Hey Guys. I"M BACK! Sorry I wasn't able to update earlier, but I've had dress rehearsals for the play, and then recitals! YAAAAYYY! I would tell you guys to see it... Anyway, I worked on the perfect ending for my Tratie for a looong time. How should I perfectly end it? This is as close to perfect as I could get. I'm sorry if it's not that great.

IT'S MY LAST CHAPTER! I'm really sad, guys. I love writing this story more than any other story I've ever done, ever. EVER! I really hope I can get to 100 reviews. Please help me! Thanks!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own PJO! :-( *sad face*

Travis POV

When I opened my eyes, I saw three faces looking down at me. One was my brother, Connor. He looked terrible, his hair all matted and his eyes bloodshot. He was smiling with relief, though. The next person was Allison, with her arm around Connor's waist, her pale face smiling. She was holding hands with another girl.


Was it my imagination, or did she look really, really, good? She, however, was not smiling, but looking at my face intently, as if searching for an answer. I gave a weak, "Hi." And Allison and Connor exploded with cheering. Katie smiled weakly, but she still looked confused.

As soon as my brother and his girlfriend calmed down, they started throwing questions at me. Did I need any nectar? Any ambrosia? Another pillow? Was I comfortable? Did I feel faint?

Connor brought me a huge mug of nectar, and I drank it down quickly. It tasted like a blueberry smoothie. I felt the energy returning to my veins. I glanced at Katie thorough the corner of my eye. Was she still mad at me?

"Yeah," Allison was saying, "Katie was the best! She was in here, like, all the time!"

Katie looked at the floor blushing. Katie…..helped me? So she might not still hate me?

I gave Allison a meaningful look. I glanced at Katie, and then back at her. Then, I did it again. Finally, she got the message.

"Oh!" She grabbed Connor arm and started pulling him towards the door. "Connor, I think your brother needs some time to relax. He just woke up."

Hey, yo, wait!" Connor struggled as he was herded out the door. "He's my BROTHER!"

Allison rolled her eyes. "And I'm sure you'll have lots of time to catch up and plan future pranks, but right now, we are leaving."

After Allison and Connor left, there was an awkward silence. The air was charged with tension. Katie was inspecting her hands.

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. "Look, about the dance, I—"

"I was a jerk." Katie looked up at me. "I said some horrible things to you, and I'm just really sorry."

I shrugged. "It's OK. You didn't know. If I were in your position, I might've done the same thing."

Katie looked at me, almost hopefully. "So…..you don't hate me?"

I almost laughed. "What? Why would I hate you? After you helped me get better?"

Katie smiled the teeniest bit and said, "I was sure you would hate me, after everything."

"And I thought you might still hate me."

"Yes, Stoll. I will hate you forever."

"WHAT?! But I thought you just said-"

"Travis! You practically saved my life! Why on Earth would I hate you?"

"So….you don't hate me?"

Katie face palmed. "Oh my gods, Travis." I was relieved to see that she was smiling. "Can you walk?"

I sat up, and immediately, my vision blurred. After a second, though, my sight returned to normal, and I nodded. "Probably."

Katie raised her eyes. "Probably? Probably as in there might be a risk of you falling on your head and going into another coma-like thing?"


"Good enough for me." Katie stood, and after a second, I stood, too. We walked to the porch of the big house and sat on the edge of the wood. Camp Half-Blood was just waking up. Campers were making their way to the dining Pavilion, which was now disco ball and streamer- free. A group of younger campers glanced at us curiously, but we ignored them.

I turned to Katie. "Oh, yeah, what happened to Isabel?"

Katie shrugged. "No clue. I guess she ran off as soon as she hit you with the stupid rock."

I touched my bandaged head gingerly. "Yeah, she left a pretty big bump."

We sat in silence for a little while. Finally, I asked the question I had been dying to ask. "So….you, like, sat with me the whole time I was in the infirmary?"

Katie punched me lightly on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, Stoll. Of course! I owed you!"

My shoulders slumped. "Oh. Because you owed me. Of course."

Katie turned to face me. "C'mon. It would be no fun if you were dead!"

"Yeah. I guess you would stay out of trouble with me out of the way."

"No, the punishment wasn't all that bad. I mean, who would watch Tangled with me in the woods after campfire? Who would save me from knife-happy creepers? Seriously, Stoll."

I shrugged. "Definitely a shame. Who couldn't live without Travis Stoll, the Perfection of awesomeness?"

"Lie cough."


Katie's eyes sparkled. "You know I'm joking, Travis."

"So, anyway, back to the other thing. Why did you actually care enough to help me get better?"

Katie looked down at her hands. "It's complicated. Mostly because I realized that you weren't, you know, messing with me and you actually were, you know….."

"Going to ask you to the dance?"

"Yeah." Katie's face turned slightly pink, and my face felt hot, too. "And I never got to go to the dance with you," I commented ruefully.

