Gomen! Minna! But let me tell you, I've been striving to write this ever since I deleted "Is it you?". It's been two months! Two months since this was on my mind just ready to come out in its perfect form. Yay! Finally I made it!

I truly apologise for the inconvenience I caused you but I had my reasons. Hope this one will be good! Okay, I'll do the talking later! You guys go ahead with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own KWMS! Plot is all mine though…

The Opposite!

Summary:In an attempt to save her, he got hit badly. The result being a switch no one expected would happen. The Usui we know changes into a version opposite of him in many aspects. How will Misaki deal with the guy who turned her enemy now? Will things ever become normal again?


The accident

The reckless president of the Seika high got her into trouble again with some delinquents from the neighbouring school, who happened to tease a girl of Seika. They were not getting away with it if they thought it was easy to, especially when Seika has one hell of the demon president Misaki Ayuzawa backed up by her most unfavourite stalker Takumi Usui and her secretary, Yukimura and friends Kanou, Hinata, Sakura and Shizoku. With all these people she trusted, maybe she hated a few, more to say a certain blonde in her gang, victory couldn't help but be on her side.

The gang who were attacked in the morning prepared for revenge on her. Little did they know that the demon president was sufficient to wipe the floor with their faces.

"Is there anyone left?!" she screamed into the darkness of the park. On her right hand side were a heap of who were once people with fighting spirit and on her left, behind the bushes was a certain blonde she nicknamed the perverted outer space alien, chuckling to himself regarding her demonic side.

"She needs no watching over" he thought, preparing to retreat himself from his hiding position until he saw a dark figure behind her. His sense of alert heightened as he saw the naïve girl was completely oblivious to the foreign presence. He made his run in the direction to push her away.

"Misa-chan!" he shouted, causing the girl to turn back only to witness him taking the blow from a heavy iron rod. The blonde haired man succeeded in pushing her to the ground, her eyes trembled a little at the sight.

She took in the scene that played in front of her. Takumi Usui lay on the ground, near her feet. A man with iron rod in his hand stood behind, seeming to be a monster. The guy on the floor was being drenched in his own blood.

The man with the iron rod tried to hit her for another time but she instead kicked him in the stomach making them join his gang in the heap.

"Takumi!" she ran to the man, who was trying hard to fight sleep.

"M-M-Misa-chan-n, y-you okay-y?" he stuttered, before blacking out.


She had been pacing back and forth outside the door of the guy, who she rescued. Irony was he was the one who saved her first.

The doctor came out of the room, his face a little dejected.

Confusion etched her mind as she saw the old man in a serious tone. Was something wrong? She would never be able to forgive herself if anything happens to him. He may be a perverted outer space alien but she had a responsibility to his life. Well, in simple words which she might not accept, she at least cared about that blonde guy.

"What's the matter, doctor?" she asked, careful enough to not let the panic be evident in her voice.

"He's alright. However…" he said, sighing, " I cannot say anything until he wakes up"

Saying so, he left. The nurse came out, asking her to take care of the patient while she would be away to get his reports. Misaki nodded her head and entered into the room, where her saviour lied on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

She glanced at the big red spot on the white bandage that showed off the wound and sighed. How reckless is this guy? She's strong enough to take care of herself. He doesn't need to do anything for her and she doesn't want him to do so. Taking help of a man…

She sighed as she glanced back at him. He stirred a little; his eyes trembled as he tried hard to open.

She rose from the seat she occupied to take care of him, and ran near to the bed. Without her consent, her body began acting with a mind of its own. Getting his hand into her hold, she squeezed it, expressing her buried desire for him to wake up and stalk her again. He wasn't the one to sleep around all the time, ne? Misaki… was sometimes too confusing for her own good.

He clenched his head as he sat on the bed he previously laid on.

"What happened?" he said, his eyes still closed due to pain.

"You, the stupid perverted outer space alien got yourself hit with an iron rod just so you could save me!" she pointed out, an irritating look on her face. That was not quite the way to greet the person who saved her life from a danger.

His eyes opened wide. He turned to look at the source of the voice, only to find the raven haired golden eyed girl with a frown on her face. His eyebrows furrowed and it began to tell her a story which she might have never and wouldn't ever want to listen. His green eyes looked at her with what might possibly a glint of hatred. How she hoped it was false!

Misaki began staring at him, confused over what he was trying to tell. Before she could strive any further into her territory of thoughts, he snapped his hand away from her hold, leaving her even more baffled.

"You!" he began, his tone full of despise, "What are you doing here?! I told you to never show your face again! I hate you more than anything and I had to take a lethal blow for someone like you? You must be kidding! Even if I did, it must be pure humanity based. Now, get the hell out of here! And where's my Grandfather and brother? You better not have done anything with them?"

She was terrified. He sounded as if he'd murder anyone who was going to mess with his British family. But wait! What the heck was happening? Why does everything feel like… it's changed? What's with this baka? Could anyone tell the dumb Misaki what was happening?

So, how is it? Leave a review if you liked it. Reviews just give the author more inspirations to write faster.(though I have my exams next week and I really doubt till next Friday but I'll try my best! Hope you can understand!)

Time up for my talk here. Got to go preparing! But you guys don't forget me! I'll be back soon!

Bye! Thank you for taking your precious time and reading this story!