Hello everyone. I hope you guys still haven't given up on me. But I know you guys are more loyal to this story than me. Thankyou for still sticking with me. I guess after college was over I'm enjoing my life as a NEET too much. I've realized that I've spent too much time doing nothing so now I'm going to continue my stories. So, now I will update as soon as I can, if I'm motivated the same way from today on. Hehe.

But, thankyou for all your reviews, favourites and follows. I really appreciate them. Each time I receive them, I actually seriously write atleast one line cause I'm just so happy. Hehe.

Well, enjoy the story.


Rin woke up early in the morning and was excited. This was the day of the trip. These days she had not been herself, she was thinking about Sesshomaru a lot, she would get lost in her thoughts about him and the worst part was even when he was in front of her, she'd be thinking about him and not realize he was there. And on days, when she realized that, she would be so flustered that she couldn't face him properly. But, now today it was the day when she'd go to the trip and get a chance to get along with others. And, by this she could even clear her thoughts about Sesshomaru.

She took a long nice bath and after getting out checked the bag she had packed a week ago. She had been checking it daily since then. There was still a lot of time before going to school and reporting. But, she went to Inuyasha's room to wake him up. She opened the door, it was a mess as always. She could never understand how his room got so dirty when the maids cleaned it daily. She headed towards his bed, he was spawled diagonally across the bed wearing only his boxers, his blanket on the floor. She looked at his angelic face, so calm and soothing.

"Inuyasha, get up." Rin said softly, knowing full well that this was not going to work. She sighed and took a jug of water from the night stand and poured it full on his face. He got up in an instant, in fact he flew from his bed, cursing.

"What the fuck was that for Rin?" Inuyasha screamed at Rin.

"Mind your language Yasha." Rin said sternly.

"Shut the fuck up. What the hell were you trying to do?" Inuyasha was complaining taking the towel and wiping his face and body.

"Well, I did try to wake you up properly." Rin explained innocently.

"What do you need?" Inuyasha asked.

"What do you mean? We're going on a trip today." Rin said excitedly.

"What? Already? I thought there was still some time for that annoying trip." Inuyasha complained getting back on his bed.

"It was optional anyway and no one forced you to come. You gave your name yourself. Well, anyway if you don't want to come then it's fine. I'm not forcing you. I'm going to make lots of new friends anyway." Rin said giggling. "Well, there's still an hour before the bus leaves from school, if you change your mind I've already packed your bag, it's near the closet. Or else see you in three days. I'm going to have so much fun making new friends and visiting new places." Rin said and headed out.

Inuyasha's eyes opened as soon as Rin said 'visiting new places'. He was sure she'd get lost somewhere. He got up hurriedly and entered the bathroom.

Rin got back to her room and changed. She took her bag and hurried down to the dining hall. There, Inutaisho, Izayoi and Sesshomaru were already having their breakfast. Rin greeted them and sat on her chair next to Sesshomaru. There she got flustered again in an instant. She looked at her plate, the cutleries and eveything except at Sesshomaru. When her breakfast was served, she bowed her head and ate it quitely.

Sesshomaru looked at her for a while. She'd been behaving weirldy since that day they drove home together. He smirked slightly.

"Rin dear, are you okay? You don't seem so excited to go on that trip. It's okay if you don't want to." Izayoi said concerned.

"Eh? Mom, what are you talking about? I'm super excited. I couldn't sleep all night. I even packed my bag a week ago." Rin said hurriedly.

"If you say so. Just don't force yourself okay?" Izayoi said smiling.

"She must be tired from not sleeping. There's nothing to worry about." Inutaisho said.

"But, I'm not tired, dad. I'm so excited I can barely breathe." Rin said excitedly raising her fork and accidently turned to Sesshomaru who was looking at her. She quieted down in an instant.

Just then Hakudoshi and Byakuya entered. Hakudoshi greeted them excitedly while Byakuya did quietly.

"What are you doing here so early?" Rin asked.

"What do you mean? Aren't we going on a trip together? So, we came to pick you up." Hakudoshi said sitting next to her.

"I could go to school with Jaken. We could meet there. You know you didn't have to come all the way here. School is nearer from here than your house." Rin said buttering her bread.

"What do you mean?" Hakudoshi looked a bit confused. "Why are we going to school?"

