Disclaimer: I do not own the MTV show Teen Wolf. This is a fan-made story and nothing more. Please, for the love of god, don't sue me.
Oh my, you guys are going to hate me for this. I just know all of you are going to tear me a new one for this stupid little fic. Let me just say that I am not making fun of any authors that make these kinds of fics. I actually love this type of story, I'm addicted to them actually. In fact, two stories that are shaping up to be my favorites are Even When You're Gone by quelling and How Did It End Up Like This? by everyrose.
Please don't get offended by this or think that I'm am making fun of anyone, this is more me making fun of the characters because I could truly see them coming up with this type of plan( that's probably why I like these stories so much). However, just because we love something doesn't mean we can't laugh at it right?
I didn't have a Beta for this one so keep that in mind.
"Werewolves and hunters keep showing up in Beacon Hills by the barrel full." Isaac said worriedly as he stumbled into the Derek's house.
The werewolves in the Hale pack were barely able to get themselves in the door, all of them had an assortment of injuries on them. All of them had been ambushed by some werewolves from a rival pack and needless to say that they had quite the fight with them.
Danny, Allison, and Lydia came from upstairs where they had been waiting for the pack to come back from a night of patrol. Stiles wasn't there, he had been with everyone else when they got jumped. He hadn't been hurt too badly but he had been so exhausted by the fight that Derek had to carry him home and put him to bed.
"Those werewolves seemed to know where we usually patrol." Scott said tiredly shooting Allison a grateful smile as she handed him a water bottle.
"We're going through tough times." Derek said roughly coming up behind everyone. "That's going to happen sometimes."
"What can we do?" Erica asked rubbing her sorely injured arm. "We need some type of plan to handle all of this."
"We need to be calm and think about this in a rational manner." Boyd said quietly sitting down beside Erica on the couch. "This isn't the first time we've been jumped by a rival pack, especially Stiles. He usually gets most of it."
Derek was silent for a brief moment which everyone took as a sign that he was deep in thought about something.
"We need to kick Stiles out of the pack." Derek ultimately decided.
Everyone in the pack froze and just stared at him. Finally, people started to speak up.
"That sounds like a good idea."
"It would be for the best."
"It's the right thing to do."
Jackson gaped and stared at all of them in shock. He just couldn't believe what they were saying.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Jackson demanded.
The rest of the pack gave him dry looks.
"Duh, Jackson. It's to protect him." Danny said with a roll of his eyes.
Jackson looked completely flabbergasted. "How?"
"Kicking him out of the pack will ensure that he's safe from any pack like problems." Lydia explained as if she was talking to a five year old. "Since he keeps getting hurt in fights we should keep him away to make sure he's safe."
Jackson stared at his girlfriend for a brief moment before panning his eyes over to the rest of the pack. They seemed to agree with her statement.
"You can't take him out of this, he's already in for a number of reasons." Jackson told them. "One, him and McCall have been friends for years, their scents are all over each other's houses. Two, Stilinski's scent is all over this house, he helped us rebuild it. Three, seeing how much our enemies have been up our asses I'm pretty sure they already know he's a part of the pack. This is going to lead up to nothing."
Derek sighed impatiently. "I know this might not be the best plan but it's the only way to ensure Stiles won't get himself in trouble."
"Stuff always has a way of gravitating toward him," Scott agreed with a nod, "and he always does whatever he wants to do despite people telling him no."
Jackson looked at them like they were idiots. "Okay, if you know that trouble has a way of finding Stilinski and he's just going to do whatever he wants to do what would be the point of kicking him out of the pack? He's still going to be involved in pack affairs just without us there."
"We should, as much as I hate to admit it, be even more protective of him. Maybe we could teach him some self-defense techniques or how shoot a gun. Stilinski does tend to be capable when he actually tries to be and he is the Sheriff's son."
"That's stupid Whittemore." Erica said with a scoff. "If we pull him closer that's just going to make him even more of a target."
"Reyes, you are really not helping the whole blonds are dumb thing." Jackson sneered. "In case you haven't noticed we're all targets! Every single one of us is on the chopping block not just Stilinski."
"Wait, wait, wait." Jackson said cutting off whatever biting remark Erica was going to say. "While I'm thinking about it, why are we only thinking about kicking Stiles out? Why is he being singled out?"
"Because he's human." Danny said in an obvious tone of voice.
Jackson was seriously starting to think that the gas was starting to leak in the house again.
"So are you idiot!" Jackson proclaimed loudly. "And so are Allison and Lydia, all three of you are just as vulnerable as Stilinski is."
"That's not true, Allison is a hunter." Scott replied adamantly.
"In-training." Jackson corrected sharply. "She's only been doing this for how many months? There is no way in hell she can take down an Alpha or a more experienced hunter by herself, she's just as new at this as we are."
"True, but she at least has the training to at least prevent herself from getting killed." Lydia said defending her friend.
Jackson growled at her in frustration. "That's debatable and depends on the situation, but whatever. What about Lydia and Danny, they don't have any more training than Stilinski. They are absolutely useless in a fight."
