"Where to?" he asked, standing up and offering me his hand.

I took it and stood as well. "Lake Hylia?"

Link smiled and bowed. "Of course, Princess."

I shoved him, a little mad that a smile was playing on my own lips, too. "I've told you never to call me that," I said.

He smirked. "I know, Zelda," he said. Then he pulled out his wooden fairy ocarina (he refused to even look at the blue porcelain Ocarina of Time) and played a few notes.

How Epona managed to hear the song and know where it was coming from from so far away, I don't know. However, I do know that that song never fails. Five minutes later, Link was lifting me up onto the mare's back and then hoisting himself up in front of me. "Lake Hylia," he murmured thoughtfully. "Haven't been there since Zora's Domain froze over. Hya!"

At a steady, loping canter, comfortable for me in a skirt, we arrived at the lake in about twenty minutes. The sun was starting to set. A few Zoras were swimming in the water and Dr. Mizumi was out doing some "scientific observations."

Link dismounted, then helped me down. He removed Epona's tack to let her graze freely, then set them, along with his sword, shield, and other equipment, under a nearby tree. After about a minute, we realized the sun would be in our eyes if we sat at the entrance to the canyon, so we moved to the opposite side of the water.

One of the Zoras came to talk with us—it was Ttoren. I'd always liked him.

"Evening, Princess!" he called. "Hey, Link!"

Link walked to the water's edge. "Hullo, Ttoren! How've you been?

Ttoren shrugged. "Pretty normal, since we all unfroze. We really can't thank you enough."

"You already have," I assured him. "Besides, it's what we do."

Ttoren shook his head. "We'll never repay you."

Link raised his eyebrows. "Well, you can start by not saying annoying things like that!"

The Zora laughed. "Right. Well, anyways…wanna go for a dive with me?"

"Sure! Haven't been in the water for ages."

"We'll race to the bridge, how about that? And no special tunics!"

Link grinned. "Of course not!" He pulled his shirt over his head and jumped in.

Ttoren looked to me. "Coming, Princess?"

I blinked. "I'm in a skirt, remember?"

He shrugged. "Zoras don't wear clothes, most of us don't even know what a skirt is. Ready, Link?"

"If you are."

I saw the possibility of an argument and interrupted them. "I'll judge this race," I said.

They grinned at each other. "Go ahead, Your Judgeness," said Ttoren.

I smirked. "On your mark…get set…go!"

Ttoren took off at top speed and Link followed close behind. Technically, the Zora had the advantage, but this race was not about speed, but about stamina, seeing as the bridge was so far away. Both knew that; I could tell Ttoren was actually pacing himself (though no way was he going to go easy on Link). The Hylian, not as fast but stronger, seemed to be doing just fine. This would be a close one.

I rode Epona bareback to the bridge to be able to judge better, and watched Dr. Mizumi while I waited for the swimmers to approach. (He seemed to be taking notes, but went back inside soon, so I concentrated on the race.)

Ttoren won by about a foot. It was expected, seeing as he was a fish, but it had still been a good race. Speed versus strength.

Link shook his ears free of water, then walked up the shore—I caught my breath when I saw his finely toned arm and abdomen muscles. He was lean, strong, and tall; very handsome.

Ttoren resurfaced as well but stayed in the water. "Hey, Princess!" he called.

I gave a start and looked towards him. "My name is Zelda!" I insisted firmly.

"Whatever!" he said nonchalantly. "C'mere."

I walked to the shoreline, wading up to where my boots stopped at the ankles. I didn't want to go in any further; I knew from experience that Lake Hylia got real deep real fast. "Yes?"

He leaned closer and whispered from a couple feet away, "You still got the hots for Link?"

I blushed and looked over my shoulder. The "Hero of Time" was scavenging in the grass for a lost earring or something he'd probably taken off before the race. I turned back to Ttoren. "So what if I do?"

He shrugged and hid a knowing smile. "Just wondering. He always did seem to be fond of Saria. Are you together?"

I stiffened and ignored his question. "He and Saria were childhood friends," I told him. "Besides, she's a Kokiri. She'll never grow up."

"True," he said thoughtfully. "I was just under the impression that all the girls chase after him. Even Nabooru, 'cept she's probably ten years older than him, and that would be…"

"Pedophilia?" I offered helpfully.

"Frowned upon," he amended with a slight cringe. You know—"

"I found it!" Link shouted triumphantly in the background. I rolled my eyes. Ttoren continued.

"You know, Ruto used to like him, too, when they were little and he rescued her from Lord Jabu-Jabu."

I stared. Independent, headstrong Ruto? The Zora princess was currently traveling the world, with no time for love. As far as I knew, she'd never wanted to marry anyway. "Really?"

