I really want a picture of this family.

Anyone who's willing to do this PLEASE TELL ME?!

It'd be the coolest thing ever if someone were to draw them!

And you birthday's coming up so...yeah. ; )







I want your guys' thoughts on this chapter.







"What took so long?" Conner demands when Bart and Jaime finally arrive.

"Long story." Jaime deadpans.

"We told David." Bart sighs.

"Good...wait, just David?" Tim asks, appearing form the shadows with a frown.

"Carlos isn't ready yet." Jaime mumbles softly.

"How did he react?" Conner asks.

"A lot better than I expected." Jaime confesses as they all get ready to take off.

"Is he dawning on a cape?"

"No." Jaime states sternly. "He's not."

"Jaime..." Bart sighs and smiles slightly before walking over to wrap his arms around his spouse's waist. "Can't you at least let him decide?"


"I know how you feel about this. But he gets a say too. Come on, Hair-man-oh."

"Thirteen years together, and your Spanish still sucks." Jaime sighs before shaking his head. ...we'll talk to him later."

"Good." Bart grins and pecks the other man on the cheek before turning back to their friends.

"Whipped." Tim chuckles.

"Oh like your husband isn't?" Jaime counters with a raised eyebrow.

"I know he is. And that's the way I like it." The ebony states with a smirk.

"I'm right here." Conner states.

"I know." Tim grins before leading them all to the Zeta tube.

Bart's laughter is enough to brighten Jaime's mood.

... ...

"Rise and sine!" Bart shouts before the blanket is ripped away from Jaime.

The Hispanic groans and curls in on him self before cracking open his eyes to glare at the speedster.

"What is wrong with you?" he growls.

"You promised to drive the boys to school. Get up."

"Five more minutes."

"No, Jaime! Get up." Bart shakes him and chuckles when Jaime finally huffs and lays on his back.

"Can't I just pick them up after?"

"No. You promised."

"...kiss me." Jaime sighs and turns to give Bart puppy eyes.


"Because it's been forever!"

"I kissed you good night!" Bart exclaims but crawls over until he's straddling Jaime anyway.

"I need to recharge." Jaime grins and hums contently when he's kissed.

They hadn't done this in a while. They were never awake at the same time in the mornings anymore...thus erasing any chance they get to enjoy each other in the early hours of the day.

"Get up." Bart sighs after one lest languid kiss.

"Fine." Jaime groans.

... ..

David is a morning person. He's happy, despite the fact that the sun wasn't out yet.

His brother was the complete opposite.

Jaime noticed right away as he walked into the kitchen in jeans and a T-shirt.

"What are you wearing?" Carlos asks tiredly.

"Clothes." Jaime deadpans.

"You look good, dad." David nods.

"Thanks. I'm driving you guys today."

" can do." Carlos mumbles, suddenly looking a lot more awake.

"What? Why not?"

"...I was kind of hoping to ride the bus."

"You were hoping to ride the bus?"


"Oh...okay. Sure. It'll just be you and me then, David."


When Bart walks into the kitchen, he comes just in time to see everyone leaving.

"I'll see you in a bit." Jaime mumbles before pecking him and rushing out the door.

... ...

"News said you guys were in Illinois." David states after a few moments of silence.


"You...and Dad...and Red Robin and Superboy."


"Superboy is Uncle Conner isn't he?" David asks with a grin. "And Uncle Tim is Red Robin."

"How did did you know about Tim?"

"Superboy caught Red Robin on the film the news channel was showing. I've only seen uncle Conner looked so scared for one person."

"True. Bart wants us to, me and him."


"You. Us...your decision."

"I have a decision to make?"

"A long time ago...Bart and I talked about you and your brother. We said that if we ever told you, we'd give you the choice of becoming like us."

"So...I can go out with you guys?"

"Not immediately. But...with some training and some practice...sure."

"That's so cool!" David cheers and grins widely.

Jaime misses this.

David's smiles and grins and outbursts.

"Have a good day at school." he sighs when he pulls up to the school.

"Do I have to?" David groans and slumps in his seat. "Can't I just go to work with you."

"I don't think you want to come see my clean teeth all day." Jaime chuckles.

"It'd be better than going in there."

"What's so bad about it?"

"Did you like high school?" David demands with a raised eyebrow.

"Good point. But Bart will kill me if I let you skip so...sorry."

"I tried. Thanks for the ride, Dad."

"No problem." Jaime chuckles and watches as his son climbs out of the car.

He doesn't miss the looks girls send his way...and he doesn't miss the way David is completely obvious towards them.

Jaime can only chuckle and shake his head before driving away.

.. ..

David hates school.

He hates the cliques, he hates the drama, and he hates the favoritism.

If it were up to him, he'd be homeschooled.

"Move it, twerp." David hears the voice before he feels the shoulder ram into his own.

"Very tough." David rolls his eyes and turns to face the speaker.

"Like you would have done anything else?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I would have!" the boy exclaims with a grin.

"Yeah, right, Mikey!" David laughs and shakes his head.

He only has two friends; Mike and Alexis.

two friends that talked to him for him and not his brother.

"So, are we still on for tonight?" Alexis asks with a grin

"Yeah, my dad said is was Crash."

"Cool. I'll bring the flicks." Mike cheers.

"I'll provide the snackage." David grins.

Mike was a pretty boy, a guy David wouldn't have ever thought would talk to him.

But it turned out that under all that perfect skin and high those cheek bones, there was a total science fiction nerd.

"Stellar. I'll catch you guys later." and Alexis was just as bad.

With her tanned skin, and perfect hair, most other Mexicans made fun of her for being different.

But Mike and David welcomed her into their nerd cave with open arms.

"I'll see you in gym class." Mike sighs as he walks off with a pout.

"It's just Biology, Mike; cheer up." David calls.


David laughs again before heading off to his own class.

.. .. ...