"Why are you surprised? We have to go to school to report and to take the bus." Rin explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Bus? We're not going by bus." Haudoshi replied.

"And why not?" Rin asked.

"Why else? Because I can't travel in a bus." Hakudoshi explained.

"If you're forgetting something, we're going on a school trip. So, of course we'll have to go by school bus." Rin argued.

"Not necessarily. Taking school bus is just an option. Actually, the school would rather not provide the bus if possible." Hakudoshi said eating his breakfast that was served to him.

Byakuya declined the breakfast and instead asked for a cup of green tea.

"What are you talking about? Going on a school trip means going on the bus together, enjoing together and returning together." Rin said desperately.

"Exactly, so let's go together, enjoy together and return together." Hakudoshi said excitedly.

"I meant together as in everyone from school." Rin said.

"But, not everyone is going. This trip is optional." Hakudoshi said.

"Whoever is going." Rin said and got up. "Okay, leave it at this Haku, I'm taking the bus and that's final. Jaken get the car ready." Rin called.

She went over to Izayoi and Inutaisho and kissed them on their cheeks. "See ya after three days. Take care and don't miss me so much. And you guys I'll see you in hotel." Rin said and left.

"What's wrong with her? Who would want to take a bus anyway?" Hakudoshi complained eating his breakfast and completely missed the icy glare that was directed at him.

Sesshomaru was furious. Why had that stupid Hakudoshi come and ruined everything? Usually, he'd barely make it to school in time and today of all days he had to be early and come here. He knew Rin would want to go in that bus. So, he'd thought he'd take her in his car without saying anything and she wouldn't know about it until they were already on the road. He sighed internally. He'd have to move now or else he'd be stuck with this idiot. So, he got up from his chair and headed out.


Rin reached the school and as Jaken opened the door for her to get out, she saw Jaken was on the verge of tears.

"Jaken? What's wrong?" Rin asked concerned.

"Have a safe trip and I'm going to miss you." Jaken said, tears falling freely from his eyes.

Rin laughed slightly, "Silly Jaken, it's not like I'm going for a long period of time. It's just for three days." She said and hugged him tightly. "Take care Jaken. I'll see you soon."

"You too." Jaken said in a cracked voice.

Rin was really early or so it seemed. There were only few students present. Their class teacher came to them and informed that almost everyone from their class were attending but, they'd be coming by their own personal means of transport. Rin sighed, what kind of trip was this where they didn't even go together.

Rin got on the bus as soon as it arrived. It was empty. She was the first one to get on. That meant she could choose the seat. There were not that many people getting on the bus so, she'd have to choose the seat where most people would prefer. The first seats? Maybe not. The last ones were better. She'd noticed that people usually start filling the seats from behind and in the last seat more people could sit so, she could have more people to make friends.

So, she went to occupy the last seat. She sat on the corner and kind of hid herself behind the seat. She feared that people might not come there if they thought that seat was taken. After some time, she looked to see if people had start to get on. They had, but they were occupying the seats in between. Noone even came near the last seat. She considered moving in front. Should she wait? Their teacher came and announced that they were about to move now. Rin sighed and was about to get up to move in front, but then someone was coming towards the last seat. Her heart start beating fast. All her senses stopped working. Her vision went black, her throat went dry, she couldn't hear anything, and she stopped breathing. This could be her chance to make a new friend. She was too excited. She didn't dare look up. The person threw his bag carelessly on the seat and sat down next to her, infact too close. But, maybe that person wanted to be friend with her too. She slightly turned and dared to look at the face.

"Inuyasha?" She almost screamed. It was just Inuyasha. She wanted to kill him for getting her hopes up. She was flustered and angry, but Inuyasha just looked at her with bored expression and rest his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Rin wanted to scream in frustration, but couldn't find her voice. So, she just stomped her foot. Inuyasha frowned and mumbled something. She looked at him, almost shoving him off, but then as always his sleeping face looked like an angel. She sighed and bowed her head.

Rin looked around, people were staring at her and it didn't look like a single person would come near her. She sighed again. Inuyasha moved a little and frowned. Then he opened his eyes slightly, then moved and rest his head on her lap and laid the rest of his body on the seat. He turned towards her and hugged her then gently said, 'onee chan'. Rin's eyes widened in surprise, it had been so long since he'd called her that. He used to call her that only when he needed a favour from her. She laughed slightly. He was too cute, then she gently touched his ears, it twitched suddenly, but then she started rubbing them gently. He growled slightly and then relaxed. She then slightly combed his hair with her fingers.

