I am so sorry for making many of you cry in the previous chapter. Hey I cried, as well as I wrote it. To The Dark Nights Run I am sorry you cried in a train and Turtle 76, sorry for your loss. Here you go my chickadees, the final chapter!

The smell of burned metal and rubber permeated the air of the ICU area. Dean along with the staff that was pulling him away from Castiel opened their eyes. A male nurse brought over a fire extinguisher to put out the small flames flickering out of the machines which inexplicably blew up. The ICU head nurse ran over to the commotion.

The small assembled group gasped, when their astonished eyes landed on the boy, who had died a couple of minutes ago. Color began to return to Castiel's cheeks. His chest rose slowly. The head nurse swiftly held his wrist. "He has a pulse." She ordered one of the nurses to wheel in another set of machines.

"How could this be? He's supposed to be dead!" An incredulous nurse stated.

Dean wanted more than anything to shove the oldest nurse away from his seer. He wished only to lie on the bed next to Cas and hold him in his arms until he woke up. Their bond was too strong. Dean felt the connection between the two of them stronger than ever, when his hand touched the print he'd left on Cas' chest. Dean was 100% convinced their profound bond was what brought his beautiful seer back from the dead.

The teen hunter felt physically and emotionally drained. He's unwillingly been a participant in a crazy rollercoaster since prom. "I just saw two of his fingers move!" Dean held the head nurse's arm.

Castiel responded to Dean's voice because he moved the same fingers again. His eyelids flickered. Another nurse took Cas' blood pressure. A heart monitor was brought in and in ten minutes two male nurses set it up and connected it to the patient. The medical staff was more amazed now. Castiel's heart rate was almost back to normal, as well as his brain activity.

"Disconnect him from the machines," the head nurse ordered the male nurse, who stood in between the bed and the machines.

The intubation tube was gingerly removed from Castiel's mouth. The seer sat up in a flash and gagged. He stretched an arm towards Dean, who swiftly latched on to it. Cas waited until his breathing was no longer labored. He licked his cracked dry lips before whispering Dean's name in a low and hoarse voice.

The nurse nodded at Dean, signaling that it was ok for him to come closer to the patient's bed. The hunter needed no more encouragement. He plopped himself on the side of the bed and enveloped his seer in his arms. Tears slid down Dean's freckled cheeks. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming, babe?" He inhaled Castiel's unique scent and ran his fingers through his bed hair.

Castiel was weak. He was able to reciprocate his boyfriend's a little. "You're stuck with me for a long time."

Their foreheads touched. Dean could hear the nurses gossiping amongst themselves of the resurrection they witnessed. "Cas, you died on me, man. You were going to leave me alone in this shitty world."

Dean kissed the side of Castiel's neck. "I heard you speaking to me, Dean, before darkness overtook me. Then I felt you pulling me back somehow."

"I touched my handprint on your chest and then the machines blew up and you came back to me," Dean whispered in his seer's ear. He didn't want any of the nosy nurses to hear his explanation.

"Our bond is too strong," Castiel mouthed into Dean's jaw. His eyes started closing. The morphine IV was still attached to his left arm.

"Sleep, baby" Dean gently released Cas.

A male nurse was snooping around with the charred monitor cables. "It looks like there was a short circuit in the heart monitor which caused the explosion."

The other nurses joined him and seemed to agree with his theory. Dean was relieved for this. At least word wouldn't spread about Castiel's miraculous resurrection. He decided to remain five more minutes with Cas before going to tell their friends and families the great news. Dean always loved seeing his boyfriend sleeping. He looked like an angel.

Meg fought back tears as she raised the machete. She prayed to God. Meg loathed having to be the one to kill Lars. She should have known better than to believe the vampire was going to become her first love. All of a sudden, Lars fell on his knees and a brief flash of light appeared on his eyes. Meg froze. Tears of blood trailed down his face.

"Lars, is that you?"

The vampire nodded and sobbed loud. Meg dropped the machete and quickly knelt in front of Lars. "Castiel is alive."

"Now do you believe in miracles?" She peppered kisses all over his face; not caring she got blood on her skin.

"Thanks for stalling. I think I am falling in love with you Meg Masters. You're a remarkable chick." Lars clung to her desperately.

"I think I already love you, Lars Milton. I do hate you for making me so damn sappy." She kissed his lips tenderly. "We should go see our friend now that we know he's alive."

Dean entered the waiting area with a huge smile on his face. The group of people, who were there for Castiel, gazed at him as if he'd lost his marbles. "Cas woke up."

"Boy, you better not be pulling my leg," Bobby growled at the teen.

"He's alive! Come with me," Dean held Amelia's hand.

