Author's Note: Welcome readers! It's been forever since I've written fanfiction of ANY kind, although I have never stopped reading it, and it's good to be back. I recently re-watched all the True Blood series to date, and have developed a minor obsession with Godric. Due to a lack of current and continuing Godric/Sookie stories, I decided to write one of my own. All comments and criticism are welcome, as I am aware that my muse is pretty rusty. Please enjoy. :)

Synopsis: Takes place in season two, immediately following the bombing of the Dallas nest. Although this setting is familiar to all of us, the story will diverge from this point out into my own original ideas. Godric and Sookie are drawn to one another, but life is too complicated for 'love at first sight.' Sookie feels indebted to him, and finds herself becoming a part of his 'family'. There will be good times, bad times, and best times had by all. Godric/Sookie will be the only main pairing (sorry folks, no Eric Northman action in this one). There will be alternating POVs, however I believe I have made them easy to follow.

Disclaimer: I have no ownership over True Blood and/or The Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries. All ownership belongs to HBO and Charlaine Harris. My ideas and words are my own. This story will begin is rated MA for future language, themes and lemons.

Chapter 1: Nothing if not Hopeless

There was something about her he just couldn't put his finger on. As he lay on top of her slight form, which had been shocked into stillness as all the air had been pushed from her lungs; he couldn't justify his own actions. Had he not, merely hours earlier, been beyond caring about any further impact he might have upon this Earth? No matter, he didn't regret shielding this unique creature from the concussion blast and shrapnel – and surely other more gruesome projectiles – sent flying by the Fellowship bomber. He was just curious as to what had gotten into him.

He felt her shift below him, recovering from the initial shock of the blast, and he shifted his weight to the side and off of her. He sat up slightly and gave her a quick once over. She looked to be no worse for wear, at least physically. Some bruises at most, in addition to the ones she had already been given in that mockery of a church. But it was her mental state he was more concerned about. At his age, he didn't even pretend to understand the complexities of human emotion, but he knew scenes like this often sent them into shock and hysteria. And this poor girl had been through a lot. He would watch her closely for the next few days… for her own safety of course.

He silently chastised himself for not intercepting the stranger of a boy who came into his own home. There were so many in his nest tonight, both human and vampire, he hadn't thought to question an unfamiliar face. He had been too wrapped up in his own misery to even be alert in protecting his companions. Too self-absorbed to remember that it wasn't everyone who would be leaving this place soon.

He slowly rose to his feet, beginning to feel the impact of his own injuries. Silver was certainly lodged in his back, and he surmised the bombs must have broken the boy's chain armor into pieces. They weren't very comfortable, but he would worry about them later. Looking around the room, he was glad to see most everyone was slowly making their way back to the present. Other vampires were already tending to their human companions. He hoped there would be no death toll, save the one who volunteered his life for someone else's hate.


He turned his head, meeting his childe's concerned eyes. Eric looked to have been unscathed.

"Is everyone accounted for, Eric?"

He nodded, and Godric sighed inwardly, relieved. He did not wish to see any more death in what was left of his existence. If the situation had been different, he might have found a dry humor in the fact that he, a once bloodthirsty vampire, now abhorred the mere thought of death.

Remembering himself, he looked down at Sookie and saw that she was also taking stock of the situation. He offered her a hand and she took it, distractedly looking around the room. He made to release her once she regained her footing, but she held fast to him, encasing his hand in both of hers, seemingly in an attempt to keep herself steady. She swallowed heavily and her mouth opened slightly, her face anxious. She scanned the room and spoke to him quickly without waiting for answers,

"Is everyone alright? Does anyone need help? I can't believe I didn't hear him, why didn't I hear him? I was just so mad at that woman and Bill and it wasn't until last minute that I heard what he was doing and I didn't have time-"

"Miss Stackhouse." He interrupted her quietly. She was breathing quickly, shallow gulps of air, and he feared she would make herself faint. He led her slowly to a half-intact couch at the side of the room – his back was really beginning to burn now – and she sat down cautiously. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to get her bearings. He crouched in front of her, placing their clasped hands on her knees, and looked up at her face. She opened her eyes slowly and he gave her a small smile.

