I own nothing
140 lbs
22 years old
Hair: Pink mid-back to shoulder length
Eye: Emerald
Sex: Female
Ninja Class: Jounin/ANBU
Status: Single
Specialties: Medical Jutsu/ Chakra control
Sexual preference: Men
Sakura reviewed the information on the page in front of her, rolling over the rest with easy she finished filling out the form and turned back to the ANBU in her office. The report was surprisingly graphic they asked a lot of sexual question. She had to remember to ask Tsunade about all this when she next saw her. The ANBU had knocked on her door about five minutes ago telling her that Tsunade had said to deliver her this paper and to instruct her to fill it out. The young man about 24 from what Sakura could read from his chakra was a fire style user, she could tell by the special made gloves that he was wearing. The sword hanging from his back she assumed was his back up fighting style, most ANBU, along with some Jounin, had at least three or four fighting styles. The young mans hair stuck out on all sides of his owl mask making Sakura think that he had not seen a brush in some time.
"Here you go." She said with a sigh. It wasn't usually for a ninja to have to fill out common reports, especially one that was the second best medic in the village.
The ANBU took the paper from her hand and nodded, "Thank you miss." And with a soft poof he was gone in a swirl of white smoke.
Sakura sighed again, it had been a long day at the hospital and she wanted nothing more than to head back to her apartment and take a long warm bath. Throwing her eyes over to the clock she saw that she had about an hour until she could do just that. Pushing herself from her chair she decided to make rounds and check on the people she had treated this morning.
Kakashi walked slowly into the village, waving a small hello to the gate keepers and continued his walk to his apartment. The mission he had just completed was a tedious one, it wasn't difficult but took time and skill. He had been gone almost a week. His left top rips were broken, there was a seven inch gash on his lower back that needed to be attended to. He had put medical tape over the wound but he knew that they would hold long. He also noted a pain shooting up his top thigh every time he stepped, he guessed a torn muscle but could be sure. The small burns that cover his chest were the remains of a ninjas fire style whip attack. He had of course come out on top but the man had landed a few lucky strikes.
Even still Kakashi walk his normal speed toward his apartment near the middle of town. Pain was something he knew very well, he had been plunged into it at a young age and now at the ripe age of 35 he slipped gracefully into the arms of pain. Kakashi was just about to the door to his building when he heard the sound of someone singing. Normally something as simple as that wouldn't have gotten the copy ninjas attention but the voice was one he knew very well.
Sakura sang the as she lit the last candle and put it on the edge of her bathtub. She loved her bathroom. When she had first moved in the room had been her least favorite, the tiles were ugly and looked as old as her, she had spent 3 missions pay on remolding the bath into her own private oasis. The tub was custom made to fit two but she had never had anyone in it, she just liked the space to stretch after a long shift.
The whole room had been remade being outfitted in black and white tiles with matching sink and toilet, Along with two big beautiful bay windows that she loved to open and get a nice breeze through. The candles sat on a small side table beside her bath tub, the strawberry sent was her favorite.
She couldn't wait to slip into the warm water mixed with cream and skin beads. She knew when she got back out her skin would be as soft as a baby. Not that anyone would be feeling it but her, still she liked taking care of herself. She reached out and shut off the water, the bath was filled to the absolute top, she knew that when she got in the water would slosh over the sides and make a mess but she didn't care. This was her time and she would enjoy it.
Sakura slipped her green robe off her shoulder letting it fall into a pool at her feet. She glanced at herself in the mirror, he pale skin looked almost doll like in the foggy mirror. Her flat toned stomach trailed down to her strong firm legs. Her small but tight but was just as smooth as she turned looking at her back in the mirror. The only scar that she had on her was the one on her back. The long thin mark stretched from her shoulder down to the bottom of her back. She remembered too well the ninja that had given her that scar.
It was a mission to the rain village, she and her team members, ANBU at that time, had to kill a local crime lord. Sakura used her body to get close then got carless and before she could silence the man he had dragged a knife down her back. The wound had taken almost three weeks to heal, and even Tsunade couldn't get rid of the mark.
Sakura had accepted it now, it was just of the many things that showed her as a ninja. She knew that there were worse things than having a scar. She kind of thought it made her look bad ass, with a small smile she stepped over the side of her tub and sank to her nose in the warm creamy water.
She must be in a good mood. Kakashi thought as he climbed into the tree that was just outside Sakuras window. His ribs stung a little at her reached for the next branch, he wondered what Sakura was so happy about, she only sang when she was relaxed. Which wasn't often. Maybe she would even heal his wounds. Sakura knew that he hated to go to the hospital, most of the nurses would faint before they even could heal his minor wounds. But Sakura never had that problem, she was all business.
As Kakashi pulled himself to the top branch he almost fell all the way back down. Sakura was bent over a small table lighting what looked like a candle. He had never knew that this window was a bathroom window. Sakura was dressed in a tight short green robe, the end of it barely covered the bottom of her tight round ass. Kakashi was noticed as Sakura moved the robe would fall open just a little reveling just the top of her perfect breasts. He willed the robe to open just a little more but it was no use. He quickly remembered that he was standing on a tree looking in on his young student.
I really am a pervy old man. He thought as he prepared himself to jump down. Looks like he would have to go to the hospital after all, he sighed thinking of all the wasted hours he would spend there when he could be at home sleeping.
Just as he went to move his eyes flicked to Sakura one last time, and nearly fell again. Sakura had dropped the robe and was standing in front of him naked.
Kakashi's eyes wondered his eyes up and down her body. The soft curve of her ass, the long toned legs. They stopped on her perfectly round and perky breasts. Her pale skin glowed in the low light of the candles; her soft pink nipples were just so erect. He quickly wondered what they would taste like or the feel of her soft skin under his hands as he ran them down her sides.
He watched as she turned and looked at herself in the large bathroom mirror, he noticed that she was focused on her back, a small blank look on her face. Kakashi looked in the mirror and saw she was looking at, the long scar that ran down her back.
Kakashi hadn't known that she had been hurt so badly before. From the looks of it the mark had happed about a year or so ago.
Sakura had been subbing for ANBU then… Kakashi remembered that she had almost never been home; she had been used as a sub and was often taken away on long complex missions.
His mind was brought back to the now as Sakura turned away from the mirror and stepped in to the bath. The water spilt over into the floor making Kakashi raise an eyebrow.
Her breasts were just visible above the clear white water; he guessed that she had put some kind of bath junk to make the water that color. He never understood the need for fancy bath stuff, normally his showers consisted of him washing quickly with a bar of soap then getting out. He did any other grooming as needed at the bathroom sink.
"Sakura." He groaned under his breath. He could feel this cock twitch as she stuck one of her leg over the side of the tub. He shook his head and using all his self control jumped out of the tree. He felt the pain shoot up his leg as he landed evenly on the ground.
"Ugh!" he didn't mean to grunt but if there was any doubt before he knew know the pain he felt in his leg was a broken bone. He rested his hand on the tree and rubbed his hurt thigh. He started toward the hospital when he heard a soft click.
Sakura couldn't believe how good the bath felt all her muscles seamed to relax at once as she slid into the water. The creamy water over flowed the top of the tub making Sakura smile. She slung her leg over the side and groaned and the comfort she was in.
Her eyes were drifting closed when she heard a sound that she could identify anywhere. She had only heard it a few times but when she did she reacted right away. It was Kakashi, and he was in pain. Sakura reacted quickly, jumping out the tub and landing on the wet floor with easy. She walked over to the window and clicked it open.
Looking down she saw the Copy ninja bracing himself against the tree holding his leg.
"Kaka-sensei?" She asked the worry clear in her voice.
Kakashi smiled and raised his hand. "Hello Sakura" He said straighten himself. "How are you? I was just looking at this lovely grass here."
Sakura sighed, it didn't take a top medic to see that he was hurt. She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile, he was the only one she knew that would ask how she was doing when he was the one in pain. "Kakashi come on up. Ill heal you." Sakura closed the window and quickly went to find something to wear.
"You know some day I won't be here to heal you, you're going to have to go to the hospital like everyone else!" Sakura yelled from her room as she pulled her black tank top over her head. She could feel Kakashi's chakra sitting on the couch. she looked around and could only find her black spandex shorts. Well they were more underwear, she had only bought them for when she did her workouts at home and no one could see her. She sigh inwardly, she would never push off doing laundry again. She pulled the shorts up her legs and walked out to see just how bad off Kakashi was.
She watch as he stood when she came into the room, his eyes fell from her exposed cleavage to her long legs. She could feel her cheeks heat up and knew she was a nice shade of pink now. "Sorry I'm going to the laundry mat tomorrow. Excuse my outfit." She walked over and stood beside him.
Kakashi's eye crinkled in what Sakura knew was a smile. "No problem, sorry to barge in like this."
Sakura waved off his opliogy and told him to sit down, she then began sending her chakra over Kakashis body. She healed the small wounds first; the burns on his chest were easy enough to fix. "So was the mission this extensive?" Sakura asked getting started on the ribs next
Kakashi shrugged, "Not really, kind of uneventful. No real fighting." He said with a straight face.
"Rightttt." Sakura laughed, she like to know where broken ribs and snapped the biggest bone in your body was 'no real fighting'. The cut on his back was going to need redressing, so she removed her chakra and walked over to her medical cabinet.
"Kakashi you really should learn how to dress wounds correctly." She said as she reached up for the bandage.
Kakashi would have answered her but he couldn't take his eyes off Sakura. Just like in the robe, her ass just so slightly hung out of her tight black shorts. Closing his eyes he felt the same twitch as before. He watched as she stretched her body trying to reach the bandages on the top shelf. He could see the muscles in her shoulders and back flex to reach the box. Her hips wiggling as she danced back and forth on her tippy toes.
It was all too much; Kakashi got up and walked behind her. He saw as she stilled when he pressed his front flush to her back. Then looped an arm around her waist and lifted her up so she could reach the box. She was stiff in his arms but finally moved her hand and locked her fingers around the bandages. Kakashi then spun her around so she was facing him. Then let her down slowly.
Sakuras eye were wide as she faced her sensei, his eye was open just as normal but she could feel his pulse quicken as she slid down his body. Her arms looped around his neck letting the box hit the floor. His arms were now both around her waist and he moved her legs to wrap around him.
"Kaka-sensei" she said as she placed a hand on his chest. What was he doing, Sakura wasn't sure if he was ok. Why had he picked her up? She could have just gotten a stool and reached the box. Why was he still holding her, and they way he was looking at her. He looked almost angry. Had she annoyed him some how? "I'm sorry I was going to get…." her voice trailed off as she felt his member harden and press against her inner thigh.
Kakashi knew she could feel his hard cock pressing into her. There was no going back from here, he reached up pulled down his mask, and smiled at Sakuras sharp intake of breath. He knew he was handsome, his strong jaw and soft plump lips he had gotten from his father. His scar went stopped half way down his cheek adding a somewhat dangerous look to his otherwise angel face.
"Sakura. I'm going to kiss you." He said then nuzzled her head to the side. His lips kissed softly down her neck. Then up her jaw, he didn't give her a chance to say no. He couldn't, if she would have told him to stop he wasn't sure that he would be able to. His lips then found hers. He pulled her lower lip into his mouth sucking and nipping it as his tongue begged for entrance.
Sakuras mind was running a mile a minute, she knew that she should be doing this but yet she couldn't bring herself to say no. His lips were soft and made her want to ask him to go beyond her neck and mouth with them. Then his tongue, it swirled around hers with expert skill, she tried to fight for dominance but he but her back against the wall and used his now free hand to lean her head back so he could dive deeper into her mouth. She couldn't help but moan as he nipped her lip then ran his tongue over the spot.
"Uhhh." Sakura started thrusting her hips in to the copy ninja. She had had sex before but dear god she had never been this aroused before. Her hands acted of their own accord as they unhooked themselves from around Kakashis neck and grabbed her chest. She wasn't wearing a bra so her fingers easily found her erect nipple. Sakura pinched and tugged on her sensitive buds as Kakashi continued to fuck her mouth with his tongue.
Each thrust from Sakura was sending Kakashi a little closer to the edge. Kakashi wasn't a good man, he had lots of things he had done in his life that he knew there was no repentance for. He had killed, lied, and sometimes even enjoyed doing so. There were times when his lust had gotten the better of him, the women had left bruised but thought nothing of a ninja getting a little too rough with them. He could feel his lest getting stronger and stronger. But this was Sakura, she was his student. He cared for her on a totally different level. He was going to be gentle and loving, she meant too much to him.
But the same time that thought came to his head Sakura chose to be bold, she bit his lip. It would have been to hard if he had been anyone else, but Kakashi was no stranger to rough sex. In fact it was his specialty. All thoughts of caring loving sex went out the window. His eyes snapped to hers and a low growl erupted from his throat. He then picked Sakura off the wall and carried her to her bedroom. His breathing getting heaver and heaver as he walked.
When he got to the bed he flopped her down, his hands flew down to his belt buckle and unbuckled and unzipped his pants in one smooth motion. His pants fell to the floor and he was left in his black mission shirt and gray briefs. He then reached down and in an equally smooth movement lifted Sakura up and removed her shorts. He walked over and pulled her to the end of the bed, bending her knees so that her feet were just slightly off the bed. Kakashi could smell her wetness and it set off an almost animal desire in him. He dropped to his knees and placed his hands on her hips keeping her in place. His face was inches to her most intimate spot. His mouth was watering at the thought of her juices flowing in his mouth.
"Kakashi." He had been so lustful that he didn't notice Sakura wiggling under his hands, her eyes were big and Kakashi knew that she was hesitant. He could almost feel his heart drop. No not this, anything but treating his Sakura like a piece of meat. He couldn't help it though, he needed to fuck her, right here right now.
"Sakura I promise." Kakashi mumbled as he laid his head on her inner thigh and tightened his grip on her waist. "I will make you cum harder than you ever have before, your going to be begging me to make you cum. I just need to do it my way. Please just let me fuck you." His eyes looked from her dripping wet pussy to her eyes.
"ookk" She said her voice shaking just a bit. Kakashi was a new man in front of her, he was scary and yet she was completely turned on by it.
He didn't need another word, "Sakura I'm going to bring you to the edge with my tongue, I'm going to grip you hard with my hands, and it's going to be on the thrush hold of pain. But I won't stop, even if you beg I won't let you cum. Not until I flip you over and shove my dick so far into you that you'll scream." And good to his word her reached up with his hand and spread open her lips.
His tongue moved in circles around the small bud of nerves that made Sakura thrust with each lick. Kakashi gripped her tighter. "Hold your tight little pussy still." He then dipped a finger into her wetness.
"Oh! Uhhhhh" Sakura couldn't help but buck and grind as Kakashi fingers fucked her. "Oh Kakashiiii" She moaned as he thrust another finger into her pussy.
His cock twitched as she moaned his name, his hardness was becoming more then he could bear. Taking one hand off her hip he moved it down to his throbbing member and slowly worked it up and down. Sakura took this new freedom to thrust harder and wiggle wildly. Kakashi's head snapped up.
"I said hold that pussy still!" Kakashi growled shoving three fingers into her. She screamed at the new fullness but did her best to hold still. His fingers pumped hard into her, the faster he fingered her the faster he moved on his own dick. Pumping harder and harder.
"Sakura you taste so good. I could lick you all night." He said running his tongue over her lips.
"Ohhh uhg ugh" Sakura ran her hands through Kakashi's hair. A deep rumble came from his chest.
"For the love of god Kakashi what am I allowed to do? I'm toughing you whether you like it or not." Sakura said firmly. All action between her legs stopped, and at once Sakura regretted saying what she did. Kakashi looked up at her.
"Do you think you're in control here?" Kakashi asked getting back up on his feet. Sakura looked his body up and down. His dick was hard and pressed slightly to his lower abs. God he was thick, Sakura had seen her fair share of male body parts because of the hospital but kakashi was thicker then all of them. Kakashi lifted his shirt over his head and threw it on the ground. Then did the same to Sakura, her breasts bounced as he pushed her back down on the bed.
"Kaka-sensei I just want to touch you." She said squirming.
Kakashi actually felt his dick throb, the sound of her calling him sensei while naked and drenched on the bed in front of him was more then he could take. If she was any other women he would have had her begging for mercy. But looking down at Sakura he didn't want to hurt her, he wanted to hear her moan and call him sensei again. He wanted her on top of him, riding his dick till he shot cum deep into her.
Kakashi moved to straddle her then flipped her around to be on top of him. A small gasp escaped from Sakura as she landed on his lap.
"You want to touch me Sakura here is your chance. I want you to slide my cock into your wet pussy. And I want you to ride me until you can't stand it anymore. Then you have my permission to cum. Do you understand?" He said rubbing his hands up and down her sides. When he reached her breasts he let his thumbs run over her nipples, causing Sakura to moan.
"Yes." She said lifting herself onto his cock, But was stopped by Kakashi grip around her waist.
"Yes what?" he asked. Sakura looked down at him. Biting her lip she answered him, "Yes Sensei"
With that Kakashi slammed into her. Pounding fucking her, Sakura started moaning as his dick slipped in and out of her, he soon let go and gave Sakura the control. She leaned back with her hands on his thighs and thrust up and down on his thick cock.
"Harder!" he growled.
Sakura sped up and threw her head back almost screaming "Ohhhh Sensei!" she was getting closer to cumming, "I'm going to cum."Sakura said leaning forward so he could go deeper.
Kakashi quickly rolled her over she landed on her stomach with her ass in the air. Kakashi didn't waste time and thrust his dick right back into her pussy. Slamming as hard as he could, his hands gripping her hips harder. He knew that she would be bruised, but he didn't care he was going to cum deep into her tight wet pussy.
"Kakashi! Uh oh ohhhhh I'm cumming I'm UHHHH" Sakura's head flew back as she came around his dick. Kakashi felt her walls close around him and was pulled into his climax as well.
"SAKURRRRAAA" he said pounding into her the last few times. His cum filled her and when he was sure he had pumped every little bit out, he fell beside her. Sakura rolled over to face him. She didn't think she could speak. Looking at him lay there she saw an almost complete change, he was no longer scary he was sweet his eyes were closed and a thin layer of sweat covered his face.
He also turned over to look at her, his eyes gentle and soft. She smiled at him as he lifted a hand to her face. He wrapped a strand of her pink hair around his finger. It was beautiful, she was beautiful. He wanted to lay there all night looking into those big green eyes.
And Kakashi was a man who got what he wanted.