Gabriel and Alfie argued since they wanted to see their big brother. The parents were the only ones allowed access into ICU. Amelia and Bobby walked wearily towards their son's bed. The couple relaxed upon seeing their boy breathing on his own.

Cas opened his eyes. "Mama," he whispered.

"Welcome back, my angel," Amelia said as she enveloped her first born against her bosom. She sang him a lullaby while she rocked him in her arms; just like when he was a toddler.

Bobby blew his nose with a handkerchief. Castiel's eyes locked with his. "Hey, Pops"

"Is there room for one more?" He joined his wife and son on the bed which creaked. He held his son in a bear hug. "I love you so much, idjit."

Castiel chuckled. "Love you, too, dad."

"Tomorrow I am going to early morning mass. I have so much to be grateful for," Bobby said. He continued hugging his boy. He was still in denial that his son was alive. Bobby was terrified that at any moment Amelia would wake him up from this beautiful dream.

"We're going to church tomorrow. I also need to thank God for giving us our angel back. And no you're not dreaming," Amelia said as she grabbed on to one of her husband's hands.

It took Castiel two entire months to fully recuperate. Jo organized an end of summer bonfire for the Class of 2013. This was a way to celebrate together one last time since prom was a bust. This was Cas' first social engagement since being discharged from the medical center. His fellow seniors gave him a hero's welcome.

Ash passed Corona bottles to all of his friends. When he handed Cas his, Dean intercepted it. Castiel narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. "Dean, I am no longer taking medication. A couple of beers aren't going to make me sick."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever"

"This is the last time we are all going to be together," Jo said filled with melancholy. Balthazar kissed the top of her head.

"We can have reunions during spring break and winter vacation," Benny suggested. They all tapped their bottles.

Daphne laughed. "Did you guys here about Lisa?" No one seemed to know what happened to the spoiled bitch after prom.

"Her father was furious that her expensive boob and nose jobs were ruined. He refused to pay for new ones," Daphne relayed to her friends. "The sad thing is that she is staying at the Care Center for Mental Health."

"Are you serious? What the hell happened?" a stupefied Dean inquired. He'd been spending so much time at Cas' that he hadn't heard about Lisa.

Meg chimed in. "She claims hell beasts and not wild dogs were responsible for the prom massacre."

"That's so sad. She must have not been able to cope with the entire trauma," Chuck said.

"She's an evil bitch but I kind of feel bad for her," Dean stated.

When most of the gang went to dance, Dean and Cas pulled Meg aside. Castiel asked, "How come the memory wipe didn't work on the Wicked Witch of the West?"

"Lisa must have put a protective spell on herself against spells." Meg answered.

Lars towered over her petite form. He slid an arm over her diminutive waist. "Castiel, we have a favor to ask of you this evening."

Cas arched a brow. "What is it?"

Meg gazed up at her boyfriend and smiled. Lars leaned down and kissed her longingly on the lips. He licked her lower lip before he brought the smooch to an end. "Meg and I agreed to share her soul. We'd like to do the spell after the bonfire. We plan on leaving tomorrow."

"I guess I'm needed for the actual ceremony," Castiel gave them a half smile. He was so happy for Lars.

Dean cleared his throat and motioned at Meg to leave Cas and Lars alone for a moment. "So Meg's the one huh?"

Lars smirked. His eyes actually sparkled. "I am in love with her. She accepts me for what I am and has proven to me that she is ferociously loyal."

"I'm so happy for you, my friend." Castiel hugged him.

"I'll never forget you, Castiel Milton. One never forgets their first love." Lars kissed his forehead.

"You better keep in touch, mister!" Cas punched him on his right bicep.

"Duh" Lars grinned at him and left to join Meg. Those two were joined at the hip nowadays.

Castiel grabbed his guitar case which leaned against a tree. He removed his beloved guitar and adjusted the strings. Benny stopped the music that was playing. He knew what his best friend was going to do. He smirked before capturing everyone's attention.

Cas wiped his sweaty palms on his black jeans. He sat on a log. Dean sat on a picnic blanket surrounded by their friends. The seer cleared his throat. "I am lucky to have found the love of my life at such a young age and want him to know what he means to me. Thank you for bringing me back. I love you."

Dean swallowed hard and pulled his earlobe. He mouthed I love you to his boyfriend.

Castiel started playing the guitar.

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

After he finished the song, all the teens present applauded and whistled. Dean walked up to his boyfriend and kissed him long and hard. Many wolf whistles were heard. The couple broke the kiss in order to breathe. Dean smiled. "You always know to choose the perfect songs from my favorite bands."