He nodded and laughed. "Weird, I know." There was a splashing noise. "I don't think he ever liked any of them, though."

Link surfaced abruptly next to Ttoren, making me jump a little. "What's weird?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, turning away to hide my blush. "Aren't you cold?"

"No," he said. He floated on his back, staring at the darkening sky. "I probably will be when I get out, though."

"Well, get out soon!" I demanded crossly. "I'm lonely!"

Link laughed. I loved his laugh. It was strong and beautiful.

After a little while of just chatting quietly and sittin around, the sun dipping behind the canyon walls, Ttoren announced that he needed to leave so as to reach Zora's Domain before curfew.

"Alright," I said. "We'll see you soon, right, Ttoren?"

"Of course," he promised. He clapped Link on the back. "Good race, mate."

"Same to you," Link responded.

The Zora turned to go, then stopped. "Oh, and Princess Zelda?"

I blinked. "Yes?"

He gave me an impish grin. "Keep in mind what I said, okay?"

I laughed a little. "Okay. See you soon!" I waved.

He gave a little salute then disappeared beneath the dark, rolling waves. Link stepped onto shore and began to dry himself off. "What did he mean?" he asked.

I shrugged and looked away. "Oh, nothing important, really, just joking about my love interest."

"Ah." It was a very vague comment—I couldn't really tell what he meant. "Anything in particular?"

I swallowed. "He told me about Ruto."

Link burst out laughing. "Ruto! I'd forgotten about her! Damn frightening, that girl was!"

I gave a small smile. "So you never did like her? Or Saria?"

He shook his head. "No, I always liked you, Zellie," he said sincerely.

"You're sweet," I said fondly.

He sat next to me and started playing with my hair, undoing the three braids down my back and twisting the black locks between his fingers. "I'm just telling the truth."

"Impa always teases me," I told him. "Says of course I had to go and fall in love with the Hero of Time and make life difficult for myself." I laughed. "You are quite the handful."

"Oh?" he said. "I'm quite the handful? If I recall correctly, you were the one who got captured by Ganondorf and needed me to rescue you!"

"At least I could swim before the age of fifteen!" I shot back good-naturedly.

"Why, you!" he muttered and threw a fistful of sand at me. I giggled and ducked, then grabbed the blanket we'd taken with us and tossed it over his head, then took off running. He made an odd growling noise and tore the blanket off him, then started after me; I was laughing. He was faster than I was, and I was in a dress anyway; so I decided just trip him instead of attempting to outrun him. When he was right behind me, I abruptly turned around, causing him to fall over backwards into the sand. Unfortunately, I managed to stumble over my bootlaces at the same time and fell on top of him clumsily. Smooth, Zelda—real coordinated.

After a split second, we both opened our eyes (probably closed them in the first place from the impact of the fall) and promptly realized what an awkward position we were in, pressed up against each other and our noses centimeters apart. I immediately began to get off, but Link held me down and kissed me.

I froze automatically, but after a second I leaned back into him, his arms entwining around my waist and into my long, straight hair. He held the kiss for a good long time, and I really hated myself for being the one to break it. (I needed to breathe, okay? Don't judge me!) He didn't say anything, just sat up, pulled me to his chest and stared up at the waking stars. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, listening to the beat of his heart. A way's away, Epona snorted and clopped her hooves a bit, probably spooked by a snake in the grass or something. Crickets started chirping and the night grew cooler. I was glad for his warmth.

After a little while, I realized how utterly exhausted I was. "Link?"

"Mm," he said vaguely. He sounded a bit weary, too.

"I'm tired."

He turned his head to look at the blanket we'd brought, now half-buried in the sand. "If the blanket's itchy, it's your fault." He sighed and got up to retrieve it.

I giggled. "It's your fault for provoking me into throwing it in the first place," I pointed out knowledgeably. He muttered something I didn't catch that sounded unfriendly. Heheheh.

We moved farther away from the shore, under the tree where we'd put Epona's tack and Link's equipment. Geniuses that were are, we hadn't brought anything that mildly resembled a pillow, so Link got the ground and I got his shoulder. The blanket was a bit uncomfortable, unfortunately, but I pulled it up to my chin anyway because it was cold.

With Link's arms around me and exhaustion taking over, I felt like I'd never been more at peace in my life. Normally he fell asleep before I did, but tonight I was just so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. I don't really remember much after that, I was so drained and my mind was hazy, but I do recall Link humming a very soft verse of my lullaby as he cradled my head against his chest. Sweetest thing ever. Whatever Impa might've said, I knew that I had chosen the love of my life well. I thought of Ttoren and smiled. If only he knew.