In the Publishing Industry of Akatsuki, it WAS peaceful .."FOR GOD SAKE! ASK SOME ELSE YOU ASSHOLE! I CAN'T DO A WHOLE BOOK IN TWO WEEKS, YOU STUPID TEME!" The blonde known as Naruto Uzumaki, 24 years old with scarred whiskers on his cheeks, he has had since birth, screamed at his raven haired boss Sasuke Uchiha aged 27. This happens a lot, so the rest of the employs just ignored the two men shouting and things crashing from being thrown around the office.

"I don't care, i can't ask any one else because every one else are in pairs working on pages to make a BIG book which were hoping will get alot of money and popularity for. So shut up, i wouldn't ask YOU if i could have asked some one else! Besides the pay is better so whats the goddamn problem?" Sasuke was glaring and Naruto now with fierce onyx eyes that were fixed on getting their own way!

It was silent for a silent...this made all the other employs freez and look to see what was happening.

Naruto was burning a hole though the floor with his unique blue eyes,fists shaking with anger and annoyance. Face covered by his spiky blonde hair, he lifted his head to GLARE intensely at the raven. A slight shiver went through the other man body but he kept glaring as well, not wanting to loose to the blonde before him .

Naruto spoke first. "fine... remember i hate you though, and i BETTER get good pay for this or your getting a punch to the face!" The last bit he said with a smirk. Sasuke just did the trade mark Uchiha smirk right back at him; Then handed Naruto the stuff he would need to produce the book.(notes, story line, characters. ect)

After the little 'incident' Naruto went back to his desk to start reading the stuff the annoying Raven had handed him. An hour or so later, it was around 3:00pm, and Naruto's friend Kiba, a brown, scruffy haired boy with red markings on his cheek, aged 25, came up to Naruto.

Flashing a grin that was met with a wide toothy grin from the blonde. "wanna come Ichiraku Ramen with me, Shino, Lee, Shikamaru, Gaara, Neji, Saskura, Hinata and Ino, ohh and maybe Sai, if the Uchiha dick lets him, he didn't meet his deadline so he's getting a lecture!"

Naruto just laughed and inbetween said "sure,why not. It will be a laugh and we ain't done it in a while, alos i'm bored out of my mind lately at home."

Kiba just ginned from ear to ear and said kay, and that whey will meet at Ichiraku Ramen around six.

BTW, i don't know if it's still there but, on this story there was a random one-shot! i uploaded it by accident so don't play ANY attention to that one shot! i it's not there any more then...don't play any attention to this! lol :D x