Rin didn't realize she'd fallen asleep. When she opened her eyes, their position had changed. Now, Rin was laying on Inuyasha's lap. She smiled and got up. She realized she was content with having him around, he'd been with her since ever and thanks to him she'd never been lonely and he always took care of her. In every class she was treated as an alien, she had survived all these years because he was there with her. She didn't know why but she was never accepted in her class. People atleast tried talking with Inuyasha, it was him who didn't want to talk with them. He was also content with just having her. She smiled broadly.

"Thank you, Inuyasha." She said holding his arms and leaning on him.

"What?" Inuyasha asked looking at her.

She shook her head and said, "Nothing". She looked at others in front and was surprised. People were getting along. There were a handful of people, but they were all talking with one another. Rin smiled sadly, again she'd been left alone.

"Inuyasha, why do you think they don't want to talk with me?" Rin asked.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Inuyasha asked surprised.

"I mean everyone is getting along, but they didn't even call me." Rin said sadly.

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed seeing her sad, "You know it's not like that. They did try to call us, but I told them to mind their own business. I don't know what they want with us." Inuyasha said trying to cheer her up.

"What?" Rin asked releasing her hold on him. "You said what?"

"What's wrong? I didn't want them to disturb you when you were sleeping and anyway who'd want anything to do with them?" Inuyasha tried explaining, he thought he'd done a preety good job.

Rin wanted to scream again. Ofcourse, it was because of him she was always alienated. He didn't let anyone near her. She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

Inuyasha just stared at her trying to figure out what happened.

"Rin?" Inuyasha called, but she turned away even more. Inuyasha flinched and sat quietly. After a while he was getting restless, so he took out his cell phone and start playing game. And after some time even Rin was engrossed in watching him play.

"No no, go left. Yea, you have to go underground, that's not right, jump jump quickly. Go right and run. Run, faster. You idiot I told you to run faster. They caught you because you were slow." Rin said.

"Shut up woman, it was because you distracted me."

"Me? I didn't distract you. You would not have gone that far if I had not helped you." Rin said haughtily.

"Keh! Why don't you play then?" Inuyasha challenged.

"Yeah gladly. I'll show you." Rin said and took his phone. Inuyasha watched her play. She cleared the game. "That's how you play, idiot Inuyasha."


Now, Rin was laying on her stomach in Inuyasha's lap and playing games and Inuyasha was reading manga when finally they stopped. The teacher announced that they'd reached the hotel. The tacher informed that each room was assigned to three members, they'd rest today since it was already evening and the next day, they'd go for excursion.

Rin was excited, they'd be sharing a room so, that meant there would be two other girls. They would obviously be her friend. As she got off the bus, she saw that many other students were coming by their own vehicles. Some had already reached and some were coming just now. 'Did the guys already reach?' Rin asked herself.

As soon as she entered the hotel she was met by a rush of people. This was her first time ever going on a school trip , but she could tell that it was not normal. Girls had bought too much luggage for three days. Rin looked at her bag, it should be sufficient, right? She had decided that since they were travelling she'd best be wearing comfortable clothes, but it was not the same for others. More than comfort, they'd decided on glamour.

She got to her room and her roommates were already there. She stopped outside the door and took a deep breath, knocked the door though it was already open and entered, her best smile plastered on her face.

"Hello." Rin greeted the two girls who were talking excitedly with each other. They looked at her and replied with a curt hello and got on with their talk. Rin sighed, so she was going to be alienated here also, and... without Inuyasha.

"So, this is exciting. I cannot believe even they decided to come. I mean from what I heard they never, never go to trips." One of the girl said.

"Yeah, I mean they're like the princes of our school. Do you think we'll get a chance to talk with them? It's so exciting." Another said. "What do you think?" The girl turned to Rin and asked.

Rin had thrown her bag on her bed and was looking at her phone. It was about time he called. She wanted to talk with the girls, but she didn't know how to and she noticed to fail that question was directed at her.

"Hey? You listening?" The girl asked.

