Warning: It's a multi-crossover.

Harry Potter/Naruto/Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)/Inuyasha

I made it only one instead of putting it in crossover mode or whatever because it's mainly of the Harry Potter world.

Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki harem with Itachi Uchiha from Naruto also, Severus Snape from Harry Potter along with Lucius Malfoy, Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and Sesshomaru from Inuyasha.

Naruto being the only uke or bottom, while the others (Itachi, Severus, Lucius, Sebastian, and Sesshomaru) will be the seme or top.

The first weekend at Hogwarts and as expected many are a sleep, except for the staff and a few students. Naruto, who has more stamina than the rest, was a sleep also, in his bed, finding comfort against a demonic assistant who has not slept a wink because of his condition.

When the sun slowly rose up to the cold sky Naruto began to stir in his sleep before he began to rub his eyes.

"That's not good for your eyes." a hand grabbed a hold of Naruto's wrist, pulling them away from his eyes.

"Sebastian?" he mumbled slowly trying to keep his eyes open, before his eyes snapped opened when his mind cleared up. "What are you doing on my bed?!"

"You are quite the cuddler when you are a sleep." Sebastian chuckled.

The shinobi's face became pale at the statement, and quickly jumped away from the demon.

"It is morning, how can you still be loud?" Severus grumbled at the entrance.

"He is not use to company in bed." Sebastian commented, the professor just stared at him coldly before turning around to leave.

"I have some paper work to do, do not make too much noise." Naruto gaped at the door and just glared at the smirking crow before walking to the bathroom with a set of clothes in his grasp.

"I'm taking a bath." he mumbled before closing the door.

After taking off his clothes and getting inside the tub he relaxed against the tub.

"Would you like to smell like strawberries or roses?"

"Strawberries" Naruto said in an airy tone, not noticing what is happening. For a minute it was silent before Naruto began to purr as a pair of hands began to play with his head. It stayed like that for five minutes before he was splashed with a bucket of water. Naruto turned quickly and was met with maroon eyes. "What were you doing?"

"You have worked hard this week, I believed that you deserve a little help in bathing." Sebastian smiled, Naruto stared at him in suspicion but just shrugged his shoulder and laid against the tub once more. However as Sebastian continues to caress him, he was starting to regret his decision of letting him stay. The shape shifter was rubbing his skin very, very, slowly and thoroughly with his hands.

He started at the shoulders. Rubbing his hands together with soup, before he massaged into Naruto's shoulders. The blond, shivered at the feeling, not very used to foreign skin on his own, but later laughed it off as Sebastian rubbed his stomach.

"Stop! That tickles!" he laughed out. Sebastian smiled at him before he continued with his action, one hand touching his stomach while the other slowly went towards his legs. He was just washing his calves , knees, under the knees, but when he decides to be bolder, he started to slowly rub his thighs, it did not go unnoticed by the once entertained blond.

Naruto wanted to say something, but he didn't want to hurt Sebastian's feelings if he refused his help again. But it was slowly changing as he started to feel a little weird in his stomach, and maybe lower. This has been happening for a while now, and Naruto was flushed, trying his best to cover it by looking at the water, careful with avoiding Sebastian's eyesight, which did not do much for him, but he doesn't need to do that.

It was over when Sebastian did the most unthinkable thing to the blond. He groped the blond's bottom.

"You can get out now!" Naruto squeaked. Sebastian paused in his actions, completely surprised, a hand on Naruto's stomach and the other still on the bottom.

"Why? Do you not enjoy my help?" Naruto was gaping, still avoiding his gaze, but used his hands and pulled the butler's hands away from his body. When they were retracted back to the butler, he pulled himself into a ball in the water, feeling steam coming out of his ears.

"I'm clean now, you can leave." Sebastian stared at the blond for a moment before he smirked, noticing the redness in the once sun-kissed skin. He stayed put behind the shorter one, before he placed his arms around the blond once more. One wrapped around the waist the other under his chin so he could tilt his head backwards, resting his neck against the cool rim of the bathtub, to face the pale butler, both looking at each other. Their vision seeing the other upside down.

"Not before you answer me, I need to know so I can fix what I did wrong for next time I were to help."

"Next time?!" Naruto blushed harder than before, rivaling against a ripe tomato.

"Well of course, you will be exhausted every week. What kind of assistant would I be if I could not help?" Sebastian was slowly inching closer towards the other without the other knowing, but right before the awaiting moment of lips meeting, there was a baritone voice that interrupted the meeting.

