And so here it ends! ;( Thanks to everyone who took time to read my story! thanks a million! I will be making a sequel but not for a while so I can come up with ideas. You guys have been amazing! If you have any questions, problems, leave a comment or message me:) O! and if you have ideas for the next story, please don't be shy, say something! Enjoy! (LETS GET THIS STORY TO 300 REVIEWS!;D)


That's all I could feel, sense, and taste around me was the bitter cold, it stung my nose no doubt making it a rich, red color. My body rapidly shook with tension. I felt like I had been asleep a thousand years, it refreshed me.

I opened my eyes but it was almost like I hadn't, once I looked around my vision was hidden in darkness. I looked up, arching my head ever so slightly to do so, but again it was complete dark. Was I dead? My teeth chattered as I became afraid, where was I? I wiggled my lower body, putting my senses to good use. I was on a bed. I couldn't be, Berserker's bed didn't feel like this. This was small and felt strangely firm to my stiff spine.

I unbent my flimsy arms from the elbow and reached out to explore around me.

It didn't take long before my hands discovered some type of rails of each side of me. What on earth was this? I reached further but my body came to a holt when a electric pain zapped through my hand and down my spine. I let out a scream. My right hand cupped the top of my left one in horrid pain. My breathing picked up as I felt a slim tube, it was being held down by what I could make out was tape of some sort. The tube started from the very top of my knuckles and went all the way down my arm and disappointed into the darkness. I screamed once again. I was forced to stop when my throat dried up and cracked, I coughed like a lunatic, I felt light headed from the lack of air. My face stared to heat up as my coughing continued to get stronger and louder and rougher. My upper half bounced as I covered my mouth to cover the light amount of spit that flew out randomly at one point. The fur like blanket that covered me was heating up my body, I didn't even want to move an inch, fearing that the my only source of warmed would escape.

But I had to get up.

Blocking out the part of my mind that was telling me not to get up, I gave my full attention to my left hand, I turned my body so that I could lay on my side. I patted my hand gently to make out the tub, making a plan on how I was going to get this thing out of me. I came to a decision and pinched the tub with my thumb and pointing finger, I gave it a squeeze out of inquisitiveness, I detected that it was stiff, I couldn't pinch it in the middle like a basic soft tube, it almost felt like plastic. I chummed down on my back teeth just so I could feel insignificant pain circling my jawbone. I needed to have some pain to keep my mind distracted.

There was no turning back.

With a hard tug I hear the tape snap sharply, the irrepressibly grieve was too eager to ignore, the pain was crawling up my arm. My eyelids slammed down against one another as my hand grew shaky. I proceeded with my pulling until I can feel the head of needle leave my skin. Gasping out in joy I threw the needle down to the unseen floor which the flick of my wrist. It made a small sound from hiding the unbreakable surface. A hole the size of my fingernail was now on my knuckle. I tried to find my hand in the dark to see the damage but it was a pathetic attempt. I rose up from the bed, my bare feet lowered down gingerly until they met the grassy ground-Grass?

My feet hadn't felt such a surface in a while.

My hand ripped the fur blanket away from my body, leaving me exposed to the freezing air that hovered around. Shivering from the chilling air I looked around, blinking rapidly. I sniffed with torture, my nose was frozen, breathing through my nose was a challenge so I opened my mouth as I began walking with my hand stretched out wide, trying my best not to slam into anything.

I couldn't take any chances with my baby. As I walked I could feel my blood pour down my hand. My arm bent from the elbow as I collided with a wall. "Ow" I gave a incredulous look.

The wall left a powdery substance on my palms, like dirt. My fingers creeped all around. I discontinued moving once I touched a square box. I tapped the center of the shape. It flash on, I stepped back in suspense. My brows plowed into one another as the alien letters began to move. The symbols were shockingly familiar, it was like grains of red digit rice scattered around to make odd signs. I touched the weirdest one, I left my finger to dangle there, waiting to see what could accrue. Nothing. I slammed the side of my fist against the solid metal box with frustration. I pulled my boney hand back immediately, the impact hit a sensitive spot. Hissing through my teeth I began to rubbed my hand as I got tangled up in my thoughts. Where the hell was I?

Unstoppable blinking flickered the screen of the tiny box, it buzzed like an alarm. The noise was unpleasing to my ears and head. I backed away trying to get away from the sound. A source of light was born as a door was being opened from within the darkness. I stepped back only to find my self retreat backwards onto the bed. The concerning light attacked my eyes horribly. I shut them, I couldn't see anything but I could pick up the vibration of heavy footsteps. Without any control I opened my eyes and swallowed.

It was a female.

A inhuman female.

An alien.

Her face was blinded by the light but I was managed to seek out her massive figure. Her shadow hovered over me like a ghost. Her deep breathing picked up as the air around me got thinner. Once she was in front of me, she hissed a command in English, "Rise up, female I am your translator"

I couldn't help but pat my large stomach as I continue to sit. "Do you not understand this native tongue?" She asked me with a hint of annoyance.

I shut my mouth flabbergastedly, "I understand" I placed my hands on each side of me and stood up. Her mandibles twitched from habit. "I am utterly surprised you managed to wake up that quick" I watched as she when to the noisy metal box, stomping with her large feet. She typed some keys, making the room once again silence. My ears still replied the bitter tune in my head. The giant female carried on with her typing and the room was exposed with light. I could see everything at last. The so called room looked like a hut. The tiny circular room had dirt on all sides as a protection barrier. I could see the female's un appealing face. If it wasn't for the fact that her chest had wrappings to cover her breasts, I would have suspected her of being a male.