"Yes, but they can provide us with useful information on our enemies." Isaac piped in.
"Exactly." Derek said with a shrug. "We need someone to be doing research while the rest of us are out in the field."
Jackson gaped at his Alpha, his mouth opening and closing at least five times.
"Why can't Stilinski do that?!" Jackson shouted feeling like he was slowly losing his mind. "In fact, he already does that. He does more research than both Danny and Lydia combined. You do realize you're going to be fucking us over in not only the research department but the plan making department as well?"
"We don't need that many people making plans and doing research." Boyd said his voice just as dry as ever.
"Looks like Erica's blondness is rubbing off on you Boyd." Jackson said rubbing his closed eyelids tiredly.
"So let me get this straight." Jackson said trying to lay everything on the table. "All of you want to kick Stilinski out of the pack despite the fact that you're sure that trouble will find its way to him anyway. Also, by kicking Stilinski out the pack you are knowingly hurting our team intelligence wise because you all feel that smart people aren't that valuable on a team thus making us all the more vulnerable in our time of need."
Derek stared at him for a brief second before growling at him angrily. Most of the beta's jumped in shock at their Alpha's sudden anger.
"I don't need to explain myself to you." Derek growled. "My decisions are final. I'm the-
"I know, I know." Jackson muttered angrily.
"-goddamn Alpha!"
The next day somehow all of the pack, sans Stiles, had arrived at school at the exact same time. Jackson didn't know how and he didn't really want to know.
Jackson couldn't tell you how much he hated walking into school with the pack. Judging by how much stride Erica and Isaac had, they must have thought they looked cool. However, Jackson could see very clearly the unimpressed looks of the people around them.
"Hey guys!" Stiles exclaimed from behind them with his voice being just as loud as ever.
Jackson turned and looked him up and down in the same disgruntled way he usually does, it was his way of acknowledging Stiles. He was confused however when no one in the pack said anything back to the spaz
Stiles raised an eyebrow at all of them apparently noticing that all of his friends were brushing him off as well.
"Uh, what's up man?" Stiles said shooting Isaac a friendly smile.
Isaac shrugged looking away from him in a clearly dismissive way.
Stiles blinked at him before turning his eyes to his best friend.
"We're still doing that Call of Duty marathon tonight right?" Stiles said eagerly turning to his best friend while biting at his lip. "I finally got a new wireless controller."
"I'm busy." Scott replied avoiding eye contact with his friend.
Stiles furrowed his brow at him. "But you were the one that suggested we do it."
"I changed my mind!" Scott snapped yelling loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear him.
Jackson felt a slight, almost nonexistent, twitch in his heart when he saw Stiles' eyes fall directly to the floor.
"Alright, I guess I'll catch you guys later?" Stiles said hopefully.
Giving them more time than Jackson would have, Stiles waited for a reply that never came from any of them. With hunched shoulders, Stiles walked to his locker and away from all of them.
Scott sighed sounding much older than he was. He let Allison rub his tired shoulder.
"I knew this was going to be hard but I didn't think it was going to be this hard." Scott mumbled miserably.
"Wait, don't tell me this is about that stupid plan you guys made up last night." Jackson said with a groan. "I thought we went over this."
"Yes, we did. So now, in accordance to the plan, we are going to ignore him." Lydia proclaimed with a sigh.
"What?" Jackson's face scrunched up in confusion. "Why are we going to ignore him? What does that have to do with anything?"
"We are keeping him out of pack business." Isaac reminded him.
Jackson nodded. He already knew that. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with ignoring him in school?"
"Shutting him out of pack business means shutting him out of all aspects of our lives and avoiding him as much as possible." Erica informed the confused jock. "We're doing it to keep him safe."
"If that were true then why do all of you still live in your parents' houses? You care about them don't you?" Jackson sharply asked. "In fact, why do we even go to school? If we're trying to keep everyone safe then we should just isolate ourselves to Derek's house and avoid everyone not just Stilinski."
"Yes, but nobody at school or our parents go out of their way to get themselves hurt." Scott pointed out.
Jackson suddenly had the urge to bang his head against something. "Neither does Stilinski, you pointed out at least a thousand times that trouble just seems to find him. Does he get hurt because he hangs around us? Yes, but so do the rest of us. I would be scared of him if he didn't get hurt being involved with us."
Jackson hates how much he was sticking up for Stilinski but he didn't feel like he had a choice. They were pretty much taking control over his life and making decisions for him based on what they wanted. They were being controlling and that was the last thing Jackson ever wanted to be due to all that happened with Gerard.
"Look I know-"
"Wait, I just got a brilliant idea." Jackson said with a condescending smile on his face. "How about we, stop me if I get too crazy, actually sit Stilinski's crazy ass down and explain to him that we're concerned about the little bastard instead of being cryptic idiots?"
All of them looked at each other.
"That's stupid." Danny hissed.
"That wouldn't work out well." Allison shook her head.