"Well sadly, you are not his assistant. So I would advise you to leave before I will have you fired for sexual harassment towards a student." the two turned their heads and saw a very irritated looking Potions' Master. Sebastian just gave him a tight smile and calmly replied back.

"Well, even if I were to be fired, I will not leave this little kitten all by himself." Kitten? Naruto repeated in his head. "He is after all..." Sebastian hugged the blond closer, bring the wet blond's head against his chest. "my master." Severus glare intensified.

"Get out" was his reply before he turned away. "Also, Mr. Uzumaki, detention at 8pm tonight."

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed in shock. "What did I do?!" only to receive no reply. "Great!" the Jinchuuriki splashed the water in frustration, before he leaned against the tub, which also meant leaning against the butler.

The butler sighed in disappointment, now that the mood was gone. "Let me finish quickly before breakfast turns cold."

"Make it quick, I'm starting to feel all wrinkly, like an old man." Naruto put in.

"Of course" and in a split second, Naruto was already out of the bath, dried and in new fresh clothes, but that didn't mean that he didn't feel a hand cop a feel once or twice.

"Hey! You are like that pervert!" Naruto fumed as he quickly left the bathroom with the demon butler in tow.

"And whom am I being compared too?" Sebastian asked, feeling his chest compress at the thought of another being as intimate as he was with the blond.

"My godfather, he was such a pervert; staring at woman, peeking when they are changing, flirting, stuff like that." Naruto briefed to the butler, who just looked at him for a moment in shock before he recovered quickly with a smile as he wraps an arm around his waste once again, this time with fabrics getting between them.

"I'm more gentlemanly than an average human, so you do not have to worry about me doing such things like your godfather." Naruto just stared at with an accusing look, not really forgetting that he was groped, before he turned around and left the room to the kitchen, where a rectangle table was already filled, from one side to another, with breakfast. He could feel his stomach growl as he took a whiff of the air. He had a large smile before his molest-able bottom touched his seat, right across from Severus, and beside the butler, who appeared at his seat a second later. As he stacked his empty plate, he noticed that Severus was reading a book.

"You aren't eating?" Naruto spoke out, before taking a bite of a fluffy pancake, covered in sweet syrup.

"If you look at my plate, you can tell that I have already ate." Severus pointed out, without actually look up from his book. Naruto looked at his plate, and felt himself blush at his lack of attention. "For someone who has to kill for a living, you don't seem to think much, especially compared to the first impression you gave the staff and I." Naruto blushed and looked down.

"Well..." Naruto was thinking of how to explain his behavior but just shook his head before he started to shove all his breakfast into his mouth.

"Be careful, if you eat like that, you'll-" Sebastian sighed, but quickly passed a cup of orange juice to Naruto so he can breathe once more. "choke." he finished as sat back down, rubbing his back for good measures.

"Thanks" Naruto spoke out, before he filled his plate once more.

"You're such a glutton, yet your size has not changed." Severus commented, while Naruto just stared at him in curiosity.


"Glutton, stupid boy. It means you eat excessively." Severus spoke up, before he looked back at his book. Naruto felt insulted by his statement and stuck his tongue out at him

"Do you want me to extend the duration of your weekend detention?" Naruto dreaded, but shook his head still. "That's what I thought. I wouldn't want more time with such an ignorant child such as you."

"Hey! That's not fair! You're being rude when you don't even know me!" Naruto glared, which in turn had the butler give one back to him, before he walked away as if nothing has happened between them. "I hate that guy." Naruto growled as he stabbed his pancake to feed himself. Sebastian just stared at him with amusement in his eyes before he spoke out.

"What do you want to do today?" Naruto thought for a moment before he remembered something. "I have to train."

"Oh? And what would you train for?" Naruto looked at him as if he was stupid, which, of course, caused curiosity to appear on the devilishly handsome face.

"To protect my loved ones of course." confused turned to surprise, but then turned disappointment when he heard the next few words. "I just have to hurry and find my way back home."

"What if you can never come back home?" he didn't expect the blond's reaction.

"Then I'll make it happen." Naruto spoke out in determination. Sebastian was shocked at the fire in his eyes, but he doesn't hate it, that's for sure. Naruto looked at the time, which was on a wall above where their gloomy professor was at, and quickly continued shoving food into his mouth. It went on for a while till after his fifth indigestion that he decided to train.

"I'll be back later!" was all he said before he disappeared in a poof of smoke, leaving behind an amused butler.