"Don't be stupid Stoll. I'm sure they'll have lots more dances that you can ask me to."

My face must've gotten even redder, because Katie laughed. "I—i—ummmm…" I stammered.

Katie reached out her hands and cupped my face. "You're not getting away from me THAT easily, Travis Stoll. Don't you even think about it."

She leaned forward and kissed me.

My brain went numb. I just couldn't process what was happening. After a few seconds, though, I leaned in. Katie's hair smelled like cinnamon today. There was a slight breeze. Her lips felt really really soft. In short, it was perfect.

It must've looked strange to the other campers, Katie Gardiner and Travis Stoll sitting on the front porch of the Big House kissing. But I didn't really care. It was summer. Katie didn't hate me. Everything was perfect.


That day was one of the best days of my life.

I went back to my cabin, and Allison shot me a what happened? Look. I just smiled back, and she clapped her hands and started talking excitedly to Abby and Marianna.

It seemed like by the end of the day, everyone knew that I was dating Katie. Seriously. That's how fast news travels at Camp Half-Blood. Connor teased me about it until I told him that I would push him off the Lava Rock climbing wall. At Campfire, I made a beeline towards Katie and Allison, who were now chatting like old buddies. Connor came with me, and we all sang cheesy campfire songs like The Minotaur Song and This is the Yarn that Never Ends (based on the 3 Fates and their ball of yarn).

Katie grabbed my hand and pointed across the campfire. "Travis, look!" Just visible behind the flames were the silhouettes of Isabel and Marcus, holding hands. Well, it looked like we weren't the only ones who'd had a crazy day.

I turned to Katie. "Oh, hey, before I forget, we're doing a raid on the Aphrodite Cabin in two days. Wanna come?"

"What kind of a date is that? That's even worse than watching a Disney movie in the forest at night!"

"So….that's a yes?"

"Well, duh Stoll!"


It was just a regular day at Camp Half-Blood.

The Apollo cabin was dong a sing-off against some of the nymphs, and a couple of interested Aphrodite girls had come out to watch. I guess there are some girls who find singers attractive, and then SOME who prefer Band Geeks. (hahaha, inside joke) The Demeter Cabin was walking around in the strawberry fields, making the green leaves colors' sharper. The Hephaestus cabin was cracking their knuckles, getting ready for an intense game of tetherball. So, yeah, just a normal day.

And what was the Hermes Cabin doing, you might ask?

Well, that's a very good question.

"Abby, Mari, GO!" hissed Conner from behind the trees. The two girls ran out from the cover and into the Aphrodite Cabin. A few moments later, the whole cabin, including the boys, came stampeding out in a fashionable gaggle of screaming campers. This wasn't abnormal behavior for the Aphrodites, so everyone just turned away, Lucky for us, or they would've seen the campers all rushing past Pelus, the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece on Thalia's tree, heading for the beach. Good. Very good. The Hermes Plan was in action.

I just hoped out new out-of-cabin helper would be able to keep up.

"Hey." Katie appeared next to me, blowing a strand of reddish-brown hair out of her face. "What did Abby and Mari tell the Aphro's?"

I shrugged. "I think that Josh Hutcherson was giving out free signed photographs at the beach in one hour and they better get in line fast."

"Wow, that's pretty good. Who came up with it?"

"Probably Abby."

Connor came over to us with Allison right next to him. "Hey, guys, we're ready to go."

I turned to our cabin. "OK guys, here's the plan. We crawl into the Aphrodite cabin and take everything. Their make-up, posters, etc. Bring the booty back to Zeus' Fist, where we will hide it. Alright—BREAK!"

We all ran for the windows. We grabbed things everywhere—hairbrushes, jewelry, boxes, perfume, and passed it on to the people waiting outside who would then go bury it in the dirt holes in the forest.

We got the last of the prized possessions and then we herded everyone out the windows. It was just down to Me, Connor, Katie, and Allison when the door exploded. All the Aphrodite campers flooded into their cabin, and then started screaming when they realized that we had stripped it. Some started wailing. Others started pulling out their hair. But the majority turned towards us with less-than-happy-faces.


So, did you like it? I really hope you did, and I really hope this was a good ending and that you screamed like a fangirl/fanguy. Did you?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review! Thanks so much for all the reviews I've already received, and I REALLY SUPER DUPER hope that I can get to 100 reviews. Thanks guys!

Oh, and since this was my first PJO, i'm going to do this series story with my BFFs called "Godlings". It was AmianNatan4ever's idea, and basically there are these regular peeps who get brought to Camp Half-Blood and are all like "I'm a demigod!" but they're actually not; they're Godlings. OK, so i'm really bad at summaries, and I probably just made you not want to read this story, right? But, please, just give it a chance. thanks!

And for everyone who reviewed my stories- I LOVE YOU ALL! FREE COOKIES! (::) (::) (::)