A/N: Man, it's taken over 19,000 words to get these two on a date. No wonder no one wants to read this series XD. EDIT: Hahaha…Under threat of mackerel slapping, er, I mean, after strong encouragement from readers, I just want to say that this has been a fun story to write. They have some troubles to get through first (and it's not just the werewolf secret), so thanks for sticking around. Seriously :D

The 'Shakespeare in the park thing' turned out to be an outdoor movie, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) projected onto a large screen. The county library was putting it on as a fundraiser for some after-school programs. It wasn't going to start until it was full dark out, so they decided to eat first. Danny asks Stiles about how he heard about the showing as they were pulling into the Indian restaurant they both liked.

Turns out Stiles recently found out how much he liked libraries. He had been spending a lot of his time there recently, asking the librarians for help with research projects and stuff. "They're system is actually pretty cool. Like, they're part of this pretty big network of lending libraries and they've been really great about helping me track down some hard to find books."

"Yeah? You know, if you spent this much focus on your schoolwork…"

Stiles wrinkled his nose at Danny. "Yeah, yeah, alright whatever Dad."

"Haha, okay, okay, I deserved that. But seriously, what are you researching?" Stiles seemed a little uncomfortable with the question, not answering right away. "I promise I won't make fun of you. I'm curious about what's caught your interest." And it was true. Danny found himself interested in hearing the answer, in a way that he usually wasn't. Maybe his brothers had a point.

"Well…I've been looking into folklore and mythology. It's kind of a cool area and it's kind of a cool blend of history and psychology and stuff." Stiles smile grew, warming up to the subject. "it's fun, looking at separating fact from fiction, finding the nuggets of truth that the stories were built on. Plus, it's really cool watching how the librarians find information; it's like, they just know where to look for it."

At this point, their waitress came by to take their orders, dropping off their drinks. Danny takes a sip of his mango lassi, deciding to make Stiles try some at some point in the evening. Hopefully he wasn't allergic.

"Huh. That's pretty cool. I guess I've never really thought about it," Danny said, picking up their conversation. Like most teens, Danny was so used to finding information on the Internet that libraries seemed old-fashioned. "I've always thought libraries were kind of antiquated."

"No way, dude!" Danny smiled to see Stiles really getting into the topic. It was nice to see. "Library and information science is completely modern. They're even more important with all the information out."

"I'm awfully tempted to tease you about how the librarians have clearly brainwashed you of their great importance," Danny said.

"Hey! I can think independently! Like, how often does typing something into a search engine bring up crap information?"

"Well, yeah, okay. But I can usually get what I want," Danny pointed out.

"Sure, if you're just trying to find something casual. But if you're actually working on a research project, would you really trust whatever results you dig up from a random search engine?"

"Okay, you have a good point there."

"Right?" Stiles waved an arm widely to emphasize his statement. Danny subtly moved their drinks away from the edge of the table. "Of course I do. I always have a good point. That's what librarians do; they get degrees in how to vet data and organize it and decide what's worth keeping and where and all that. They actually use a lot of computer programming. Maybe something you'd want to do?"

Danny shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe. I mean, it sounds really cool and all, but, uh, I'm not exactly supposed to be using computers to dig up information. Something about a certain sealed record someone may have." He looked pointedly at Stiles. "Which another certain someone isn't supposed to know about."

He was pleased to see a faint flush coloring Stiles' pale skin, but Stiles ignored it. "But, you're, like, magic with computers. It'd be such a waste of talent if you became, like, a baker or something."

Danny had to laugh at that. "A baker? Where did that come from?"

Stiles shrugged, waving his hands vaguely. "What? I'm hungry and I like baked goods. It works. And hey, look, our food is here! Perfect timing." He smiles widely at their waitress as he thanks her for the food. Idly, Danny wonders if Stiles knows how charming his grins can be; he would almost bet that Stiles could get her number if he wanted.

"So, what do you think you'd like to study?" Stiles asks after they have a few bites of their food. Danny shrugged, stealing his lassi back from Stiles; turns out he did like it and he kept stealing sips of Danny's.

"I'm not sure. Computers are cool, but I also really like Mr. Thompson's biology class. And I've heard cool things about Ms. Chen's AP course. It'd be kind of cool if I could combine those two." He made a face after taking a sip of Stiles' Sprite. Too sweet.

Swallowing another bite of his saag paneer, Stiles commented, "That seems like kind of a weird combination."

"Yeah, well…who knows what the future holds? Maybe I will end-up being a baker."

"Only if you give me free cookies."


The parking lot is already full when they arrive at the park, so they go to the high school to park. Danny is tempted to make a quip about how much time they spend at school, but Stiles beats him to it. Luckily the blanket and pillows Stiles packed are small, so it's an easy few blocks to walk. The park itself isn't too crowded, filled mostly with older couples and a few families.

"Cool. Not too many kids," Stiles says, looking around for a place for them to sit. Danny nods absently, looking around too. "I like kids, but this probably isn't really suitable for them," Stiles continues.

"Hey, there's a spot," Danny says, pointing. "You've seen this show before?"

"Oh yeah," Stiles says as they spread out the blanket. "It's a great show. Almost got to see them live a few years back, but, something, uh, something came up."

