Hope you guys like this story i think it will be fun to write

The usual rowdy Fairy Tail guild was unusually quiet at the moment. Every member had stopped their immediate action to turn their attention to a certain pink haired DragonSlayer and blonde Celestial Mage

It was the moment they had all been waiting for, as Natsu Dragneel had finally gotten the courage to go up to Lucy Heartphilia and express his true feelings for her

Half the guild was amazed that he even figured them out to begin with as he was well-known for his dense and naïve nature. Everyone in the guild already knew that Lucy had always liked the DragonSlayer more than just being his friends, so when he finally pronounced his feeling to her everyone in the Guild had to stop what they were doing and take in the sight

All of them were trying their best to hold in their congratulation and celebratory remarks as they all waited for Lucy to return the same feelings to the grinning boy in front of her

It was all going to be one big Fairy Tail ending for the two they all thought

But that didn't happen

Instead, the entire Guild now stood speechless in shock and horror at what happened next

"Natsu, you know how much I care about you and yeah I think your special but right now I'm going to have to say no. I'm sorry." She had calmly as the excitement that was once on Natsu's face had tuned into disappointment as the rest of the Guild just stood dumbfounded by the blonds response

Even Levy and Erza, Lucy's best friends stood shocked by her response to the man they thought she loved

"But why? I thought you felt the same way about me" he said awkwardly

"Maybe, I'm not sure what to feel about you at this point but you know I'm already dating another person and things are going great with him. I can't just leave him now because of what you said" she said softly

"I hope you understand, I'm sorry but I have to go now. Natsu I'm really sorry, maybe if things were different but as of now, I can't return your feelings" she said softly as she got up and left, leaving a dejected Natsu and a depressed guild behind.

As Lucy walked out of the guild she couldn't help but feel a little sad for Natsu. She had always liked him and if he had told her earlier things may have been different but as of right now she was taken and wanted to stay loyal to her boyfriend.

Back at the Guild, things hadn't changed much as a shocked Natsu still hadn't move from his spot as the Guild stayed quiet. Even the likes of Laxus and Gazille couldn't help but feel sorry for the Fire Mage as all of them just stared at him wondering what would happen next before Natsu got up from his seat and just sighed

"Sorry for the disappointing show everyone, maybe next time" he said disingenuously as Grey step forward and put his hand on his shoulder

"I'm sorry man. Are you going to be alright?" he asked with concern in his voice as everyone looked on

"Haha, yeah I guess, I mean not much to do at this point" he responded with a small smile on his face as the rest of the guild began to go up to him and give him some words of encouragement as Natsu just nodded his head in thanks for the kind words before leaving the guild to go home

As the rest of the Guild watched him leave, most of them lost the will to do much that day. Mira, the one who was most in favour of the couple to get together could be seen weeping gently while the rest of the women of Fairy Tail just sat together somberly and discussed the Natsu-Lucy relationship. The men of the guild just sat around drank and talked about what Natsu would be like tomorrow. It seemed the entire guild just shut off after the event as the loud and boisterous people were left quiet and lethargic the rest of the day

As the next day came everyone lay in wait for the arrival of Natsu or Lucy. All of them had different questions they needed to be answered and all sides needed to talk to them

The only one of those two to arrive however was a grinning Natsu who entered the guild with his large bag on, surprising everyone

"Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I'm going to go try finding Igneel for the next month so don't worry about me, I'll be back soon" he said cheerfully as the rest of the guild again just stood stunned

"Oi Natsu, you can't leave just like that after what happened yesterday" Grey objected as the others nodded in agreement as a frown appeared on Natsu's face

"No that's the exact reason I need this, I just want to be alone and think for a bit and this is the best excuse to do so" he said confidently as master Makerov finally spoke

"That's fine Natsu, take all the time you need, we will all be waiting for your return" he said kindly and with a smile

"Thanks Gramp's I'll be back as soon as I can, take care everyone" he said as he quickly got out of the guild, not wanting to be stopped or question about yesterday again

"Old man you sure that's the smart thing for him to so" Laxus asked Makerov

"With a broken heart you can't do much, it's the hardest thing to fix. There's no right or wrong way to do so, all that a person can do is follow their heart and see where that takes you" he said softly as the rest of the guild again stood saddened for another day

"I hope he'll be alright" Mira said

"Knowing Natsu he'll be fine he just needs some time to himself. I'm sure he's just confused about his feelings right now and just needs to sort them out" Erza responded

Three days had passed since Natsu had left, and the guild just wasn't the same. It didn't help that Lucy had been absent as well but the rowdy guild now seemed quiet and boring compared to its usual standards

But the quietness soon changed as a frustrated Lucy could be seen walking into the guild to everyone's surprise

"Lucy where have you been the past couple of day?" a concerned Erza asked Lucy who had a sad look on her face

"I'm sorry Erza, after everything that happened between me and Natsu, I found it really hard to come back here, so instead I just spent more time with my boyfriend but in the last couple of days I found out he was nothing like I thought and that he didn't really care about me so I dumped him"

"I was beginning to feel a little lonely after so I decided to come here" she said shyly

"Ohh Lu I missed you so much" Levy yelled as she ran up and gave Lucy a hug

"Yeah, I missed you guys to but I bet a lot of you are still mad at the way I handle Natsu's situation so it was hard for me to come back" she said as she was surprised to see Mira come forth and give her a hug

"It was a shock the way you reacted, but it was you choice in the end. We can't force you to do something you don't want, so don't think like that. We're all just happy we can see you again" she said lovingly as Lucy could feel the tears streaming down her face as she thanked everyone

As the days progressed after her return the guild moral seemed to improve constantly. The amount of smiling faces and fights that broke out seemed to increase and everyone seemed happy

On this day it had been thirty-five days since Natsu had left and some of the Guild was becoming worried over his absence especially Lucy who knew Natsu's destructive ability along with the way his emotion seemed to control his actions. As she, Erza and Gray sat down drawing out a plan to go try to find him the doors of the guild slammed open and a familiar voice rang out

I'm back everyone" Natsu yelled as everyone in the guild swarmed toward him as he just grinned at their reaction.

"Oi, Natsu, your late" Grey teased as Natsu smirked

"Better late than never" he retorted with a grin on his face

As they all raced to meet Natsu at the door they were all shocked to see someone else enter behind him as they all slowed down in front of Natsu. A pretty girl with long black hair walked in and stood beside Natsu with a smile

"Natsu who's this women with you? Erza asked as all the guys just stared at her

"Why does he always find the hot ones?" Macou asked aloud as Wakaba just laughed

"Oh yeah I nearly forgot. Everyone this is Iris and she wants to join Fairy Tail!"

What did you guys think? Let me know!