Rin looked up. "Uh? What? I'm sorry I thought you were talking with each other." She laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, it's okay. Actually when you came up we were like so excited that we couldn't stop our talk." Another girl explained. "By the way I'm Akiko."

"I'm Kiyoko." The first one introduced herself.

"Oh, I'm Rin." Rin introduced with a bright smile.

"So, we were just talking about..." Akiko was interrupted as Rin's cell phone rang.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I've got to take this, if I don't, it will just get worse." Rin excused herself and took the call. "Yeah, it was time you called. If it's about your cell phone's charger, it's on the right pocket of your bag."

"Ok and-"

"Yes, I know how much you hate using hotel's amenities so I packed a new toothbrush, tooth paste, mouthwash and soap and every other things and yes I packed it in a small bag and it's on the front pocket of your bag. Well that's all you need now. Call me when you need other stuffs and I'll let you know." Rin said slowly so he'd at least listen and not call her again soon.

"Okay. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I guess since you're not saying anything that's all."

"Yeah, isn't your onee chan so great." Rin said satisfactorily and smiled.

"Yeah whatever." Inuyasha said and hung up.

Rin smiled and looked at the girls. They seemed like they were listening to her intently.

"Well don't worry about it. That's normal." Rin said smiling. "Actually do you mind if I take a bath first? This is going to be repeated again."

The two girls looked at each other dumbfounded and just nodded their head. She took her clothes from her bag and went to the bathroom.

She took a nice long bath and she was cursing herself. That was the perfect time for her to talk to them and they were even asking her something, but she had been thinking about Inuyasha's stuffs. She took a hotel towel and as she was about to dry her off, she realized something, she forgot to tell him where his towel were. Actually it was on the main pocket on top of all the clothes, but she was sure he would rather call her endlessly than open up his bag and check. She hurriedly put on her clothes and got out. She hurriedly got her cell phone and checked, three missed calls. He had called at seven thirty and now it was seven thirty five. This was not good. This meant... Her thoughts were interrupted by a bang on the door. The girls were surprised.

"Uh, don't worry. That's for me. Sorry." Rin said getting to the door. It was banging constantly. When she opened it, it was whom she had expected.

"What the fuck were you doing? Why didn't you pick up my call? You know how worried I was. This is the reason why I don't want to leave you out of my sight." Inuyasha said furious.

"Yeah and I keep telling you, you don't have to be such a worrywart. I was just taking a bath." Rin explained herself.

"So? What does that have to do with this? You could take your phone with you." Inuyasha said clearly not happy.

"Okay Yasha, calm down. I'm sorry okay." Rin apologized and his face relaxed. "Your towel is right on top of your clothes."

"Taking out stuffs from that travel bag is annoying." Inuyasha complained.

"Okay, I'll come up in a minute and put them in the closet. Okay?" Rin asked.

"Why? Let's go now." Inuyasha said.

"Give me a break. I just took bath. I need to dry my hair and everything." Rin argued.

"I'll wait." Inuyasha said getting in.

Rin sighed knowing full well that saying anything to him would just be a waste. The two girls had stopped talking and were just staring wide eyed at Inuyasha.

"Oh yeah." Rin said turning to them. "This is Inuyasha. I'm sorry for his behaviour but he's always like this so, don't mind him." She said introducing him and then turned to Inuyasha. "They're my roommates, Akiko and Kiyoko. Be nice to them okay? Well, I'm going back to bathroom so just talk with them okay?" Rin said and headed to the bathroom.

"Keh." That was the only reply from Inuyasha.

"Be nice Yasha." Rin said without stopping.

As soon as Rin entered the bathroom it seemed like the two girls snapped out of it. They looked at each other and then at Inuyasha and back at each other.

"Inu-Yasha?" Kiyoko called out as if she was checking the name.

Inuyasha's ears twitched, the only indication that he'd heard her. But, he continued staring at the bathroom door.

"Um, I didn't know you were coming to the trip." Akiko said.

"Yeah, me neither." Inuyasha said still looking at the door confusing the girls, but nevertheless his reply seemed to have given the two girls some encouragement.

"Why don't you sit down?" Akiko offered, but Inuyasha didn't buzz.

"So, are you Rin's boyfriend?" Kiyoko asked and for the first time Inuyasha looked at them, his face looked as if she'd said something repulsive.