In The Forbidden Forest,

Naruto appeared a second later after he disappeared from the dungeons and started to do a few hand signs, creating a hundred shadow clones.

"Okay guys! The usual!"

"Hai!" they all cheered before they all turned at the original with a serious look as each did a few hand signs before attacking Naruto, who quickly put on his ANBU mask.

The first to attack Naruto was one that pulled out a rasengan, but being his clone, gives him an advantage because Naruto knows the jutsu very well. However before he could dodge the attack, another clone went behind him, gripping onto him like a koala to a tree. Naruto pulled a familiar trick as he substituted himself away.

"Hey! That's not fair! You pulled a Kakashi!" the clone that once held him back shouted out as Naruto hid in the shadows, careful to watch his back as there are others hidden in the forest.

From his spot he could see some of the clones planning things into their heads, as they looked at each other.

It was quiet for a while, before Naruto looked back at the field to see it all cleared up. This isn't good. he thought to himself as he pressed himself against the tree. He hesitated on using a sensory chakara, but knew it wouldn't work with the user's own clones.

He then heard something sharp cutting through the wind from around him. He looked forward and saw metal gleaming through the small gaps of sunlight, and quickly knew what they were. He looked up also, but saw more coming from above. He was able to dodge all of them, but noticed that each one has a tag attached at the handle; exploding tags.

He quickly went up the trees to the top, and when he made it to the canopies, he heard a few explosions before he took notice of himself. He wasn't unscathed as he was surprised to find cuts on himself, which was quickly healed thanks to his 'little' friend, Kurama.

He looked down and saw very thin strings in every corner. There were even some around him as he continued to stare around his surroundings. However it was over before it could last ten seconds as he noticed the knifes, coming towards him. He teleported himself away from the spot, behind a thick tree, before the ground rumbled a little from the surprise attack.

For three hours it has become a cat and mouse came, with the original being the mouse, and the rest being the cats. Around the end, there were five Naruto's in the clearing from earlier. All of them were glaring a each other, wondering who they should attack.

"It always leads to this." one of them said.

"Yeah" another agreed, before they all positioned themselves, ready to fight to the end. They stayed in that position before they all eyed a bird right in the middle of the circle. As it flew off into the sky, so did the rest, using whatever means necessary for themselves to win.

However it ended sooner than the five thought, as someone decided to stop their little practice.

"Apologizes for intruding, however lunch is about to begin, and I believe you will need to take a quick bath before entering the Great Hall." Sebastian smiled, as he looked at one of them.

"Me?" the Naruto said, pointing at himself.

"I would know who I'm serving." the other Naruto's looked at said 'Original' before they all decided who to attack.

"Let's get him!" the original had a scared face as he started to run away, towards the school. "Yeah!" Now five Naruto's are running towards Hogwarts, unknowingly scaring the creatures of the Forbidden Forest. Sebastian, still in the clearing, sighed before he jumped through the forest, like how the five were, to stop any damage that the blonds could cause.

"This is more work than I first thought." Sebastian sighed as he noticed the damage already done to the forest. There were kunais and shurikens on trees along with marks on them that could not be identified who created them. He sped up and by the edge of the forest he saw the blonds attacking each other.

"Sebastian's here!" everyone's head were turned towards him, before they all of them exclaimed to him. "Who's the original?!"

"He's not here." Sebastian chuckled, which had them all gapping at him before they looked at each other then back at him. "Liar! He's got to be one of us! You're trying to distract us so he can sneak attack." one of them said.

"That's possible but last time I checked there were five of you, not six of you." the Naruto's looked at each other, before the butler's words, sunk into their minds.

"Now this is just low." one of them said before he was gone in a puff of smoke as two of the Naruto's smirked, which had the three others to back away from them.

"Super low" those words were the last in the field as they had another battle. It did not last long as the three were low on stamina, and with a simple water dragon attack. Only one Naruto survived and it disappeared, seeing as it has fulfilled it's purpose for the original. Sebastian, who just watched from the sidelines, was intrigued of the powers the blond possessed and could not wait to learn more things from him. However for now he will clean the mess his little doublegangers left behind for him to clean.

The good thing however, is that he is a demon. And not any type of demon, but a powerful one. With a speed that not even a cheetah could match, he was able to fix the damage done to the forest before Lunch time.

When he arrived back to the Great Hall in his normal attire, he was greeted by many. However they do not matter to him, the only one that did matter to him was the one that was scarthing his meal down as if it was his last.