"Miss Stackhouse, I assure you, everyone will be alright. Eric has already accounted for everyone and those who are injured are receiving treatment. Do not worry or blame yourself, it is I who should take better notice of who is entering my own nest."

Her eyes, the color of melted chocolate, he noticed, were glassy and red-rimmed. It was a wonder she was still holding herself together after the events of the past few nights. She looked as though she wished to contradict him, but didn't have the energy to do so.

"Godric, please." He inclined his head to look over his shoulder. His childe spoke with urgency; he had been standing behind him the entire time. "You have silver wounds; they need to be removed before you begin to heal over them."

Comprehension flashed in Sookie's eyes as she heard of his injuries.

"… You protected me. Please, let me help, what can I do?" She dropped his hand and stood quickly, moving behind him to stand by Eric. He could sense her leaning forward to examine his wounds. Eric was getting impatient; he could feel his uneasiness through their bonded emotions.

"We have to get the silver out of his back or his body will heal over it entirely. Godric?"

He sighed and shifted, settling into a more comfortable position on his knees. He lifted off his gray knit shirt, letting out a hiss as the material pulled against his bloody gashes. Sookie took the shirt from his hands and threw it over the couch, clearly trying to help him in any way she could manage. There was a 'click' behind him as Eric pulled out his pocket knife, and Godric braced his hands on the edge of the couch in front of him. He felt his childe's fingers on his back as he pulled at his lacerations, trying to locate the silver slivers embedded within them. As he felt the tip of the knife enter his flesh he closed his eyes and winced. He felt a weight shift the cushion he was leaning on, and looked up to see that Sookie had sat in front of him, watching on with worried eyes and wringing her hands in her lap fretfully. He lifted his hand and took one of hers, squeezing gently. She met his eyes and gave him a sad smile.

Sookie couldn't bear to see Eric digging into Godric's back with a knife; no matter how necessary it was, so she kept herself busy with staring at his eyes. She couldn't decide quite what color they were. They were hazy, and deep in color. Blue, she decided, but with a decidedly 'green' feel to them. They reminded her of the sky over the gulf when the storms got bad; that slightly off color that you just had to stop and stare at because it didn't seem quite natural, yet it was so beautiful you couldn't pass up the sight. Godric himself sort of fit this description as well, she decided.

He was wincing in pain as the silver was removed from his body, and she winced right along with him. She owed so much to this vampire that she had barely been made acquaintance to. It would be impossible to ever repay him, and it pained her even now that she could not help ease his own pain. He was attempting to smile at her but she could see the how it faltered on his face as Eric mercilessly worked on his back. Looking down at their joined hands, she felt decidedly calmer. Here he was, comforting her as he was getting hacked into with a knife by Eric Northman. She marveled at how brave this being in front of her was.

"I think that's the last of it." Eric leaned back, inspecting his work to make sure he did not miss any of the poisonous metal.

"Yes, I can feel the healing begin already. Thank you, Eric, I feel much better."

Godric rose to his feet and stretched his shoulders, flexing his back muscles and sighing in the simple relief of pain. Sookie, still sitting in front of him, couldn't help but marvel at the tattoos that decorated his teen-aged body. They were unique, like nothing she had ever seen before on any of the TV shows she'd watched or magazines she'd read, and she had the feeling they were nearly as ancient as the art itself. They decorated his chest and arms, and moved with him as he stretched his muscles. Oh, and he had muscles. Eternally preserved, he was lean and sculpted like one of those Greek statues in a high school history textbook.

Sookie mentally shook her head at herself. The entire room had just been blown to bits, her boyfriend – if she even wanted to call him that anymore – was God-knows-where with his bitch of a maker, and a 2000-year-old vampire had just thrown himself in front of silver shrapnel to protect her life. And here she was getting lost in his abs. She couldn't help but feel a bit guilty at everything going on in her head.

But oh… those abs.

Author's Note: This first chapter is meant to 'get the ball rolling' so to speak, and to give you readers a look at my writing style. Subsequent chapters will be longer with more plot development. I have already started on the next chapter, but I wanted to see what feedback I might get first. I hope you all enjoyed, please review! 3