"Don't say something so disgusting." Inuyasha said and turned back.

The girls looked at each other surprised. They were about to say something but Inuyasha headed towards the bathroom and banged the door.

"Oe, come out fast." Inuyasha called.

"Shut up Yasha, I'm almost done." Rin answered back.

"Hurry up." Inuyasha said angrily.

"If you can't wait then just go back. I told you I'll come to your room." Rin replied sharply.

Inuyasha frowned, but didn't say anything. After a while Rin came out and as soon as she was out Inuyasha took her hand and dragged her away.

"Geez, slow down. The room's not going anywhere." Rin said but he still dragged her hurriedly.

When they reached the room, she found that the room had been divided into two parts. The two beds had been joined together and there was hardly any space for anything and the other one had the cupboard, two bed attached together and huge space. There were two boys on the smaller space and as soon as they saw them, they cringed and looked away.

Inuyasha didn't seem to notice them and dragged her towards the cupboard. Then gave her the bag and stood beside her. Rin sighed. Inuyasha must have been the one to divide the room. This was ridiculous and she could not ignore it. She turned to face him.

"Inuyasha what is this?" Rin asked sternly.

"What is what?" Inuyasha asked back.

"Why is your room divided like this? Even if you divided the room how can you make the two of them have so little of it and for you alone you're taking up almost all of it. This cupboard is meant to be shared, it's not for you alone." Rin lectured him.

"Keh! Why do you care? Anyway I told them already that if they don't like it then they can change the room." Inuyasha said.

"They cannot change it, the rooms are all occupied." Rin snapped back.

"Then, I can't do anything about it. Now shut up and arrange everything." Inuyasha said.

"Shut up Yasha. Don't be such a spoiled brat. I'm not doing anything unless you fix it first." Rin threatened him.

Inuyasha frowned, then knowing that he couldn't win said, "Okay, I'll do it, I'll do it. So, just arrange them, I need to rest."

Rin then smiled and started arranging his stuffs and explaining slowly how they were arranged. She knew however she explained, he was going to make a mess of everything and call her again.


Hakudoshi and Byakuya went to meet Rin. They knocked the door and after a while the door opened, the girl who opened the door just froze.

"Hey, we're looking for Rin." Hakudoshi said and flashed her his infamous smile.

"Who is it?" A voice came from inside. But, the girl was still frozen. "Hey? Is that Rin?" She asked and came to the door. She froze too.

"Where did Rin go?" Hakudoshi asked.

"Inuyasha... um." The first girl atleast regained her sense to say that one word.

"Ok got it. Thanks." Hakudoshi said and both of them left.

Then they headed straight to Inuyasha's room. They entered directly as the door was not locked.


Inuyasha was lying down on his bed as Rin was saying something about his stuff which she was not listening. But, then he suddenly frowned and got up. That's when the door opened to his room and entered Hakudoshi and Byakuya.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hey Rinny. Thought you'd be arranging his stuffs as soon as I learned you were in his room." Hakudoshi said ignoring Inuyasha.

"Hey." Rin said still arranging Inuyasha's stuff.

Byakuya looked around the room and smiled bitterly. "At times like this it really feels like you two are brothers Inuyasha."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha asked frowning.

"It looks like you took over the room. Poor guys getting just the corner." Byakuya said.

"What do you mean?" Rin asked looking at them.

"Well, Sesshomaru did the same thing." Hakudoshi replied.

" Well we got a suite, but he took the bedroom and closed the door on our face. But our situation is better as we got the connecting room. They were reluctant at first, but Byakuya pulled it off." Hakudoshi explained.

Inuyasha frowned. Then suddenly, "Okay, that's that. But what the hell are you all doing here? You were not in the bus and were still in our house when we left." his face looked like he realized something. "Wait, don't tell me you came in your car, but I was complaining how I would miss the bus and how I did not want to take the bus. You guys said nothing about coming then and I did not know you could arrange for your own transportation until I reached here."

"Well, you should get the hint that we did not want you coming with us." Hakudoshi said.

Inuyasha looked like he wanted to say something, but then when he could not find the words he kept quiet.

"Come on Hakudoshi, don't bully Yasha." Rin said finally finishing with the arrangement.

Inuyasha immediately perked up and went behind Rin and stuck his tongue out to Hakudoshi. Rin sighed, "Yasha, now about the room, how about fixing it?"

