Did she really not like me?

Was I really that bad of a husband?

I stare out through the window, sitting in Rhine's room. I look at the bed that was made just as she got off. The pillow still had a crease to where her head had been. Her scent still filled the room. Just last night, she'd been so passionet about our love, like she carde for me. Like she had actually loved me.

Sometimes I even wonder if Jenna, Cecily, and Rhine had even come on their own accord. Did they actually want to marry me, or was it because they'd been bribed? Sometimes I also think that the girls had been kidnapped, brought only for my sake, but father wouldn't do that.

Would he?

In the room across me, which is Cecily's, I hear whimpering. I stay in Rhine's room, not wanting to leave her. This room held her ghost, just like it still held her scent. The whimpering sound begins to turn into a small cry, followed by murmuring. I get myself out of the room when a ting of realization hits me, hard. I stop in my steps and turn around. Rhine didn't run away because she didn't love me.

It was beacause she loved Gabriel.

She must've ran away to be free with him. What's to be free from though? Everything that Rhine could've asked for was right here. Could be brought here at her first request.

The cry gets a little louder and I go into Cecily's room to see her crying with her face pushed into her pillow. Does she know why Rhine ran away? No, she couldn't, only Gabriel would know why.

Everyday since Rhine has left, I come into her room and rememnber her. Her blond hair, her unique eyes. Her smile, her kiss, her voice. Everything about her, brings brings peace to my heart.

Even her fake love to me.

Does Rhine know that I loved her, and that I still do?

I stare at Cecily on the bed, and then walk over to her and pat her back.

"Cecily, you know I love you, right?" I say, trying to make matters better.

"You'll hate me forever, because i can't be the Party Wife of yours like Rhine had been before! She was prettier than me and you know it, thats why I'm here, in this house, always trapped in it's borders! It's like you think of me as a baby boomer!" Cecily shrieks.

Cecily's has this way ever since Rhine ran away. Every week, she'd bring up a new excuse to why she's crying. Last week, she thought it was her fault that Rhine ran away, and wouldn't tell me why she thought that way.

I almost believed that Cecily had been a bit reason of why Rhine had to run. NO. I need to stop thinking this way. It can't be Cecily. Cecily just probably just misses Rhine as much as i do. Maybe there was a reason that Rhine ran away, was a bit because of Cecily. It could have been me. It could have been me. It could have been Father. It could have been all alone Gabriel.

But all I know for sure right now, is that it could have been anything. Right now, I have to figure out what.

And take care of my only left wife.