"Sam told me I would score brownie points serenading you in public with Metallica's only romantic song."

"Way to go Samantha," Dean said before kissing his seer again.

Four hours later, Meg and Lars shared the young witch's soul. The vampire surprised his girlfriend. Dean gave him access of the guesthouse. Lars carried Meg through the threshold. The girl gasped as soon as they entered. Lit scented candles were arranged through the master bedroom and vases filled with white tulips, Meg's favorite flowers were found on top of several tables.

Lars placed Meg on the bed. He kissed her tenderly. The vampire wanted to take things slow. This would be their first time together. Meg removed his black jacket and boots. Lars pulled over his head a black V-neck shirt. Meg trailed her hands over his smooth cold chest. It reminded her of a marble statue. Her thumbs rubbed his nipples. She licked one and nibbled it.

Meg ordered Lars to lie in the center of the bed. She slowly undressed. Her sundress lied next to his discarded clothes on the floor. Meg remained in a matching set of lacy lavender panties and bra. Lars' eyes devoured the girl's beautiful curves. His large hands held on to her hips. Lars' long fingers unclasped the back of her bra. His mouth covered one of her exposed breasts.

One of his hands slid down her smooth pale skin until it reached her pussy which was still covered with the lace panties. His palm rubbed her leisurely matching the slow movements of his tongue over her nipple. Meg arched her neck backwards and closed her eyes. She panted loud.

Lars rubbed her labia harder. The smell of her arousal was driving him wild. He was fighting for his fangs not to come out. Meg was already wet. Her panties were getting soaked. Lars kissed her hard on the mouth. Their tongues mated.

Meg held his face with both hands. "Never be afraid of being the real you with me. I want to see all of you."

Lars ripped her panties of from her. His fangs protruded from his upper gums. Meg pulled him towards her and kissed him hard. His fangs nipped her lower lip. The coppery taste of her blood didn't disturb her. Her vampire sucked the blood away.

Meg was going to remove her stilettos but Lars stopped her. "Keep them on"

He traced her legs starting from the ankles until he reached her thighs. Lars opened her legs. He pulled off his blue jeans and yanked off his boxer briefs. He kissed his girlfriend longingly as his hands cupped her hips. His large body covered hers. Lars entered Meg slowly. He was above average in size and didn't want to hurt her. The young witch had informed him that she was a virgin. Meg never went all the way with Crowley.

Lars was tender with her and when she was about to orgasm; he removed himself from her. "What are you doing?"

The vampire smirked. He placed his head in between her thighs. His fangs throbbed. Lars sunk them in Meg's left thigh. He slowly drank from her. Heat pooled in the witch's lower abdomen. She was close to the cliff's edge. Her breathing hitched and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. As Lars drank from her and fingered her clit, Meg screamed out his name and her body convulsed. He stopped himself from drinking too much. He licked in between the girl's labia. Lars couldn't get enough of Meg's essence.

Meg pulled him up and kissed him. "God, I love you," she said into his mouth.

"I love you, too," Lars kissed her forehead and held her tight.

Dean and Castiel sat at the dock in Mallory Square. The couple gazed at the full moon and multitude of stars littering the sky. The waves were not choppy and their sound calmed the two teens. Dean held his seer in his arms. "I can spend the rest of my life with you this way. Hey you haven't had migraines, visions or seizures since prom." Dean massaged his boyfriend's shoulders.

"Thank God," the seer said. "Are you ready to leave next week?"

"Yeah, I thought I was going to be more nervous leaving home for the first time but since you're going with me I'm actually excited."

Castiel closed his eyes. Dean's slow and steady breathing was making him sleepy. "I know what you mean."

Ten Years Later…

Lawrence, Kansas

"Harder, Dean…I'm not a fucking Ming Dynasty vase," Castiel growled into his husband's ear before he bit the lobe.

"You don't have to tell me again, sweetheart," Dean bit the side of Cas' neck as he fucked him against a brick wall outside an S & M club they infiltrated to eliminate two vamps earlier that evening. Since Dean saw Castiel wearing tight black leather pants at home, he wanted nothing but to do dirty things to him.

Cas ordered his husband to remain in his own leather pants. He palmed Dean's hard ass as the taller man pounded into him. The seer raked his fingernails down his hunter's back. "Never stop, babe," Castiel whispered huskily.

He dipped a finger inside Dean's leather pants and played with his hunter. Cas knew this riled Dean up even more. He developed a fascination of having a semi clothed Dean fuck him in a public place while he himself wore no clothing. The thrill of being caught aroused the seer more. Their sweaty chests slid as they made contact.