"I know dammit. Oe you guys." Inuyasha called out to his room mates. "Make yourself comfortable, just don't intervene in my space and don't touch any of my stuffs."

"Don't mind him guys, use this room as your own." Rin added.

"Uh-actually we're pretty comfortable here." One guy answered slowly.

"Oe if you don't want it that's fine, no one's forcing you to do it. I'm more than happy to stay like this." Inuyasha said angrily.

"No-I" Another guy tried.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. Stay comfortably. Just don't touch his stuffs I've just arranged cause he doesn't like it when his stuffs get some unfamiliar smell on it." Rin explained.

"Oh- then Thank you." The guys replied and start to rearrange their beds.

"So, what should we do now?" Hakudoshi asked.

"Where's Sesshomaru?" Rin asked. She wanted to see him as soon as possible.

"He must still be in his room." Byakuya answered.

"Okay, I'll go see him then." Rin said.

"But, what about us? I don't want to see Sesshomaru right now after he locked us out of our own room and I don't want to stay with Inuyasha too." Hakudoshi complained.

"Keh, I don't want to see your face too, so get out of my room. Rin, let's go for a walk first." Inuyasha said turning towards Rin.

"Later Yasha, first let me meet Sess-" Rin abruptly stopped as she opened the door to leave and collided with hard chest. Then she inhaled the familiar scent and noticed the long silver hair. She felt her face heat up and some strange tingling sensation in her stomach and for some reason she could not bring herself to look at his face. What was wrong with her? She was hurrying to meet him just a second ago and now her body was frozen.

"Rin." Sesshomaru called her name.

"Eep." Rin squealed slightly hearing him call her.

"What are you doing here?" Inuyasha asked irritated. "And let her go already."

Hearing that Rin realized that she was still stuck as she had been when she collided and Sesshomaru had his arm wrapped around her. Surprised, she looked up hurriedly directly at his face which she realized too late was a mistake. His face was only inches away and now her face was burning. She almost forgot to breathe. Sesshomaru was looking right at her which was not helping at all. She wanted to lean in closer and close that remaining gap and then- and then what? What did she want to do?

"Rin?" Inuyasha could not take it anymore. He couldn't point it out exactly but he could feel something very different about the way they looked right now.

As soon as Rin heard Inuyasha call her name, she realized she was staring at Sesshomaru and was leaning towards him. She jerked back, but realized Sesshomaru still had his hands around her. She squirmed in his arms and maybe realizing Rin's uneasiness, he let her go. But her heart was still beating as fast as before.

Rin laughed nervously and glanced around the room. She was looking everywhere and anywhere but at Sesshomaru.

"Rin, I'm hungry." Rin had never been so thankful for Inuyasha's lack of ability to read his surroundings.

"Yeah, huh, heh, food, yes, um." Rin's ability to think properly was still not functional.

"What? Why are you talking like that? Don't tell me you forgot to bring snacks." Inuyasha seemed really worried about the food. His ears drooped low and he was tearing up.

Seeing Inuyasha that way, Rin was back to reality in a second. "No, Inuyasha. How can I forget them? Come on boy, let's fill that stomach of yours. Yeah, I'll see you guys later."

Inuyasha perked up in an instant and followed Rin out of the door. He was almost skipping behind her.

"Since it's no fun hanging out with you guys without Rin, I'm gonna go meet the girls." Hakudoshi said and left.

Sesshomaru just left the room and Byakuya was the only one left there. He was staring at where Rin and Sesshomaru had been before. Inuyasha's roomates were praying that he would stop looking at them and leave like others did too.


Inuyasha was staring at Rin while eating his snacks. He could not understand what was going on, but it was interesting to see Rin make all those strange faces. She had been doing weird stuff since they'd left his room. She had walked around like a zombie, it seemed she did not even know where she was going and if not for him she'd have collided with almost everything. When they finally reached her room, she'd gone past her roommates like they were not even there and taken out random snacks and now they were in hotel's garden and Rin was lost in her own thought. This was the first time he had seen her like this and he did not know what to do. He did not even know if she was having fun doing all that. It was getting dark but he could still make out her expressions clearly.

"Yasha." Rin called out suddenly which surprised him.

