**Note: You could call this a sequel to 'Betrayed', its YEARS later and obviously Dib or Gaz won't be in it… Zim is an adult now… he looks 20 (just remember, it's in Irken years) I hope it's good. There will be an OC in this one…


Chapter 1: The Return

The halls were crowded with students. Not all of them were eager to go into their classrooms to gain the knowledge they would need for their future careers. Among those students walked a girl with a bored and depressed look on her face. Her name was Nira and it was her second year of college. She really wasn't looking forward to another day in this college, the only reason she was here was because her father had finally kicked her out.

She walked to her Art class and took the seat on the back left corner next to a window. She brought out a sketch pad, pens, pencils, and markers. Truth be told, this was one of the few classes she actually enjoyed.

As two of her classmates entered, she noticed a particular new guy. Nira tried her best not to stare at him but time after time her eyes were drawn back to him. He was tall, had blue eyes, black hair, and green skin. After a few moments she shook her head and focused on her sketch pad. She wasn't sure what she was going to sketch but it was going to keep her from looking at the new guy.

"Hey, Alien, what are you doing here?" a guy said from across the room.

"Who are you calling an alien, human-larva?"

Nira looked at the new guy, "He wasn't talking to you. He was talking to me."

The bully snorted, "That's right, punk. I wasn't talking to ya, so mind your own business." He laughed and walked out of the classroom to talk to a friend.

"I'm Nira, what's your name?"

"It's Zim."

She smiled and then looked down at her sketch pad. She picked up a pencil and began to sketch something. Zim looked at the human girl for a while; he wanted to know why the other human had called her an 'alien'. It was clear to him that she was human, so why had he used that term? A smirk formed on his face, 'Humans. Heh… still the same pathetic creatures they were back then…'

The Irken looked around the room and noticed it was only him and the human girl for the time being. Wasn't there anyone else coming to this class? "Hey, uh, human-worm baby…"

She giggled, "Human-worm baby? Wow… I never heard anyone use that expression…"

"Don't you mock me!"

"I'm not… I think it's funny."

Zim just glared at her, "Are there more humans coming in?"

"Oh, yes, plenty more… human-worm babies."

Zim let out a soft hiss. 'How dare she mock me… oh, she'll pay!'

"So, why did that guy call you alien?"

Nira looked at him, "His name is Mark and he is a racist slug."


"You know… a bully to a person with a different ethnicity."

Zim shrugged, "Eh, all you earthlings look the same to me."

She looked away, "I figured as much. You've probably only seen this half of the world."

"What do you mean?"

"Zim, I know what you are…"

The Irken felt his heart skip a beat; he began to claw his wooden desk. He rose from his chair and walked towards her, "What do you know?"

Nira didn't look at him, "You're an alien, Zim. An actual—"

He looked around the room to make sure no one was in sight; with the cost clear he placed his hand on Nira's neck and pressed a little, "Listen, human-larva… You say something about me and I will make sure you die first…"

Nira tried to undo Zim's grip but it has useless. The more she tried to pull his hand away from her neck, the more she felt his claws on her flesh. What did she do? Had she said something to upset him? She looked at him, trying her best not to cry. "I'm sorry, Zim…"

He released her, "What?

"I'm sorry if I upset you… I didn't mean to."

He frowned, "You humans are all the same…"

Nira rubbed her neck; she closed her eyes, not wanting to look at Zim anymore. "No we aren't…"

Zim sat on the empty desk beside her, "Yes you are."

The human girl looked back at her sketch pad; her eyes now contained tears she was trying to hold back. She picked up her pencil, "And I thought today could be bearable…"

Before Zim could say anything more humans walked inside the classroom. For the rest of the class, the human girl didn't say a word. And Zim was just eyeing her… he noticed how she constantly rubbed her neck but didn't think much about it.

Class then finally ended and all the students got up and left. Nira picked up her stuff, didn't even put them in her bag and walked out. Zim just stood there, 'She's really terrified… good. She'll learn not to mess with an Irken.'

**Ok, sooo how was it? I really don't have much faith in it but I hope it wasn't that bad… but if it was, PLEASE! I'm BEGGING YOU…. Don't kill me with harsh comments….**