Danny glanced over at Stiles stumbling over his words. It wasn't unusual, but something made Danny pause. The way that Stiles' wasn't looking Danny in the eyes kept him from asking questions, though he wanted to. Danny was a little surprised for wanting to know the story. Instead of asking about it, he flopped down, saying "Shows' about to start" as he patted the blanket next to him.

Stiles settled down next to Danny, hugging a pillow to his stomach. The murmur of conversation quieted as the projector flickered on. Luckily, they had positioned the screen so the parks' lights wouldn't interfere too much with the projection. The moon was just a tiny sliver in the sky.

"Small moon tonight," Danny murmured quietly as the opening credits played.

Stiles gave him a small half-grin, "Good night phase to be out it; a lot less dangerous than a full one." Danny looked at him in confusion, but the play started before he could ask.

It was a good film. The actors were definitely having fun and Danny was laughing along with the rest of the audience. But Stiles, Stiles was seriously into the show. He quoted along with his favorite lines and Danny couldn't help but laugh at Stiles as he chanted "May-be, maybe not" along with the recorded audience. Stiles just beamed back at him.

It was all surprisingly endearing and unexpectedly comfortable.

They chat about the show as they're walking back to Stiles' Jeep. Luckily, it seems like they're the only ones heading in that direction, so they weren't disrupting anyone else with their enthusiastic rehashing of the film. While they're walking, Stiles hesitantly slips his hand into Danny's. Danny squeezes his hand back, interlacing their fingers. His hand is warm and heavy in Danny's hands. He hadn't dated any guys who were into physical affection before. It was…nice.

Stiles pulled his hand away from Danny's with another squeeze, a big smile on his face. Danny returned the smile with a smaller one of his own, the smile lingering as they put the blankets and pillows into the back of the Jeep.

"You know," Danny says as they pull up to his house. "This evening has pretty much been like every other time we've hung out."

Stiles nods thoughtfully as he gets out of the Jeep with Danny. "Well, you know…I can think of at least ONE thing that we don't usually do." Danny looks over at Stiles bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. "Well, it's traditional to end a romantic evening out with a kiss." He grins widely at Danny. "So, whaddya say?"

Danny grins back. Leaning in, he presses his lips against Stiles warm cheek. "This was fun," he says, still grinning as he pulls back.

Stiles squawks indignantly. "Seriously, dude?" He flails his arms a little. "On the cheek? That was like, the kiss of death! C'mon, this was way better than that."

"Oh yeah? What were you hoping for?"

"Well, at least a peck on the lips, man! Gimme something to work with here."

Danny shrugs. "You'll just have to see how the next date goes. Maybe you'll get a little something-something then."

Stiles is about protest again, when he stops. Danny can practically see the wheels turning in Stile's head as another grin takes over his face. "Dude, I think I just scored a second date." He raises a fist. "Dude."

Laughing, Danny fist bumps him in congratulations. "I'm starting to feel a little weird about the fact that you're treating me like a bro while we're on a date."

"What? Are you saying we can't be bros?"

"Well, generally speaking, I don't go on dates with my bros. Jackson's really not my type."

"Pfft, like Jackson's anyone's type."

"Lydia's dating him," Danny points out. "They've been going out for almost two years."

"Yeah but Lydia's ju-…" Stiles cuts-off his habitual comeback about Lydia and Jackson suddenly, narrowing his eyes at Danny. "You almost got me with that one. I'm not quite that tacky." Danny just grins at him, ignoring the tiny twist in his stomach. Stiles sends an exaggerated scowl back. "I'll get you yet, Mahealani!" Stiles mock-threatens. "One of these days, I'm going to have the upper hand on you."

"Haven't seen any evidence of that yet, Stilinski."

Stiles waves his hands between them in lieu of responding verbally. He breathes in and out, then looks Danny in the eye. "Wait, you've managed to sidetrack me. Not fair. No good night kiss?"

Danny looks at Stiles, their eyes meeting for a long moment. He takes a few seconds to admire the way the light from the porch reflects in Stiles' eyes, turning them a lighter, but still warm, shade of brown. Leaning in slowly, Danny's gaze is drawn down when Stiles' tongue flicks out to moisten his lips; Danny can practically see Stile's pupils dilating. Stopping with an inch between their lips, Danny whispers, "Goodnight Stiles." Pulling back and flashing Stiles a grin, he walks through his front door and closes it before Stiles has a chance to react. He can't hold back a laugh at Stiles' muffled repeat of his earlier "I'll get you yet, Mahealani!"

Ignoring the voice, he cracks the door open to reply. He won't meet Stiles eyes, so he looks at his lips instead. On the other hand, it's hardly a hardship; the guy has nice lips. "You know, next time, if you really want a kiss? Maybe you shouldn't wait for me to make the first move." He closes the door again, after capturing the image of Stiles' shocked face, mouth slowly falling open. "Goodnight."

Danny stops by the kitchen for a glass of water, before heading up the stairs to his bedroom. His phone beeps as he's walking up. It's a text from Stiles.

Stiles: So, the DVD of 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' comes out next week. You wanna rent it?

Danny smiles as he replies. Maybe…well, Danny lets himself be a little optimistic.

Danny: Sure. Wanna come over to my place?