Silent Tears

Lucy Heartfilia an 18 year old stellar spirit mage sat at the back of the guild, a book in her hands and a slight frown upon her face. She sat alone with her book and glass of water while she tried to ignore the laughter of her friends from the bar of the guild. Why were her friends on the other end of the guild and not sitting with her you may ask, well the reason for that is because of a certain short white-haired mage that had "returned from the dead". Yes they had left Lucy all alone so that they could spend more time with Lisanna and start to ignore her completely. Did this bother Lucy? Well of course it did but she would never say anything, because they were her friends so if they wanted Lisanna more than her well so be it.

Lucy gripped her book tighter as another wave of laughter came from the direction of her "friends". She let out a sigh, "you ok Lu-chan?" asked Levy, the only person who seemed to remember Lucy's existence. Lucy looked up from her book to see her best and currently only friend looking at her with a worried expression. She put up a fake smile "of course Levy-chan why wouldn't I be?" Levy gave her a disappointed look "don't lie Lu-chan I know you're far from ok" she said sitting down next to the blonde. Lucy let the smile fall from her face; she looked over at her friends by the bar with a sad and distant look. "I know Levy-chan" she said, the sadness very clear in her voice.

You see Lucy with her heart of gold couldn't come to hate any of her friends for abandoning her. She couldn't hate Lisanna since she hadn't even really met the girl, she couldn't hate Gray since he was like a brother to her. Erza was her tough and loving older sister, Happy was just too loveable, and Natsu well….. she had loved that pink haired idiot ever since he saved her from phantom. She just couldn't find it in her to hate any of them since they were her family.

"How can you not hate any of them Lu-chan? If I were you I would never want to see them again" Levy said pulling Lucy from her thoughts. A humorless chuckle came from the blonde next to her. "I just can't Levy-chan they're my nakama so how can I hate them? I love each and every one of them even if they don't return the feelings" she said as her sight moved over to the pink haired man who was laughing at something Lisanna had said. "But some more than others right Lu-chan" Levy said with a sad, knowing look as she watched her friend stare at the dragon slayer. Lucy smiled sadly "yeah I guess" she said as she closed her book and looked down sadly. Levy looked at her broken hearted friend "you know it's never too late to tell him your feelings, I'm sure he feels the same judging by the way he acts around you" she tried to cheer up her friend.

Lucy looked at Levy and shook her head "you mean by ignoring me and forgetting about me?" she asked humorlessly "no Levy-chan I think it's too late to try now, he has Lisanna and I'm happy for them both" she said with a saddened smile on her face. Levy looked at her friend and watched her get up from the table to stand next to her. "Their happiness is my happiness, even if that means being forgotten and left out" Lucy said with a sad smile "well bye Levy-chan I've got to take a job now". With that Lucy left her blue haired friend and walked over to the request board. She looked over the list of jobs until she found one that suited her.

Help needed! Monsters attacking town!

Reward: 70'000 jewel + 1 spirit key

Perfect thought Lucy just enough for my rent and a key. She grabbed the sheet and walked over to the bar, she called for Mira-jane. "Mira can I take this job please?" she asked the white haired woman that was not too far from her. Mira didn't so much as acknowledge that Lucy was there, for she was to wrapped up in the conversation between Team Natsu and Lisanna. Lucy let out a sigh even Mira has forgotten me she thought sadly, Master's voice came from behind her "I can put that job through for you my child". Lucy turned to see Master sitting on the bar just 2 feet away from her. She put up a fake smile "thanks master" she said handing him the request. Master looked it over before nodding and writing the information down in the guild book. "Alright you are free to go my child and I assume you are going solo?" Lucy gave him a sad nod before making her way across the guild to the front doors. When she reached them she looked back one last time at Levy who smiled sadly at her, at master who nodded, and to her "friends" who were so wrapped up in their own laughter they didn't even notice her leaving. Lucy pushed open the doors, walking out into the blinding light of the sun.

See you soon everyone was her last thought before the doors closed fully behind her.

Author's Notes:

I do not own Fairy Tail.

This is my second story so far. Thanks for reading my story there will be more chapters.

Review and/or follow for a shout-out in the next chapter.

Stay Awesome Guys -TheSilverKey13