making it evident. "I'll get free, just watch Amu."
That leaves him with an extra two sets of rope around him. Serves him right.
"Follow me but don't cause any trouble. Yaya has all of your alcohol ready to plunge into the ocean if you try anything." My eyes immediately turn to my beloved alcohol cabinet only to find the entire furniture gone, leaving a hefty blank space there. I could only hope that they didn't see the little hole on the side of the wall that led to a secret storage of-
"She also found your secret aged wine stash hidden in the wall. Now let's go," Amu speaks before walking out of the room. Before I follow her, I pull a pocket knife from one of my side drawers and hastily shove it under my pirate hat. Her pink head pops back in. "Hurry up."
She's gotten feistier with Yaya. I don't know if I should thank the pigtailed brunette or kill her after this is all over. Maybe kill her, since she stole my precious aged wine that has been inside that wall for years, fermented to perfection, and now it's on the brink of being lost to fishes.
Yes, killing her sounds like the better idea. I turn around and Kukai is eying the wall greedily, lapping up every detail. Oh, that wall will never see wine again. And so will Kukai.
With that, I hastily follow the pinkette outside, taking everything that had changed into account. All the ropes and masts are in the same direction and degree as I had left them before. The crew seem depressed while they run around doing Yaya and Lulu's work, probably because it isn't under my order and that our booze is on the line.
"No time for sight seeing!" Amu pulls on my sleeve onto the bottom deck.
"I am not feisty! You're just slow!"
"I might be slow, but you are most definitely feisty. Is this your true self?" I smirk, pulling her arm on my sleeve so that her body swings towards mine, and I catch her in my embrace. Her shivers give way to her embarrassment, and it wouldn't be a wild guess to say that her face turned into a tomato.
"L-Let go of me, you-"
I squeeze her tighter, knocking any more of her voice out of her. "Don't leave me for Yaya," I whisper. "I need you. You're my captive... Mine."
That should shake her up. And it did. Her eyes turned into swirling spirals. "I, uh, no, wait, this, no, uhm, ah, er-"
"Amu-chi!" The cursed brunette yells as she walks towards us with one of the bottles of my wine in her hand, half empty of course. "There you are! And with Ikuto too! Ha..."
"Are you drunk, Yaya?" Amu asks worriedly, but the pigtailed woman only waves her comment to the side with the bottle. "You shouldn't-"
"I'm drunk, punk, tunk that flunk, skittles and frittles, pop rocks and lime cherry soda, pink cotton candy, and - I'm druuuunk." That's the first thing I see of Yaya as a captain as she tries to juggle the bottle of wine in her hands, only to throw it too high and lose it in the ocean. To refrain from slitting her throat, I grit my teeth but remain composed.
"You called for me," I state blandly, unamused by her antics.
"Ikuto," Yaya begins by cutting off Amu. "You. W-we are heading towards an island. Identify it orrrr..." she points a wobby finger towards the sacred pile of rum, all piled in a fishing net and hanging midair over nothing but dark blue depths. "Or theeeeey. Get. Itttt," she slurs to the point that anything after that became incoherent. Amu takes out a telescope from her pocket, and only then do I realize that she had wriggled out of my grasp and had went to Yaya's side. The pinkette hands it over and points to the island in a 90 degree angle.
Fearing the worst for my true treasure, I do as she commands and bring the lens to my right eye. I find the island easily, though there isn't anything visibly special about it. It's so ordinary that I can't distinguish what island it is. "The island is green, probably very lush with edibles and such. I doubt there are any inhabitants on it from the looks of the size, but there's a chance." Now to bring this to my advantage, some tweaks in my details should do. "There will probably be huge, wild animals and several inedibles as well. Since I have been to this island already, I can distinguish every animal and plant. I suggest we stop there since the ship is also running low on stock ever since the last island."
Of course, that is a complete lie, but something needs to be done. This is my ship, being run by an idiot. I look around and find the entire ship in a wreck-like condition, to my dismay. Instead of maintaining the ship like they're supposed to, the crew is busy tending to the brunette's vicious blonde partner, from which even over here I can hear her screaming demands of jewelry from them. As if men like us would carry jewelry.
"What do you think... Amu-chi?" Yaya asks Amu, swinging her arms around Amu's waist from behind. Oh, I forgit that we had Amu when we restocked not so long ago. She might give the lie away.
Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice my fib. Or perhaps she's on my side this round? To be frank, I'm not so sure anymore. "Ikuto is experienced as a captain, so as long as you keep him in order, we can get your treasure sooner, okay?" Yaya giggles while Amu smiles sweetly at her, like a mother to a child.
The so-called current captain gives her approval with a childish thumbs-up iny direction. "Fine! We shall go and dock there to resupply. You will go by my command! Clear?"
I smirk. This is easier than taking candy from a baby... Or maybe that's exactly what it is.
"Clear as day, captain."
Miyuki here. Yes, another island - you'll be seeing a lot of them for now. The next chapter will be a huge part of this arc, and as a spoiler, it has something to do with our favorite pinkette. Since it's such a short chapter, I've decided to leave you all a preview below.
"I am the master of this island, and that woman is mine."
"I know who you are, and I know what you are seeking..."
"Kukai, wake up! Please! Please!
"Do you know me from my past?"
So, is that enough to get you curious for the next chapter? It will be posted soon, I promise. Until then, please leave a review with any of your concerns and opinions. c: