I decided to write this in my little study hall, because I feel that the series wasn't given a proper ending, leaving us with a rather rude cliffhanger.

Jubilee sat in the kitchen, messing with a bowl of fruity flavored cereal floating in now warmed milk, thinking about the events of the past five years. Oh, it felt like eons ago, but it still made her smile.

She remembered how confused everyone was after Charles left. Sure, they still communicated every once in awhile with the people of the Shi'ar, but it wasn't the same. Naturally, Scott had assumed the position of leader and began to restore order to the disorganized mansion.

Logan had eventually taken off, though he still showed up now and again over the years whenever he was needed. He would never admit it, but she suspected that he enjoyed the feeling of a permanent welcome.

Rogue had eventually accepted the fact that she would never be able to touch and that it wouldn't stop her from loving and being loved, particularly by the resident Cajun, and that's when the revelation had come about. With her acceptance, the final wall holding back her mutation process was torn down and her mutation finished, well, mutating. She found herself able to touch after a particularly rough nightmare one night.

That amazing phenomenon allowed Remy the final missing piece to his puzzle which was close to Logan's. A family. A structure of people willing to love him, allowing him to make himself vulnerable to them. He and Rogue had married within the month. They lived on the grounds seeming to be in their own little world most of the time.

Ororo and Hank had found their own little romance in the midst of everyone else's. They still haven't married, but Jubilee suspected that it might soon change. Hank became the resident technician, doctor, and scientist. That is, until help arrived.

After Scott started taking his control back, he also gave some away. He maintained control of the team and their dealings, the hardware if you will, while he handed the Institute and position as headmistress to his wife, Jean. She thoroughly enjoyed the politics of the position and found it easy to deal with the parents and children the Institute now welcomed.

That's right. The Institute had actually become and Institute.

With more pro-mutant legislation passing by the day, with the help of a few other vigilante mutant groups sponsored by the government (X-Factor, X-Force, etc.), they found it easier to allow mutant children to flock to the previously closed doors of the glorious estate.

It allowed Jubilee some friends her age and to have more of a purpose. She was able to learn and grow just like most teenagers in a setting that kept her safe. In fact, they had begun hiring some adult mutants on as staff, especially now that they were expanding beyond just puberty level and needing a nursery and elementary level. Not only were more mutants popping up around that age level, but with many of the couples of the Institute having children, mainly Jean and Scott with their little Nate, Rachel, and Katherine, they would need education and protection for them as well.

Jubilee smiled at the rising sun. Oh, yes. Life had indeed turned out to be just fine.

Yeah...crappy little one shot epilogue-y thingy. Please review, even if it's only to tell me not to write another one of these. xD