Author's note: This fanfic is based after Dimitri tells Rose's his love for her has faded. This breaks her heart, and she goes to Adrian for help. She wants him to make her forget Dimitri. Will that be enough to cure her heartache?

His words swam through my head. Every time I heard the echo of his voice the world seemed to sway, and tiny glass-like splinters twisted themselves straight through my heart. I wanted the pain to go away. I wanted to feel happy again. I couldn't be happy now. I was supposed to be with Adrian, but I knew my heart, my soul, would always be drawn to my first love. Dimitri was supposed to be mine. We were supposed to be together. But I'd heard the absolution in his voice when he told me his love had faded. I knew there was no going back now.

I knocked on Adrian's door before I even realized I was outside his room. I needed him. I needed someone who cared about me right now. Lissa didn't seem to anymore. As soon as the door opened Adrian looked extremely worried.

"Hey," He soothed, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Crying? I touched my face and realized he was right. Great. I wasn't the type to cry often. I really didn't like how much Dimitri could effect me.

"I-I" I couldn't speak past the sobs which racked my entire body.

Adrian's arms encased me quickly and he pulled me to his chest. I calmed a little as he rubbed my back, whispering reassurances like 'it'll all be okay'. I wish it would be okay. I wanted to forget everything that had happened! Everything that ever occurred between Dimitri and I.

I stepped back quickly, and I was sure the hope I felt was conveyed all over my face.

"You have to make me forget," I said quickly, "Please, you have to make me forget."

His face looked confused, but realization soon took over, and disappointment. He could see how upset and heartbroken I felt. He could clearly see it in my aura. I didn't know what it would look like, but I knew he would help me. Adrian cared about me, and he didn't want to see me in pain.

He finally let out a sigh of resignation, "What do you want to forget?"

"Dimitri," I stated, "Everything about him, I want it gone."

He stared intently at me for a few seconds, "Are you sure? I don't think you can get those memories back. I can't compel them away until I know you are absolutely sure."

"I am," I whispered, "Please." I felt like I was begging, but I had to.

"Okay…" He sighed.

I just hoped it would work.

Could you truly forget your soul mate?

Review and let me know whether you think this should be continued! :D