After the War

chapter 7

Byakuya held Kyorakus relased shikai in his hands and there wasnt a scratch on him. "Shunsui when are you going to learn? You will never be able to beat me." he said. He smiled, "well if I cant convince you to join me now I guess I will just have to kill you. I dont want to do this my old friend, and Ukitake will proabably curse me into the afterlife but I cant let something so curropt just keep going. I owe the Soul King to much." he finished, "So if you want to get this over with I will give you your chance."

He drew Senbonzakura, "Bankai, scatter, Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." he said dropping his blade in the ground, then the giant black colosseum arose around the two, lined with bright pink blades. "You will die here, Shunsui Kyoraku." he said, calling a blade to his hand. "I may not be as well versed in the art of double blade weilding, but I am fast enough to parry both blades. So please give it your best shot," he said before charging in to attack the older man.

This was a suprise to the head captain. He did not expect Byakuya to rush in like that, and he did not expect to see his most powerful attack first. But he was even more surprised when it seemed he had to do most of the parrying, he could barely keep up with Byakuyas strength and speed. Byakuya smiled.

"Do you even want to fight me Kyoraku, you know even if you do manage to defeat me, which is not likely you still have Kenpachi, Ichigo, and the Vizard captians Shinji and Kensei to deal with, Ichigo especially." Byakuya said without letting up, Shunsui could not bother to answer lest he take a hit. That would be the end.

They stood outside the black colosseum Ichigo, Kenpachi, and Ikkaku."You think hes ok in there?" Ikkaku asked, Kenpachi and Ichigo looked at each other and almost passed out from laughing.

"Ok!" Kenpachi yelled, "Dont you feel it Ikkaku. I can, He is having fun in there. Its the 2nd time ive ever felt him like this." he said and then looked at Ichigo whose face turned red, he knew what Kenpachi was talking about.

That is when Toushiro showed up. "So is Byakuya winning?" he asked to the suprise of the other three. "Who did you think fed Byakuya the information on the conditions here?" he asked, "Ive been his inside guy since this whole thing started." The three men smiled.

"Its good to have you on our side Hitsuguya-taicho." Ikkaku said. Hitsuguya bowed.

"Byakuya is like an older brother, I'd do just about anything to help him. After I heard central 46 betrayed him I swore id help him end this farce. Maybe with him at the head then the corruption will end." the white haired taicho said, and took his place with the other three.


"We need help over here!" Kensei yelled, more then half of his men have been cut down by Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and Kensei was pretty banged up himself, but he was holding his own against the painted captian. Shuheis group had been all but demolished, thats when he felt started laughing.

"What are you laughing about halfbreed." Myauri snapped,

"Dont you feel it?" Kensei said with a bright smile on his face, "Its over. Kuchiki-sama has begun fighting your head captian. So I no longer have to hold you off." he finished, "I can end this quickly...Bankai Tekken Tachikaze." he said, armor apearing looking some what like a scorpion.

"You think that will be enough to defeat me?" Mayuri almost screamed.

"No, But this will help." he said pulling his hollow mask over his face. Mayuri froze for a second, it was long enough for Kensei to get inside his guard and when he got there he used his knuckle blades and decapitated the scientist.

Shinji arived in time to help Shuhei not be overcome but the defending shinigami, He was backed into a corrner when Shinji showed up, his eyes closed tightly waiting for death.

"You know Kensei would never forgive me if you died and I didnt help." he heard the blonde haired man say. He opened his eyes to see Shinji standing between him and the horde. "If you want to fight, atleast fight someone uninjured." he said drawing his zanpakto. "Colapse, Sakanade." he said, and cut down everyone in the horde.

"What.. How.." Hisagi tried to ask.

"My Sakanades power it makes everything backwords." he said with a smile, "So up is down, left is right, and front is back." he said with a chuckle. "Come on, lets go find Kensei,"

It didnt take them long, they found him sitting next to Mayuris corpse. "Do you feel it Shinji?" he asked as the two sat on either side of him. "Byakuya is fighting, but he still isnt fighting all out yet." he said with a smile. That is when Rukia showed up, she had been promoted to captain of the 13th division before Byakuya returned,

"What is going on!?" she yelled at the three. It was Kensei who spoke up.

"Where the hell have you even been for the last month? Central 46 called for your brothers death, he rebelled, us three, Ichigo, Kenpachi, Ikkaku, and a fuck ton of other people followed him." he said as calmly as someone would if they where making small talk.

"What do you mean a rebellion?!" she screamed.

"Well right now hes fighting Kyoraku." Shinji said, "We already took care of Kurotsuchi and central 46." he finished.

Rukias mouth dropped. She had to find out what was really going on. So she found Ichigos spiritual pressure and as quickly as she could shunpoed to his location.


The fight had been going on for much to long, Byakuya thought to himself. 'I have to finish it soon.' he looked at Kyoraku. "Do you want to finish this where people can see us?" he asked the older man.

Kyoraku nodded, he would like for people to see if he cheated and won because other then his imense gain in speed he wasnt seeing any other kind of upgrade.

Byakuya brough down the Senkei, "We will do this where people will see you fall. He ended his bankai, his sword returning to its unreleased state.