"Huh, what?" He did not know how he should be answering. But then she was silent again and Inuyasha for the first time thought he had to keep quiet.

"Do you think there's something wrong with me?" Rin asked suddenly again.

"Uh, hah, what? How can um there be anything wrong with you?" Inuyasha was confused being suddenly asked that. He could actually make a list of all the things that was wrong with her, but even he could tell that, that was not what she wanted to hear. Rin was affected and she was affecting him along with her.

"But when I'm with Sesshomaru-" She started but stopped after mentioning his name and turned beet red.

Now that did it. It was definitely that bastard who did this. Why couldn't he see that before? That bastard will definitely pay for this. But, that bastard was scary and Inuyasha didn't want to anger him. But, it was because of that Rin was suffering. But, even he knew that Sesshomaru would not do anything to hurt Rin. But- enough of the buts, he had to stop this and know the actual reason from her.

"Rin, out with it. What's this all about?" Inuyasha looked at her and noticed she was again back to making those faces.

"It's just that when I'm with Sesshomaru I feel like my heart's going to stop, but then again it beats so fast that I can't breathe. Whenever I look at him I feel so hot that I start to sweat, but my body freezes. When I'm not with him I want to see him so bad that I can't think of anything else, but when I'm with him I can't look at him and even when he's right in front of me,I keep thinking about him and forget that he's there. And if I look at him, I cannot take my eyes off of him and my eyes burn, but I still don't want to take my eyes off of him, my stomach feels heavy and hungry at the same time. I feel like I might throw up. And when he looks straight into my eyes, my heart clenches so much that it hurts and I feel so out of breathe that I almost gasp for air."

Just when Inuyasha was thinking of a way to make her confess her problem, Rin started saying all the weird stuffs and almost ended in a single breathe. All those information was too much for him to take it all in. But how stupid could she possibly be. Even he knew what all these symptoms meant. He had experienced it once and he still could not forget it.

"Rinny, listen carefully. I couldn't grasp all that you said earlier, but judging from all your symptoms I can tell you it can be only one thing. You're sick." Inuyasha tried to tell her as calmly as possible. He knew she'd freak out if he was not careful.

"What?" Rin was surprised. She had definitely not considered her to be sick. She thought this was something special, something important not some illness.

"Yeah, remember that time when I ate coconut and realized I was allergic to it. I suffered in same way. My stomach felt weird, my body was swollen, my temperature changed constantly, my eyes burned and my breathing was shallow and my heart burned too. I can tell this to you cause I've been through this Rin. And I've reached a conclusion that you're allergic to Sesshomaru." Inuyasha said feeling proud of himself for being able to help Rin by himself. He thought it was a good thing that she was allergic to him, she should stay as far away from him as possible. Sesshomaru always took Rin away from him.

"How can that be? I've been with Sesshomaru since I was born and I've always been fine around him. How can I suddenly be allergic to him?" Rin could not believe Inuyasha could be such an idiot.

Inuyasha had not considered that. Foolish of him. But then this could mean- "Woman, don't question me. I know I failed to consider that but then again now I know what could be the problem. Maybe he changed some of his poduct and among them one is the source of your allergy."

"But, he never changes his product." Rin tried to argue, but then again on second thought if that was not the case, then she could not think of any other reason. "Yeah, you may be right. I'll ask Sessh about it then." But, that was if she could even think when she was with him.


Rin was not satisfied with Inuyasha's reasoning, but knowing it was just allergy she had calmed down a little and then she realized that she'd given Inuyasha lots of snacks. He was munching them happily and she took them from him and gave him a stern look. Inuyasha seemed mad and asked what that was for, but then he seemed to realize that he'd had too many snacks before dinner which Rin was strictly against just like Izayoi. So, he dropped his ears and made pitiful yet cute face, so Rin could not help but give him some back. Inuyasha laid on her lap and she stroked his hair lightly while eating some snacks herself.


Okay, that's it for now. If I'm motivated enough then the next chapter will probably be up within two days but if I'm not then it might take months so I'd like to apologize in advance. The next chapter is what you guys have been waiting for. Finally, Rin and Sesshomaru will be together. Hehe. Oh yeah, please ignore all the mistakes I made in this chapter. I was rushing to upload this chapter.

So leave a review and let me know how you found this chapter. Hehe...

See you in next chapter.