Disclaimer: i don't own rise of the guardians

hello so this is my first rise of the guardians fanfiction. also i'm not very good at accents so sorry if it doesn't sound like the character. might be a bunnyx jack i still haven't dicided please read and review.

snowflakes fell to the ground slowly but steadily as if they were dancing. Floral frost patterns were on the all of the windows. But nobody in Santoff Claussen seemed to notice. They were all to busy watching the heated argument going on between the guardian of hope and wonder.

Jack was bored and what did he do when he was bored? He froze things ( especially elf's) but even this was starting to get boring. The two's arguing had been going on for at least half an hour. Jack had finally let his mind wander to the event he had been waiting for all year the winter solstice. This meant that he would soon meet with the other seasonal spirits plus mother nature. So that the seasonal power would be transferred from Autumn to winter making Jack gain extra strength to bring his season. The excitement though was quickly replaced with annoyance because of the two arguing friends. Tooth also annoyed finally decided to intervene.

"Easter!" Bunny said angrily for the hundredth time.

"Christmas" north replied with just as much heat in his words.

" BOY'S ENOUGH! Your both acting like children" tooth shouted with a nonsense tone in her voice.

"besides" she continued

" we have a Christmas party to plan remember?" she finished a more cheerful and energetic tone entering her voice as she said this. Both men nodded in understanding. Jack however perked up at this statement. A smile quickly reached his face. He had never been to a party before at least not one he remembered or helped for that that matter.

" were having a party?" Jack asked. Instantly everyone looked at him including sandy who had been sleeping though the argument. This made jack feel uncomfortable being complete alone for three hundred years (except when he had the occasional run in with another spirit) made him uncertain when he spoke spoke or acted in front of the other guardians but he hide this pretty well. He also wasn't used to the amount of attention they were giving him

" did I do something wrong?" he asked shifting uncomfortable in his chair. This quickly snapped the guardians out of there daze.. tooth smiled at him.

"no sweet tooth, I think we all forgot that this will be your first one" she said. Sandy nodded his head furiously agreeing with tooth. North and Bunnymund quickly agreed as well.

"so" Jack began

"why exactly are we having a party"he finished North looked at him . Then laughed a big jolly laugh. This made Jack's cheeks to turn a a light pink color. Tooth looked at Jack in a apologetic way , Sandy rolled his eyes and bunny had cracked a rare smile. This always happened when North was asked this question. Nobody really knew why though. Eventually North's laughter died down enough to answer Jacks question.

"it tradition Jack we always have party on Christmas"

" yeah mate all the other spirit's come and talk socialize have some fun, now that i think about it you've never come to one why is that frostbite" Bunny asked going from his usually stern voice to a more questioning tone.

" I a... never really thought i was wanted to come or invited I was always bothering you guys so..." jack replied in a sad tone. He also had looked down at his sweater. So he wouldn't have to see there reactions. Bunny's ears flopped down on his head. He felt ashamed he had know about Jack being alone for a long time hey all had but they had never once stopped to consider if that was by choice. They had just assumed it was. But were a family now and we have eternity to correct our wrong doings was the thoughts in everyone's but Jacks head.

" well you are now mate" bunny said trying to lighten the mood. Jack smirked at this.

"well I kinda figured that out my self kangaroo" He replied in a sarcastic tone. Jack watched as bunny's face went from happy and cheerful to one of annoyance and a scowl quickly entering his face.

" I'm a bunny mate" Bunny started. Jack was about to reply to this last comment but tooth already annoyed by bunny's and North's argument quickly intervened.

" anyways" she quickly glared at both bunny and Jack.

"we have planning to do" she finished

"party will be at pole yeah?"

sure mate" bunny said still scowling at Jack.

" isn't it every year?" Jack asked slightly confused his "sisters" had told him it was always, no matter what at the north pole.

" yeah it is but that's only cause North insists it" Bunny replied. Sandy quickly formed a question mark above his head and an arrow pointing at Jack asking him how he knew that.

" i heard it from a few other spirits is all" Jack replied. He didn't tell them that his "sisters had told him this. He knew the other guardians knew about his "sisters" and " mother" but they did not know that they interacted with each other. Along with that four out of the five guardians didn't like his sisters do to past issues.

" so what day is it going to be on?" Tooth asked.

"how about the twenty first of December?" Bunny asked Sandy thumbs uped the idea Tooth and North nodded there agreement and Jack tried to keep his expression blank. Out of all the day's they pick it ad to be this on Jack thought. He sighed, he couldn't go that ay it was the winter solstice . The other guardians noticing that Jack hadn't given his approval of the day started to look towards Jack. His head was once again down cast still deep in thought.

" Jack" North said. This quickly brought Jack to attention not used to somebody calling his name so suddenly.

" the twenty first isn't the best day for me" Jack said trying to be polite but at the same time trying to make them change the date. The guardians were slightly surprised by Jack's response because jack had never said that is wasn't the best day to them or that he was busy for that matter. In fact Jack had gone out of his way the past year they had gotten to know him to help especially bunny. They assumed this was to make up for last years Easter fiasco.

" it's four days away from Christmas it has to be then" North said determined to make the winter spirit attend.

" yeah and it will be the first one you'll be at mate" Bunny continued. Tooth and Sandy nooded in agreement. Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his snow white hair.

" I'll see" he told them. He had to discuss this with his " mother" and "sisters" before he completely agreed. He knew it would be best if he found out right away. Standing up jack froze and swung his staff freezing a elf. He slowly walked towards the window. The guardians figuring out what Jack was going about to do went and moved to stop him.

They all surrounded him by the window. Jack's back was touching the cold window. He slowly slide his fingers down to open it. The other guardians didn't notice.

" it's fine. I'll be back i just... i just need to think for a little bit" Jack said giving them his signature smirk.

" Jack" they all started to say but before they even finished Jack let himself fall out of the window. They made a move to grab him but the wind was stronger pushing them back they watched as the wind caught him not hearing what he said next

" wind" he shouted

"find the others!" he then headed for Burgess. Leaving the other guardians confused and slightly hurt.