Thats when Rukia showed up. "What are you doing Ni..."he breath caught in her throat as she saw him, covered in the blood of other men with his red Haori. Ichigo shunpoed over to her.

"You missed all of this didnt you, the whole rebellion." He asked, Rukia nodded, "the central 46 called for Byakuyas death." he said and Rukias eyes widened Kensei was right. "Kyorako tried to kill him right in front of me." he said, "It wasnt even a real fight, Bya never even drew his sword and fought him off."

Rukia was caught of guard by the pet name, she had left right after her brother came back, she didnt know that Byakuya and Ichigo where together.

"What do you mean Bya?" she asked but it was Byakuya who answered completely forgoing the fight with the head captain.

He shunpoed to the side and gave Ichigo a deep kiss.

"Does tha answer that question?" Ichigo asked his face pink. Rukia nodded.

"I will follow my brother anywhere." she said, standing with Ichigo. Thats when the others showed up. Kensei, Shuhei and Shinji.

"Wheres Rose?" Ichigo asked, Shinji shook his head.

"Mayuri took him down before I showed up." Shinji said looking up into the sky. Kensei also looked down at the ground.

"I am sorry my friends but we all knew the risks coming in." Ichigo said pulling Shinji into a hug.

"Yeah I know. We are just sad it was him." Kensei said, "But dont worry I paid Kurotsuchi back in kind, a quick decapitaion." he said grimmly.

But then they all felt a strong surge out power, it was coming from Byakuya. "Well Kyoraku if you are going to give up now would be the time, you dont have anyone left to fight at your side. Kurotsuchi, Soi Fong, Komamura all dead, Renji surrendered when we found him and Toushiro was a mole. How could you hope to defeat all of us." he asked.

"I dont just you." came the simple reply. Byakuya nodded.

"So it seems we have finally come to that point." he said. "Goodbye Kyoraku." he said. Kyoraku looked confused, he opened his mouth to talk but then quickly shut it as Byakuyas grey reiatsu came out much stronger then Kyoraku expected.

"What do you mean goodbye Kuchiki." he yelled. Thats when his eyes widened and his mouth almost dropped.

"Master is once again not here." came the hollowfied voice of Byakuya Kuchiki. Rukias eyes widened at the sight. Byakuya stood there, skin bright white, pale gold wings protruding from his back, his fingers long and talon like. His mask had grey stripes coming down one side of it, the otherside was a bright red. Holding the Zanpakto in his hand he looked Kyoraku,

"I dont know why he called on me, He could have easily beaten you, I guess he just wanted to show everyone." he said as if in deep thought. "By the way, the names Tsubasa." he said. Ichigo had no idea how this was happened, nor did Shinji who was the leader of the Vizards. It was however Kensei who spoke up.

"He has complete control over his Hollow. It calls him master. Unlike yours or shinjis hollow which want nothing more then to throw your conciousness deep into the depths of your soul Byakuya can call on his to fight, Ichigo remember it happened to you in yoru fight with Ulquiorra, but what happened to you was instictful. What Byakuyas doing should have taken years, it took me over 100 to fully control it. Byakuya broke his in under 20." he finished, and everyone sat stunned.

Tsubasa moved so fast Kyoraku couldnt see it and peirced his chest with his talons. "I fight for Byakuya, and I fight for Ichi." he said loud enough for everyone to hear. "You have no chance against me." he said his talon fingers wrapping around Kyorakus throat. And lifted him off the ground flying slowly flyng a few feet off the ground.

They could hear Kyorakus neck bones cracking even from this distance, Tsubasa looked him dead in the eye, but it was Byakuyas voice that spoke, "Goodbye my old friend, if you see Ukitake please tell him I said hello." he said and threw him to the ground and impaled him with senbonzakura.

Kyoraku felt the sword peirce his heart, then blood began spurting through his mouth. "Ill give Ukitake your best." he said before he died.

The white hollow skin began peeling off, his mask crumbled and the wings disapeared. Byakuya stood there once more, and he saw Rukia and his expression softened. "I am sorry that you saw me like that" he said, then pulled Ichigo into a hug and kissed him once more. "Are you ready to sit by my side?" he asked the orange haired man who responded without sipping a beat.

"Ive been there the whole time." Ichigo said.

Byakuya looked at him and kissed him once more. "Then let us see our new quarters." they walked into the 1st division offices and walked into where the captians meeting where held, Byakuya sat at the chair in the head of the room, he looked tired. The other captains and luietenants crowded around him. Ichigo at his left, and Shinji at his right.

"Now we start the process of rebuilding, we must give the dead proper funerals. It will take a long time to return the Sereitei to its original power but we can do it. If we work together like we have been doing up until now then the future will come easily. Return to your respective divisions and start rebuilding, we must make the transition as soon as possible." Ichigo looked at Byakuya.

"The Kuchiki mansion is back in its rightful place my love." he said.

Byakuya nodded. "You have all done a good thing today. You are all dissmised."

Everyone spoke at the same time, with a bow, "Thank you soutaicho." they said, and walked out of the room leaving Byakuya and Ichigo alone for the first time all day.

The End

Or is it?