"Good evening, Uzumaki." Naruto just looked at him with a smile before he continued on with his food, disgusting his fellow house still. That is until he felt a warm breath near his right ear, which caused him to shiver. "You left a very big mess back their. Good thing I was there to help you, wouldn't want you to get in trouble for fighting near school property." Naruto loudly swallowed his food before he spoke out.

"Sorry about that, when I train I get carried away." Naruto grinned at him, which caused the butler to chuckle with him before he walked away to sit next to the Potions Master.

"What was that boy doing? Before lunch, he looked like he came back from a war." Severus sneered, thinking back to half an hour ago.

He was grading homework in the living room when a certain blond, with twigs and leaves were in his hair, cuts and bruises here and there and his outfit, which only consist of greyish-green camouflage pants and a white wife-beater, was a disaster. His tank top is now grey, with burnt marks in some places, revealing a piece of his skin, which was darkened thanks to the soot left behind, cuts in a few places, one of the pant leg was ripped off to the knee instead of to the ankle, and there was sweat all over the blond, making his whole attire worse for wear.

"The only response I got from him was 'Training.'" Severus spoke in an doubtful tone.

"True to his word, he was training." Sebastian said calmly as he took his time in choosing food.

"For four hours?"

"Nonstop, it was quite interesting."

"I'll have to observe one of his 'trainings' then." he concluded.

After Lunch Naruto decided he would venture around the school, an quickly he met a pair of red heads, who look like they were up to no good. The two were crouching behind a statue of a weeping angel, while looking down at something. Naruto quietly walked over to their spot, careful with where he stepped before he stopped behind one of them and could see a little bit of what they were doing. They were conversing over a map with...moving dots?

When he narrowed his eyes, he noticed that that the moving dots had names on them. For example there was a dot in a section called "Charms," and write next to it was a label that said "Filius Flitwick."

And when his eyes wondered around he noticed that there were three dots in an area, and saw his name being one of them. The other two were "Fred Weasley" and the one he's behind was "George Weasley."

He had a slight struggle trying to keep in his amusement as the two redheads leered their attention to the other direction. It became a minutes before one of them noticed what Naruto noticed.

His shoulder tensed before he turned to his twin. He silently pointed to the dot behind their's and stared.


"..." Fred looked at his twin in the eye, and lifted three finger, hoping to scare this "Naruto Uzumaki."




They quickly turned around with the most 'scariest' look they could muster up; Fred pulling at the corner of his eyes as he stuck his tongue out, while George twisted his face, while bringing his hands near his face in a creeper way. However instead of scaring Naruto off like they expected, they were met with a skeleton in a black bellowing robe, holding a scythe.



"Run for it Gred!" George doesn't need to be told twice as they both ran, but towards each other at first, which had them falling back down to their spot before they quickly got up with Fred pulling George to one direction.

Naruto looked at the retreating forms for a moment till they were just specks in his eyes before he exploded in laughter.

"Kit, that was hilarious!" exclaimed the demon within his mind.

Right! You saw how slow they reacted!

"And how they ran into each other! Ha! Classic!" Kurama laughed out, causing Naruto to laugh harder than before, which had him drop his genjutsu.

"And what are you doing?" Naruto stopped laughing and turned his head slowly to see Severus Snape behind him with an annoyed, yet slightly amused, look on his pale face.

"Nothing." Naruto grinned out, but then he noticed that the professor was staring at his hand. He looked and noticed that he was holding the scythe still. He hid it behind his back and was grinning nervously, but knew he couldn't hide a 6 foot scythe with his short stature; 4'9".

Severus kept looking at the blond before he just walked past him. "Continue with what you were doing and I'll consider tolerating you." Naruto couldn't help but grin but it was quickly gone when he heard the next statement made by the same man. "Don't forget your detention at 8."

When it was time for his detention, Naruto was told to clean the cauldrons. He felt like crying when he saw the amount of cauldrons there were; looks almost in the 30's! "How long is this 'detention' suppose to take?"

"At least an hour," Professor Snape informed, but had a smug look as he added in, "but this will probably be three or four, possibly all night."

"All night?!" Naruto cried out.

"Yes, and don't get any ideas about using your 'clones' either." Naruto could already feel his hands hurting just from the idea of doing all of this. "Now get started, unless you are planning to make me wait all night with you." Severus said as he went back to his grading.

Naruto sighed in sadness before he started on the first cauldron of many. The cauldron is quite small since the blond could almost wrap his arm around it, but the size wasn't the problem. It's the stuff on it that was. Failed potions were hard to scrap off. It took him about seven minutes before it was grime clean. He washed it down with the sink in the corner of the classroom before he started on the next one.