A wave of humidity washed over me. "Well I'm 'utterly' shocked that I'm still alive to" I mimicked her dedicated tone.

"As am I"

Promptly, I casted my attitude to her; I looked at my well rounded belly, I was startled by the size, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You see" She blinked slowly, "The male that brought you here, Wolf, had a severe mission he needed to attend to. Your water planet has been infested with hard meats. He has left you in our care even though he's original plan was to take you back home"

I listened to her story with a hand on my belly, Wolf was going to take me home? I fought back the need to look behind her to see what was beyond the door. "Well ain't that a story" I smiled ghastly but quick replaced it with a frown.

"The health of your male pup is excellent, the blood that flows in him helped you recover"

As she finished I grinned like a madman, my eyes looked to my midsection.

A boy. I was carrying a boy.

"Might I ask. How many weeks has it been since I've been here?" I stepped to her tall figure, her heat radiated onto mine. "If you are wondering how many months it's been seen you been fertilized, it's four" she willingly held four cubby, scaly fingers up. I nodded, "Thank-s" I slithered my tongue like a snake. "Come along now, girl" she waved, demanding me to follow her as she began walking out the door.

I listened and went with her, even thought I should have taken more caution. I should of questioned more, but what did I have to lose? I couldn't help but gasped mildly at the heat that met me behind the door. I was in a village, it had a gloomy feel to it. Huts were scattered and stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was like an ancient African tripe took over!

The two suns seemed to land on the hut as it met the Horizon, making my forehead heat up with moist sweat, "Why is it hot here, but not in there?" I pointed behind me with little effort. With her wide back to me, the alien female chuckled, "We have a cooling system to keep your body temperature from over heating"

As she spoke, I did a little scavenger hunt and noticed: There was no one in sight. The compact village was a ghost town. I held onto the hut next to me for support. Was I back at Berserker's village? Wasn't it destroyed? I can't face him now! The unnamed female was fixing up her leather type skirt. I opened my mouth into an 'O'.

"Is this the village of the bad bloods?" I yelled out to my translator. She turned around so fast that I didn't notice till she growled, "That village has been destroyed girl"

"Do you know of Berserker-" my mouth stung as it was shut by her hand.

"You mustn't say that name here!" She warned me as she slowed let me go, "That name will put me and you in nothing but trouble. Don't say it"

I cursed at myself and nodded, letting her know I understood. She smiled oddly, forgiving me with her eyes.

Why wasn't his name allowed? It was just a name, nothing dangerous.

"Don't just stand there, seeing that you'll be staying here awhile, you might as well get use to the daily routine" her voice giggled into to the sizzling air. "I don't think so" I argued back, who was she to tell me I was going to stay here? "Sorry to put a stop to your parade but I'm not staying on your planet" I put my hands on my hips as the smell of gun powder was suffocating me. Gun powder? Was it even possible?

At first she seemed confused but grinned, "Sorry to put a stop to your parade, but you can't go anywhere. How would you escape our planet? Besides even if you tried running, the village is bordered in with warriors...to..." She gave a sad smile, "Keep us safe"

I observed her odd attitude as she bent to her knees and waved her hand over the pointy grass, no doubt ticking her palm. "Keep us safe from what?" I wrinkled my nose to make a face. A sudden black smoke roamed the sky from afar.

I looked immediately at the scaly skinned being with massive concern who spoke out to me, "Your going to need to come close in order for me to tell you girl"

Her chin short dreadlocks swung to one side as she turned to her left to flash me a smile. Doing as she said I came closer. "Bent down" she looked back at the grass. I bit my lip as I was now eye level. The grass ached my knees but I didn't move. She looked around after searching my eyes for trust. The dark smoke was coming closer to the village, the suns hid behind it. The suns seemed look two gray oysters. The smoke hovered over us like a storm cloud.

She gave the sky a frown. Signing from deep within she looked at me sadly, "Berserker"

My eye balls seemed to shake as I searched her face, "Why do you need protection from him? I'm not quite sure he's even... Alive"

She shook her head, "He's still quite alive, girl. And that dark smoke is the proof. He's quite alive"

"What do you mean? What proof? I don't understand?"

We both screamed as the ground shook. She grabbed my arm tightly, making my skin burn, "We must hurry!" She shouted.

"What's going on? Are we being attacked by someone?" My head whipped from side to side.

"We'll both be blown to bits if you don't hurry!"

And so I ran with her back to the hut, the sounds of children and women screaming and crying could be hear from behind the walls.

It was like a bad dream. I kept telling my self that, it was just a silly dream, I would soon wake up on earth, on earth with trees and birds and flowers and people. It was just a dream.

The ground shook. It sounded like fireworks but instead of pretty lights in the sky, the ground was shaking like crazy, uncontrollably. I didn't understand any of it, but then again, maybe I did. It sounded like bombs. It couldn't be, there would be a bomb siren, but then again I wasn't on earth. It was making me think of him. Was he alive? Did that female mean to tell me that he was attacking their village? The ground rumbled from under me like a thunderous earth quake that didn't seem to have an end. I was standing in the middle of the pitch black hut, just listening, thinking, trying to understand, unscramble the puzzle. The female that called herself my translator pushed me. She pushed my back into a corner of the wall, trying to protect me.

The last thing I could remember was me, huddling against my tummy in terrific terror. The sky was howling. My companion was mumbling in her native language.

Then it happened.

The booming was getting louder. Stronger. And the walls were falling. Falling my way, in slow motion, teasing me. Teasing my life. My faith. Closer. Faster. The walls came crashing down. My eyes widened with tears, I could taste the dirt as I inhaled for last time before I vanished to a real chilling sleep. But the thunderous quakes were all but fake.