I don't own anything from Naruto.

This story has been swirling in my head for months. I didn't post anything until I finished the first book. Yes there will be two books and the first one is finished. So this is chapter one of the first book. It will be more or less a straight on story that works with mystery, suspense, romance, action and hell anything else I want to throw in there to make it interesting. I'm a busy person so I am telling anyone that only reviews so I can review you back to skip this. It took me a total of three months to get this much done, so that should tell you about my schedule. I want to make this okay for teens and young adults and there will be lemons, more so in the second book, but lemons none the less. Most chapters are between 1,100 and 1,300 words. Promise. Sasuke is Occ. I Know. I wrote him that way. I am using the characters in my own interpretation. Just so the die hards understand. I normally leave comments at the bottom. SO ENOUGH CHIT CHAT! I HOPE YOU ENJOY AND WILL RETURN TO READ THIS STORY! By the way, it will touch on different subjects of religion also. I am not promoting any religion just stating facts that I pick up and research. Reader beware. **Bows**

Chapter One Bedtime Stories

Mikoto finished washing her dishes out by the lake behind their home. As she headed back in she overheard Fugaku putting a four year old Itachi to bed.
"Please tell me a story, I'm old enough." Itachi pouted while rolling out his mat and covers.
"Okay, fine, fine," Fugaku replied as he sat down on the floor crossing his legs.

"A very long time ago when the Earth and people were in its infancy, there was a man that was so jealous that he killed his brother and was punished by the great God along with his generations. He was to wander the Earth alone, desperate and…"
"Ahem, I thought it was a bedtime story dear, not a nightmare." Mikoto shot a look of disapproval as her husband chuckled. He could see the gleam of interest in his child's eyes, while his wife stiffened her glare. Fugaku already knew Itachi was gifted and the gift given to him by his ancestors would be revealed sooner or later.

"It's fine Mikoto. I believe he can handle it. It's the story of our lives, right?" He gave her a reassuring smile, to which she gave another cautious glare.
"Oh now where was I?"
"Wanderers for life!" Itachi said happily.

"Now, since that man had many sons they bared a mark upon their foreheads because of his sin. His descendants were not to be harmed by mortals, due to a promise given to him by the most high. Generations and generations had passed and there came another that was favored by God that never suffered the passage of the soul from its body, through purgatory and then to wherever the Lord calls. This man named Enoch walked along with one of the archangels and when they heard a ruckus in a street in Persia they went to see. There a blinded old man was being stoned to death by a mob. He bled from head to toe with bruises and his clothes barely kept him covered."

"Enoch raced in front of the poor soul taking a couple of hits from sharp rocks. Out of anger for the display the archangel smote the mob. The poor man knelt to the ground in thanks reaching out to Enoch. Snatching the wrist of Enoch, the wounded victim rubbed his face against him. The poor soul had been thirsty for weeks and as he bid Enoch, thanks he licked up some of his blood. The archangel grew intolerant. He said with a loud voice,"

'How dare you give praise to a man of flesh and blood when your life was given to you by God only! Even in your celebration you lap up his blood as a no good filthy animal, you babble about how you are so thankful and still have not uttered thanks to me.' "

"So the archangel lifted his arm with his mighty sword to kill the man when he noticed his forehead revealed a symbol. The seal glistened bright against his sun parched skin and he recognized quickly its meaning. 'You and your kind are already damned. Enoch, let us go and let him continue until the rocks absorb his rotting flesh and his soul travels to hell.' "

" The man whimpered in despair and Enoch felt remorse and pity. 'Please great angel, is there nothing that ye can do to help with his suffering?' The angel could feel the abundance of compassion from Enoch so he granted the man an opportunity to ask for favor. 'What will you have me grant you poor soul before your days end?' The man was so overjoyed he leapt up and fell quickly due to his deteriorating knees. ' I wish oh gracious angel to have sight of the eagle with the gracefulness of a dove and have my strength restored even if it's for one night.'

"Annoyed the man asked for more than one thing the angel felt it was the least he could do since Enoch gave him a pleading stare."

'Fine then. I will give you the gifts that you seek and make this promise also; If you live your life honorably, your generations will share in your gifts and be blessed. For every one hundred generation I will be celebrated for the favor I have given thee, yet God must be praised. If within one of those generations however, the gifts are used for sinful reasons, a curse will be added upon what has already been damned and a seal of retribution placed on the belly of the kin afterward.'

Enoch looked at the angel for such a strange thing, yet he cared not since the old man seemed to stand up straighter. He could see his face clear and his hair darken. His body was restored to a youthful look and he leapt with great joy.

'I promise to be a good citizen, and thank you great angel for your mercy. God be praised!'

"The man went off into the city proclaiming greatness and praise for the most high and his heavenly host. But before the end of his days, he had forgotten his promise. The angel gave the man youth that lasted him another two hundred years. One evening he indulged too much in liquor and became brash and angry. He cursed loudly and boasted about his eyes and speed given to him. He mocked the God almighty with much yelling and on his rampage he stumbled across a woman and her child. He killed the child with a vicious blow and…"

"Fugaku! Please!" Mikoto stood heaving while holding her chest since she could see he had gotten lost in his story. Fugaku broke out of his trance and noticed Itachi was wide eyed clutching every word that fell from his father's lips.

"Oh well uh, I'm sorry son. It's late now. You, you go on to bed now."
"Bu-but what happened? What did he do? Momma please, let poppa finish." The plea fell on death ears as she tucked him in for the night and ushered her husband out.
"That's it for story time for now son. Good night." Mikoto said.
Pouting, Itachi turned over and kicked the wall as his parents walked to their room.

When he arrived at the bedroom, Fugaku felt the angry look of dissatisfaction on the back of his neck from his wife. He turned to sheepishly acknowledge dark crimson eyes.

"I-I-I don't know what came over me. I-I just wanted to, to –"
"Forget that we are to be as normal as possible? When he turns thirteen, the hundred year lapse will be here. Do you know how I've longed to be freed from this?"
"Yes, my love, but I just felt that he should really know and well with our next child we don't know what will happen. Will he be human or demon?"
Mikoto rubbed her belly, bowing her head.

"What's wrong my wife?"
"I'm sorry dear, but, our next child will also be cursed."
With surprise he looked at her with the taste of bile creeping up his throat.
"Yes, my beloved husband. I felt the first signs of sickness today. Right after I killed a robber."

Author's Note: Next chapter will be posted based upon readership. Sorry, but I am trying to make sure I edit before I post, and that can take a couple of days. THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE FOR GETTING TO THIS LAST LINE. IT MEANS SOOOO MUCH!