Dean bit Castiel's jaw as Cas screamed out a few colorful expletives. He thrust harder and deeper into Cas' warmth. His seer came all over his torso. Dean soon followed. "Your hotter when you start screaming obscenities, babe." Dean kissed Castiel hard before leaning down to retrieve his seer's clothes. Cas took advantage and spanked him. Dean turned around and winked at him.

"We should visit Grandpa Samuel tomorrow," Castiel suggested as the two of them made their way back to the Impala.

"You're right old goat's arthritis is acting up. I know he hates life now that he had to retire from hunting."

"At least your mom is trying to convince him to move to the Keys. It would do him good to live close to family. You and I are always on the road." Castiel wrote a monthly graphic novel about supernatural elements naturally and Dean taught auto mechanics sporadically at Lawrence Community College. Whenever a hunting case showed up in bordering states, they were the go to guys. Meg and Lars would help when they could.

Dean didn't want to be in the vampire's boots. Meg was obsessed lately with the fact she would grow old and Lars would remain looking like an 18 year old. She tried to convince her lover to turn her. Lars was adamant that he never would do that to her but the manpire was putty in the witch's hands. Sooner or later Dean knew Lars would relent.

Castiel turned on the car radio and put on a Pink Floyd tape, he'd created for Dean. "Wish You Were Here" started to play. "Dad's retiring next year from the force and mom's finally opening up her own bakery."

"That's great, babe. Now I'll know where to go to first, when we go back home. No one bakes better pies than my mother in law. How are my bros in law?"

"Alfie is kicking butt as the high school's soccer team's goalie and Gabe's fitness program was picked up by a Miami TV station."

Dean chuckled. "Who would have thought the chubby kid with a huge ass sweet tooth would become a well-respected fitness guru?"

Castiel slid closer to his hunter on the bench seat. Dean slung his right arm over his seer's shoulder. "Sam is having a miserable time with mom, who has turned into Hitler organizing his and Jess' wedding. Thank God we eloped."

The seer enlaced his fingers with Dean's. He kissed the hunter's knuckles. "Amen"

"Have I told you lately that I love you?" Dean asked teasingly.

"Hmm…not in the last twelve hours." Castiel grinned as he stared at Dean's perfect profile.

"Well I do, Castiel Singer Winchester."

"I love you more, love of my life," the seer said contentedly as he leaned his head against his hunter's shoulder.

Twenty Two Years Ago

Autumn (First Day of Kindergarten)

Dean Winchester's big green eyes searched the area for any familiar faces. Dad said not to be scared on his first day ever of school but Dean was frightened. He didn't know anyone in the brightly lit classroom. Funny drawings from former students adorned the walls. He sat in the last table that was empty for the first half of the day.

The nice teacher informed her sixteen kindergarten students it was lunch time. Since they were the youngest group in the elementary school, the kindergarteners ate lunch in their classroom. Snacks were provided for the students, who didn't bring their own lunch.

Dean's appetite had vanished due to nerves. He fiddled with his Transformers lunchbox. All of a sudden, someone tapped his shoulder. The Winchester turned around. A short boy with the biggest and bluest eyes he'd ever seen and adorable round and pink cheeks looked at him timidly.

"My mom bakes all the time. Would you like a chocolate chip cookie?" The dark haired boy handed him a large cookie. He gave Dean a big gummy smile.

Dean's eyes landed on the Stitch t-shirt the boy wore. "Lilo & Stitch is one of my favorite movies."

"Mine, too"

Dean grabbed the cookie which really looked yummy. When their fingers brushed, the two boys jumped a little. All of a sudden, a chubby boy with blue eyes held Castiel's hand and started pulling him away. "Hold up, Benny!"

"Gotta go…my name is Castiel and don't cry. My dad says boys never cry."

"I'm Dean and thanks for the cookie." For the first time that day Dean wasn't afraid.

"Dean, come eat with us!" Mark Crowley yelled from across the room. So now is when the boy, who reminded Dean of a frog decided to include him in his small group. His and Dean's mother were friends. Dean and Crowley would take part of play dates every once in a while.

Dean headed towards Crowley's table. He turned and caught Cas' eyes. The blue eyed boy's face turned red. Dean waved at him and smiled.


I want to thank the readers who stuck with this fic all the way to the end. I know some of you didn't like Lars since he was a thorn on Dean's side for a while. I promised Destiel would have their much deserved HEA and they did. I will most likely refrain from writing supernatural themed fics in the future. It is not easy. My hats off to the talented writers out there, who manage to do an awesome job writing supernatural themed stories. I shall stick to my usual AUs. There were a couple of times I felt like stopping this story but I am glad I didn't. I am darn proud of it! Thanks for reading!