A/N: Alrighty, it's time for the final showdown :) Enjoy :D

Friday: Throwdown – Hellbent on war

At 1.32 am, Kendall was standing in front of Brian's house. He needed his stuff. His clothes, his movies and music and his photo albums. And another of Katie's stuffed animals! His heart was pounding in his chest and he stole a glance at the car on the street. It had proved impossible for Kendall to convince the guys to let him go alone, but in the end they had agreed to stay in the car.

Kendall's argument about them going to make more noise and thus making everything way worse, was pretty solid, and so they waited in the car. Logan was just as nervous as Kendall, and he was biting frantically on a nail.


Kendall knew that he, no doubt, was entering a war zone! But he didn't really have a choice.

He carefully turned the key and pressed down the doorknob. The door opened silently, and Kendall held his breath. Not a sound! The house was pitch black.

He snuck inside and closed the door as carefully as he'd opened it. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness and he moved towards the stairs. On of the steps creaked loudly and Kendall felt the blood freeze in his veins. Fucking hell! He stopped moving and instead listened. Still silence!

Kendall went up the stairs and pushed the door to his room open. He entered, pushing the door shut with one of his feet. As quietly as possible, he started putting the stuff he needed into his backpack.

Kendall was pulling his photo albums out from underneath his bed, and was just about to get up and get another one of Katie's bears, when the door slid open behind him with an awful squeak! He swallowed his spit and prepared for whatever was coming.

Brian's eyes were mere slits, and yet they radiated such pure rage that Kendall could almost feel it across the room! The belt was hanging from his dad's hand and the scruffy man spat on the floor before stepping towards his trembling son. Kendall could smell the alcohol on his father's breath, though he was still five and a half feet away! He quickly got to his feet and raised his hands to ward off the coming attack.

Brian aimed for Kendall's face, and he automatically raised his arm quickly, so the blow was absorbed on his forearm instead. The blow was hard and loud and Kendall groaned, as the belt hit the wounds from the cutting. With a sudden movement Brian grabbed his son and pushed him down on his bed, his face in the pillow, and Kendall desperately tried to shut down his feelings to prevent the tears he knew would otherwise come!

Brian spent all his force and hit in a steady rhythm. Kendall's body reacted to the blows with delay, so he felt the pain of one blow right before he heard the belt hit him again with a deafening WHACK!

The anger grew inside Kendall and the thoughts of all the times Brian had hit him and Katie flashed before his inner eye. He groped for something useful and caught a small stone figurine, his mother had given him ten years prior. Kendall twisted around, throwing the figurine with all his might at Brian, and hit him in the head. The belt caught Kendall painfully on his cheek, making him cry out in agony, but Brian too lifted his hands to feel his head for whatever injuries the stone figurine had caused.

Kendall grabbed an empty glass and thrust it at his dad. He missed, but instead hit the stereo, which roared to life, making Throwdown join the fight!

Blood for blood...
I'm taking you down.
Blood for blood...
Prepare yourself.

I've stood by too many goddamn times,
turned a blind eye.
I let it pass.
But never again, never again.
An example will be set.
And you will pay your debt to me in blood.

Blood for blood...
I'm taking you down.
Blood for blood...
Prepare yourself.

There's not a law in the fucking land
that will keep me
from putting things right with you.
Hellbent on war!

Now we're well past words and threats
and everything in between.
No more restraint, just pure hostility.

Confrontation, intimidation,
vindication, I'll have my way.
They say an eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth, but...
A code of violence and vengeance
is written in blood.

Blood for blood...
I'm taking you down.
Blood for blood...
Prepare yourself... for war!

Brian's face was bright red and his whole body was trembling. A thin trail of blood made its way down his face.

"Don't you fucking dare throw anymore things at me, your little shit!" he yelled hysterically and hit Kendall across the face with the belt again.

He yelped from the blow, but struggled to get to his feet, feeling motivated by the aggressive music in his ears. Adrenaline pumped through his body and Kendall finally succeeded in getting up.

"Fuck you, you sick bastard!" he screamed and spat his dad in the face.

Brian clenched his jaw shut and narrowed his eyes, as he wiped off the spit. A snarl escaped him and his fist made rough contact with Kendall's cheekbone and knocked the teen to the floor again.

While Kendall was raving around, seeing dancing stars, Brian stumbled from the room and turned the light on in the hallway.

Kendall's head was throbbing and his sight blurry, but he managed to get up and breathed in heavily a few times. Throwdown's lyrics echoed in his head. "They say an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but a code of violence and vengeance is written in blood!"

With a loud scream Kendall shot out of the room and pushed Brian hard in the back. The older man hit the wall and lost his balance on one of Katie's shoes, making him stumble and fall down the flight of stairs! He tried fending off the fall but acted too late. Brian tumbled down and hit the steps head first. A sickening snap made Kendall open his eyes wide and look down the stairs. Brian wasn't moving!


The silence echoed in Kendall's mind and every thinkable emotion was running through him. He had killed another human being! Well maybe not a human being, but something like it. Someone who used to be a human being. Someone who used to be a father!

Kendall found himself to be crying unrestrained and he sniffled a few times. He went down the stairs and passed his dad without looking at him.

He ran to the car and Logan, Carlos and James all jumped out, alarmed by the obvious and very nasty bruises on their friend's face.

"What happened?" James yelled, glaring towards the house, "is he coming?"

"Call your dad, Carlos" Kendall ordered in a shaky voice.

Logan took a step forward and placed a shaking hand on Kendall's arm.

"Kendall, what happened in there?"

Kendall blinked a few times.

"I killed him!"


The flashing blue lights lit up the living room. Kendall was sitting at the dining table in the kitchen, James protectively wrapping an arm around him. Carlos and Logan both clutched mugs of coffee, silently sipping at the semi-warm drink.

Across the table Officer Garcia sat, writing down Kendall's statement. That Brian was drunk and had attacked him. That Kendall had fought back – struggled for his life and thrown the figurine and hit Brian in the head so hard that he got dizzy and fell down the stairs.

Officer Garcia accepted Kendall's explanation without hesitation, but told him he probably would be called in for further investigation.

The body was removed, and Kendall was attended by a doctor who shook his head in disbelief at the story. Kendall was completely covered in bruises, cuts and welts, both on the body and in the face, sported a black eye and on top of that the wounds from the accident were still raw and bloody! No one doubted the truth of Kendall's explanation.

And besides, James, Carlos, Logan and the entire class could testify that Brian had hit him in the face!

Kendall felt bruised. He felt tired. And he felt free!


Three miles away in room 408, a little girl with brown hair opened her eyes. She was holding a small, brown teddy bear and swallowed something in her throat.

"Kendall!" she rasped, "Kendall!"

The nurse who was guarding the room called a doctor and hurried to the office to call the family. Katie had woken up!

And that was it! I hoped you liked this Kendall-whump-filled ficlet, and I will love you forever if you throw a review my way with your thoughts :)

Peace out,

Rikke \m/