After an hour Naruto was working on the 15th one, he started to speak. "Can I have a break? My hand is cramping up." the professor looked up and just looked at him then at the clean pile and then back to Naruto. Despite his calm exterior he was actually astonished with the boy's quickness and stamina. Usually students would be on their ninth one, yet the blond haven't even broken a sweat, and take note that he was training the whole morning.

"Do a few more then ask me again later." was all he said before he hunched over the pile of parchments once more. Naruto could feel his patience wearing thin. First, he gets detention for nothing. Second, it's on his first weekend of school. Third, he has to clean tons of cauldrons. Fourth, he's almost half done. Finally, after an hour of cleaning, he asks for a break but would have to wait a little longer. Hopefully things would get better.

Knock knock

"Come in" Naruto turned around as the door opened to see the only demon roaming around the school. "I see you've finished with your errand. Took you longer than I thought yo would." Severus spoke out bluntly.

"Errand? What errand?" Naruto asked Sebastian, who smiled at the blond before asking.

"Just had to pick some ingredients up. Not much really." Sebastian said as he placed down a sac onto a nearby desk, before he started to stride towards the door. "Now if you two would excuse me, I just remembered something I must do." however before he could leave, Naruto's senses started to kick in after an hour of foul smells from failed potions he has been scrubbing.

"Hold on. I smell something." Naruto said as he sniffed the air curiously.

"What are you? A dog?" Sebastian couldn't help but grimace at the last word; "dog."

"No, but I think I smell...a cat." Sebastian completely froze but quickly recovered and gave Naruto a charming smile.

"A cat? I saw Mrs. Norris pass by a few minutes ago. It's possible you smelt her lingering scent." Sebastian said as he continued on with his little walk towards the door. Once again it was postponed when a hand took a cold of his robe from behind.

"No. Mrs. Norris has a dusty smell to her. This one has a much cleaner smell, well cared for, almost as if from a pet shop." Naruto said, before he grabbed Sebastian's hand which was on the knob and turned him around before he sniffed Sebastian's shirt.

His hand slithered around the butler's form, ignoring the crow's attempt to distract him with comments about their close proximity and the professor's demand to stop "harassing the demon," before it found it's self near his other arm. It was soft and furry, and as he pet it he heard a soft fur as it rumbled. He pulled it out of the butler's light hold and was shocked yet happy to find a black kitten with large brown eyes looking up to him.

"Aw~! It's so cute~!" Naruto squealed as he hugged the feline. As if trying to advance the cuteness it mewed at the blond before licking his cheek. "That tickles!" he giggled. As he fangirled over the furball Severus felt bothered about the disruption but, like the butler, he blushed at the sight in front of them.

"This better not be another stunt where another demon tries to violate the blond."

"No, that would just be competition. I just thought that he would like a little present is all."

"What should I name you?" Naruto said, looking into the cat's eyes. "What do you think Sebastian?"

"Well anything would be fine, just not feminine ones."

"No? Then it's a he?" Naruto questioned, before he started to think of names, but for some reason he couldn't find the right one. "This is really hard. I can't think of anything."

"What a surprise." the forgotten professor retorted sarcastically. "Maybe you can do that later after you are done with your detention." Naruto nodded in a depressed mood before he sorrowfully gave the kitten to Sebastian and sat on the cold stone floor before continuing with his work. However he was less energetic than before. His mind was going through many names that could possibly be the one, but they were either not good enough or not the right gender.

"At this pace you would be done by breakfast." Severus spoke out, not looking up from his spot, which had Naruto notice that Sebastian and the kitten was gone.

"Hey! It's not my fault that there's too many of these pots!" "Cauldrons" the ex-double spy corrected, but Naruto didn't correct himself and continued with his little rant. "I can't think of any names of the cat." "Kitten" "I keep thinking of names that just doesn't seem good enough."

"You make it seem harder than it is." the older of the the pair said.

"Well what would you name it if you think it's that easy." Naruto challenged.

"Wouldn't make much of a difference if I were to tell, now would it? Just name him after a person it reminds you of." Naruto face was filled with realization before he thought for a second. In an instant he grinned at the professor, shocking him.

"I got it! Thanks, teach!" he quickly turned back to his 16th cauldron, his cleaning ability quicker than before, shocking the other once more at his stamina. In less than an hour the blond was already out the door, leaving the man in black behind.