"We shouldn't even try that, it's too extreme." Scott added looking quite sure of himself.
Jackson found himself gaping at all of them once again. He growled at all of them before stomping past them.
"The truth is too extreme? I swear I'm almost done with this place." Jackson swore.
Jackson had hoped at lunch that the stupid train that his associates, because he refused to call this batch of idiots his friends, had been on since this morning had finally kicked them off. Everyone was acting normally and not spouting out crazy theories.
Unfortunately for Jackson, he found that his associates had an express ticket to the stupid train and just gotten right back on it.
Stiles walked up calmly to their usual table in the cafeteria humming a song that Jackson didn't care to name. However, when he went to sit in his usual seat next to Erica and Boyd, the female werewolf moved her purse to his seat.
"Uh, you mind moving your pleather purse Catwoman?" Stiles asked
"This table is full, go somewhere else." Erica replied not even looking up at him as she ate her meal.
Obviously thinking she was joking, Stiles rolled his eyes and tried to move her bag only to have his hand pushed away.
"Are you dumb as well as annoying?" Erica asked looking up at him with a sneer. "Get lost you little loser."
As Jackson witnessed this whole scene it occurred to him that he could just tell Stilinski what's going on himself, it's not like any of the pack could stop him and it would put an end to all this. However, that would mean he would be directly helping Stilinski out instead of indirectly like he had been trying to. That is not going to happen, Jackson Whittemore never directly helps Stiles Stilinski. It's one of the laws of life.
"Look can you just stop-"
"We don't want you here!" Scott shouted banging his hands on the table making everyone in the cafeteria look over at them.
Stiles stood staring dead at his best friend stunned, he didn't know what to do or to say.
"Go the fuck away." Scott ordered angrily pointing at the only table left in the cafeteria, the singles table.
Jackson expected something, at least one small quip from the normally loud teen. But no, he just turned and slowly walked to the back of the cafeteria. He turned his chair around so he was facing nothing but the wall. His body was hunched down into his food, although it was clear to everyone that he wasn't eating.
Scott sighed and ran a hand over his face.
"It had to be-"
"Oh will you shut up!" Jackson snapped smacking him on the head.
For about the last five minutes Jackson had been not so subtly banging his head against the wall. Why had he been doing this? Well, because of the current conversation happening.
"This is not up for discussion Stiles." Derek said staring at the devastated young teen emotionlessly. "We don't need you in the pack anymore."
"What? What the hell are you talking about?" Stiles asked urgently like all of them were playing a cruel joke on him.
"You are a hindrance to us with how much you jump into battles." Derek stated snapping his teeth at the human. "You're constantly getting yourself hurt and it holds us back."
"The only time I jump into a fight is when you guys start doing stupid shit and almost get yourselves killed. I never do it to prove something." Stiles shot back at him. "And you guys get hurt just as much as I do, sometimes even more than me."
"That's not-"
"A pack is supposed to be a family and family protects each other." Stiles continued talking over Derek. "Besides, Isaac protected Boyd from a wolfsbane bullet a week ago which almost killed him and Erica took a swipe from an Alpha wolf's claws for Isaac which almost blinded her. You guys are just as suicidal as I am."
"They are werewolves, it's different for them." Derek said with a grunt.
The glare Stiles gave Derek was so heated that it could probably melt the polar icecaps.
"Oh, so now you're being an elitist?" Stiles said coldly. "Didn't you have human members in your pack before the fire happened?"
Jackson stopped banging his head against the wall to shoot Derek a smirk. He could feel the shock and anguish that came from that revelation and he loved it.
Derek's late family had several humans within it, humans that were considered just as much a part of the pack as the werewolves were. During those times nobody questioned human pack members on what they did and didn't do, they were accepted and treated as equals.
Judging by Derek's actions he doesn't want to uphold this decision.
Derek growled and stomped toward Stiles with said human not backing down in the slightest.
"You're not needed any longer, we already have Lydia and Danny to do research." Derek said coldly.
Stiles raised an eyebrow at him. "So you think having only two people doing research, only having two notable thinkers, is a good idea? Especially since everything has been going to shit lately and we need some more thinkers not less?"
"Thank you!" They all heard Jackson loudly proclaim.
Finally having had enough of this, Derek grabbed Stiles by the neck and hurled him painfully into a wall. Stiles choked as he struggled to breathe. His hands gripped Derek's hands as he tried to get the werewolf off him.
"You are worthless to us." Derek growled staring dead into Stiles' eyes increasing his hold on his neck. "You are nothing but an annoying, pathetic, waste of space that not even your father wants around."
"Is that really necessary?" Jackson said to himself with a shake of his head.
Without another word, Derek took Stiles off the wall and literally threw him out of the house.
Jackson groaned noticing how depressed everyone looked despite that they don't lift a single finger to help Stiles. "I swear to god, one day I'm just going up and leave without telling all of you.
Everyone looked back at him again.
Jackson sighed. "Fine, maybe I'll send you all a tweet."