
I shook my head and bit back a growl at Lauren's pathetic attempt to get Leah's attention. We were at practice, a week after the bonfire, and I no clue why I let Jessica stay on the squad; but anyway the football team was talking a break and Jessica was at the top of the bleachers dancing sensually with a ghost. The guys would look at her every few seconds and laugh at her while Leah didn't look at all. Another girl, that was the girls basketball team, went up and started dancing with Lauren. The other girl wanted Paul and of course Angie didn't like her. Another two girls who wanted Sam and Jared went up and joined as well.

I smirked to myself suddenly getting an idea. I grabbed Emily, Angie and Rosa pulling them a side.

"You two remember how Rosa taught us that dance for Rihanna and Chris Brown's Birthday Cake? The non R-rated one?" Rosa smirked and the other two nodded with smiles. "Good so how about we do it. Amber can you play the short version of Birthday cake and turn your speaker and phone all the way up?" I asked the Amber, one of the girls from the original cheer squad who they had either in the back, at the bottom of the pyramid or managing the music, after I pulled away from Rosa, Em and Angie. Amber did as I asked quickly and the four of us got in the positions Rosa drilled in our heads. We went through the dance flawlessly and caught our partner's eyes within seconds of starting the dance. As our dance came to an end I could feel Lauren glaring at me but paid no mind as I was picked up and thrown over Leah's shoulder. I let out a small scream mixed with a giggle.

"Hey, does this mean practice is over?" Amber asked and I was going to saw no until I noticed that I wasn't the only one thrown over, or held, by who they were dating

"Yeah, I think so." I said looking at Sam and Emily, "If you want Amber you can come over this weekend and we can put together a playlist and get you caught up on some cheers." Amber nodded frantically as she packed up with the others. Leah placed me in Sam's truck bed as Paul did the same with Angie before they both jumped in. Rosa and Jared got in Rosa's car and pulled off faster than I could blink. Sam wasn't that far behind them as both vehicles headed toward the rez. Leah was attacking my neck, though to many on the main road it would look like she's sleeping with her head resting on my shoulder. Next to me I could hear small whines and moans leave Angela's mouth. When we were off the main road Leah looked up and we locked eyes with each other but her eyes were different. Her eyes weren't dark brown they were a light sandy brown, if that was even a color.

I wasn't looking into Leah's eyes I was looking into her wolfs eyes, eyes that slowly looked away from my own and swept down my body slowly. Hands slowly and gently helped the eyes kept pace with what it was looking at before the truck pulled to a stop. Paul got out the truck bed before helping Angela out and Sam pulled off again. We pulled up to Leah's house next and her wolf was quick to get us out the truck bed and into the house. Sue wasn't home, she and Harry were on cruise so they could spend time and get to know each other better.

Leah kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back and letting my arms wrapped around her neck. I was picked up and carried to Leah's room. With each step that was taken I could feel Leah jr., brushing against me. As my arousal grew so did my nervousness, I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for this and my wolf is thinking the same. Hell I'm sure Leah and her wolf knows this too. And when I really think about it sex isn't as magical as people think; think about it this way: you have two sweaty bodies mashed up against each other trying to achieve the ultimate pleasure. Not to mention the pain and awkwardness that occurs when two experienced lover join as together as one for the first time.

"You're a loud thinker." Leah's voice was deeper and more gruff than usual; it was kind of turning me on more, as she laid me on her bed and kissed my neck. "Tell me what bothers you my mate."

"I don't think I'm completely ready." I mumbled breathlessly as she started to suck and nip at my neck.

"Then what are you ready for?" She asked pulling away and I smirked as I felt my eyes shift. I flipped her over and tugged at the waistband of her sweats. "A hand job?" I shook my head as my smirk turned to a grin. I leaned over pressing my chest flat to hers and whispering in her ear.

"Something better." The contrast from my wolf and I is so great; where I'm shy and quiet she's confident and bold. But I must say the confidence boost isn't bad and I can quite literately feel that Leah likes it as well.

"A b-blowjob," I nodded then slowly crawled down Leah's body, "But, but I thought y-you said-" I cut her off by pulling her sweats and ripping them. I heard her groan as I settled on my keens after her hips bucked from an 'accidentally' scrape of my nail against her man hood.

"I know what I said," I kissed her though the thin fabric of her underwear before trailing my tongue up the outline of her harden member. Before we shifted and I would give Leah hand jobs she was a good six when hard. But it seems that Leah grew in more ways than one. "My, my, it seems someone got bigger since the shift huh?" I smirked looking up at my mate.

"Yeah, its 8 and a half now," I hummed as I slowly pulled down her briefs and tossed them toward my dresser. I let out a groan at the sight of Leah's hard length inches from my face. I licked her shaft again and held back a moan at the taste. "Shit Iz." Leah groaned as her hips bucked slightly.

"No rushing or you'll a dry jerk instead, got it?" I said taking a hold of my mates most intimate part and rubbed my thumb against the slit of her cocks head. "Are we understood, you two." My voice had as slight edge as both my wolf and I spoke to Leah and hers; we got a nod from our and with a sweet smile I kissed Leah's tip before giving it a quick lick. I licked her from the base to the tip which I took in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it before repeating the process another two times before I felt Leah give a slight thrust in my mouth. I hummed while looking up at her with a raised brow as she gave another thrust forcing more of herself in my mouth. Taking a deep breath through my nose I slowly started to take more and more of my girlfriend in my mouth before going back to the tip and starting over again taking a bit more each time.

"Oh shit. Holy fuck, Izzy I'm going to cum." Leah managed to say in between all the groaning and moaning she was doing. I started humming again as Leah pushed my hair out of my face and held it. "Move before I cum in your mouth." She warned again but I didn't move and she came in my mouth. Making eye contact with her, and shocking myself more than I did her, I swallowed