He rushed to their living quarter's and was happy to find Sebastian playing with the kitten in the living room/sitting room.

"You're done already?" Sebastian said in shock, as the baby cat looked at him in confusion.


"Excuse me?"

"The name. Haku." Naruto spoke in a grin, reminiscing a mission that took place in Wave, as he picked up the black kitten from the potions master's assistant, cuddling with it.

"Interesting name." Sebastian inwardly smirked, (AN : I looked up the name and Haku could also mean Earl from Hakushaku, ironic isn't it? LOL) watching the adorable duo play around with each other.

The Next Day

After breakfast Naruto was about to leave when the kitten mounted himself onto his head.

"Huh? Haku? What are you doing? My head isn't a place to nap on." Naruto spoke out as he grabbed a hold of the feline gently. The brown eyed creature just yawned at him, but instead of sleep it just stared at Naruto. "What was that?" Naruto cooed, like a parent to a baby. The cat meowed. "You want to come with me and train? I don't know. It could be dangerous." meow "Ok, if you say so. See ya later Sebastian, Professor Snape." with that Naruto and the cat disappeared, leaving an amused demon and a dumbstruck professor behind.

"Sometimes I question his sanity." Severus sighed out, only to receive a chuckle from the other.

After a few hours of training, Naruto came back in the same condition from yesterday. As for the kitten, it was quite the opposite.

"I see that 'Haru' was only a witness to your unique training?" Severus spoke up from his spot on his favorite black armchair with a book in his lap.

"No, he was apart of it alright." Naruto said as he placed the purring kitten on the rug nearby the fireplace. With that being said, the blond went towards his room muttering about taking a shower before lunch.

Severus throughout the time looked back at the blond then to the content cat then back again, completely out of the loop. When the blond left the room, Severus peered at the cat, taking note of how the cat did not have any injury, nor a hair out of place. It acts as if nothing happened during those hours of training with the blond, raising more questions for him than before. As if on queue, the kitten opened it's eyes, looking at him as if taunting him, causing the other to glare at the feline before it closed it eyes once more in a silent nap, leaving the other to go back to reading his Shakespeare book of Hamlet.

With Naruto

Naruto was just finishing his bath when a pair of hands stopped his hands, placed them beside his waist and started to finish cleaning off the soap off his skin.

"What are you doing?" Naruto blushed.

"Like yesterday, cleansing your skin from the filth you were covered in thanks to your vigorous training."

"I was almost done, so you can just stop right there." Naruto said, uncomfortably watching as those hands, whom were roaming to something he considered should never be touched, slowly slither away.

"Disappointing, then I will arrive much earlier to excuse my lateness today next time." Sebastian spoke out as he stepped away from beside the tub.

"Next time?" when he saw the nod, he could feel himself start to cry at his humiliation. "Can you go so I can change?"

"Of course." Sebastian turned around from his spot, facing the wall, which had Naruto sweat drop. "Do not be bothered, I am just here to aid, if you are in need."

Naruto, somehow, ended up blushing as he changed, trying his best to be as quiet only for it to be the opposite.

"You seem to be taking your time. Are you in need of help, or are you teasing me?"

"Who would tease you?!"

When they came out of the bathroom then out of Naruto's room Severus saw a blushing Naruto come out with a smiling butler behind him.

"I'm starting to think that I should ward your room off for unexpected visitors." Severus commented, with a hint of malice as he glared at his assistant.

"Why weren't there any anyways?!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at him, but it was only for it to grabbed a hold by his ex-pet.

"There is no need. If you wish for me to, you just have to order me to. I am simply one hell of a pet." Sebastian said as he kissed Naruto's wrist. Naruto took his wrist away from the butler and rubbed it as he took a slight interesting towards his feet.

"Then will you stop giving me a bath?" there was a moment of silence, then another before Naruto noticed that no one was behind him. He took a quick glance around before he saw Sebastian playing with Haku. "Did you even plan to listen to my orders?!" once again ignored.

"Mr. Uzumaki, why did you name the cat Haku?" Severus spoke out.

"Huh? Oh, because his eyes reminds me of Haku. We didn't get to know each other that much, but what I do know is that he was pure as snow, even in the darkest moments in life." Naruto said in a soft tone. Severus just nodded in understanding believing what the blond had said. "And because they both look like girls." Naruto said last minute with a nervous smile, receiving a sigh of disappointment at the statement, which in return had the blond frown and started to interrogate the man but failed.

Sometimes, I worry about your sanity.